Seminar and workshop programme 2024–25 Semester 1 (Autumn)

Times are UTC/London. For hybrid online events, registration details will be circulated in advance.


Wednesday 9 October 2024 at 4-5.30pm IN PERSON/HYBRID 

Title: “Evaluating the role of creativity and innovation in the US/China technology war.” 

Speaker: Dr Catherine Jones, University of St Andrews 

Location: 139 Boardroom, 25 Bute Gardens. And online with registration at 

Chair: Prof Jane Duckett 


Wednesday 30 October 2024 at 4–5.30pm IN PERSON/HYBRID 

Title: “The Diplomatic Making of EU-China Relations.” 

Speaker: Dr Lucie Xueqian Xia, University of Oxford  

Location: 139 Boardroom, 25 Bute Gardens 

Chair: Prof Jane Duckett 


Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 12–1.30pm GMT ONLINE 

Title:  The structure and strength of regime support in China 

Speaker: Prof. Lianjiang Li, the University of Hong Kong 

Chair: Dr Hua Wang

Location: Online. 


Wednesday 4 December 2024, 10am-11:30am GMT ONLINE 

Title: “Ruling the waves: an assessment of China's naval power and ambitions.” 

Speaker: Dr Yves-Heng Lim, Macquarie University. 

Chair: Dr Neil Munro 



The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For enquiries and information, please contact: Professor Jane Duckett (

Past Events

Seminar: Welcome and a Discussion of ‘Youth unemployment and youth sentiment in China’

Speaker: Discussion led by Dr Joseph Zhao, Urban Studies, University of Glasgow.

Location: Room 129, Hetherington Building, University of Glasgow.

This seminar is open to students and staff.

In August, it was reported that the Chinese authorities were no longer releasing youth unemployment data (See for example, AFP, “China Stops Releasing Youth Unemployment Rate”, The Guardian, 15 August 2023). In this first meeting of the seminar series for the academic year 2023–4 we will discuss this new development in the context of rising youth unemployment and the context of the ‘lying flat’ movement, educational trends and public attitudes.

In advance of this seminar, you may find reading the following two papers to be of use/interest:

  1. Feng et al. (2023), A Closer Look at Causes of Youth Unemployment in the People’s Republic of China, Asian Development Bank Brief No. 247, June.
  2. Li, S., Whalley, J., & Xing, C. (2014). China's higher education expansion and unemployment of college graduates. China Economic Review, 30, 567-582.


The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



Seminar:What can China learn from the UK about approaches to low carbon transformation and vice versa?

Dr Neil Munro (U. Glasgow), Mr Yu Wei (China Jiliang University), Dr Ria Dunkley (U. Glasgow), and Dr Nai Rui Chng (U. Glasgow)

Wednesday 20 September 2023 at 12–1.30pm

Location: in person, Main Building 219 (Robing Room) and online with registration at 



China has set itself the goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2060. The UK has set itself the target of reducing carbon emissions by 68% compared to 1990 levels by 2030 and to net zero emissions by 2050. Both countries have made some progress using an ecological modernisation approach involving comprehensive climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. But what, if anything, can the two countries learn from one another? In this research seminar, four speakers will discuss this question from different disciplinary perspectives using examples from either or both countries.

Dr Neil Munro will provide an overview of how China and the UK approach low carbon transformation, emphasising the questions of the strength of legal commitments, who are the winners and losers, the extent to which transformation can rely on voluntary measures or must be imposed, and who is included in decision-making. Mr Yu Wei will introduce China’s “carbon inclusion” (碳普惠) practices and their prospects. Dr Ria Dunkley will discuss the question of who is included in decision-making processes around the climate emergency and how providing opportunities for public participation in scientific research enhance community involvement in environmental governance. Finally, Dr Nai Rui Chng will discuss the question of what might “success” mean in the climate change context from an ecological modernisation perspective and how we can evaluate it.

Biographies (in order of appearance)

Dr Neil Munro is a Senior Lecturer in Chinese Politics at the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow. His research focuses on participation in governance in authoritarian and developing societies. He has also published on a wide range of themes ranging from acceptance of bureaucratic norms through national identity, regime legitimacy and social cohesion. His current research focuses on “carbon inclusion” schemes aimed at popularising low-carbon choices in China.

