The Strathclyde branch of Tenovus Scotland invites applications for Small Project Grants (up to £20,000).

Closing Dates for applications: 15th February and 15th September 2022

These grants support pump priming research studies of up to 2 year’s duration.

  1. Preference is given to:
    • Preliminary pump priming studies, which are thought likely to lead to subsequent funding from major grant-giving bodies
    • Innovative patient-related projects
    • Early career investigators
    • Applications from investigators lacking other substantive support in the early stages of a new project
    • Recent recruits
    • New collaborations between established investigators
  2. The Strathclyde branch of Tenovus Scotland does not fund:
    • Applications which are not properly certificated
    • Applications for work that will be conducted outside the West of Scotland
    • Partial funding for projects supported by other grant funds
    • Applications that fail to provide evidence of appropriate ethical permission, or statistical justification for sample/cohort sizes (where appropriate)
    • Equipment for routine patient care or for assessment of new products, which the manufacturer might be expected to finance
  3. Furthermore, while there are no hard rules, Tenovus Scotland does not usually fund:
    • Applications from established investigators for work within their usual field of expertise
    • Applications from PhD students
    • Applications for follow-on work previously funded by Tenovus Scotland, except in exceptional circumstances
  4. Additional points:
    • While Tenovus Scotland is keen to receive applications from postdoctoral researchers, these require clear support from their current supervisor (usually as co-applicants).
    • It is important that the principal investigator has tenure of contract for the duration of the award.  In occasional cases where this is not the case, the nominated co-applicant who will substitute as principal investigator must be clearly identified
    • The proposed start date and project duration should be clearly indicated on the application form
    • Support is mainly provided for running costs, although support for equipment specifically for the proposed research may be considered. Salary support is not usually available for Pilot grants
    • All applications will be submitted to detailed peer review

Grant application forms available from:

Mrs S Ogden

Regional Secretary

Tenovus Scotland- Strathclyde.


First published: 26 January 2022