4pm–5.30pm Wednesday 11 November 2020

Zoom Registration Required at: https://uofglasgow.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ldu-pqDgoHN3bSWOOFBX9a6wfeX6Z5oVF 



There is an increasing divergence between the political, economic and values systems of China and democratic countries. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) increasingly assertive and restrictive stance risks reducing contacts between academics, think tanks, government officials and even business. This is not healthy for mutual understanding and for promoting the good relations needed to solve global problems. The need to understand China has risen commensurate with its increased global importance. To understand China, you have to know about the CCP. Charles Parton will speak about how best to do that in the context of divergence and a China less open to research and more prone to propaganda. How can those interested in China get past the political biases on both sides of that divergence? He will also speak about the importance of promoting a younger generation of ‘China literate’ experts in academia, business, government and elsewhere, and how this younger generation might go about picking up the necessary skills for a China related career.



Speaker bio


Charles Parton spent 22 years of his 37 year diplomatic career working in or on China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is currently a Senior Associate Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute, and was a Specialist Adviser on China to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee for its recent China Inquiry. He runs his own advisory company on China, China Ink. He has published extensively in academic journals, many UK newspapers, the Spectator, Standpoint and appears regularly on the BBC, France 24 and other media.


The Scottish Centre for China Research Seminar Programme gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the MacFie Bequest. 

First published: 5 October 2020

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