Dr Susanna Harris

  • Senior Lecturer (Archaeology)

Research interests

My research investigates the material culture of past societies. I specialise in the analysis of textiles and leather using scientific, theoretical and experimental approaches. In summary:

  • Artefacts and material culture
  • Textile specialist
  • Deep history to early medieval
  • Northwest Europe and central Mediterranean
  • Cloth and clothing

I gained my first degree in archaeology at the University of Durham, Master's and PhD at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. I have held research positions in Italy, Germany and the UK. Since 2008 my research has been funded the British Academy, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Carnegie Trust for the University of Scotland, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

My publications include co-edited volumes ‘Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography’, ‘Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Approaches’ and ‘Why Leather? The material and cultural dimensions of leather’. I I share my research through academic publications, broadcasts and social media channels such as Youtube.

Current activities

I am co-investigator of the AHRC funded project ‘Unwrapping the Galloway Hoard’, and lead investigator for ‘Fibres and Fabrics from Must Farm Bronze Age Pile-Dwelling’.


I work with museums, commercial archaeology units and government bodies to analyse textiles, basketry and leather from archaeological sites. In practice, my research involves the identification, recording and sampling of artefacts across a wide network of museums and archives in Europe and the Mediterranean.

Articles on the University News pages

Dr Susanna Harris


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 49.


Grömer, K., Harris, S. , Gouy, A. and Brøns, C. (2024) A sensory perspective on high-ranked women’s dress of the 8th till 4th century BC in Mediterranean and central Europe. In: Sarri, K., Droß-Krüpe, K. and Quillien, L. (eds.) Textile Crossroads: Exploring European Clothing, Identity, and Culture across Millennia. Zea Books.

Gleba, M., Harris, S. and Malcolm-Davies, J. (2024) Textile analysis in Europe: current practices and future prognosis. In: Textiles and Threads. Brepols, Belgium. (Accepted for Publication)

Brück, J., Harris, S. , Henderson, J., Sheridan, A. and Uckelm, M. (2024) Material abundance, ordinary life. In: Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Brudenell, M., Cooper, A., Gibson, D. and Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.) Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement Volume 1. Landscape, architecture and occupation. Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)


Harrison, A., Cartwright, C., Harris, S. , Shearman, F. and Wilkin, N. (2023) Analysis and conservation of a Bronze Age linen textile from Suffolk, UK. Archaeological Textiles Review, 65, pp. 49-63.

Davis, M. and Harris, S. (2023) Textiles in a Viking Age hoard: identifying ephemeral traces of textiles in metal corrosion products. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48, 103796. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103796)

Harris, S. , Houston, F. and Oliver, J. (2023) Textile from the Crannog: analyses and weave experiment of a 2/1 twill weave from Oakbank, Scotland, 400 BCE. Archaeological Textiles Review, 64, pp. 16-27.


Prew, G. and Harris, S. (2022) United Kingdom. In: Ulanowska, A., Nosch, M.-L. and Nabais, P. (eds.) EuroWeb National Survey of the European Textile Dress and Fashion Sectors. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), pp. 188-197.

Caricola, I. et al. (2022) Organic residue analysis reveals the function of bronze age metal daggers. Scientific Reports, 12, 6101. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09983-3)

Harris, S. , Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (Eds.) (2022) Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography. Series: Ancient Textiles Series. Oxbow Books: Oxford. ISBN 9781789257212

Brøns, C., Harris, S. and Żuchowska, M. (2022) Introduction: Approaching textiles in ancient Mediterranean iconography. In: Harris, S., Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (eds.) Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography. Series: Ancient Textiles Series, 38. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781789257212

Harris, S. (2022) Abundance and splendour: textiles of Archaic Greek statues of young women (korai). In: Harris, S., Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (eds.) Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography. Series: Ancient Textiles Series, 38. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 59-78. ISBN 9781789257212

Harris, S. and Gleba, M. (2022) Fibres and fabrics. In: Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Brudenell, M., Cooper, A., Gibson, D. and Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.) The Must Farm Pile-dwelling Settlement. Volume 2: Specialist Reports. Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)