Mr YU Wei is Executive Director and Researcher of the Carbon Neutrality and Green Development Research Centre in the School of Law at China Jiliang University, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhejiang Environmental Protection Federation, and Deputy Secretary-General of the Expert Committee for Peak Carbon and Carbon Neutrality of the China Ecological Civilization Research and Promotion Association. With an interdisciplinary background in environmental engineering and environmental law, he has long been engaged in environmental public governance research and environmental education dissemination. He led the local partnership project of the EU-China Environmental Governance Project "Public participation of environmental governance in the Jiaxing model and its applicability in Zhejiang Province" (2012.9-2015.3). His current work focuses on climate change and biodiversity collaborative research in China. He has taken the lead in proposing the model of the biodiversity-friendly city model and is carrying out relevant practical research in Zhejiang. Mr Yu is currently a visiting fellow within the School of Social and Political Sciences at University of Glasgow.

Dr Ria Dunkley is a Senior Lecturer in Geography, Environment and Sustainability within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. She specialises in ecopedagogy as a route to enabling both an understanding of the climate crisis and empowering individuals, communities and organisations to initiate sustainable solutions through research, education and partnership. She leads the Community Collaboration work within the £10.2m NERC-funded project “Glasgow as a Living Lab Accelerating Novel Transformation” (GALLANT). She is co-chair of the European CIVIS hub for Climate, Energy and Environment and Associate Director of the Centre for Sustainable Solutions.

Dr Nai Rui Chng is a Research Fellow specialising in the field of Evaluation science and practice. He works at the interface of human, animal and environmental health (One Health) and seeks to understand how complex interventions can be designed, implemented, evaluated, and disseminated to achieve impact for the health and wellbeing of our planet. His cross-disciplinary research and practice is funded by NERC, NIHR, Wellcome, and Aspect. He is a Co-Investigator in the Community Collaboration Team within GALLANT, and is the Founding Director of Good Evaluation, a social science venture that uses evaluative thinking to facilitate and co-produce solutions with stakeholders for the health and wellbeing for people, animals, and the environment.


The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



Seminar:‘Funding autocracy: Chinese Communist Party finances in the post-Mao era ’

Jérôme Doyon, Sciences Po & Daniel Koss, Harvard U.

Wednesday 3 May 2023 at 4–5.30pm

Location: in person, Room 139, 25 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow and online with registration at



In contrast to the well-developed literature on democratic campaigns and party finances, the study of authoritarian party finance stands at its beginning. This paper aims to fill this gap through the study of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) finances. Our goal is to see what we can learn from following the party money and what that tells us about its relationships with the state and with its own membership. No study to our knowledge has analyzed in detail the CCP’s revenue streams and how it spends its money, separately from the state; and this in spite of the increased emphasis in recent years on the collection of party dues from members. We argue that by contrast to what has been argued in other cases, such as the Kuomintang or the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the goal of the development of the party dues system is not to gain financial autonomy from the state but rather to contribute to developing the party own organizational structure as well as cultivating party consciousness among its members. 


Jérôme Doyon is a Junior Professor at the Centre for International Relations (CERI) at Sciences Po Paris. His research focuses on Chinese politics with a specific interest in the inner working of the Party-State apparatus and its exportation beyond Chinese borders, as well as elite politics, political youth organizations, and the management of ethnoreligious minorities. His work has appeared in various outlets, such as Political Studies or The China Quarterly, and his most recent book titled Rejuvenating Communism: Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China was published by the University of Michigan Press in 2023. 

Daniel Koss is a research scholar and lecturer teaching at Harvard’s Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. Previously, he held appointments at Academia Sinica in Taipei and at the German Foreign Ministry. Koss works on political parties and their history, with regional expertise in East Asia. His first book was published in 2018 and is entitled Where the Party Rules: The Rank and File of China’s Communist State. Other publications have appeared or are forthcoming in Studies in Comparative International Development, The Journal of Asian Studies, China Brief, China Quarterly, and China: an international journal.


