Dr Nicola Burns

  • Senior Lecturer in Disability Studies (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
  • Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)

telephone: 3302164
email: Nicola.Burns@glasgow.ac.uk

School of Social and Political Sciences, Sociology, 40 Bute Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RT

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4764-9731

Research interests

My research interests are diverse, crossing disciplinary boundaries, and focusing on groups often marginalised and discriminated against in society.  A concern with equity and social justice underpins much of my work, exploring questions of difference and the ways in which such constructions shape access to housing, health and leisure.

I have worked across a range of subject disciplines, including disability studies, sociology, geography, housing studies and primary care. Engaging critically with the social model of disability, I have conducted a number of research projects around disabled people’s everyday lives including experiences of the housing system; access to woodlands and children’s experiences of medical technology. I have worked on a number of projects around mental distress; exploring mental health service users lived experiences and professionals understanding and application of mental health law and policy in their everyday practices. My engagement with migration and health research began in a research project around cross-cultural communication in primary care with colleagues throughout Europe (www.fp7restore.eu). This led me to consider the intersection of migration and disability, bringing together issues of risk, citizenship and access to services. 


My current research interests build upon my cross-disciplinary experience, exploring issues around health access for mobile populations; and disability and migration. More recently i have been working with colleagues  exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of disabled people and on refugees, people seeking asylum and destitute populations. 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2009 | 2008 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Number of items: 57.


Burns, N. (2024) Migration studies and disability studies: colonial engagements past, present and future. In: Afeworki Abay, R. and Soldatic, K. (eds.) Intersectional Colonialities: Embodied Colonial Violence and Practices of Resistance at the Axis of Disability, Race, Indigeneity, Class, and Gender. Routledge: London, pp. 205-217. ISBN 9781003280422 (doi: 10.4324/9781003280422-13)


Follis, L., Follis, K. and Burns, N. (2023) Healthcare (im)mobilities and the Covid-19 pandemic: notes on returning to the field. International Journal of Cultural Studies, (doi: 10.1177/13678779231173707) (PMCID:PMC10196676) (Early Online Publication)

Keith, N. et al. (2023) Regenerative Futures: From Global to Local Development in 2032. [Exhibitions]


Burns, N. , Mulvey, G. , Piacentini, T. and Vidal, N. (2022) Refugees, political bounding and the pandemic: material effects and experiences of categorisations amongst refugees in Scotland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(17), pp. 4066-4084. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2022.2058471)

Isaacs, A., Burns, N. , Macdonald, S. and O'Donnell, C. A. (2022) ‘I don’t think there’s anything I can do which can keep me healthy’: How the UK immigration and asylum system shapes the health and wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland. Critical Public Health, 32(3), pp. 422-432. (doi: 10.1080/09581596.2020.1853058)


Burns, N. , Follis, L., Follis, K. and Morley, J. (2021) Moving target, moving parts: the multiple mobilities of the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Lupton, D. and Willis, K. (eds.) The COVID-19 Crisis: Social Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 27-38. ISBN 9780367628987 (doi: 10.4324/9781003111344-5)


Armstrong, S. et al. (2020) Left out and locked down: impacts of COVID-19 for marginalised groups in Scotland. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.

Foster, H. , Moffat, K., Burns, N. , Gannon, M., Macdonald, S. and O'Donnell, C. A. (2020) What do we know about demand, use and outcomes in primary care out-of-hours services? A systematic scoping review of international literature. BMJ Open, 10, e033481. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033481) (PMID:31959608)

Williamson, A. E. and Burns, N. (2020) The ethics of researchers’ physical and emotional safety. Evaluator, 2020(Summer), pp. 30-31.


