Now the clocks have gone back and the days are drawing in, things can start to feel more challenging – especially if you’re not used to the cold, or the sun setting before 5pm!  That’s why the start of winter can be a good time to think about your health and wellbeing, and what you can do to stay well, active, and motivated in the coming months.  There is plenty of support available to help you, including a range of university services and resources, and you can contact Mara, the School’s Student Support Officer on if you need any help at all in navigating these. 

Some of our academic staff have kindly shared their top tips below, and are helping us stay positive by highlighting their favourite thing about winter: so what’s yours?

Name: Lyndsay Fletcher
Position: Professor of Astrophysics

Lyndsay Fletcher

(This is me and Smokey Bear, who helps prevent wildfires in the US. He has had an uphill battle of late. We are near Boulder, Colorado)

What’s your favourite thing about winter?

I like cold, clear days when I can see the frosty hills around Glasgow from my kitchen window and also from my office. I like having a reason to wear a woolly hat (my favourite has a star on it). I also like being around the University in winter as there’s a buzz from all the students, which is not there to quite the same extent in summer. It reminds me of my own student days.

I also love Christmas with my family. We have a lot of stupid traditions, which I daren’t go into, but maybe the best is too many desserts on Christmas day. We have at least four, all home-made.

Do you have any top tips for staying healthy and/or motivated during the winter months?

Try and get outside, move about, and observe nature in the process of shutting down for a bit, knowing that it will soon be waking back up. Glasgow has so many places where you can do this. Outdoor exercise helps clear your head and some think it also helps with solving problems (see Charles Darwin and his “thinking path”).  

I am a slow but determined runner, and I never feel worse after a run, no matter how hard it is to get motivated. When motivation is a problem – for work, running, doing the cleaning or whatever -  l tell myself “I’ll just do ten minutes”. Somehow giving myself permission to stop if I want to (and meaning it) is enough to get started. Then, more often than not, I keep going. But even if you only do 10 minutes, that is much better than nothing!

Name: Trevor Almeida
Position: Lecturer 


(Aachen Christmas market, one of Trevor’s favourites)

What’s your favourite thing about winter?

My favourite thing about winter is the festive season and all it involves. This includes Christmas parties, Christmas decorations, visiting family during the Christmas break, festive food, socialising with friends and of course Hogmanay! If it isn’t raining, then I also enjoy walking around the Christmas markets during the cold crisp winter days.

Do you have any top tips for staying healthy and/or motivated during the winter months?

Finding ways to keep active during the cold winter months is an excellent way to stay healthy. I suggest an indoor sport like squash. The high intensity of running around and hitting a squash ball on a heated court is an excellent way to burn off all those extra calories from Christmas dinner and sweet treats bought at Christmas markets!

Name: Eric Yao
Position: Senior Lecturer

Eric Yao

(Eric’s favourite tree display of autumnal colour on campus)

What’s your favourite thing about winter?

The maple tree in between the Kelvin building and Professor square turning red.

Do you have any top tips for staying healthy and/or motivated during the winter months?

Outdoor activities. If you can get hold of decent weatherproofs and footwear, nothing beats a walk … in the park, up a hill. Snow is a bonus.

Name: Caroline Muellenbroich
Position: Lecturer


(Caroline wrapping up warm to connect with nature!)

What’s your favourite thing about winter?

Getting up very early does not come easy to me but in winter, I actually have a chance at being up before the crack of dawn and experience some truly wonderful foggy and mysterious sunrises. There is something about a crisp, clear, frosty winter day that is unique and deeply calming. Summer can sometimes be a bit of a frenzy whereas winter landscapes are more serene and peaceful.

Do you have any top tips for staying healthy and/or motivated during the winter months?

As a keen gardener, I try and observe nature closely as a source from which to draw comfort and inspiration. For example, when plants start to go into dormancy in winter when the weather gets colder and darker, it is such a useful reminder and permission for myself to rest as well. When the weather permits, I will be in my garden to get as much fresh air and sunlight as possible keeping myself busy with landscaping tasks that tire me out. This provides me with the perfect excuse to go inside at nightfall to warm up and relax with coffee on the couch.

First published: 8 November 2023

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