The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



Seminar:‘Qinghai’s “emigration state”: does state-sponsored out-migration through noodle-making work as a development strategy for poor rural counties in China’

Dr Charlotte Goodburn, King's College London

Wednesday 8 March 2023 at 4–5.30pm

Location: in person, Room 139, 25 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow and online with registration at



International migration scholars disagree over state migration brokerage as a development strategy: some suggest it brings a “triple win” while others highlight unsustainable dependence. This paper draws on these debates to examine a much less-scrutinised case of internal migration. Local states in Qinghai, in north-west China, provide training, funding and employment contacts to impoverished, rural, ethnic minority households – particularly those who have lost land through the “Returning Farmland to Forest” programme – to set up noodle shops in eastern China. Through remittance-sending and eventually returning to Qinghai, migrants are supposed to enhance their home counties’ development as well as exiting poverty themselves. Based on qualitative fieldwork at both ends of the migration trajectory – Shanghai and Qinghai – this paper suggests that impacts are complex, with short-term poverty relief offset by non-economic consequences in education and ethnic inequality, while long-term development challenges remain.



Dr Charlotte Goodburn is Acting Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London. Her current research has two main strands: The first explores the politics and institutions of migration in China in comparative perspective, most notably with India and with international migration, with a particular focus on documents and registration. The second focuses on China’s influence abroad, in the form of policy mobilities and the “China model”, especially as these impact urbanisation, rural livelihoods and migration.




The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



Seminar: ‘Lawmaking in China: The role of societal events’

Dr Annemieke van den Dool, Duke Kunshan University

Wednesday 2 February 2023 at 1–2.30pm

Location: in person, Room 208B, Adam Smith Building, University of Glasgow and online with registration at



Although the literature on agenda setting and policy change is flourishing, it predominantly focuses on democracies. As a result, our understanding of the policy process in autocracies remains limited. In response, this project aims to identify driving forces of policy change in China through qualitative case studies of change national-level laws in the domains of health and environment, including the Food Safety Law, the Infectious Diseases Law, and the Soil Pollution Law. The presentation will zoom in on the latter. Although soil pollution threatened public health and ecosystems for decades in China and although the legislature passed other environmental laws in the 1980s-2000s, this law was not included in the official legislative agenda until 2013 and only passed in 2018. Through qualitative content analysis of a dataset consisting of several hundred Chinese-language policy documents, legislative records, and newsarticles, the case study identifies two forces that contributed to the relative late inclusion of the Soil Pollution Law in the legislative agenda. First of all, soil pollution data was not released until 2013 and was considered a state secret. Secondly, policymakers disagreed about the need for a soil pollution law. This impasse was overcome after top-level political leaders started to pay attention to soil pollution, which happened after the completion of the national soil pollution survey. Based on this and other case studies, the project contributes to identifying features of China and it's political system that shape the policy process. 



Annemieke van den Dool is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy at Duke Kunshan University in China. Her research examines policymaking and implementation in China, especially in the areas of health and environment. Broadly speaking, she studies the driving forces of policy change and stability in China, as well as the content of such policies. Research topics include antimicrobial resistance, health reform, epidemic outbreaks, food safety, crisis management, natural disasters, soil pollution, and environmental accidents. Most of her research focuses on national level policy, especially the process of lawmaking by China’s National People’s Congress. In terms of methods, she uses document analysis, interviews, and surveys.




The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



Seminar: ‘Contemporary Chinese Queer Performance’

Dr Hongwei Bao, University of Nottingham

Wednesday 18 January 2023 at 4–5.30pm

Location: online. Registration at



In this talk, Hongwei Bao will discuss his new book Contemporary Chinese Queer Performance (Routledge, 2022). In this pioneering study of queer performance in China and the Chinese diaspora from 2000 onward, Bao takes readers on an exciting journey to see and experience an eclectic range of spellbound performance: from urban black box theatre to pop-up performance art, from underground photography to choral music, and from feminist activism to queer digital art. Performance serves as a crucial way for LGBTQ people to imagine identity, community and politics. Contemporary Chinese Queer Performance brings together analysis of artworks and interview with cultural producers. It showcases the creativity, imagination and resilience of LGBTQ people in creating queer worlds; it also highlights the pivotal role of performance in global queer culture and activism. Situated in a contemporary, transnational, transcultural and transmedia context, the book demonstrates the productivity of thinking about queer performance out of the Western canon and along with media, technology, culture and politics.



