The University has now entered the second phase of its COVID-19 Recovery Route Map, which allows more activity to take place on our campuses.

Although the default position for most staff remains to work from home, we can now begin more research and support activities onsite. In this phase, staff can also access their offices to collect items required for home working, by making a request via the UofG Helpdesk

If you are on-campus you will notice new measures and signage to allow physical distancing, with some areas remaining closed if this cannot be accommodated. These have been implemented in accordance to the latest government guidance and we will continually review them as the situation changes.

Physical distancing signage external

Moodle induction 

On Monday (6 July) we will publish a Moodle induction course, outlining the health and safety measures everyone needs to be aware of before returning to campus to work, or visiting campus to collect equipment. 

Given the importance of compliance to physical distancing and health and safety guidance, the course must be completed by all staff, with your staff card reactivated on completion. 

Please note that, while completing the induction will reactivate your staff card, all staff will still require authorisation from line managers and Head of School/Director of Institute or Director of Service to return to campus after having completed the induction and many buildings and external doors will still be locked down and restricted. 

Staff who don’t have access to a computer will be set up with access on-campus, where they can complete the module.  

Visiting campus to collect equipment

Anyone who wishes to return to campus for a short period of time, for example to collect items of equipment, must make a request to do so via the UofG Helpdesk. 

As part of this process, you will be prompted to complete the Moodle induction, if you have not done so already.

Please allow at least three working days’ notice when making a request.

We want our campuses to continue to be safe and welcoming. We have done a lot of work to ensure staff can return in greater numbers, and access is controlled and monitored to keep within government guidelines.

Please look after yourselves, and each other, when on-campus so we can all work safely and continue to expand our operations in line with futre easing of lockdown measures.

There is more guidance available on our Recovery Hub webpages, which contains guidance for staff, students, researchers, line managers, and working remotely. We would encourage all staff to look at the guides relevant to them.

First published: 3 July 2020