A very warm welcome to our new colleagues who have joined us in Urban Studies and Economic & Social History. 

João Nunes de Almeida has joined the School as a full-time tutor in Social and Urban Policy. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Lancaster University where he has taught tutorials and seminars in several Sociology and Criminology courses for five years while working as a senior academic writing mentor within the Learning Development team. João has also lectured Sociology at Liverpool Hope University (2018-2019). He has published his first monograph "The Sacralization of Time: Contemporary Affinities between Crisis and Fascism" with Palgrave MacMillan in 2020 and he has recently published his latest research, "Caressing in the Age of Social Immunity: Haptics, Technology and the Sacred" (2021), concerning the intersections between historical paradigms of social exclusion and rules of touching in times of health related crises. He is currently researching on corporality and the digital platformisation of urban spaces. More broadly, his research interests lie in Critical and Social Theory, Urban and Digital Sociology, Social Science Methods, Discourse Analysis and European Contemporary History.

Matteo Landoni joins the School as Lecturer in Social and Economic History (Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship). His research looks at the business-governments relationship in time of globalisation, particularly in relation to innovation and entrepreneurship, with a focus on the space economy. He published two books in Italian about the history of the national space agency and policy and a business history of the space industry in Italy, both published by Il Mulino in 2017 and 2020 respectively. He has also published research on state-owned enterprises, public procurement, and university entrepreneurship in international journals and edited books. Matteo received his PhD in Business History & Management in 2013. Before joining the University of Glasgow, he has held research and teaching positions at the University of Milan and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and a visiting position at Rutgers Business School.

First published: 28 January 2022

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