Dr Hongwei Bao is Associate Professor in Media Studies at the University of Nottingham, UK, where he directs the Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies. Bao holds a PhD in Gender and Cultural Studies from the University of Sydney, Australia. He is the author of four research monographs on queer Chinese history and culture: Queer Comrades, Queer China, Queer Media in China and Contemporary Chinese Queer Performance. Bao is co-editor of Routledge Handbook for Chinese Gender and Sexuality, Bloomsbury book series Queering China: Transnational Genders and Sexualities, and de Gruyter book series Oyster: Feminist and Queer Approaches to Arts, Cultures and Genders. He also serves on the editorial boards of British Journal of Chinese Studies, Chinese Independent Cinema Observer, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Political Cinemas book series (Edinburgh University Press) and Queer Asia book series (Hong Kong University Press). He writes and edits a column titled Queer Lens for the Chinese Independent Film Archive.


The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



7 December 2022 Seminar: ‘Social media and policy making: the influence of netizens on Chinese government policies during the COVID 19 pandemic’

Dr Ana Langer, Dr Hua Wang and Professor Jane Duckett, University of Glasgow

Wednesday 7 December 2022 at 4–5.30pm

Location: in person, Room 139, 25 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow and online. Registration at:


We still know surprisingly little about when and why governments respond to changes in opinion expressed on social media, and even less about when and why they respond with policy change. This lack of understanding is particularly surprising for authoritarian systems, and especially for China, given the greater attention that has been paid to the potential political effects of social media in autocracies. So far, studies about China have focussed on single cases or events, such as scandals and natural disasters, and on government acknowledgement of online feedback. Although insightful, neither type of study can explain if and why governments do – and sometimes do not – respond to opinion in social media by changing policy. Our paper, based on systematic analysis of comprehensive social media and policy datasets, shows that the public’s opinions expressed on micro-blogging site Sina Weibo influenced both national and local government changes in policies to combat COVID-19. Although the authorities dominated much social media discussion, when netizens focussed on a single issue that was in line with policy priorities, the authorities sometimes responded with narrowly-focussed, low-cost policies that did not require significant intra-bureaucratic coordination. We find that social media discussions can lead to policy change via two routes: when a single post ‘goes viral’, and when many netizens’ posts aggregate over a short period to create a peak of salience. Posts may be more likely to go viral and affect policy if they have video content and are reposted by mainstream media or non-governmental organisations.


Ana Ines Langer is a Senior Lecturer in Political Communication. Her current research focuses on the roles played by different types of media in the policy making process. Her work has focused mostly on the UK but has also done research about Chinese political communication.  

Jane Duckett is Edward Caird Chair of Politics at the University of Glasgow. Her current and recent research has focussed on health policy and politics in China, and her publications include The Chinese State’s Retreat from Health: Policy and the Politics of Retrenchment (2011). 

Hua Wang is a Tutor in Politics and researcher in the Scottish Centre for China Research. Her research focuses on State-business relations and policy process in China.


The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



23 November 2022 Seminar: ‘Mass mobilisation in China’s counter-terrorism strategy’

Dr Chi Zhang, University of St Andrews

Wednesday 23 November 2022 at 4–5.30pm

Location: in person, Room 139, 25 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow and online. Registration at:

How has the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sought to legitimise its counter-terrorism strategy in the eyes of its domestic and international audiences? An important element of CCP counter-terrorism policy has been the deployment of ordinary Chinese citizens, or the 'mass line,’ to create new realities on the ground. This presentation will discuss how the history of ideological struggle in the PRC has taken on new characteristics, and offer insight into how the CCP has maintained legitimacy in the eyes of its population, even as it pursues policies which are internationally controversial, shedding light on the past and future of the behaviour of the Chinese state.

Chi Zhang is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of St Andrews, and an Associate Member of the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence. She has published in the journals Terrorism and Political Violence, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Politics and Religion and Asian Security. She is the editor of Human Security in China: A Post-Pandemic State and the author of Legitimacy of China’s Counter-Terrorism Approach: The Mass Line Ethos.

The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



16 November 2022 Seminar: ‘Mapping Global China’

Dr Ivan Franceschini, Australian National University

1-2:30pm, Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Location: Online. Registration at

Over the past few years, and especially since the inception of the Belt and Road Initiative a decade ago, the idea of a ‘Global China’ has come to dominate international debates in academia and beyond. But what do we refer to when we use such a broad term? Drawing from Ching Kwan Lee’s ground-breaking theorisation and the speaker’s work with The People’s Map of Global China and the Made in China Journal, this talk will outline three different approaches to Chinese international engagements—Global China as policy, power, and method—and propose possible ways to combine them to overcome the limitations of each.

