Dr Sheila Kidd

  • Senior Lecturer (Celtic & Gaelic)

telephone: 01413305425
email: Sheila.Kidd@glasgow.ac.uk

R401 Level 4, Celtic & Gaelic, 3 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0306-2007

Research interests

Gu ruige seo, tha an rannsachadh agam air dèiligeadh ri litreachas Gàidhlig eadar an 18mh agus an 20mh linn, le fòcas air rosg ann an irisean agus colbhan Gàidhlig phàipearan-naidheachd. Tha ùidh agam ann an taobhan sòisealta agus eachdraidheil nan teascaichean seo agus anns na h-irisean fhèin, leithid cheistean a’ buntainn ri litearrachd agus an ceangal ri beul-aithris. A bharrachd air sin, tha mi air obair a dhèanamh air litreachas nan eilthireach, an dà chùid ann an Alba agus ann an dùthchannan eile (Canada, Astràila, Sealann Nuadh, na h-Innseachan an Iar agus na h-Innseachan an Ear). O chionn ghoirid, tha mi air a bhith rannsachadh mar a chleachdadh Gàidhlig air a’ Ghàidhealtachd san 19mh linn, mar eisimpleir, a’ sgrùdadh sanasan-obrach a bha a’ sireadh daoine le Gàidhlig; a’ coimhead air àite na Gàidhlig ann an taighean-caothaich agus am measg an fheadhainn a bha ag obair leis na bochd; agus mar a chleachdadh Gàidhlig air beulaibh coimiseanan an riaghaltais anns na deicheadan mu dheireadh den an linn. Tha mi ag amas air dealbh nas coileanta a chruthachadh de chleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus seo mar adhbhar strì ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean; agus tron a seo a bhith a’ soilleireachadh mar a bha cleachdadh cànain a’ buntainn ri dàimhean sòisealta agus ri cumhachd ann an Gàidhealtachd na 19mh linn.

Pròiseactan rannsachaidh air a bheil mi ag obair:

• cleachdadh cànain air a’ Ghàidhealtachd san 19mh linn
• dàin Fhearchair D. MhicDhòmhnaill, Loch Aillse agus Sealann Nuadh
• òrain agus bàrdachd le boireannaich ann am pàipearan-naidheachd na 19mh linn

My research to date has dealt with Gaelic literature from the 18th to the 20th century with a particular focus on Gaelic prose in periodicals and newspaper columns. I am particularly interested in the social and historical dimensions of these texts and of the publications themselves, including questions relating to orality and literacy. I have also worked on literature of the Highland diaspora within Scotland and abroad (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies and the East Indies). More recently I have been working on language use in the nineteenth-century Highlands, for example, examining job advertisements seeking Gaelic speakers; considering the use of Gaelic in lunatic asylums and in interactions with those in receipt of support from parochial boards; and the use of Gaelic in evidence given to government inquiries in the later nineteenth century. In studying this often-contested ground of the language of communication I aim to produce a nuanced picture of language contact and provide a deeper understanding of social relations and dynamics of power in the nineteenth-century Highlands.

Current research projects include:

• language use in the nineteenth-century Highlands
• the compositions of Lochalsh and New Zealand poet, Farquhar D. MacDonell
• the songs and poetry of women in the later nineteenth-century press


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
Number of items: 61.


Kidd, S. (2024) Black, Donald. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) Campbell, Daniel. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) Connell, Duncan. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacDonell, Farquhar Dougall. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacDougall, Robert. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacGregor, Alexander. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacGregor, Robert. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacLachlan, John. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacLeod, Norman. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacPhail, Malcolm Campbell. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacRury, John. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) Munro, Donald. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)


Kidd, S. M. (2023) Revisiting ‘Aoir air Pàdraig Sellar’ (‘A Satire on Patrick Sellar’) by Dòmhnall Bàillidh. Aiste, 6, pp. 109-128.

Kidd, S. (2023) 'Jabbering continuously in Gaelic': Language and care of the insane in the nineteenth-century Highlands. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 32, pp. 1-22.

