Dr Enza De Francisci

  • Senior Lecturer (Translation studies)


Before taking up my position as Lecturer in Translation Studies in Glasgow University in 2017, now Senior Lecturer (2022), I was teaching at University College London, where I completed my BA in Modern European Studies, MA in Italian Studies, and PhD entitled 'Women in Verga and Pirandello: From Page to Stage'. During this time, I gained various scholarships to the Scuola Normale di Pisa, the University of Bologna, and the University of Toronto. To prepare for my PhD, I carried out my preliminary research at the National Library in Paris and the Pirandello Institute in Rome, funded by the Italian orgianisation Il circolo.  

Research interests

My first book, A 'New' Woman in Verga and Pirandello: From Page to Stage (Legenda 2018), investigates the transposition of short stories to drama in the works of two leading Sicilian authors, Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) and Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936), focussing specifically on their representation of women which can be traced to Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House (1879). In uncovering the 'new' female voices, the book draws attention to the early actresses that were instrumental in transforming the women from 'page to stage', namely Eleonora Duse (1858-1924) and Marta Abba (1900-1988).

My co-edited volume with Christopher Stamatakis, Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange (Routledge 2017), brings together international scholars from English literature, Modern Languages, Theatre and Performance, Translation Studies, and Comparative Literature, to offer new perspectives on vibrant exchanges between Shakespeare and Italian theatre, literary cultures, and politics, from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century,

Recent co-edited special issues include Six Characters as World Literature in the PSA: The Journal of the Pirandello Society in America (2020-2021) with Michael Subialka and Lisa Sarti, and Translation and Performance Cultures in Translation Studies, 15: 3 (2022), with Cristina Marinetti.





List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006
Number of items: 61.


Pirandello, L., Gaziano, M., Gramaglia, G., De Francisci, E. and Bianchin, R. (2024) Tararà by Luigi Pirandello. [Performance]

De Francisci, E. (2024) Verga e Pirandello: senza autore. In: Klinkert, T., Luglio, D., Sichera, A. and Subialka, M. (eds.) Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore – nuove prospettive critiche. Atti del convegno di Zurigo (4–6 novembre 2021). Peter Lang: Oxford. (In Press)

De Francisci, E. (2024) The Sicilian Puppet Theater of Agrippino Manteo (1884-1947): The Paladins of France in America. By Jo Ann Cavallo. London, New York: Anthem Press, 2023. xxiv, 303 pp., 30 b/w illustrations. Hardcover $110.00, softcover, eBook $27.99. Puppetry International Research, 1(2), [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. and Guariento, L. (2024) Translating Pirandello. [Website]


De Francisci, E. (2023) Review of Enrico IV adapted by Mario Garziano and directed by Mario Sorbello at the Piazzale Caos Agrigento on 28 June 2023. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, 35, pp. 172-173.

De Francisci, E. (2023) Interview with Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka. Pirandello Studies, 43, pp. 171-177.

De Francisci, E. (2023) Producing Pirandello in Agrigento (Kaos). Pirandello Studies, 43, pp. 178-190.

De Francisci, E. (2023) Translating and rewriting Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend at the National Theatre. Translator, 29(3), pp. 281-296. (doi: 10.1080/13556509.2022.2073015)

De Francisci, E. (2023) From novella to theatre and opera: translating 'otherness' in Cavalleria rusticana. In: Ganguly, A. and Gotman, K. (eds.) Performance and Translation in a Global Age. Series: Theatre and performance theory. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge ; New York, pp. 186-200. ISBN 9781009296816 (doi: 10.1017/9781009296786)

De Francisci, E. (2023) Translating a Curiosity: An Unknown Play by Stefano Pirandello. Pirandelliana, Rivista internazionale di studi e documenti, 16(2022), pp. 95-103.