Burns, N. (2019) Boundary maintenance: Exploring the intersections of disability and migration. In: Watson, N. and Vehmas, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies [2nd ed.]. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 9781138365308


O'Reilly-de Brún, M. et al. (2018) Material practices for meaningful engagement: an analysis of participatory learning and action research techniques for data generation and analysis in a health research partnership. Health Expectations, 21(1), pp. 159-170. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12598) (PMID:28841753) (PMCID:PMC5750692)


O'Donnell, C. et al. (2017) Supporting the use of theory in cross-country health services research: a participatory qualitative approach using Normalisation Process Theory as an example. BMJ Open, 7(8), e014289. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014289) (PMID:28827231) (PMCID:PMC5724160)

Papadakaki, M. et al. (2017) Exploring barriers to primary care for migrants in Greece in times of austerity: perspectives of service providers. European Journal of General Practice, 23(1), pp. 129-135. (doi: 10.1080/13814788.2017.1307336) (PMID:28388310)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2017) The rural panopticon. Journal of Rural Studies, 51, pp. 230-239. (doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.08.007)

Teunissen, E. et al. (2017) Implementing guidelines and training initiatives to improve cross-cultural communication in primary care consultations: a qualitative participatory European study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16, 32. (doi: 10.1186/s12939-017-0525-y) (PMID:8222736) (PMCID:PMC532076)

Burns, N. (2017) The human right to health: exploring disability, migration and health. Disability and Society, 32(10), pp. 1463-1484. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1358604)


Lionis, C. et al. (2016) Engaging migrants and other stakeholders to improve communication in cross-cultural consultation in primary care: a theoretically informed participatory study. BMJ Open, 6(7), e010822. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010822) (PMID:27449890) (PMCID:PMC4964217)

O'Donnell, C. A. et al. (2016) Reducing the health care burden for marginalised migrants: The potential role for primary care in Europe. Health Policy, 120(5), pp. 495-508. (doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.03.012) (PMID:27080344)


O'Donnell, C. A. , Foster, H. , Macdonald, S. , Burns, N. and Gannon, M. (2015) Out-of-Hours Primary Medical Care: What Can Research Tell Us? Findings From a Rapid Systematic Review and Qualitative Study. Discussion Paper. Scottish Government.

de Brun, T. et al. (2015) Guidelines and training initiatives that support communication in cross-cultural primary-care settings: appraising their implementability using Normalization Process Theory. Family Practice, 32(4), pp. 420-425. (doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmv022) (PMID:25917169)


Williamson, A. E. and Burns, N. (2014) The safety of researchers and participants in primary care qualitative research. British Journal of General Practice, 64(621), pp. 198-200. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X679480)

Burns, N. (2014) Revolting subjects: social abjection and resistance in neoliberal Britain. Disability and Society, 29(3), pp. 493-495. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2013.864858)[Book Review]


O'Donnell, C. , Burns, N. , Dowrick, C., Lionis, C. and MacFarlane, A. (2013) Health-care access for migrants in Europe. Lancet, 382(9890), p. 393. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61666-9)

Burns, N. , Watson, N. and Paterson, K. (2013) Risky bodies in risky spaces: disabled people’s pursuit of outdoor leisure. Disability and Society, 108(8), pp. 1059-1073. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2012.749180)

van den Muijsenbergh, M. et al. (2013) Communication in cross-cultural consultations in primary care in Europe: the case for improvement. The rationale for the RESTORE FP 7 project. Primary Health Care Research and Development, (doi: 10.1017/S1463423613000157)


MacFarlane, A. et al. (2012) REsearch into implementation STrategies to support patients of different ORigins and language background in a variety of European primary care settings (RESTORE): study protocol. Implementation Science, 7(111), (doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-7-111)


Burns, N. and Watson, N. (2009) Evaluation of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 Part 4. Project Report. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK.