Kidd, S. (2023) ‘Drochaid eadar mis’ agus mo dhùthaich’ [‘A bridge between me and my country’]: transatlantic networks and the nineteenth-century Gaelic periodical press. In: Kehoe, S. K., Dalglish, C. and Tindley, A. (eds.) Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World: Social Networks and Identities. Series: Histories of the Scottish Atlantic. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781474494304


Kidd, S. , McCracken-Flesher, C. and McNeil, K. (Eds.) (2022) The International Companion to Nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature. Association for Scottish Literature: Glasgow. ISBN 9781908980359

Kidd, S. M. (2022) Gaelic literature of the diaspora. In: Kidd, S. M., McCracken-Flesher, C. and McNeil, K. (eds.) The International Companion to nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature. Association for Scottish Literature: Glasgow, pp. 115-124. ISBN 9781908980359


Kidd, S. (2020) ‘Gaelic a recommendation’: language and employment in the nineteenth-century Highlands. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 40(2), pp. 77-102. (doi: 10.3366/jshs.2020.0298)

Kidd, S. M. , Clancy, T. O. and Ó Maolalaigh, R. (Eds.) (2020) Litreachas, Eachdraidh & Cànan: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 7. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204262

Kidd, S. M. (2020) Gaelic Writing from the Bible to the Stage: The Role of the Còmhradh. Scottish Gaelic Texts Society: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903586122

Kidd, S. M. (2020) The Scottish Gaelic Press. In: Finkelstein, D. (ed.) The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800-1900. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 337-356. ISBN 9781474424882


Byrne, M. and Kidd, S. M. (Eds.) (2019) Lìontan Lìonmhor: Local, National and Global Gaelic Networks from the 18th to the 20th Century. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204255

Kidd, S. M. and Byrne, M. (2019) Vintners and criminal officers: two nineteenth-century poetry collections and their subscribers. In: Byrne, M. and Kidd, S. M. (eds.) Lìontan Lìonmhor: Local, National and Global Gaelic Networks from the 18th to the 20th Century. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 85-107. ISBN 9780903204255


Kidd, S. (2018) Electioneering in Gaelic in Perthshire. [Website]


Kidd, S. (2017) Kangaroos and Cockatoos: Gaelic literature in the nineteenth-century Antipodes. Scottish Literary Review, 9(2), pp. 1-18.


Kidd, S. (Ed.) (2016) Còmhraidhean nan Cnoc: the Nineteenth-Century Gaelic Prose Dialogue. Scottish Gaelic Texts Society: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903586085


Duncan, I. and Kidd, S. (2015) The Nineteenth Century. In: Sassi, C. (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Literature. Series: International companions to Scottish literature. Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 64-73. ISBN 9781908980151

Kidd, S. M. (2015) Gaelic periodicals in the Lowlands: negotiating change. In: MacLachlan, C. and Renton, R. W. (eds.) Gael and Lowlander in Scottish Literature: Cross-currents in Scottish Writing in the Nineteenth Century. Series: Occasional papers (Association for Scottish Literary Studies) (20). Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 143-158. ISBN 97819089980106


Kidd, S. M. (2014) 'Fo ghrèin loisgich nan Innsean': na h-Innseachan an Ear tro shùilean Gàidhealach. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, LXVI, pp. 141-173.


Kidd, S.M. (2013) Early Gaelic periodicals: knowledge transfer and impact. In: O Baoill, C. and McGuire, N. (eds.) Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig 6. An Clo Gaidhealach, University of Aberdeen: Aberdeen, UK, pp. 177-206. ISBN 9780952391180

Kidd, S.M. (2013) Gaelic books as cultural icons: the maintenance of cultural links between the Highlands and the West Indies. In: Sassi, C. and van Heijnsbergen, T. (eds.) Within and Without Empire: Scotland Across the (Post)colonial Borderline. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 46-60. ISBN 9781443849227


Kidd, S. (2011) ‘Thoir n’fhairre air na ha mi dol a scriobh’: Political Machinations and Code-Switching in James Macpherson’s Gaelic Letters. International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth, Maynooth, July 2011.


Byrne, M. and Kidd, S.M. (2010) 'Vintners & Criminal Officers': Fo-sgrìobhaichean dà leabhair Earra-ghàidhealach ann am meadhan na 19mh linn. In: McLeod, W., Burnyeat, A., Stiùbhart, D.U., Clancy, T. and Ó Maolalaigh, R. (eds.) Bile ós Chrannaibh: a Festschrift for William Gillies. Clann Tuirc, pp. 29-44. ISBN 978-0954973391

Kidd, S.M. (2010) A thaghdairean Gaedhealach: early Gaelic electioneering. In: Nilsen, K.E. (ed.) Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig 5: Fifth Scottish Gaelic Research Conference. Cape Breton University Press: Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 116-133. ISBN 9781897009468

Kidd, S.M. (2010) Turtaran is faclairean: Ceanglaichean eadar Gàidheil na h-Alba agus Gàidheil nan Innseachan an Iar. Aiste, 3, pp. 19-48.