De Francisci, E. and Shisheng, L. (Eds.) (2023) Theatre Translation in the Asian World: Exchanges and Adaptations [Guest Editor]. Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities. [Edited Journal] (In Press)

De Francisci, E. and Shisheng, L. (2023) Introduction: Theatre Translation in the Asian World. Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities, (In Press)

De Francisci, E. (2023) Lo “stato” delle novelle nel mondo anglofono. In: Milioto, S. (ed.) Le Novelle di Pirandello "Raccolte" 2. Editrice Lussografica: Caltanissetta, pp. 61-71. ISBN 9788882435691

De Francisci, E. and Hudson, J. (2023) Glasgow-Nankai Translation Studies. [Website]

Tordzro, G. K. and De Francisci, E. (2023) Meli Creatives: Translating words, music, and ethnicities. In: De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (eds.) Translation in the Performing Arts. Series: Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)


De Francisci, E. (2022) Juliet Guzzetta, The Theater of Narration: From the Peripheries of History to the Main Stages of Italy. Modern Drama, 65(4), pp. 597-600. (doi: 10.3138/md-65-4-br3)[Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2022) Performing Ot(h)ello: Verdi, Salvini, and the stage manual. Cambridge Opera Journal, 34(3), pp. 293-308. (doi: 10.1017/S0954586722000258)

Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. (2022) Introduction: Translation and Performance Cultures. Translation Studies, 15(3), pp. 247-257. (doi: 10.1080/14781700.2022.2126386)

De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (Eds.) (2022) Translation in the Performing Arts. Series: Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. (In Press)

Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. (2022) Introduction to Translation in the Performing Arts. In: De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (eds.) Translation in the Performing Arts. Series: Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. (In Press)

De Francisci, E. (2022) Theatre and Translation, Margherita Laera (2020). Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance, 15(1-2), pp. 159-162. (doi: 10.1386/jafp_00075_5)[Book Review]

De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (Eds.) (2022) Translation and Performance Cultures: Agents and Networks [Guest Editor]. Translation Studies. 15(3) [Edited Journal]


De Francisci, E. (2021) Aleramo’s Una donna via Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. Forum Italicum, 55(3), pp. 741-757. (doi: 10.1177/00145858211046538)

De Francisci, E. (2021) Verga, Duse and Pirandello: Without an Author. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, 33, pp. 16-32.

De Francisci, E. (2021) Celebrity Translation in British Theatre: Relevance and Reception, Voice and Visibility, by Robert Stock. Translation and Literature, 30(2), pp. 261-265. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2021.0472)[Book Review]

De Francisci, E. , Sarti, L. and Subialka, M. (Eds.) (2021) ‘Six Characters as World Literature’. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America. 33 [Edited Journal]

De Francisci, E. (2021) Review of Luigi Pirandello, Stories for the Years, translated from the Italian by Virginia Jewiss (New Haven and London, Yale University Press. Pirandello Studies, 41, pp. 178-182. [Book Review]


De Francisci, E. (2020) "Othering" Sicily in Cavalleria rusticana and the Godfather Trilogy: from short story, to stage, to screen. In: Summerfield, G. (ed.) Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland: Jefferson, North Carolina, pp. 145-160. ISBN 9781476676487


De Francisci, E. (2019) Duse and Abba: The muses in Verga and Pirandello. In: La passione e il metodo: studiare teatro: 48 allievi per Marco De Marinis. Akropolis Libri: Genova, pp. 192-202.


De Francisci, E. (2018) A 'New' Woman in Verga and Pirandello: From Page to Stage. Series: Italian Perspectives, 40. Legenda: Cambridge. ISBN 9781781887837


De Francisci, E. (2017) Translating sicilianità in Pirandello’s dialect play Liolà. In: Brodie, G. and Cole, E. (eds.) Adapting Translation for the Stage. Series: Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York. ISBN 9781138218871

De Francisci, E. and Stamatakis, C. (Eds.) (2017) Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present. Series: Routledge studies in Shakespeare. Routledge: New York. ISBN 9781138668911

De Francisci, E. (2017) Giovanni Grasso: the “other” Othello on the London stage. In: De Francisci, E. and Stamatakis, C. (eds.) Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present. Series: Routledge studies in Shakespeare, 20. Routledge: New York, pp. 195-207. ISBN 9781138668911

De Francisci, E. (2017) Verga and Duse: before Cenere. In: Pagani, M. P. and Fryer, P. (eds.) Eleonora Duse and Cenere (Ashes): Centennial Essays. McFarland: Jefferson, pp. 41-55. ISBN 9781476663753


De Francisci, E. (2015) Giovanni Verga’s new woman in la lupa: from page to stage. Modern Language Review, 110(1), pp. 149-165. (doi: 10.5699/modelangrevi.110.1.0149)

De Francisci, E. (2015) Pirandello’s (futurist?) War of words. Pirandello Studies, 35, pp. 27-40.