Harris, S. (2022) The value of things: Textiles in the Iron Age. In: Hahn, H. P., Klöckner, A. and Wicke, D. (eds.) Values and Revaluations: The Transformation and Genesis of 'Values in Things' from Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 87-105. ISBN 9781789258134

Harris, S. , Gleba, M., Meeks, N. D. and Cartwright, C. R. (2022) Textiles. In: Evans, C., Knight, M. and Pollard, J. (eds.) A Book of Sites: Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations at Barleycroft Farm/Over Cambridgeshire. Series: The Archaeology of the lower Ouse Valley (IV). McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)


Dimova, B., Gleba, M. and Harris, S. (2021) Naval power and textile technology: sail production in ancient Greece. World Archaeology, 53(5), pp. 762-778. (doi: 10.1080/00438243.2021.2015428)


Harris, S. (2019) The sensory archaeology of textiles. In: Skeates, R. and Day, J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 210-232. ISBN 9781138676299

Harris, S. (2019) The challenge of textiles in early bronze age burials: fragments of magnificence. In: Sabatini, S. and Bergerbrant, S. (eds.) The Textile Revolution in Bronze Age Europe. Cambridge University Press, pp. 154-196. ISBN 9781108493598

Gleba, M. and Harris, S. (2019) The first plant bast fibre technology: identifying splicing in archaeological textiles. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(5), pp. 2329-2346. (doi: 10.1007/s12520-018-0677-8)

Hopewell, P. and Harris, S. (2019) Blue dyed textiles in Early Iron Age Europe: accessible or exclusive? Archaeological Textiles Review, 61, pp. 24-37.


Harris, S. , Haigh, S., Handley, A. and Sampson, W. (2017) Material choices for fibre in the Neolithic: an approach through the measurement of mechanical properties. Archaeometry, 59(3), pp. 574-591. (doi: 10.1111/arcm.12267)

Harris, S. (2017) From value to desirability: the allure of worldly things. World Archaeology, 49(5), pp. 681-699. (doi: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1413416)

Harris, S. and Jones, A. M. (2017) Beautiful Things: Textiles and Fibre Artefacts from an Early Bronze Age Cremation, Whitehorse Hill, England. In: North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles: NESAT XIII, Liberec, Czech Republic, 22-26 May 2017, ISBN 9788074943973


Cameron, E., Harris, S. and Mould, Q. (2016) The textile and animal-skin object. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 148-156. ISBN 9781785702600

Harris, S. (2016) The charred textiles from the cremation deposit. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 49-51. ISBN 9781785702600

Melton, N. D., Montgomery, J., Roberts, B. W., Cook, G. and Harris, S. (2016) On the curious date of the Rylstone log-coffin burial. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 82, pp. 383-392. (doi: 10.1017/ppr.2016.5)

Sheridan, A. et al. (2016) The composite braided hair armband or bracelet. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 75-87. ISBN 9781785702600


Harris, S. and Gleba, M. (2015) Bronze Age moss fibre garments from Scotland – the jury’s out. Archaeological Textiles Review(57), pp. 3-11.

Harris, S. (2015) Folded, layered textiles from a Bronze Age pit pyre excavated from Over Barrow 2, Cambridgeshire, England. In: Grömer, K. and Pritchard, F. (eds.) Aspects of the design, production and use of textiles and clothing from the Bronze Age to the early modern era : NESAT XII : the North European Symposium of Archaeological Textiles 21st-24th May in Hallstatt, Austria. Series: Archaeolingua Main Series (33). Archaeological Alapítvány: Budapest, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9789639911673

Harris, S. (2015) Flax fibre: innovation and change in the early Neolithic: a technological and material perspective. In: Svenson, A. (ed.) Textile Society of America 2014 Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, Los. University of Nebraska Digital Commons: California, pp. 1-10.


