The University's COO, Dr David Duncan, has written to staff and students advising them of the revised policy for campus arrangements.

Dear Colleagues and Students,

I am writing to inform you about the revised policy we are putting in place across all UofG campuses in light of the recent increased risk from Covid-19. We ask all colleagues and students to take note of the policy and to abide by it. We will also draw it to the attention of visitors and contractors working on the campus.

Within campus buildings, face coverings should be worn by colleagues and students who are able to do so, except when they are sitting down and able to maintain a 2m distance from others.

The requirements in research facilities will be determined by bespoke risk assessments which will be reviewed by the Director of Health, Safety and Wellbeing.

In teaching, study and meetings spaces there is no requirement to wear face coverings once seated.  However, students and members of staff may choose to wear cloth or paper face coverings.  We will also make visors available for those who wish to use them.

We ask that everyone is respectful of those who, for whatever reason, are unable to wear face coverings and that everyone adheres to our dignity at work and study policies. Details are available via this link.

We will publish an update on the opening of buildings for essential work shortly.  As part of this, we will be asking colleagues to wear their ID cards while on campus; lanyards will be made available to facilitate this.

Dr David Duncan

Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary 


Meanwhile, the Scottish Government has launched its "Protect Scotland" app, its confidential contact tracing app which notifies app users anonymously if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, and advises them to self-isolate. Further information about the app is available at this webpage.

New guidance on suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19 has been published on the University's Coronavirus webpages. Please take this opportunity to update yourself with this information.   

First published: 10 September 2020