De Francisci, E. (2015) Review of Alessio Baldini, Dipingere coi colori adatti: I Malavoglia e il romanzo moderno (Macerata, Quodlibet, 2012). Modern Language Review, 110(3), pp. 882-883. [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2015) Review of Mattia Pascal: The Man who Lived. A multi-vocal composition created by Maria Gaitanidi and the Raw Material Ensemble, performed on Thursday 23 November 2014 at St Leonard’s Church in Shoreditch. Pirandello Studies, 35, pp. 124-126.


De Francisci, E. (2014) Eleonora Duse in Cavalleria rusticana: Santuzza on the London stage. Italian Studies, 69(1), pp. 95-110. (doi: 10.1179/0075163413Z.00000000061)

De Francisci, E. (2014) Interview with Rory Keenan, lead actor in Liolà at the National Theatre. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 90-93.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Liolà: lost in (its literal) translation? Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 55-65.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Review of Liolà in a new version by Tanya Ronder, directed by Richard Eyre, the National Theatre, London, Wednesday 7 August 2013. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 100-102.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Review of Luigi Pirandello, Three Plays: A new translation by Anthony Mortimer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 96-99. [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2014) Review of The Old and the Young and the Ineluctability of Chaos, performed and devised by Joe Canuso, Becka McFadden, Tanya Hossick, Lara Parmiani, Marco Zingaro (LegalAliens ITC), and The Man with the Flower in His Mouth, in a new adaptation by Oneworld, directed by Dimitri Devdariani, performed by Phil Gerrard, Terry Jermyn and Nadia Ostacchini (Tricolore Theatre Company), the Bloomsbury Theatre, London, Saturday 9 November 2013. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 102-104.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Silvia’s silent voice in Tutto per bene. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 33-43.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Verga and Duse: transposing silence in “Il canarino del n. 15” and In portineria. A prelude to symbolism? Italianist, 34(1), pp. 73-87. (doi: 10.1179/0261434013Z.00000000064)


De Francisci, E. (2013) A different Leone: from Memmo to Leone. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, 26, pp. 33-48.

De Francisci, E. (2013) The female voice: From Quando si è capito il giuoco to Il giuoco delle parti. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 79-90.

De Francisci, E. (2013) Interviews with Terry d’Alfonso and with WoH Productions: Manuela Ruggiero, Marco Gambino and Carolina Artegian. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 126-30.

De Francisci, E. (2013) Review of Phantoms and the Effects of an Interrupted Dream, by Enzo Lauretta and Terry d’Alfonso, and scenes from Six Characters in Search of an Author and Il berretto a sonagli, by Manuela Ruggiero, the Bloomsbury Theatre, London, Saturday 10 November 2012. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 141-144.

De Francisci, E. (2013) Review of Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Anthony Khaseria and Manuela Ruggiero, the Rose Theatre, Bankside, Thursday 8 April 2013. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 145-147.


De Francisci, E. (2012) Mariangela in Verga’s La caccia al lupo: from page to stage. Between, 2(4),

De Francisci, E. (2012) Generations (Duse-Abba), gender (the performing female artist), and genre (from Leonora, addio! to Questa sera si recita a soggetto). Pirandello Studies, 32, pp. 58-70.

De Francisci, E. (2012) Pirandello’s actress: from page to meta-theatrical stage: “Leonora, addio!” to questa sera si recita a soggetto. anello che non tiene: Journal of Modern Italian Literature, 24(1-2), pp. 12-37.

De Francisci, E. (2012) Reshaping Verga’s women in Cavalleria rusticana and La Lupa. In: Arancibia, P. (ed.) Shaping an Identity: Adapting, Rewriting and Remaking Italian Literature. Legas: Ottawa, pp. 141-156. ISBN 9781897493359

De Francisci, E. (2012) Review of Pietro Gibellini, Verga, Pirandello e altri siciliani (Lecce, Milella, 2011). Pirandello Studies, 32, pp. 87-90. [Book Review]


De Francisci, E. (2010) Review of Six Characters Looking for an Author, adapted by David Harrower, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, 6 February 2010. Pirandello Studies, 30, pp. 113-116.