Douny, L. and Harris, S. (2014) Wrapping and unwrapping, concepts and approaches. In: Harris, S. and Douny, L. (eds.) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (64). Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, California, pp. 15-40. ISBN 9781611328875

Harris, S. and Douny, L. (Eds.) (2014) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, California. ISBN 9781611328875

Harris, S. (2014) Sensible dress: the sight, sound, smell and touch of Late Ertebølle Mesolithic cloth types. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 24(1), pp. 37-56. (doi: 10.1017/S0959774314000031)

Harris, S. and Veldmeijer, A. (Eds.) (2014) Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. Sidestone: Leiden. ISBN 9789088902611

Harris, S. (2014) Cloth culture in the Middle Neolithic of northern Italy with special reference to basketry (c.4900-4250 BC). In: Pearce, M. and Whitehouse, R. D. (eds.) Rethinking the Italian Neolithic. Series: Accordia Research Papers, 13 (13). Accordia Research Institute, University of London, pp. 103-130. ISBN 9781873415405

Harris, S. (2014) Introduction: leather in archaeology, between material properties, materiality and technological choices. In: Harris, S. and Veldmeijer, A. (eds.) Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. Sidestone Press: Leiden, pp. 9-21. ISBN 9789088902611

Harris, S. (2014) Wrapping the dead: an investigation of the Bronze Age burial mounds of southern Scandinavia through a wrapping analysis. In: Harris, S. and Douny, L. (eds.) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (64). Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, pp. 115-134. ISBN 9781611328875

Harris, S. and Hoffmann, K. P. (2014) From stones to gendered bodies: regional differences in the production of the body and gender on the copper age statue-Menhirs of Northern Italy and the Swiss Valais. European Journal of Archaeology, 17(2), pp. 264-285. (doi: 10.1179/1461957114Y.0000000054)

Lelong, O. et al. (2014) Wrappings of power: a woman's burial in cattle hide at Langwell Farm, Strath Oykel. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 144, pp. 65-131.


Harris, S. (2012) From the parochial to the universal: comparing cloth cultures in the Bronze Age. European Journal of Archaeology, 15(1), pp. 61-97. (doi: 10.1179/1461957112Y.0000000006)


Higgitt, C., Harris, S. , Cartwright, C. and Cruickshank, P. (2011) Assessing the potential of historic archaeological collections: a pilot study of the British Museum’s Swiss lake village textiles. British Museum Technical Research Bulletin, 5, pp. 81-94.

Harris, S. (2011) Preparing skins in prehistory: a review of evidence and approaches. In: Thomson, R. and Mould, Q. (eds.) Leather tanneries: the archaeological evidence. Archetype Press for the Archaeological Leather Group: London, pp. 57-67. ISBN 9781904982616


Harris, S. , Rösel-Mautendorfer, H., Grömer, K. and Reschreiter, H. (2009) Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt. Archaeology International, 12, pp. 22-26. (doi: 10.5334/ai.1206)

Harris, S. (2009) Smooth and cool or warm and soft, investigating the properties of cloth in prehistory. In: Andersson Strand, E., Gleba, M., Mannering, U., Munkholt, C. and Ringgaard, M. (eds.) North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X. Series: Ancient textiles series (5). Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 140-112. ISBN 9781785701566


Harris, S. (2008) Textiles, cloth and skins: the problem of terminology and relationship. Textile, 6(3), pp. 222-237. (doi: 10.2752/175183508X377645)

Harris, S. (2008) Exploring the materiality of prehistoric cloth types. In: Cunningham, P., Heeb, J. and Paardekooper, R. (eds.) Experiencing Archaeology by Experiment: Proceedings of the Experimental Archaeology Conference, Exeter 2007. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 81-102. ISBN 9781842173428


Harris, S. (2007) Investigating social aspects of technical processes: cloth production from plant fibers in a Neolithic lake dwelling on Lake Constance, Germany. In: Beugnier, V. and Crombé, P. (eds.) Plant Processing From A Prehistoric and Ethnographic Perspective. Series: BAR international series (1718). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 83-100. ISBN 9781407302010


Harris, S. (2006) A report on the examination of animal skin artefacts from the Bronze Age salt mines of Hallstatt, Austria. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 17, pp. 69-76. (doi: 10.5334/pia.270)


Harris, S. (2004) I tessuti nelle composizioni monumentali della Valcamonica nell'età del Rame. Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, 34, pp. 222-228.