Burns, N. , Paterson, K. and Watson, N. (2009) An inclusive outdoors? Disabled people's experiences of countryside leisure services. Leisure Studies, 28(4), pp. 403-419. (doi: 10.1080/02614360903071704)

McNeill, F. , Burns, N. , Halliday, S., Hutton, N. and Tata, C. (2009) Risk, responsibility and reconfiguration: penal adaptation and misadaptation. Punishment and Society, 11(4), pp. 419-442. (doi: 10.1177/1462474509341153)

Halliday, S., Burns, N. , Hutton, N., McNeill, F. and Tata, C. (2009) Street-level bureaucracy, interprofessional relations, and coping mechanisms: a study of criminal justice social workers in the sentencing process. Law and Policy, 31(4), pp. 405-428. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9930.2009.00306.x)


Halliday, S., Burns, N., Hutton, N., McNeill, F. and Tata, C. (2008) Shadow writing and participant observation: a study of criminal justice social work around sentencing. Journal of Law and Society, 35(2), pp. 189-213. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6478.2008.00435.x)


Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2005) "An oasis for us": 'in-between' spaces of training for people with mental health problems in the Scottish Highlands. Geoforum, 36(6), pp. 778-791. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2005.01.002)

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2005) Not a display of emotions’: emotional geographies in the Scottish Highlands. In: Davidson, J., Smith, M. and Bondi, L. (eds.) Emotional Geographies. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 87-101. ISBN 9780754671077


Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2004) Social geographies of rural mental health: experiencing inclusions and exclusions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(4), pp. 401-419. (doi: 10.1111/j.0020-2754.2004.00138.x)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2004) Geographies of exclusion. Mental Health Today, pp. 20-23.

Burns, N. (2004) Negotiating difference: disabled people's experiences of housebuilders. Housing Studies, 19(5), pp. 765-780. (doi: 10.1080/0267303042000249198)


Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2003) Rural madness: a geographical reading and critique of the rural mental health literature. Journal of Rural Studies, 19(3), pp. 259-281. (doi: 10.1016/S0743-0167(03)00005-6)

Burns, N. , Philo, C. and Parr, H. (2003) The place of Highland general practitioners in the provision of mental health services (Findings paper no. 16). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2003) Social Geographies of Rural Mental Health: Summary Report. Project Report. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2003) 'That awful place was home': Reflections on the contested meanings of Craig Dunain asylum. Scottish Geographical Journal, 119(4), pp. 341-360. (doi: 10.1080/00369220318737183)

Stephens, M., Burns, N. and MacKay, L. (2003) The Limits of Housing Reform: British Social Rented Housing in a European Context. Urban Studies, 40(4), pp. 767-789.


Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Alcohol and mental health (Findings paper no, 12). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Drop-ins (Findings paper no. 14). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Experiences of Mental Health Problems in The Highlands (Findings paper no. 6). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Formal services (Findings paper no. 13). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Therapeutic Landscapes (Findings paper no. 10). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) User Networks (Findings paper no. 15). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2002) Visibility, Gossip and Intimate Neighbourly Knowledges (Findings paper no. 7). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Highlands, Economy, Culture and Mental Health Problems (Findings paper no. 4). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Remoteness, Rurality and Mental Health Problems (Findings paper no. 5). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Exclusionary Social Relations and Practices (Findings paper no. 3). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Inclusionary Social Relations and Practices (Findings paper no. 2). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Introducing the Findings Papers (Findings paper no. 1). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Safe and Unsafe Places (Findings paper no. 11). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Social differences: locals, incomers, gender, age and ethnicity (Findings paper no. 8). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Spatial differences: east and west, Inverness and the rest (Findings paper no. 9). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Stephens, M., Burns, N. and MacKay, L. (2002) Social Market or Safety Net? British Social Rented Housing in a European Context. Policy Press: Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781861343871

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 17:56:01 2024 BST.
Number of items: 57.