De Francisci, E. (2010) Review of Umberto Mariani, Living Masks: The Achievement of Pirandello (Toronto, University of Toronto, 2008). Pirandello Studies, 30, pp. 103-106. [Book Review]


De Francisci, E. (2009) Review of Henry IV by UCLU Drama Society, Bloomsbury Theatre, London, Friday 6 March 2009. Pirandello Studies, 29, pp. 167-170.


De Francisci, E. (2008) Pirandello’s women: from page to stage. Pirandello Studies, 28, pp. 89-99.


De Francisci, E. (2006) Review of As You Desire Me, Camden’s People Theatre, London, 9 September 2005. Pirandello Studies, 26, pp. 72-74.

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 22:44:54 2024 BST.
Number of items: 61.


De Francisci, E. (2023) Review of Enrico IV adapted by Mario Garziano and directed by Mario Sorbello at the Piazzale Caos Agrigento on 28 June 2023. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, 35, pp. 172-173.

De Francisci, E. (2023) Interview with Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka. Pirandello Studies, 43, pp. 171-177.

De Francisci, E. (2023) Producing Pirandello in Agrigento (Kaos). Pirandello Studies, 43, pp. 178-190.

De Francisci, E. (2023) Translating and rewriting Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend at the National Theatre. Translator, 29(3), pp. 281-296. (doi: 10.1080/13556509.2022.2073015)

De Francisci, E. (2023) Translating a Curiosity: An Unknown Play by Stefano Pirandello. Pirandelliana, Rivista internazionale di studi e documenti, 16(2022), pp. 95-103.

De Francisci, E. and Shisheng, L. (2023) Introduction: Theatre Translation in the Asian World. Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities, (In Press)

De Francisci, E. (2022) Performing Ot(h)ello: Verdi, Salvini, and the stage manual. Cambridge Opera Journal, 34(3), pp. 293-308. (doi: 10.1017/S0954586722000258)

Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. (2022) Introduction: Translation and Performance Cultures. Translation Studies, 15(3), pp. 247-257. (doi: 10.1080/14781700.2022.2126386)

De Francisci, E. (2021) Aleramo’s Una donna via Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. Forum Italicum, 55(3), pp. 741-757. (doi: 10.1177/00145858211046538)

De Francisci, E. (2021) Verga, Duse and Pirandello: Without an Author. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, 33, pp. 16-32.

De Francisci, E. (2015) Giovanni Verga’s new woman in la lupa: from page to stage. Modern Language Review, 110(1), pp. 149-165. (doi: 10.5699/modelangrevi.110.1.0149)

De Francisci, E. (2015) Pirandello’s (futurist?) War of words. Pirandello Studies, 35, pp. 27-40.

De Francisci, E. (2015) Review of Mattia Pascal: The Man who Lived. A multi-vocal composition created by Maria Gaitanidi and the Raw Material Ensemble, performed on Thursday 23 November 2014 at St Leonard’s Church in Shoreditch. Pirandello Studies, 35, pp. 124-126.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Eleonora Duse in Cavalleria rusticana: Santuzza on the London stage. Italian Studies, 69(1), pp. 95-110. (doi: 10.1179/0075163413Z.00000000061)

De Francisci, E. (2014) Interview with Rory Keenan, lead actor in Liolà at the National Theatre. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 90-93.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Liolà: lost in (its literal) translation? Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 55-65.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Review of Liolà in a new version by Tanya Ronder, directed by Richard Eyre, the National Theatre, London, Wednesday 7 August 2013. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 100-102.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Review of The Old and the Young and the Ineluctability of Chaos, performed and devised by Joe Canuso, Becka McFadden, Tanya Hossick, Lara Parmiani, Marco Zingaro (LegalAliens ITC), and The Man with the Flower in His Mouth, in a new adaptation by Oneworld, directed by Dimitri Devdariani, performed by Phil Gerrard, Terry Jermyn and Nadia Ostacchini (Tricolore Theatre Company), the Bloomsbury Theatre, London, Saturday 9 November 2013. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 102-104.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Silvia’s silent voice in Tutto per bene. Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 33-43.

