Dr Helena Paterson

  • Senior Lecturer (Psychology & Neuroscience Education Hub)

telephone: 01413305088
email: Helena.Paterson@glasgow.ac.uk

R437, 62 Hillhead Street, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QB

Import to contacts

Student hours on zoom Mondays 10:30-12:30

Click here to visit Moodle for details of my student hour zoom link

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-7715-5973

Research interests

My main interest is in dynamic person perception and this includes attribution such as first impressions, emotion perception and measuring attitudes. Additionally, I do pedagogical research related to learning and teaching with technology.

Currently, I am a lecturer in the School of Psychology with a responsibility for teaching Research Methods and Social Psychology. Previously I completed a PhD Thesis in the School of Psychology at the University of Glasgow and worked as a Post-Doc for Dr. Frank Pollick on an ESRC funded project before starting a British Academy Fellowship. After my fellowship, I worked in a variety of teaching settings and as a consultant in methodology and data analysis for health-related research projects before returning to the School of Psychology as a lecturer.

Research interests:

Human Cognition, Representation, and Development of Dynamic Social Events.

Our every-day world changes constantly, resulting in a dynamic tapestry of events that we must somehow make sense of and interact with. Of the most interesting signals in our dynamic world, are the social signals that allow us to interact with other humans. It seems that the process by which we attribute personality traits, emotions, motivations, and intentions is effortless and unconscious. This has lead to some interesting demonstrations whereby non-human animated objects can appear to have the same qualities as humans and raises the question, how are dynamic social events represented by the human cognitive system. More importantly, how do we develop our representations of social events and the accompanying stereotypes and biases?

Teaching Psychology with Open Science.

With Open Science practices forming an important cornerstone in the advancement of science, it has become increasingly evident that we should be incorporating these practices into the way that science is taught. Examples span from the educational practices that adopt to the kinds of activities that we do and my research is centred on how we can incorporate the practices and philosophy of Open into our teaching.

Dissertation Topics & Possible Studies

Currently, the work in my lab is exploratory in nature and so I will be encouraging honours students to continue work started in previous projects. Typically topics that we have looked at are children's and adults' perceptions of attraction, development of stereotype schemas, cognitive development, perceptions about disability and mental health. When possible, we gather data from participants in public spaces such as the Science Centre and GlasgowLife spaces. We also have rich sources of data in the lab for secondary data analysis based on children's TV watching choices; and we can also gather data online from adult participants. There is a growing ethos of public science communication and open & reproducible science in the lab and I encourage students to take an active role in this.

Finally, all projects in my lab are team-based, meaning that you will work with other students on developing research proposals and/or data gathering; you may work on previously-gathered data and you may work with students in more junior or senior years on projects, and you may continue projects started previously. We run all meetings as group meetings and collaborate as a team to make achievable projects. Current projects are on children's TV-watching preferences, on evaluating a tool for measuring student stigma to mental health or neurodiversity and on person perception.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001
Number of items: 31.


Botham, N., Sharp, L. , Paterson, H. , Wilson, M. , Martin, D., Kelly, S., Varveris, D. and Langan-Martin, J. (2024) Attitudes and knowledge of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): an exploration of medical students’ perspectives. Journal of ECT, (doi: 10.1097/YCT.0000000000001035) (PMID:39121009) (Early Online Publication)


Conry-Murray, C. et al. (2023) Validity and transparency in quantifying open-ended data. PsyArXiv, (doi: 10.31234/osf.io/86y9f)


McAleer, P. , Stack, N., Woods, H., DeBruine, L. M. , Paterson, H. , Nordmann, E. , Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E. and Barr, D. J. (2022) Embedding data skills in research methods education: preparing students for reproducible research. PsyArXiv, (doi: 10.31234/osf.io/hq68s)

Paterson, H. and McAleer, P. (2022) Sharing practice on framing feedback around student development. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1), pp. 123-134. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.42)

Sharp, L. , Karadzhov, D. and Paterson, H. (2022) Gathering feedback. In: Hughes, P. and Langan Martin, J. (eds.) Teaching Psychiatry to Undergraduates. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 162-167. ISBN 9781108925976 (doi: 10.1017/9781108921206.025)

PsyTeachR Team, . et al. (2022) Open-source tutorials benefit the field. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1, pp. 312-313. (doi: 10.1038/s44159-022-00058-8)