Kidd, S.M. (2008) Burning issues: reactions to the Highland Press during the 1885 election campaign. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 24, pp. 285-307.

Kidd, S. (2008) Burning issues: the Highland press the Gaels and the 1885 election campaign. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 24, pp. 285-307.


Kidd, S.M. (Ed.) (2007) Glasgow: Baile Mòr nan Gàidheal / City of the Gaels. Roinn Na Ceiltis Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204231

Kidd, S. (2007) Tormod MacLeòid: àrd-chonsal nan Gàidheal. In: Glasgow : baile mòr nan Gàidheal. University of Glasgow, pp. 107-129. ISBN 9780903204231

Kidd, S.M. (2007) Tormod MacLeòid: Àrd-Chonsal nan Gàidheal? [Norman MacLeod Consul to the Gaels?]. In: Kidd, S. M. (ed.) Glasgow: Baile Mòr nan Gàidheal = City of the Gaels. Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow, pp. 107-129. ISBN 9780903204231

Ó Maolalaigh, R. (2007) Mac bàillidh hirt, the son of the bailiff of St Kilda on his first visit to Glasgow: an eighteenth-century Gaelic satirical narrative tale from Islay in Gaelic-Scots orthography. In: Kidd, S.M. (ed.) Glasgow: Baile mòr nan Gàidheal = City of the Gaels. Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 89-106. ISBN 9780903204231


Byrne, M., Clancy, T.O. and Kidd, S.M. (Eds.) (2006) Litreachas and eachdraidh: rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2, Glaschu 2002. Roinnna Ceiltis Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204224

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Displacing clearance? A nineteenth-century essay on slavery. In: Munro, G. and Cox, R.A.V. (eds.) Cànan & Cultar / Language & Culture. Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 4. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9781903765869

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Carswell, John. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) The forgotten first: John MacCormick's 'Dùn-Àluinn'. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 22, pp. 197-219.

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Màiri mhòr nan Òran. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Mac-Dhun-lèibhe, Uilleam. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacCormaic, Iain. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacEacharn, Dòmhnall. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacLachlainn, Eòghan. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacLeod, Norman. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Scottish Gaelic prose, modern. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 66,

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Stuart, Revd. John. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407


Kidd, S.M. (2004) MacGregor, Alexander (1806-1881) Church of Scotland minister and writer of Scottish Gaelic prose. In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, B. (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198614111


Kidd, S.M. (2003) The Rev. Alexander MacGregor: the writer behind the pen-names. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, LXI, pp. 1-24.

Kidd, S.M. (2003) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 65,


Kidd, S.M. (2002) Caraid nan Gaidheal and 'Friend of Emigration': Gaelic emigration literature of the 1840s. Scottish Historical Review, 81(1), pp. 52-69. (doi: 10.3366/shr.2002.81.1.52)

Kidd, S.M. (2002) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 62,


Kidd, S.M. (2001) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 63,


Kidd, S.M. (2000) Social Control and Social Criticism: the nineteenth-century còmhradh. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 20, pp. 67-87.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 16:11:19 2024 BST.
Number of items: 61.


Kidd, S. M. (2023) Revisiting ‘Aoir air Pàdraig Sellar’ (‘A Satire on Patrick Sellar’) by Dòmhnall Bàillidh. Aiste, 6, pp. 109-128.

Kidd, S. (2023) 'Jabbering continuously in Gaelic': Language and care of the insane in the nineteenth-century Highlands. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 32, pp. 1-22.

Kidd, S. (2020) ‘Gaelic a recommendation’: language and employment in the nineteenth-century Highlands. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 40(2), pp. 77-102. (doi: 10.3366/jshs.2020.0298)

Kidd, S. (2017) Kangaroos and Cockatoos: Gaelic literature in the nineteenth-century Antipodes. Scottish Literary Review, 9(2), pp. 1-18.

Kidd, S. M. (2014) 'Fo ghrèin loisgich nan Innsean': na h-Innseachan an Ear tro shùilean Gàidhealach. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, LXVI, pp. 141-173.