Ivan Franceschini is a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Australian National University. His research mainly focuses on labour issues in China and the social impact of Chinese investment in Southeast Asia—in particular, Cambodia. He is the founder and co-editor of the Made in China Journal and The People’s Map of Global China / Global China Pulse, as well as the managing editor of The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. His latest publications include the co-edited volumes Xinjiang Year Zero (ANU Press, 2022) and Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour (Verso Books, 2022), as well as the co-authored book Global China as Method (Cambridge University Press, 2022),  He co-directed the documentaries Dreamwork China (2011) and Boramey: Ghosts in the Factory (2021).

The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



2 November 2022 Seminar: ‘Russia's War on Ukraine and the Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership’

Dr Marcin Kaczmarski, Dr Joanna Szostek and Dr Neil Munro

4-5:30pm, Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Location: In person, Room 139, 25 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow and online with registration at:

Russia’s war on Ukraine has put the rules-based international order under new strain and further heightened tensions between the West and Russia’s “strategic partner,” China. Contrary to the declaration that there are “no limits” for the relationship adopted by both sides during Vladimir Putin's visit to Beijing on 4 February, the war demonstrated clear limitations to cooperation between the two authoritarian giants. Beijing has mirrored Russian rhetoric and blamed the West for the conflict, thus offering political support. A practical dimension of China’s support has, however, been missing.

In this public seminar, three Glasgow scholars discuss respectively, the implications of the war for Sino-Russian relations, perception of China’s role in the war in Ukraine itself (in contrast to perceptions in Russia) and China’s strategic narrative about the war as conveyed by official sources.

Dr Marcin Kaczmarski is Lecturer in Security Studies in the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. In his research, Marcin focuses on Russia-China relations, Russia’s foreign policy, great-power regionalism and the role of domestic politics in foreign policy. He is the author of Russia-China relations in the post-crisis international order (Routledge 2015)  Prior to joining the University of Glasgow, Marcin combined research and teaching at the University of Warsaw with policy-oriented analysis for the Finnish Institute of International Affairs in Helsinki and the Centre for Eastern Studies in Warsaw.

Dr Joanna Szostek is a lecturer in political communication at the University of Glasgow, and an associate fellow with the Chatham House Russia and Eurasia Programme. Her research focuses on the media’s role in relations between states, with recent projects investigating the reception of narratives in Ukraine and Russia. She holds a doctorate in Politics from the University of Oxford and her professional experience includes many years of living and working in Russia and Ukraine.

Dr Neil Munro is Senior Lecturer in Chinese Politics at the University of Glasgow. He has a comparative interest in participation in governance in post-communist and developing societies and has published on a wide range of themes ranging from acceptance of bureaucratic norms through national identity, participation, regime legitimacy and social cohesion. He holds a BA (combined honours) in Chinese and Russian from the University of Queensland and a PhD in public policy from University of Strathclyde. In a previous phase of his career, he specialised in the study of public opinion in Russia, Ukraine and other parts of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



26 October 2022 Seminar: ‘The 20th Party Congress Beyond the Personnel Changes’

Dr Holly Snape*, Professor Jane Duckett*, Professor Patricia Thornton**, Professor Jinghan Zeng***, Dr Mike Gow****

*University of Glasgow; ** University of Oxford, ***Lancaster University, ****Edge Hill Business School

4pm–5.30pm Wednesday, 26 October 2022


The seminar will be online via Zoom, with registration at:

At the 20th Congress, Xi Jinping delivered a potted version of the all-important political report. At 3am U.K. time, confusion ensued as analysts watching from afar awaited confirmation of rumours from journalists at the Great Hall of the People: was there really a longer report? As the drama settled—it turned out there is a longer written report—many initial analyses had already gone to press, based on the heavily trimmed version.

This public seminar will spotlight that all-important political report to the Congress, and the Charter amendments that followed. It will bring together five scholars based in the U.K. whose research focuses on difference aspects of Chinese politics and policy to discuss these key documents from the Congress.

Jane Duckett is Edward Caird Chair of Politics at the University of Glasgow and Director of the Scottish Centre for China Research. Her research has focussed on China’s health and social policies as well as on Chinese local government. She has published papers in a wide range of journals, including World Development, The China Quarterly, Modern China, and the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Her books include China’s Changing Welfare Mix (2010, edited with Beatriz Carrillo), and The Chinese State’s Retreat from Health (2011).