Nordmann, E. , McAleer, P. , Toivo, W., Paterson, H. and Debruine, L. M. (2022) Data visualization using R for researchers who do not use R. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 5(2), p. 25152459221074654. (doi: 10.1177/25152459221074654)


McAleer, P. and Paterson, H. M. (2021) Improving pedagogy through Registered Reports. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), pp. 12-21. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.13)

Paterson, H. , Todorova, G. K. , Noble, K., Schickhoff, S. and Pollick, F. E. (2021) Evaluation of Headtorch WORKS as a workplace intervention for improved support and understanding of co-workers with poor mental health and well-being. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(6), pp. 931-942. (doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2021.1895757)

Cleland Woods, H. , McAleer, P. and Paterson, H. (2021) A Curriculum Centered on Reproducible Research for the Psychologists of the Future. Division Of Academics, Researchers and Teachers In Psychology Annual Conference (DARTP 2021), 23-24 June 2021.

Paterson, H. , Debruine, L. and McAleer, P. (2021) Using the MarkR Software Package to Improve Your Feedback. 14th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference (LTCONF21), Glasgow, UK, 18th June 2021.


McAleer, P. , Cleland Woods, H. and Paterson, H. (2020) Using Personalised Analytics to Improve Your Assessment Feedback. 13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 25 Aug 2020.


Okala, S. et al. (2018) The People Living with HIV STIGMASurvey UK 2015: stigmatising experiences and dental care. British Dental Journal, 225(2), pp. 143-150. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2018.530) (PMID:30050184)

McAleer, P. , Stack, N., Cleland Woods, H. and Paterson, H. (2018) Using Open Access Peer-Reviews and Pre-Printed Submissions to Improve Students’ Comprehension of Academic Writing. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018. (Unpublished)

Hibbert, M. et al. (2018) The people living with HIV Stigma Survey UK 2015: HIV-related sexual rejection and other experiences of stigma and discrimination among gay and heterosexual men. AIDS Care, 30(9), pp. 1189-1196. (doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1479027) (PMID:29806466)

Paterson, H. , McAleer, P. and Barrett, U. (2018) Adventures in Student Interaction: Planned and Unplanned Audience Engagement. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018.


Crenna-Jennings, W. et al. (2017) Experiences of stigma and discrimination among women living with HIV in the UK: findings from the People Living with HIV Stigma Survey UK 2015. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), pp. 56-57. P136. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Hibbert, M. et al. (2017) A comparison of experiences of HIV stigma and discrimination between heterosexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM), and the influence of chemsex. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), p. 55. P132. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Paterson, H. (2017) Experiences of stigma and discrimination among women living with HIV in the UK: findings from the People Living with HIV Stigma Survey UK 2015. 23rd Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA), Liverpool, UK, 4–7 April 2017. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Sharp, L. , Paterson, H. and et al., (2017) Experiences of stigma among people living with HIV accessing care through the National Health Service. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), 30 -31. P50. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Sharp, L. , Paterson, H. and et al., (2017) The impact of HIV stigma on intimate relationships. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), 31 -31. P52. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)


Paterson, H. , McAleer, P. and Cleland Woods, H. (2016) Recycle, Repurpose, Reimagine: Using Open Source Technology to Enhance Student’s Learning of Research Methods. 9th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12 Apr 2016.

Tsantani, M. S., Belin, P., Paterson, H. M. and McAleer, P. (2016) Low vocal pitch preference drives first impressions irrespective of context in male voices but not in female voices. Perception, 45(8), pp. 946-963. (doi: 10.1177/0301006616643675) (PMID:27081101)


Bohan, J., Walsh, S., Paterson, H. , Paterson, H. and Stack, N. (2015) Who Uses Online Educational Resources and Do They Help Students Learn? 8th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 14 Apr 2015.


