Attendees at the meeting with HE Peter Mutharika and the First Lady in the Principal’s Lodgings

Following the recent Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London, HE Peter Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi, travelled to Scotland for several days of talks and meetings. His first stop was an event at the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) during which he was shown a number of exhibits from their David Livingstone Collection and heard from members of the Global Health Group about current RCPSG projects in Malawi. This included a summary by Professor Bagg of the joint work currently underway between the RCPSG, University of Glasgow and the College of Medicine at the University of Malawi to establish Malawi’s first dental school. 

Subsequently, the President travelled on to the University of Glasgow where he was greeted by the Principal and, after lunch, spent an hour discussing ongoing work between the University of Glasgow College of Medical Veterinary & Life Sciences and the College of Medicine in Blantyre. This includes projects on malaria based in the Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology, a range of non-communicable diseases which are the focus of the £2m Blantyre-Blantyre Project led by the Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation, academic governance developments through the School of Life Sciences and the Dental School project. 

If you would like to read more about the visit, details are available at:

First published: 25 April 2018