At the end of June, it was time for our EEE students to graduate. Having succeeded in their final exams and overcome the challenges of the past few years, students at the Glasgow College UESTC campus in Chengdu, and those studying here in Glasgow as part of the 2+2 and 3+1 programmes, marked the event in style and celebrated with family, friends, and their favourite mascots!

Congratulations to everyone as they embark on new journeys, equipped with the expertise they have gained at University and many happy memories. Whether moving on to employment, or continuing to advanced Postgraduate study, we are sure that the Graduating Class of 2022 will make us proud. Please keep in touch with us to share news of your adventures!

Graduations in Glasgow College, UESTC Chengdu

Pictured below are Glasgow College UESTC graduates Jing Jin and Pengfei Li, who graduated with Honours, and the Glasgow College 'Godzilla' mascot. For those unaware, we hear 哥斯拉 (Godzilla) and 格拉格斯 (Glasgow) have remarkably similar pronunciations! 

Two 2022 GC-UESTC graduating students with mascots


2+2 and 3+1 Graduations in June

Pictured below are 2+2 graduates Jianzhuo Yu, Zhiyuan Zhang, Yujie Wang and Yueyang Ying, and 3+1 graduate Jingyi Miao who all graduated with Honours. Do tell us if you know the name of their little fox friend!

Chinese students on Graduation Day 2022 at the Main Quad

First published: 15 September 2022