On a 3-day visit to Scotland, Vice President Professor Luo of UESTC, along with a delegation of six other key colleagues in managerial roles at UESTC, took part in a series of important meetings at UofG designed to enrich and strengthen our partnership. One of those was a meeting with graduates and students of Glasgow College, UESTC now studying across various programmes at Glasgow.

Chengyang Wang (TNE Teaching and Operational Manager, James Watt School of Engineering) has worked for the partnership since 2016. She attended the event, which took place in the beautiful Turnbull room of our historic Gilbert Scott building, and reported with pride:

"The event was very well attended by our '2+2' and PhD students. VP Luo and the delegation care about the students' study and their experiences of life in Glasgow and VP Luo said he would love them to visit UESTC more often whenever they are back in Chengdu! Students shared their positive stories about studying at UofG, our campus, and Scotland more generally. Those who are now with us as postgraduate students spoke about their research and the research culture at Glasgow with serious-minded enthusiasm."

VP Guangchun Luo with Chengyang Wang and students

Among various suggestions for development or improvement, one popular topic with undergraduate students was the importance of Final Year Projects (FYPs), their supervision, and the role to be played by UoG academic staff.

Professor Luo promised to discuss this with the Principal, noting that while significant changes can never happen immediately, their views would certainly be taken into full consideration.

Students also reported that the 'extended workforce' of teaching assistants, demonstrators, and tutors, at University of Glasgow are very good. Those in charge of managing and organising similar roles at the Chengdu campus could, they said, perhaps learn something from arrangements here.

The meeting was part of a wider visit to the UK by VP Luo and his delgation, with the visit to Glasgow being a particularly important part of the itinerary. Here, they met with (among others) Vice Principal & Head of the College of Science & Engineering, Dame Muffy Calder; Senior-Vice Principal/Deputy Vice Chancellor, Mr Frank Coton; Assistant Vice President for International Affairs, Mr William Cushley; Professor Muhammad Imran, Dean of Transnational Engineering Education and Dean of Graduate Studies; Professor Andrew McBride, Deputy Head of the School of Engineering; and Mrs Emma O' Donnell, Senior TNE Policy & Governance Manager. They reported fruitful conversations and a great sense of camaraderie between the two universities.


First published: 18 August 2024