Paterson, H. , Bohan, J. and McAleer, P. (2014) Moodle as Big Brother: Quantifying Students’ Engagement Through their use of a Virtual Learning Environment. In: 7th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 10 Apr 2014, (Unpublished)


Pollick, F. E. and Paterson, H. (2008) Movement style, movement features, and the recognition of affect from human movement. In: Shipley, T. F. and Zacks, J. M. (eds.) Understanding Events: From Perception to Action. Series: Oxford series in visual cognition. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 286-307. ISBN 9780195188370 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195188370.003.0013)


Ma, Y., Paterson, H. M. and Pollick, F. E. (2006) A motion capture library for the study of identity, gender, and emotion perception from biological motion. Behavior Research Methods, 38(1), pp. 134-141. (doi: 10.3758/BF03192758) (PMID:16817522)


Ma, Y., Paterson, H. , Dolia, A., Cho, S.-B., Ude, A. and Pollick, F. (2004) Toward A Biologically-Inspired Representation of Human Affect. In: Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Stirling, Scotland, 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2004, ISBN 1857691997


Paterson, H. M. and Pollick, F. E. (2003) Perceptual consequences when combining form and biological motion. Journal of Vision, 3(9), 786a. (doi: 10.1167/3.9.786)

Pollick, F.E., Hill, H., Calder, A. and Paterson, H.M. (2003) Recognising facial expression from spatially and temporally modified movements. Perception, 32(7), pp. 813-826. (doi: 10.1068/p3319) (PMID:12974567)


Pollick, F.E., Paterson, H.M. , Bruderlin, A. and Sanford, A.J. (2001) Perceiving affect from arm movement. Cognition, 82(2), B51-B61. (doi: 10.1016/S0010-0277(01)00147-0) (PMID:11716834)

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 15:32:19 2024 BST.
Number of items: 31.


Botham, N., Sharp, L. , Paterson, H. , Wilson, M. , Martin, D., Kelly, S., Varveris, D. and Langan-Martin, J. (2024) Attitudes and knowledge of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): an exploration of medical students’ perspectives. Journal of ECT, (doi: 10.1097/YCT.0000000000001035) (PMID:39121009) (Early Online Publication)

Conry-Murray, C. et al. (2023) Validity and transparency in quantifying open-ended data. PsyArXiv, (doi: 10.31234/osf.io/86y9f)

McAleer, P. , Stack, N., Woods, H., DeBruine, L. M. , Paterson, H. , Nordmann, E. , Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E. and Barr, D. J. (2022) Embedding data skills in research methods education: preparing students for reproducible research. PsyArXiv, (doi: 10.31234/osf.io/hq68s)

Paterson, H. and McAleer, P. (2022) Sharing practice on framing feedback around student development. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1), pp. 123-134. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.42)

PsyTeachR Team, . et al. (2022) Open-source tutorials benefit the field. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1, pp. 312-313. (doi: 10.1038/s44159-022-00058-8)

Nordmann, E. , McAleer, P. , Toivo, W., Paterson, H. and Debruine, L. M. (2022) Data visualization using R for researchers who do not use R. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 5(2), p. 25152459221074654. (doi: 10.1177/25152459221074654)

McAleer, P. and Paterson, H. M. (2021) Improving pedagogy through Registered Reports. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), pp. 12-21. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.13)

Paterson, H. , Todorova, G. K. , Noble, K., Schickhoff, S. and Pollick, F. E. (2021) Evaluation of Headtorch WORKS as a workplace intervention for improved support and understanding of co-workers with poor mental health and well-being. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(6), pp. 931-942. (doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2021.1895757)

Okala, S. et al. (2018) The People Living with HIV STIGMASurvey UK 2015: stigmatising experiences and dental care. British Dental Journal, 225(2), pp. 143-150. (doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2018.530) (PMID:30050184)

Hibbert, M. et al. (2018) The people living with HIV Stigma Survey UK 2015: HIV-related sexual rejection and other experiences of stigma and discrimination among gay and heterosexual men. AIDS Care, 30(9), pp. 1189-1196. (doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1479027) (PMID:29806466)

Crenna-Jennings, W. et al. (2017) Experiences of stigma and discrimination among women living with HIV in the UK: findings from the People Living with HIV Stigma Survey UK 2015. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), pp. 56-57. P136. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Hibbert, M. et al. (2017) A comparison of experiences of HIV stigma and discrimination between heterosexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM), and the influence of chemsex. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), p. 55. P132. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Sharp, L. , Paterson, H. and et al., (2017) Experiences of stigma among people living with HIV accessing care through the National Health Service. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), 30 -31. P50. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Sharp, L. , Paterson, H. and et al., (2017) The impact of HIV stigma on intimate relationships. HIV Medicine, 18(S1), 31 -31. P52. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Tsantani, M. S., Belin, P., Paterson, H. M. and McAleer, P. (2016) Low vocal pitch preference drives first impressions irrespective of context in male voices but not in female voices. Perception, 45(8), pp. 946-963. (doi: 10.1177/0301006616643675) (PMID:27081101)

