A graphic with head and shoulder shots of Prof Graham and Prof Garside set against a filtered image of the SGDB

The Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation can announce that Professor Gerry Graham has been appointed as iii Interim Director.

Professor Paul Garside is appointed as Interim Deputy, and both appointments will be effective from the middle of November.

Departing Director Professor Iain McInnes said: "I am delighted to announce that Prof Gerry Graham has been appointed as the interim Director of the Institute while we seek a new permanent Director. 

"Prof Paul Garside is to be appointed as the Interim Deputy. I am very grateful to both Gerry and Paul for stepping up to take the Institute into this new phase in its evolution.

"I am confident that both will provide the Institute with excellent management in the next six months."

First published: 13 October 2020