De Francisci, E. (2014) Verga and Duse: transposing silence in “Il canarino del n. 15” and In portineria. A prelude to symbolism? Italianist, 34(1), pp. 73-87. (doi: 10.1179/0261434013Z.00000000064)

De Francisci, E. (2013) A different Leone: from Memmo to Leone. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, 26, pp. 33-48.

De Francisci, E. (2013) The female voice: From Quando si è capito il giuoco to Il giuoco delle parti. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 79-90.

De Francisci, E. (2013) Interviews with Terry d’Alfonso and with WoH Productions: Manuela Ruggiero, Marco Gambino and Carolina Artegian. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 126-30.

De Francisci, E. (2013) Review of Phantoms and the Effects of an Interrupted Dream, by Enzo Lauretta and Terry d’Alfonso, and scenes from Six Characters in Search of an Author and Il berretto a sonagli, by Manuela Ruggiero, the Bloomsbury Theatre, London, Saturday 10 November 2012. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 141-144.

De Francisci, E. (2013) Review of Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Anthony Khaseria and Manuela Ruggiero, the Rose Theatre, Bankside, Thursday 8 April 2013. Pirandello Studies, 33, pp. 145-147.

De Francisci, E. (2012) Mariangela in Verga’s La caccia al lupo: from page to stage. Between, 2(4),

De Francisci, E. (2012) Generations (Duse-Abba), gender (the performing female artist), and genre (from Leonora, addio! to Questa sera si recita a soggetto). Pirandello Studies, 32, pp. 58-70.

De Francisci, E. (2012) Pirandello’s actress: from page to meta-theatrical stage: “Leonora, addio!” to questa sera si recita a soggetto. anello che non tiene: Journal of Modern Italian Literature, 24(1-2), pp. 12-37.

De Francisci, E. (2010) Review of Six Characters Looking for an Author, adapted by David Harrower, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, 6 February 2010. Pirandello Studies, 30, pp. 113-116.

De Francisci, E. (2009) Review of Henry IV by UCLU Drama Society, Bloomsbury Theatre, London, Friday 6 March 2009. Pirandello Studies, 29, pp. 167-170.

De Francisci, E. (2008) Pirandello’s women: from page to stage. Pirandello Studies, 28, pp. 89-99.

De Francisci, E. (2006) Review of As You Desire Me, Camden’s People Theatre, London, 9 September 2005. Pirandello Studies, 26, pp. 72-74.


De Francisci, E. (2018) A 'New' Woman in Verga and Pirandello: From Page to Stage. Series: Italian Perspectives, 40. Legenda: Cambridge. ISBN 9781781887837

Book Sections

De Francisci, E. (2024) Verga e Pirandello: senza autore. In: Klinkert, T., Luglio, D., Sichera, A. and Subialka, M. (eds.) Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore – nuove prospettive critiche. Atti del convegno di Zurigo (4–6 novembre 2021). Peter Lang: Oxford. (In Press)

De Francisci, E. (2023) From novella to theatre and opera: translating 'otherness' in Cavalleria rusticana. In: Ganguly, A. and Gotman, K. (eds.) Performance and Translation in a Global Age. Series: Theatre and performance theory. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge ; New York, pp. 186-200. ISBN 9781009296816 (doi: 10.1017/9781009296786)

De Francisci, E. (2023) Lo “stato” delle novelle nel mondo anglofono. In: Milioto, S. (ed.) Le Novelle di Pirandello "Raccolte" 2. Editrice Lussografica: Caltanissetta, pp. 61-71. ISBN 9788882435691

Tordzro, G. K. and De Francisci, E. (2023) Meli Creatives: Translating words, music, and ethnicities. In: De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (eds.) Translation in the Performing Arts. Series: Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)

Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. (2022) Introduction to Translation in the Performing Arts. In: De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (eds.) Translation in the Performing Arts. Series: Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. (In Press)

De Francisci, E. (2020) "Othering" Sicily in Cavalleria rusticana and the Godfather Trilogy: from short story, to stage, to screen. In: Summerfield, G. (ed.) Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture. McFarland: Jefferson, North Carolina, pp. 145-160. ISBN 9781476676487

De Francisci, E. (2019) Duse and Abba: The muses in Verga and Pirandello. In: La passione e il metodo: studiare teatro: 48 allievi per Marco De Marinis. Akropolis Libri: Genova, pp. 192-202.

