Delegates from the College of Medicine, Malawi, recently visited Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology and Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation.

The group, which included the principal of College of Medicine Dr Mwapatsa Mipando, was in Glasgow to meet with Professor Jeremy Bagg, Head of the Dental School, to discuss the set-up of a dental training course in Malawi.

While in Glasgow, they made time to visit Professors Paul Garside and Andy Waters to further progress the Blantyre—Blantyre Clinical Research (BBRC) lab project and other joint projects in Malawi.

Professor Paul Garside said: “It’s great to welcome friends and colleagues from University of Malawi College of Medicine again as collaborations with more and more areas of University of Glasgow go from strength to strength”

Professor Andy Waters said: “It was a pleasure to welcome our colleagues and friends from the College of Medicine and discuss the progress in our joint BBRC project. 

“Furthermore, we were particularly delighted to see the development of the plans to establish the first Dental School in Malawi.  This is concrete evidence that the broad engagement of Glasgow University academia with Malawian health issues as promoted by WCMP can generate valuable, indeed essential progress”.

First published: 20 March 2018