Harris, S. (2003) Representations of woven textiles in Alpine Europe during the Copper Age. In: Herring, E. and Wilkins, J.B. (eds.) Inhabiting Symbols: symbol and image in the ancient Mediterranean. Series: Accordia specialist studies on the Mediterranean (5). Accordia Research Institute, University of London: London, pp. 43-84. ISBN 9781873415252

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 15:07:40 2024 BST.
Number of items: 49.


Harrison, A., Cartwright, C., Harris, S. , Shearman, F. and Wilkin, N. (2023) Analysis and conservation of a Bronze Age linen textile from Suffolk, UK. Archaeological Textiles Review, 65, pp. 49-63.

Davis, M. and Harris, S. (2023) Textiles in a Viking Age hoard: identifying ephemeral traces of textiles in metal corrosion products. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48, 103796. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103796)

Harris, S. , Houston, F. and Oliver, J. (2023) Textile from the Crannog: analyses and weave experiment of a 2/1 twill weave from Oakbank, Scotland, 400 BCE. Archaeological Textiles Review, 64, pp. 16-27.

Caricola, I. et al. (2022) Organic residue analysis reveals the function of bronze age metal daggers. Scientific Reports, 12, 6101. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09983-3)

Dimova, B., Gleba, M. and Harris, S. (2021) Naval power and textile technology: sail production in ancient Greece. World Archaeology, 53(5), pp. 762-778. (doi: 10.1080/00438243.2021.2015428)

Gleba, M. and Harris, S. (2019) The first plant bast fibre technology: identifying splicing in archaeological textiles. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(5), pp. 2329-2346. (doi: 10.1007/s12520-018-0677-8)

Hopewell, P. and Harris, S. (2019) Blue dyed textiles in Early Iron Age Europe: accessible or exclusive? Archaeological Textiles Review, 61, pp. 24-37.

Harris, S. , Haigh, S., Handley, A. and Sampson, W. (2017) Material choices for fibre in the Neolithic: an approach through the measurement of mechanical properties. Archaeometry, 59(3), pp. 574-591. (doi: 10.1111/arcm.12267)

Harris, S. (2017) From value to desirability: the allure of worldly things. World Archaeology, 49(5), pp. 681-699. (doi: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1413416)

Melton, N. D., Montgomery, J., Roberts, B. W., Cook, G. and Harris, S. (2016) On the curious date of the Rylstone log-coffin burial. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 82, pp. 383-392. (doi: 10.1017/ppr.2016.5)

Harris, S. and Gleba, M. (2015) Bronze Age moss fibre garments from Scotland – the jury’s out. Archaeological Textiles Review(57), pp. 3-11.

Harris, S. (2014) Sensible dress: the sight, sound, smell and touch of Late Ertebølle Mesolithic cloth types. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 24(1), pp. 37-56. (doi: 10.1017/S0959774314000031)

Harris, S. and Hoffmann, K. P. (2014) From stones to gendered bodies: regional differences in the production of the body and gender on the copper age statue-Menhirs of Northern Italy and the Swiss Valais. European Journal of Archaeology, 17(2), pp. 264-285. (doi: 10.1179/1461957114Y.0000000054)

Lelong, O. et al. (2014) Wrappings of power: a woman's burial in cattle hide at Langwell Farm, Strath Oykel. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 144, pp. 65-131.

Harris, S. (2012) From the parochial to the universal: comparing cloth cultures in the Bronze Age. European Journal of Archaeology, 15(1), pp. 61-97. (doi: 10.1179/1461957112Y.0000000006)

Higgitt, C., Harris, S. , Cartwright, C. and Cruickshank, P. (2011) Assessing the potential of historic archaeological collections: a pilot study of the British Museum’s Swiss lake village textiles. British Museum Technical Research Bulletin, 5, pp. 81-94.

Harris, S. , Rösel-Mautendorfer, H., Grömer, K. and Reschreiter, H. (2009) Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt. Archaeology International, 12, pp. 22-26. (doi: 10.5334/ai.1206)

Harris, S. (2008) Textiles, cloth and skins: the problem of terminology and relationship. Textile, 6(3), pp. 222-237. (doi: 10.2752/175183508X377645)

Harris, S. (2006) A report on the examination of animal skin artefacts from the Bronze Age salt mines of Hallstatt, Austria. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 17, pp. 69-76. (doi: 10.5334/pia.270)

Harris, S. (2004) I tessuti nelle composizioni monumentali della Valcamonica nell'età del Rame. Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, 34, pp. 222-228.