De Francisci, E. (2017) Translating sicilianità in Pirandello’s dialect play Liolà. In: Brodie, G. and Cole, E. (eds.) Adapting Translation for the Stage. Series: Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York. ISBN 9781138218871

De Francisci, E. (2017) Giovanni Grasso: the “other” Othello on the London stage. In: De Francisci, E. and Stamatakis, C. (eds.) Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present. Series: Routledge studies in Shakespeare, 20. Routledge: New York, pp. 195-207. ISBN 9781138668911

De Francisci, E. (2017) Verga and Duse: before Cenere. In: Pagani, M. P. and Fryer, P. (eds.) Eleonora Duse and Cenere (Ashes): Centennial Essays. McFarland: Jefferson, pp. 41-55. ISBN 9781476663753

De Francisci, E. (2012) Reshaping Verga’s women in Cavalleria rusticana and La Lupa. In: Arancibia, P. (ed.) Shaping an Identity: Adapting, Rewriting and Remaking Italian Literature. Legas: Ottawa, pp. 141-156. ISBN 9781897493359

Book Reviews

De Francisci, E. (2024) The Sicilian Puppet Theater of Agrippino Manteo (1884-1947): The Paladins of France in America. By Jo Ann Cavallo. London, New York: Anthem Press, 2023. xxiv, 303 pp., 30 b/w illustrations. Hardcover $110.00, softcover, eBook $27.99. Puppetry International Research, 1(2), [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2022) Juliet Guzzetta, The Theater of Narration: From the Peripheries of History to the Main Stages of Italy. Modern Drama, 65(4), pp. 597-600. (doi: 10.3138/md-65-4-br3)[Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2022) Theatre and Translation, Margherita Laera (2020). Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance, 15(1-2), pp. 159-162. (doi: 10.1386/jafp_00075_5)[Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2021) Celebrity Translation in British Theatre: Relevance and Reception, Voice and Visibility, by Robert Stock. Translation and Literature, 30(2), pp. 261-265. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2021.0472)[Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2021) Review of Luigi Pirandello, Stories for the Years, translated from the Italian by Virginia Jewiss (New Haven and London, Yale University Press. Pirandello Studies, 41, pp. 178-182. [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2015) Review of Alessio Baldini, Dipingere coi colori adatti: I Malavoglia e il romanzo moderno (Macerata, Quodlibet, 2012). Modern Language Review, 110(3), pp. 882-883. [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2014) Review of Luigi Pirandello, Three Plays: A new translation by Anthony Mortimer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). Pirandello Studies, 34, pp. 96-99. [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2012) Review of Pietro Gibellini, Verga, Pirandello e altri siciliani (Lecce, Milella, 2011). Pirandello Studies, 32, pp. 87-90. [Book Review]

De Francisci, E. (2010) Review of Umberto Mariani, Living Masks: The Achievement of Pirandello (Toronto, University of Toronto, 2008). Pirandello Studies, 30, pp. 103-106. [Book Review]

Edited Books

De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (Eds.) (2022) Translation in the Performing Arts. Series: Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. (In Press)

De Francisci, E. and Stamatakis, C. (Eds.) (2017) Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present. Series: Routledge studies in Shakespeare. Routledge: New York. ISBN 9781138668911

Edited Journals

De Francisci, E. and Shisheng, L. (Eds.) (2023) Theatre Translation in the Asian World: Exchanges and Adaptations [Guest Editor]. Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities. [Edited Journal] (In Press)

De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. (Eds.) (2022) Translation and Performance Cultures: Agents and Networks [Guest Editor]. Translation Studies. 15(3) [Edited Journal]

De Francisci, E. , Sarti, L. and Subialka, M. (Eds.) (2021) ‘Six Characters as World Literature’. PSA: Journal of the Pirandello Society of America. 33 [Edited Journal]


Pirandello, L., Gaziano, M., Gramaglia, G., De Francisci, E. and Bianchin, R. (2024) Tararà by Luigi Pirandello. [Performance]


De Francisci, E. and Guariento, L. (2024) Translating Pirandello. [Website]

De Francisci, E. and Hudson, J. (2023) Glasgow-Nankai Translation Studies. [Website]

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 22:44:54 2024 BST.