Follis, L., Follis, K. and Burns, N. (2023) Healthcare (im)mobilities and the Covid-19 pandemic: notes on returning to the field. International Journal of Cultural Studies, (doi: 10.1177/13678779231173707) (PMCID:PMC10196676) (Early Online Publication)

Burns, N. , Mulvey, G. , Piacentini, T. and Vidal, N. (2022) Refugees, political bounding and the pandemic: material effects and experiences of categorisations amongst refugees in Scotland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(17), pp. 4066-4084. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2022.2058471)

Isaacs, A., Burns, N. , Macdonald, S. and O'Donnell, C. A. (2022) ‘I don’t think there’s anything I can do which can keep me healthy’: How the UK immigration and asylum system shapes the health and wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland. Critical Public Health, 32(3), pp. 422-432. (doi: 10.1080/09581596.2020.1853058)

Foster, H. , Moffat, K., Burns, N. , Gannon, M., Macdonald, S. and O'Donnell, C. A. (2020) What do we know about demand, use and outcomes in primary care out-of-hours services? A systematic scoping review of international literature. BMJ Open, 10, e033481. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033481) (PMID:31959608)

Williamson, A. E. and Burns, N. (2020) The ethics of researchers’ physical and emotional safety. Evaluator, 2020(Summer), pp. 30-31.

O'Reilly-de Brún, M. et al. (2018) Material practices for meaningful engagement: an analysis of participatory learning and action research techniques for data generation and analysis in a health research partnership. Health Expectations, 21(1), pp. 159-170. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12598) (PMID:28841753) (PMCID:PMC5750692)

O'Donnell, C. et al. (2017) Supporting the use of theory in cross-country health services research: a participatory qualitative approach using Normalisation Process Theory as an example. BMJ Open, 7(8), e014289. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014289) (PMID:28827231) (PMCID:PMC5724160)

Papadakaki, M. et al. (2017) Exploring barriers to primary care for migrants in Greece in times of austerity: perspectives of service providers. European Journal of General Practice, 23(1), pp. 129-135. (doi: 10.1080/13814788.2017.1307336) (PMID:28388310)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2017) The rural panopticon. Journal of Rural Studies, 51, pp. 230-239. (doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.08.007)

Teunissen, E. et al. (2017) Implementing guidelines and training initiatives to improve cross-cultural communication in primary care consultations: a qualitative participatory European study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16, 32. (doi: 10.1186/s12939-017-0525-y) (PMID:8222736) (PMCID:PMC532076)

Burns, N. (2017) The human right to health: exploring disability, migration and health. Disability and Society, 32(10), pp. 1463-1484. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1358604)

Lionis, C. et al. (2016) Engaging migrants and other stakeholders to improve communication in cross-cultural consultation in primary care: a theoretically informed participatory study. BMJ Open, 6(7), e010822. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010822) (PMID:27449890) (PMCID:PMC4964217)

O'Donnell, C. A. et al. (2016) Reducing the health care burden for marginalised migrants: The potential role for primary care in Europe. Health Policy, 120(5), pp. 495-508. (doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.03.012) (PMID:27080344)

de Brun, T. et al. (2015) Guidelines and training initiatives that support communication in cross-cultural primary-care settings: appraising their implementability using Normalization Process Theory. Family Practice, 32(4), pp. 420-425. (doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmv022) (PMID:25917169)

Williamson, A. E. and Burns, N. (2014) The safety of researchers and participants in primary care qualitative research. British Journal of General Practice, 64(621), pp. 198-200. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X679480)

O'Donnell, C. , Burns, N. , Dowrick, C., Lionis, C. and MacFarlane, A. (2013) Health-care access for migrants in Europe. Lancet, 382(9890), p. 393. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61666-9)

Burns, N. , Watson, N. and Paterson, K. (2013) Risky bodies in risky spaces: disabled people’s pursuit of outdoor leisure. Disability and Society, 108(8), pp. 1059-1073. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2012.749180)

van den Muijsenbergh, M. et al. (2013) Communication in cross-cultural consultations in primary care in Europe: the case for improvement. The rationale for the RESTORE FP 7 project. Primary Health Care Research and Development, (doi: 10.1017/S1463423613000157)