Kidd, S.M. (2010) Turtaran is faclairean: Ceanglaichean eadar Gàidheil na h-Alba agus Gàidheil nan Innseachan an Iar. Aiste, 3, pp. 19-48.

Kidd, S.M. (2008) Burning issues: reactions to the Highland Press during the 1885 election campaign. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 24, pp. 285-307.

Kidd, S. (2008) Burning issues: the Highland press the Gaels and the 1885 election campaign. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 24, pp. 285-307.

Kidd, S.M. (2006) The forgotten first: John MacCormick's 'Dùn-Àluinn'. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 22, pp. 197-219.

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 66,

Kidd, S.M. (2003) The Rev. Alexander MacGregor: the writer behind the pen-names. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, LXI, pp. 1-24.

Kidd, S.M. (2003) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 65,

Kidd, S.M. (2002) Caraid nan Gaidheal and 'Friend of Emigration': Gaelic emigration literature of the 1840s. Scottish Historical Review, 81(1), pp. 52-69. (doi: 10.3366/shr.2002.81.1.52)

Kidd, S.M. (2002) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 62,

Kidd, S.M. (2001) Scottish Gaelic studies. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 63,

Kidd, S.M. (2000) Social Control and Social Criticism: the nineteenth-century còmhradh. Scottish Gaelic Studies, 20, pp. 67-87.


Kidd, S. M. (2020) Gaelic Writing from the Bible to the Stage: The Role of the Còmhradh. Scottish Gaelic Texts Society: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903586122

Book Sections

Kidd, S. (2024) Black, Donald. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) Campbell, Daniel. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) Connell, Duncan. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacDonell, Farquhar Dougall. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacDougall, Robert. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacGregor, Alexander. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacGregor, Robert. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacLachlan, John. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacLeod, Norman. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacPhail, Malcolm Campbell. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) MacRury, John. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2024) Munro, Donald. In: Black, R., McCracken-Flesher, C. and Riach, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Writers. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. (In Press)

Kidd, S. (2023) ‘Drochaid eadar mis’ agus mo dhùthaich’ [‘A bridge between me and my country’]: transatlantic networks and the nineteenth-century Gaelic periodical press. In: Kehoe, S. K., Dalglish, C. and Tindley, A. (eds.) Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World: Social Networks and Identities. Series: Histories of the Scottish Atlantic. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781474494304

Kidd, S. M. (2022) Gaelic literature of the diaspora. In: Kidd, S. M., McCracken-Flesher, C. and McNeil, K. (eds.) The International Companion to nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature. Association for Scottish Literature: Glasgow, pp. 115-124. ISBN 9781908980359

Kidd, S. M. (2020) The Scottish Gaelic Press. In: Finkelstein, D. (ed.) The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800-1900. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 337-356. ISBN 9781474424882

Kidd, S. M. and Byrne, M. (2019) Vintners and criminal officers: two nineteenth-century poetry collections and their subscribers. In: Byrne, M. and Kidd, S. M. (eds.) Lìontan Lìonmhor: Local, National and Global Gaelic Networks from the 18th to the 20th Century. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 85-107. ISBN 9780903204255

Duncan, I. and Kidd, S. (2015) The Nineteenth Century. In: Sassi, C. (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Literature. Series: International companions to Scottish literature. Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 64-73. ISBN 9781908980151

Kidd, S. M. (2015) Gaelic periodicals in the Lowlands: negotiating change. In: MacLachlan, C. and Renton, R. W. (eds.) Gael and Lowlander in Scottish Literature: Cross-currents in Scottish Writing in the Nineteenth Century. Series: Occasional papers (Association for Scottish Literary Studies) (20). Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 143-158. ISBN 97819089980106

Kidd, S.M. (2013) Early Gaelic periodicals: knowledge transfer and impact. In: O Baoill, C. and McGuire, N. (eds.) Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig 6. An Clo Gaidhealach, University of Aberdeen: Aberdeen, UK, pp. 177-206. ISBN 9780952391180

Kidd, S.M. (2013) Gaelic books as cultural icons: the maintenance of cultural links between the Highlands and the West Indies. In: Sassi, C. and van Heijnsbergen, T. (eds.) Within and Without Empire: Scotland Across the (Post)colonial Borderline. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 46-60. ISBN 9781443849227

