If you are an author affiliated with the University of Glasgow you must email research-openaccess@glasgow.ac.uk when you are notified by the publisher that your article or conference proceeding has been accepted for publication. Please attach a copy of the final agreed manuscript to that email where available. 

Information Services staff will then:

  • add the publication to Enlighten, the University’s publications repository, which will help make your work more visible.
  • check that open access requirements have been met for funders and for submission to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 where applicable and advise you of any action you need to take.
  • arrange for open access publication costs for UKRI and some medical charities to be covered, where required, and in line with the University’s agreed approach. See https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/openaccess/howdoimakemypublicationsopenaccess/

Several discounts and deals are also available to authors. Currently Wiley and a range of Springer journals provide open access where the corresponding author is affiliated with the University. There is no additional cost regardless of whether any funding is acknowledged in the paper. See https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/openaccess/howdoimakemypublicationsopenaccess/publisherarrangements/

If you would like more information on open access at the University of Glasgow, you can watch this introductory video (12 mins) or browse our Open Access pages.

Adding data availability statements to papers

Papers should include a statement on how any underlying materials — such as data, samples or models — can be accessed. The data needn’t be openly accessible if there are compelling reasons against this.

The Research Information Management team can help you to meet funder requirements around research data management, for example data management planning and the provision of digital object identifiers to help you to cite datasets properly. The team can advise on choosing repositories and depositing datasets including in our institutional data repository, Enlighten: Research Data.

For advice, email research-datamanagement@glasgow.ac.uk or browse our Data Management pages.


The Research Information Management team offers short training courses in research data management for staff and PGR students. These sessions take between 30 and 90 minutes. They are run monthly or can be organised on an ad-hoc basis for any staff or student group. We can also offer short sessions on open access and REF. You can find more information on our training page.

First published: 2 July 2020