Patricia M. Thornton is Associate Professor of Chinese Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Oxford, and Tutor in the Politics of China at Merton College. She is the author of Disciplining the State: Virtue, Violence, and State-Making in Modern China (Harvard University Press, 2007), and co-edited Red Shadows: Memories and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Cambridge, 2017) as well as To Govern China: Evolving Practices of Power (Cambridge, 2017). She has published numerous articles, and formerly served as acting Editor in Chief of The China Quarterly.

Jinghan Zeng is Professor of China and International Studies at Lancaster University. He is the author of Artificial Intelligence with Chinese Characteristics: National Strategy, Security and Authoritarian Governance (2022), Slogan Politics: Understanding Chinese Foreign Policy Concepts (2020) and The Chinese Communist Party's Capacity to Rule: Ideology, Legitimacy and Party Cohesion (2015). He is also the co-editor of One Belt, One Road, One Story? Towards an EU-China Strategic Narrative (2021).

Mike Gow is Lecturer in Business and Management at Edge Hill Business School. Mike's research focuses on contemporary China, exploring the role of consumerism and industry in state-building projects - with a focus on developments in the 21st century.  His research aims to understand the mobilization of the private sector in relation to superstructural reform; the role consumerism plays in both reproducing and transforming contemporary Chinese society; how the state, civil society and the private sector combine to "create" citizens in Xi Jinping's New Era. 

Holly Snape is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Glasgow and Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Law and Government. Her current research explores the Chinese Party-state relationship and the interplay between Party, state and society. She is also interested in civil society and political discourse.

The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



13 October 2022 Seminar: ‘"Chinese” Studies for the Twenty-first Century’

Professor Gregory Lee, University of St Andrews

4pm–5.30pm Thursday, 13 October 2022

Location: Room 139, 29 Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow

The seminar will also be online via Zoom, with registration at:


The twentieth-century saw major shifts in the way China and "things Chinese" were studied in universities.  While old-fashioned sinology continued to be dominant, the post-1940s Cold War was accompanied by the innovation that was "area studies" which in the China field saw the social sciences take centre stage. However, in the literary and cultural field change was slow to arrive with China's twentieth-century literature and culture considered a poor relative next to the sinological canon.

Now, in the twenty-first century what shape should academic studies related to China, Chinese, and Chineseness be taking? How should Scotland's and the rest of the UK's historical vision of, and relationship with, "China" and "Chinese" people be accounted for and represented? How should the vast diversity that is China and the rest of the Chinese-speaking world be broached without creating new and fixed "objects" of study?

About the speaker

As an author, broadcaster and academic, Gregory Lee has been writing and talking about China and "Chinatowns" for the past forty years. He is Founding Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.  He has lived and worked in France, the USA, mainland China, and Hong Kong. His most recent books are China Imagined: From European Fantasy to Spectacular Power (Hurst, 2018) and the dual-language biographical fiction第八位中國商人與消失嘅海員/The Eighth Chinese Merchant and the Disappeared Seamen (Typesetter Press, Hong Kong, 2022).

The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest.

For more details on the SCCR Seminar Series:



16 March 2022 Seminar: Creating the Opium War: British imperial attitudes towards China, 1792-1840

Dr Gao Hao, University of Exeter. 

Title: ‘Creating the Opium War: British Imperial Attitudes towards China, 1792-1840.’ 

16 march 2022 at 4–5.30pm (by zoom, registration required


This talk examines British perceptions of and attitudes towards China during their encounters from the Macartney embassy to the outbreak of the Opium War, based on Dr Gao's recently published monograph Creating the Opium War: British Impeiral Attitudes towards China, 1792-1840. The book makes the first attempt to bring together the political history of Sino-Western relations and cultural studies of British representations of china, as a new way of connecting 'top-down' international history with 'bottom-up' global history. it adds a new dimension to explain the origins of the Opium War, which arguably reshaped Sino-Western relations in the modern age. 

Dr Hao Gao is Senior Lecturer in imperial and global history at the University of Exeter. He is a historian of British imperialism in asia, China in global history, particularly the encounters between the British and the Chinese empires in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Dr Gao is the author of Creating the Opium War (MUP, 2020) and various research articles in both English and Chinese journals, including History, Historical Research, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, and Britain and the World. He currently serves as the university's Academic Director for the UK-China Humanities Alliance (ukcha), with Exeter as the lead university on the UK side.