MacFarlane, A. et al. (2012) REsearch into implementation STrategies to support patients of different ORigins and language background in a variety of European primary care settings (RESTORE): study protocol. Implementation Science, 7(111), (doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-7-111)

Burns, N. , Paterson, K. and Watson, N. (2009) An inclusive outdoors? Disabled people's experiences of countryside leisure services. Leisure Studies, 28(4), pp. 403-419. (doi: 10.1080/02614360903071704)

McNeill, F. , Burns, N. , Halliday, S., Hutton, N. and Tata, C. (2009) Risk, responsibility and reconfiguration: penal adaptation and misadaptation. Punishment and Society, 11(4), pp. 419-442. (doi: 10.1177/1462474509341153)

Halliday, S., Burns, N. , Hutton, N., McNeill, F. and Tata, C. (2009) Street-level bureaucracy, interprofessional relations, and coping mechanisms: a study of criminal justice social workers in the sentencing process. Law and Policy, 31(4), pp. 405-428. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9930.2009.00306.x)

Halliday, S., Burns, N., Hutton, N., McNeill, F. and Tata, C. (2008) Shadow writing and participant observation: a study of criminal justice social work around sentencing. Journal of Law and Society, 35(2), pp. 189-213. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6478.2008.00435.x)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2005) "An oasis for us": 'in-between' spaces of training for people with mental health problems in the Scottish Highlands. Geoforum, 36(6), pp. 778-791. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2005.01.002)

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2004) Social geographies of rural mental health: experiencing inclusions and exclusions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(4), pp. 401-419. (doi: 10.1111/j.0020-2754.2004.00138.x)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2004) Geographies of exclusion. Mental Health Today, pp. 20-23.

Burns, N. (2004) Negotiating difference: disabled people's experiences of housebuilders. Housing Studies, 19(5), pp. 765-780. (doi: 10.1080/0267303042000249198)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2003) Rural madness: a geographical reading and critique of the rural mental health literature. Journal of Rural Studies, 19(3), pp. 259-281. (doi: 10.1016/S0743-0167(03)00005-6)

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2003) 'That awful place was home': Reflections on the contested meanings of Craig Dunain asylum. Scottish Geographical Journal, 119(4), pp. 341-360. (doi: 10.1080/00369220318737183)

Stephens, M., Burns, N. and MacKay, L. (2003) The Limits of Housing Reform: British Social Rented Housing in a European Context. Urban Studies, 40(4), pp. 767-789.


Stephens, M., Burns, N. and MacKay, L. (2002) Social Market or Safety Net? British Social Rented Housing in a European Context. Policy Press: Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781861343871

Book Sections

Burns, N. (2024) Migration studies and disability studies: colonial engagements past, present and future. In: Afeworki Abay, R. and Soldatic, K. (eds.) Intersectional Colonialities: Embodied Colonial Violence and Practices of Resistance at the Axis of Disability, Race, Indigeneity, Class, and Gender. Routledge: London, pp. 205-217. ISBN 9781003280422 (doi: 10.4324/9781003280422-13)

Burns, N. , Follis, L., Follis, K. and Morley, J. (2021) Moving target, moving parts: the multiple mobilities of the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Lupton, D. and Willis, K. (eds.) The COVID-19 Crisis: Social Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 27-38. ISBN 9780367628987 (doi: 10.4324/9781003111344-5)

Burns, N. (2019) Boundary maintenance: Exploring the intersections of disability and migration. In: Watson, N. and Vehmas, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies [2nd ed.]. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 9781138365308

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2005) Not a display of emotions’: emotional geographies in the Scottish Highlands. In: Davidson, J., Smith, M. and Bondi, L. (eds.) Emotional Geographies. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 87-101. ISBN 9780754671077

Book Reviews

Burns, N. (2014) Revolting subjects: social abjection and resistance in neoliberal Britain. Disability and Society, 29(3), pp. 493-495. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2013.864858)[Book Review]

Research Reports or Papers

Armstrong, S. et al. (2020) Left out and locked down: impacts of COVID-19 for marginalised groups in Scotland. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.

