Information for Staff

Committees and Meetings Calendar

Booking Laptops and Skype Equipment

Our Arts IT Team have a centre pool of laptops which can be booked using the link below.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Click on
  2. Log in using the button at the top right hand side of the booking screen
  3. Use the drop down menu at the top left hand side of the screen to choose your piece of equipment i.e. laptop, camcorder
  4. Using the booking calendar, click on the date that you require the equipment  
  5. Complete the booking form outlining your requirements
  6. Press SAVE

IT will then approve your request and you will be sent an email to confirm that you can collect your laptop. The collection point is Room 203, 6 University Gardens.

Other Useful Information


Newsletter Submission Form

The SMLC is pleased to announce that we are relaunching our School newsletter, with the aim of delivering 2-to-3 issues times per academic session. Publication of the next issue is planned for September, around the start of the new term on Monday 23 September. We encourage you to submit any newsworthy items such as recent successes, upcoming events, or stories of interest from the school’s wider community. We are also very interested in receiving any stories related to or updates from SMLC alumni.


Submissions for our next newsletter should be received by Friday 30th August 2024 and should include the following:

  • A headline
  • Brief 2-3 sentence summary
  • A paragraph of 200-600 words providing further details, as well as any relevant information and links
  • An accompanying image or two (optional)


Please use this form to submit.


Please email with any questions regarding the newsletter.