The 5th CRCEES Postgraduate Research Methodology Summer School - Politics of Language: Approaches to Nations, Communities and Cultures in Contemporary Central Europe – took place at New York University, Prague (11-20 July 2011)

The TREEC team organised the first 2 days of this summer school.

11-12 July 2011: Translating and exploring cultures in a multi–disciplinary context

Day 1 included workshop sessions exploring the different ways in which concepts are interpreted/reworked/reformulated as they move between cultural spaces, and reflected on ways in which to facilitate intercultural communication. The practical and theoretical issues associated with the act of ‘translation’ were also examined. The evening session featured the Estonian artist Rael Artel on Public Preparation (in conversation with Katarzyna Kosmala). The event was held at the Tranzitdisplay gallery, Prague. The Public Preparation presentation introduced an international curatorial project and explored the exhibition strategy behind "Let's Talk About Nationalism! Between Ideology and Identity" (Spring 2010 Kumu Art Museum, Estonia). Day 2 involved sessions exploring body language followed by critical engagements with the urban space. Ewan McVicar (Scottish Storytelling Centre) rounded off the day with a storytelling event held at Sir Toby’s. See the CRCEES website for more information:

First published: 24 October 2011