O'Donnell, C. A. , Foster, H. , Macdonald, S. , Burns, N. and Gannon, M. (2015) Out-of-Hours Primary Medical Care: What Can Research Tell Us? Findings From a Rapid Systematic Review and Qualitative Study. Discussion Paper. Scottish Government.

Burns, N. and Watson, N. (2009) Evaluation of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 Part 4. Project Report. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK.

Burns, N. , Philo, C. and Parr, H. (2003) The place of Highland general practitioners in the provision of mental health services (Findings paper no. 16). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2003) Social Geographies of Rural Mental Health: Summary Report. Project Report. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Alcohol and mental health (Findings paper no, 12). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Drop-ins (Findings paper no. 14). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Experiences of Mental Health Problems in The Highlands (Findings paper no. 6). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Formal services (Findings paper no. 13). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) Therapeutic Landscapes (Findings paper no. 10). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Burns, N. , Parr, H. and Philo, C. (2002) User Networks (Findings paper no. 15). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Parr, H. , Philo, C. and Burns, N. (2002) Visibility, Gossip and Intimate Neighbourly Knowledges (Findings paper no. 7). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Highlands, Economy, Culture and Mental Health Problems (Findings paper no. 4). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Remoteness, Rurality and Mental Health Problems (Findings paper no. 5). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Exclusionary Social Relations and Practices (Findings paper no. 3). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Inclusionary Social Relations and Practices (Findings paper no. 2). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Introducing the Findings Papers (Findings paper no. 1). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Safe and Unsafe Places (Findings paper no. 11). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Social differences: locals, incomers, gender, age and ethnicity (Findings paper no. 8). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Philo, C. , Parr, H. and Burns, N. (2002) Spatial differences: east and west, Inverness and the rest (Findings paper no. 9). Working Paper. Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)


Keith, N. et al. (2023) Regenerative Futures: From Global to Local Development in 2032. [Exhibitions]

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 17:56:01 2024 BST.


Doctors within Borders, with Karolina Follis and Luca Follis, Lancaster University


Doctors within Borders/


Scotland in Lockdown,

Lucy Pickering, Sarah Armstrong,

Chief Scientists Office


Disabled people and COVID-19 in the UK

Nick Watson, Nicola Burns, Charlotte Pearson and Phillippa Wiseman




I would welcome applications for PhD supervision around the following areas:

  • Disability and migration;
  • Disability and leisure;
  • Disability and risk:
  • Mental distress;
  • Migration and health

Anna Isaacs

Thesis title: Keeping healthy and accessing primary and preventive health services in Glasgow: the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers from Sub Saharan Africa

October 2013-January 2018

Research Fellow at City University


Aisha Macgregor

Thesis title: An Exploration of Community Compulsory Treatment Orders and Family Relationships in Scotland. 

September 2014- August 2019

Research Fellow at Stirling University


Undergraduate Sociology:

  •  Honours Dissertation Convenor in Sociology.
  •  Honours Disabling Worlds


  • MSc Equalities and Human Rights: Course co-ordinator for Equality and Human Rights core module
  • MSc Equalities and Human Rights: Lecturer on The Disabling Society

My other teaching roles in the university reflect my research interests.


Department of General Practice and Primary Care:

  • BSc (intercalated) Global Health in Primary Care: Disability in the majority and minority world

  • Student Selected Component Health Inequalities and the Social Determinants of Health,

    Undergraduate Medicine Year 2: Disability and health inequalities 

  • Honours Sociology of Health and Illness:  Guest Lecturer



Additional information

Editorial Boards

Disability and Society (2015-2019)

Disability and the Global South

International Journal of Disability and Social Justice.