Researchers across the University of Glasgow's four Colleges will benefit from new funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Research Awards.
A total of 13 University academics are among 48 exceptional researchers who will share in £836,000 from the RSE Research Awards programme. The programme supports research projects across science, technology, engineering, mathematics, medicine, arts, humanities and social sciences.
Launched in spring 2021, the revised RSE Research Awards programme runs twice a year in spring and autumn. The funding programme aims to support Scotland's academic researchers, nurture promising talent, stimulate research in Scotland, and promote international collaboration, which will be of lasting benefit to the individuals and communities concerned and to broader society.
Professor Emerita Anne Anderson OBE FRSE, Chair of the RSE Research Awards Committee, Royal Society of Edinburgh said: "The RSE Research Awards programme is vital for sustaining the knowledge and talent pipeline in our vibrant research and innovation sector across the length and breadth of Scotland.
“Funding enables awardees to deepen their research into significant global challenges, to support career development, and to make significant benefits to society and the economy. The RSE sends its congratulations to each of the award winners and wishes them good fortune in the conduct and outcomes of their research."
The full list of RSE Research Awards for University of Glasgow researchers are as follows:

RSE International Joint Projects

  • Dr Gang Li, School of Psychology: Mitigating Virtual Reality Sickness Using Neurostimulation in Users During Immersive Cognitive Therapies

RSE Personal Research Fellowships

  • Dr Catherine Berry, Institute of Molecular Cell & Systems Biology:     
    Bioengineering Stem Cell Vesicles for Improved Wound Healing
  • Dr Karen Cameron, School of Geographical & Earth Sciences: Glaciofluvial sediments: sources or sinks of greenhouse gases?
  • Dr Joy Farnaby, School of Chemistry: Using experimental actinide nano-chemistry to solve technical challenges in plutonium treatment and storage.
  • Dr Louise Harris, School of Culture & Creative Arts: Interpreting Data through Creative Audiovisualisation (IDCA)
  • Dr Charlie Peevers, School of Law: Scotland’s long Cold War (1945-1999): nuclear weapons and women’s activism on a global front line’

RSE Research Network Grants

  • Professor Fiona Macpherson, School of Humanities: Augmented Reality: Ethics, Perception, Metaphysics
  • Dr Elizabeth Reeder, School of Critical Studies: COVID 19 as Catalyst for Writing and Discussing Death, Dying and Grief through Objects, Diaries and Collective Archives

RSE Research Workshop Grants

  • Dr Poppy Lamberton, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health & Comparative Medicine: Scottish Schistosomiasis Workshop: Building local interdisciplinary collaborations for global research 

RSE Small Research Grants

  • Davide Dominoni, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health & Comparative Medicine: Are cities ecological traps? High-throughput DNA sequencing to reveal seasonal changes in diet and fitness of a common songbird
  • Dr Enric Grustan Gutierrez, James Watt School of Engineering: Electrospray Bladeless Wind Turbine
  • Dr Paul Melo e Castro, School of Modern Languages & Cultures: Autonomy and its Discontents: First Republic Goa in the Short Stories of José da Silva Coelho
  • Dr Minna Törmä, School of Culture & Creative Arts: Broughton and Branklyn: East Asian elements in two Scottish gardens established in the 1920s

First published: 3 November 2021