Ma, Y., Paterson, H. M. and Pollick, F. E. (2006) A motion capture library for the study of identity, gender, and emotion perception from biological motion. Behavior Research Methods, 38(1), pp. 134-141. (doi: 10.3758/BF03192758) (PMID:16817522)

Paterson, H. M. and Pollick, F. E. (2003) Perceptual consequences when combining form and biological motion. Journal of Vision, 3(9), 786a. (doi: 10.1167/3.9.786)

Pollick, F.E., Hill, H., Calder, A. and Paterson, H.M. (2003) Recognising facial expression from spatially and temporally modified movements. Perception, 32(7), pp. 813-826. (doi: 10.1068/p3319) (PMID:12974567)

Pollick, F.E., Paterson, H.M. , Bruderlin, A. and Sanford, A.J. (2001) Perceiving affect from arm movement. Cognition, 82(2), B51-B61. (doi: 10.1016/S0010-0277(01)00147-0) (PMID:11716834)

Book Sections

Sharp, L. , Karadzhov, D. and Paterson, H. (2022) Gathering feedback. In: Hughes, P. and Langan Martin, J. (eds.) Teaching Psychiatry to Undergraduates. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 162-167. ISBN 9781108925976 (doi: 10.1017/9781108921206.025)

Pollick, F. E. and Paterson, H. (2008) Movement style, movement features, and the recognition of affect from human movement. In: Shipley, T. F. and Zacks, J. M. (eds.) Understanding Events: From Perception to Action. Series: Oxford series in visual cognition. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 286-307. ISBN 9780195188370 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195188370.003.0013)

Conference or Workshop Item

Cleland Woods, H. , McAleer, P. and Paterson, H. (2021) A Curriculum Centered on Reproducible Research for the Psychologists of the Future. Division Of Academics, Researchers and Teachers In Psychology Annual Conference (DARTP 2021), 23-24 June 2021.

Paterson, H. , Debruine, L. and McAleer, P. (2021) Using the MarkR Software Package to Improve Your Feedback. 14th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference (LTCONF21), Glasgow, UK, 18th June 2021.

McAleer, P. , Cleland Woods, H. and Paterson, H. (2020) Using Personalised Analytics to Improve Your Assessment Feedback. 13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 25 Aug 2020.

McAleer, P. , Stack, N., Cleland Woods, H. and Paterson, H. (2018) Using Open Access Peer-Reviews and Pre-Printed Submissions to Improve Students’ Comprehension of Academic Writing. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018. (Unpublished)

Paterson, H. , McAleer, P. and Barrett, U. (2018) Adventures in Student Interaction: Planned and Unplanned Audience Engagement. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018.

Paterson, H. (2017) Experiences of stigma and discrimination among women living with HIV in the UK: findings from the People Living with HIV Stigma Survey UK 2015. 23rd Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA), Liverpool, UK, 4–7 April 2017. (doi: 10.1111/hiv.12513)

Paterson, H. , McAleer, P. and Cleland Woods, H. (2016) Recycle, Repurpose, Reimagine: Using Open Source Technology to Enhance Student’s Learning of Research Methods. 9th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12 Apr 2016.

Bohan, J., Walsh, S., Paterson, H. , Paterson, H. and Stack, N. (2015) Who Uses Online Educational Resources and Do They Help Students Learn? 8th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 14 Apr 2015.

Conference Proceedings

Paterson, H. , Bohan, J. and McAleer, P. (2014) Moodle as Big Brother: Quantifying Students’ Engagement Through their use of a Virtual Learning Environment. In: 7th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 10 Apr 2014, (Unpublished)

Ma, Y., Paterson, H. , Dolia, A., Cho, S.-B., Ude, A. and Pollick, F. (2004) Toward A Biologically-Inspired Representation of Human Affect. In: Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Stirling, Scotland, 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2004, ISBN 1857691997

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 15:32:19 2024 BST.