Book Sections

Grömer, K., Harris, S. , Gouy, A. and Brøns, C. (2024) A sensory perspective on high-ranked women’s dress of the 8th till 4th century BC in Mediterranean and central Europe. In: Sarri, K., Droß-Krüpe, K. and Quillien, L. (eds.) Textile Crossroads: Exploring European Clothing, Identity, and Culture across Millennia. Zea Books.

Gleba, M., Harris, S. and Malcolm-Davies, J. (2024) Textile analysis in Europe: current practices and future prognosis. In: Textiles and Threads. Brepols, Belgium. (Accepted for Publication)

Brück, J., Harris, S. , Henderson, J., Sheridan, A. and Uckelm, M. (2024) Material abundance, ordinary life. In: Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Brudenell, M., Cooper, A., Gibson, D. and Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.) Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement Volume 1. Landscape, architecture and occupation. Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)

Prew, G. and Harris, S. (2022) United Kingdom. In: Ulanowska, A., Nosch, M.-L. and Nabais, P. (eds.) EuroWeb National Survey of the European Textile Dress and Fashion Sectors. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), pp. 188-197.

Brøns, C., Harris, S. and Żuchowska, M. (2022) Introduction: Approaching textiles in ancient Mediterranean iconography. In: Harris, S., Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (eds.) Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography. Series: Ancient Textiles Series, 38. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781789257212

Harris, S. (2022) Abundance and splendour: textiles of Archaic Greek statues of young women (korai). In: Harris, S., Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (eds.) Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography. Series: Ancient Textiles Series, 38. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 59-78. ISBN 9781789257212

Harris, S. and Gleba, M. (2022) Fibres and fabrics. In: Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Brudenell, M., Cooper, A., Gibson, D. and Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.) The Must Farm Pile-dwelling Settlement. Volume 2: Specialist Reports. Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)

Harris, S. (2022) The value of things: Textiles in the Iron Age. In: Hahn, H. P., Klöckner, A. and Wicke, D. (eds.) Values and Revaluations: The Transformation and Genesis of 'Values in Things' from Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 87-105. ISBN 9781789258134

Harris, S. , Gleba, M., Meeks, N. D. and Cartwright, C. R. (2022) Textiles. In: Evans, C., Knight, M. and Pollard, J. (eds.) A Book of Sites: Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations at Barleycroft Farm/Over Cambridgeshire. Series: The Archaeology of the lower Ouse Valley (IV). McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)

Harris, S. (2019) The sensory archaeology of textiles. In: Skeates, R. and Day, J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 210-232. ISBN 9781138676299

Harris, S. (2019) The challenge of textiles in early bronze age burials: fragments of magnificence. In: Sabatini, S. and Bergerbrant, S. (eds.) The Textile Revolution in Bronze Age Europe. Cambridge University Press, pp. 154-196. ISBN 9781108493598

Cameron, E., Harris, S. and Mould, Q. (2016) The textile and animal-skin object. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 148-156. ISBN 9781785702600

Harris, S. (2016) The charred textiles from the cremation deposit. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 49-51. ISBN 9781785702600

Sheridan, A. et al. (2016) The composite braided hair armband or bracelet. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 75-87. ISBN 9781785702600

Harris, S. (2015) Folded, layered textiles from a Bronze Age pit pyre excavated from Over Barrow 2, Cambridgeshire, England. In: Grömer, K. and Pritchard, F. (eds.) Aspects of the design, production and use of textiles and clothing from the Bronze Age to the early modern era : NESAT XII : the North European Symposium of Archaeological Textiles 21st-24th May in Hallstatt, Austria. Series: Archaeolingua Main Series (33). Archaeological Alapítvány: Budapest, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9789639911673

Harris, S. (2015) Flax fibre: innovation and change in the early Neolithic: a technological and material perspective. In: Svenson, A. (ed.) Textile Society of America 2014 Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, Los. University of Nebraska Digital Commons: California, pp. 1-10.