AHRC Impact Acceleration Account Mobility Fund (PI): Translating Pirandello in Agrigento: City of Culture in 2025.

Chancellor's Fund to run a PhD in-sessional support programme with Dr Micky Ross (EAS).


Stirling Maxwell Centre to fund 'Performing Sicily' at the Hidden Lane Gallery in Glasgow (£500) with the support from the Society for Italian Studies (£140), the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh, and Comites Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.


University of Glasgow Strategic Research Allocation to participate in EU-funded project, 'Fabulamundi: Playwrighting Europe Beyond Borders?' (£250).

University of Glasgow cross-college sponsorship to run a one-day conference, 'Meeting Points: Migration and Displacement Across the Arts and Humanities' (£1,000).


Society for Italian Studies to sponsor the one-day conference 'Pirandello and Translation' at Glasgow University (£200). Further sponsorship sought from the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh (£150).

Mazzini Gabribaldi Charitable Foundation to fund a 'Visualising Shakeapeare' event at Glasgow Univetsity (£500). Further sponsorship sought from the Society for Italian Studies (£500) and the Italian Cultural Institute (£400). 


AHRC-funded Collaborative Learning in the Arts, Society, and the Humanities Fellowship with University College London and King's College London to run a Shakespeare and Italy course at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (£2,500). 


Any aspect of translation from the early modern period to the present

  • Liu, Chunwei
    Male Homosocial Gaze and Masculinity in Superhero Narratives
  • Liu, Zhaolong
    The English Translation of Louis Cha’s Martial Arts Fiction
  • Yang, Hanru
    Unnatural Narrative in Translating Novels and Short Stories
  • Zhang, Ziyu
    Silence in Radio Drama and The Case Studies of Harold Pinter


Classes I teach or contribute to on the Glasgow Translation Studies programme as well as on the Glasgow-Nankai Joint Graduate School MSc: 

  • Translation Studies in Theory and Practice
  • Approaches to Translation and the Professional Practice 
  • Literary Translation (Convenor) 
  • Marketing and Translation Across Media
  • Subtitling Film and TV
  • Dissertation Workshops

I also contribute to teaching on the Comparative Literature MLitt and Italian Advanced Translation and Language Studies MSc. 

Additional information

University Role

2023 - Deputy Dean for Transnational Education

School Roles

2017- Programme Director, MSc in Translation Studies Glasgow-Nankai Joint School programme 

2022- School of Modern Languages and Cultures Internationalisation Officer


Visiting Scholarships

2018- University of Palermo

2018- University of Catania


External Examining

2021- External Evaluator at Malta Further and Higher Education Authority

2020: MPhil examiner at the University of Western Australia



2014- Theatre Reviews Editor in Pirandello Studies

I have been a peer-reviewer for the following journals: Translation Studies Contemporary Theatre Review, The Forum for Modern Languages, The Italianist, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Modern Language Review, Pirandello Studies, PSA: The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, and European Judaism. I have also been a peer reviewer for the following publishers: Bloomsbury Publishing, Peter Lang, and Oxford University Press. 


Invited Talks/ Keynotes

2022: Mediterranean Centre in Ortigia (Siracusa)

2020: University of Sydney (Australia)

2020: National Theatre (London)

2019: Nankai University in the Italian Department (Tianjin)

2019: Italian Cultural Institute (Beijing) 

2019: Fabulamundi (Milan)

2018: Fondazione Verga (Catania)

2017: Brown University (US)


BBC Radio Programmes

2022: World Service, The Forum: 'Eleonora Duse: The First Great Modern Actress'

2021: World Service, The Forum: 'Luigi Pirandello: Italian Dramatist Who Brought Chaos to the Stage'.


Further Qualifications

2021: Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice with Merit (PGCap), Glasgow University, confers Recognising Excellence in Teaching Fellowship (RET). 


Translation Award

Stefano Pirandello, All You Need is a Father, trans with Susan Bassnett (Imola, Cue Press: 2022). Winner of the National Prize for Translation awarded by Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.