A joint statement has been sent to students, signed by Liam Brady, President of the Students' Representative Council; Namrata Ranpuria, President of the Glasgow University Union; Shereif Kholeif, President of the Glasgow University Sports Association; Ruaraidh Campbell, President of the Queen Margaret Union; and Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor. 

Dear student

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to the University of Glasgow.

You will have worked out by now that student life is going to be different this year. Despite this, we want to make certain that you feel part of the University of Glasgow community. And we need your help so that we can get through this period as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Some universities have sent out long lists of dos and don’ts. It is hard to avoid guidelines at times like this, but the University of Glasgow way builds on institutional values of dignity and respect - values which we all agree to uphold when we join our learning community. We expect you to help us and, more importantly, help one another to keep safe and well over the coming months, both on and off campus.

The University and the four student bodies have been working closely to provide a meaningful University experience, whether you can make it to campus for the start of term or not. We are planning a fantastic Freshers’ Week welcome, in line with the latest safety guidance, along with a programme of activities throughout the semester. The success of this is reliant on you, so please adhere to the protocols in place.

You will know the drill, but it bears repetition: isolate and take a test if you are feeling unwell; keep your distance when out and about; wear a face covering in more congested spaces and where required by government rules, unless you are exempt; maintain good hand hygiene; and, for now at least, do not entertain guests from outside your household in your home.

If we do not follow these steps, it is likely that we will see multiple outbreaks of Covid-19 on and around the campus, and we will all have to endure tighter restrictions for a longer period of time. But we are counting on students and staff to follow the guidance so that we are all able to enjoy university life to the full before too long.

First published: 10 September 2020