Prof. Raffaele De Caterina has recently contacted Prof. John Cleland and extended an invitation to a Cardiovascular Summer School which will run in Pisa from 4th to 9th July 2022- in the hope that it will be possible for foreign students to travel and stay in Pisa. 

This initiative started several years ago through the work of his colleague Prof. Carlo Palombo, had a one-year break last year for understandable reasons, and will now resume. The Summer School is dedicated to 4th and 5th year medical students and early career postgraduates. It will be advertised on the University of Pisa website and through direct contacts with collaborators. It will offer the best in cardiovascular medicine in Pisa, supported by an external faculty. Students will pay a very modest fee and receive some incentives from the University to subsidize themselves in local Bed & Breakfast or rented rooms. From past editions, Prof. De Caterina can state that the initiative has been truly appreciated by participants, who also enjoy the (probable) good weather and the friendly atmosphere of Pisa, a relatively small university city.

It is noted that this invitation focusses on final year medical students and medical graduates during early clinical training. I assume, however, that a case could be made for basic scientists with an interest in clinical cardiology in order to contextualise and translate their research.

If interested contact Prof. Raffaele De Caterina directly: 

First published: 24 January 2022