Douny, L. and Harris, S. (2014) Wrapping and unwrapping, concepts and approaches. In: Harris, S. and Douny, L. (eds.) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (64). Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, California, pp. 15-40. ISBN 9781611328875

Harris, S. (2014) Cloth culture in the Middle Neolithic of northern Italy with special reference to basketry (c.4900-4250 BC). In: Pearce, M. and Whitehouse, R. D. (eds.) Rethinking the Italian Neolithic. Series: Accordia Research Papers, 13 (13). Accordia Research Institute, University of London, pp. 103-130. ISBN 9781873415405

Harris, S. (2014) Introduction: leather in archaeology, between material properties, materiality and technological choices. In: Harris, S. and Veldmeijer, A. (eds.) Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. Sidestone Press: Leiden, pp. 9-21. ISBN 9789088902611

Harris, S. (2014) Wrapping the dead: an investigation of the Bronze Age burial mounds of southern Scandinavia through a wrapping analysis. In: Harris, S. and Douny, L. (eds.) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (64). Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, pp. 115-134. ISBN 9781611328875

Harris, S. (2011) Preparing skins in prehistory: a review of evidence and approaches. In: Thomson, R. and Mould, Q. (eds.) Leather tanneries: the archaeological evidence. Archetype Press for the Archaeological Leather Group: London, pp. 57-67. ISBN 9781904982616

Harris, S. (2009) Smooth and cool or warm and soft, investigating the properties of cloth in prehistory. In: Andersson Strand, E., Gleba, M., Mannering, U., Munkholt, C. and Ringgaard, M. (eds.) North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X. Series: Ancient textiles series (5). Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 140-112. ISBN 9781785701566

Harris, S. (2008) Exploring the materiality of prehistoric cloth types. In: Cunningham, P., Heeb, J. and Paardekooper, R. (eds.) Experiencing Archaeology by Experiment: Proceedings of the Experimental Archaeology Conference, Exeter 2007. Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 81-102. ISBN 9781842173428

Harris, S. (2007) Investigating social aspects of technical processes: cloth production from plant fibers in a Neolithic lake dwelling on Lake Constance, Germany. In: Beugnier, V. and Crombé, P. (eds.) Plant Processing From A Prehistoric and Ethnographic Perspective. Series: BAR international series (1718). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 83-100. ISBN 9781407302010

Harris, S. (2003) Representations of woven textiles in Alpine Europe during the Copper Age. In: Herring, E. and Wilkins, J.B. (eds.) Inhabiting Symbols: symbol and image in the ancient Mediterranean. Series: Accordia specialist studies on the Mediterranean (5). Accordia Research Institute, University of London: London, pp. 43-84. ISBN 9781873415252

Edited Books

Harris, S. , Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (Eds.) (2022) Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography. Series: Ancient Textiles Series. Oxbow Books: Oxford. ISBN 9781789257212

Harris, S. and Douny, L. (Eds.) (2014) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives. Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, California. ISBN 9781611328875

Harris, S. and Veldmeijer, A. (Eds.) (2014) Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. Sidestone: Leiden. ISBN 9789088902611

Conference Proceedings

Harris, S. and Jones, A. M. (2017) Beautiful Things: Textiles and Fibre Artefacts from an Early Bronze Age Cremation, Whitehorse Hill, England. In: North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles: NESAT XIII, Liberec, Czech Republic, 22-26 May 2017, ISBN 9788074943973

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 15:07:40 2024 BST.



I welcome enquiries to supervise research students with interests in:

  • Archaeological Textiles
  • Dress and Clothing
  • Experimental Archaeology
  • Archaeological Material Culture

I currently supervise:


  • Bertoli, Maria Elena
    The fibre revolution in Bronze Age northern Italy: investigating textile economies in transition from plant fibres to wool
  • Bexultanova, Gayana
    Use of plants for food, medicine and technology during the Upper Palaeolithic in Siberia.
  • Loudon, Nysa Noelle
    The Ecology, Materials, and Aesthetics of Unusual Fibres