External Engagement Projects and Impact Activity

Selected areas of external engagement and impact include:

Preserving endangered cultural heritage

  • Digitising Haitian literary archives (Douglas, Leverhulme Fellowship)
  • Research funded via Global Challenges Research Funding (e.g. Douglas, Forcer), and develop links with colleagues in Malawi via MaGNetic (The Malawi-Glasgow Network for Interdisciplinary Collaboration) (Syrotinski).

Bringing a cross-cultural perspective to College of Arts and Humanities Impact Catalyst initiatives

  • Building on work by Zinnari in the area of mental health and the arts for which the SMLC has provided seed funding.
  • Building on research on translation and censorship in Franco’s Spain, by cultivating links with media, NGOs, library professionals (Cornella-Detrell)
  • Work with actors and theatre practitioners nationally and internationally on questions of theatre translation (De Francisci)
  • Translation between UK and China/South Korea in area of digital media and public impact of translation practises (Evans)

Work with schools

  • Developing cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary resources for schools on the model of ‘Mask across anatomy, anthropology, theatre and the visual arts: an interdisciplinary unit’ (Segnini, IAA)