Byrne, M. and Kidd, S.M. (2010) 'Vintners & Criminal Officers': Fo-sgrìobhaichean dà leabhair Earra-ghàidhealach ann am meadhan na 19mh linn. In: McLeod, W., Burnyeat, A., Stiùbhart, D.U., Clancy, T. and Ó Maolalaigh, R. (eds.) Bile ós Chrannaibh: a Festschrift for William Gillies. Clann Tuirc, pp. 29-44. ISBN 978-0954973391

Kidd, S.M. (2010) A thaghdairean Gaedhealach: early Gaelic electioneering. In: Nilsen, K.E. (ed.) Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig 5: Fifth Scottish Gaelic Research Conference. Cape Breton University Press: Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 116-133. ISBN 9781897009468

Kidd, S. (2007) Tormod MacLeòid: àrd-chonsal nan Gàidheal. In: Glasgow : baile mòr nan Gàidheal. University of Glasgow, pp. 107-129. ISBN 9780903204231

Kidd, S.M. (2007) Tormod MacLeòid: Àrd-Chonsal nan Gàidheal? [Norman MacLeod Consul to the Gaels?]. In: Kidd, S. M. (ed.) Glasgow: Baile Mòr nan Gàidheal = City of the Gaels. Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow, pp. 107-129. ISBN 9780903204231

Ó Maolalaigh, R. (2007) Mac bàillidh hirt, the son of the bailiff of St Kilda on his first visit to Glasgow: an eighteenth-century Gaelic satirical narrative tale from Islay in Gaelic-Scots orthography. In: Kidd, S.M. (ed.) Glasgow: Baile mòr nan Gàidheal = City of the Gaels. Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 89-106. ISBN 9780903204231

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Displacing clearance? A nineteenth-century essay on slavery. In: Munro, G. and Cox, R.A.V. (eds.) Cànan & Cultar / Language & Culture. Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 4. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9781903765869

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Carswell, John. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Màiri mhòr nan Òran. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Mac-Dhun-lèibhe, Uilleam. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacCormaic, Iain. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacEacharn, Dòmhnall. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacLachlainn, Eòghan. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) MacLeod, Norman. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Scottish Gaelic prose, modern. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2006) Stuart, Revd. John. In: Koch, J.T. (ed.) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. ISBN 1851094407

Kidd, S.M. (2004) MacGregor, Alexander (1806-1881) Church of Scotland minister and writer of Scottish Gaelic prose. In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, B. (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198614111

Edited Books

Kidd, S. , McCracken-Flesher, C. and McNeil, K. (Eds.) (2022) The International Companion to Nineteenth-Century Scottish Literature. Association for Scottish Literature: Glasgow. ISBN 9781908980359

Kidd, S. M. , Clancy, T. O. and Ó Maolalaigh, R. (Eds.) (2020) Litreachas, Eachdraidh & Cànan: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 7. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204262

Byrne, M. and Kidd, S. M. (Eds.) (2019) Lìontan Lìonmhor: Local, National and Global Gaelic Networks from the 18th to the 20th Century. Celtic & Gaelic, University of Glasgow: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204255

Kidd, S. (Ed.) (2016) Còmhraidhean nan Cnoc: the Nineteenth-Century Gaelic Prose Dialogue. Scottish Gaelic Texts Society: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903586085

Kidd, S.M. (Ed.) (2007) Glasgow: Baile Mòr nan Gàidheal / City of the Gaels. Roinn Na Ceiltis Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204231

Byrne, M., Clancy, T.O. and Kidd, S.M. (Eds.) (2006) Litreachas and eachdraidh: rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2, Glaschu 2002. Roinnna Ceiltis Oilthigh Ghlaschu: Glasgow. ISBN 9780903204224

Conference or Workshop Item

Kidd, S. (2011) ‘Thoir n’fhairre air na ha mi dol a scriobh’: Political Machinations and Code-Switching in James Macpherson’s Gaelic Letters. International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth, Maynooth, July 2011.


Kidd, S. (2018) Electioneering in Gaelic in Perthshire. [Website]

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 16:11:19 2024 BST.


  • Wellcome Trust, Humanities and Social Science Small Grant: The Gaelic language and medical provision in the 19th-century Scottish Highlands, 2016.


Chuirinn fàilte air ceistean bho dhaoine aig a bheil ùidh ann an ceuman rannsachaidh a dhèanamh air litreachas, cultar agus eachdraidh shòisealta nan Gàidheal bhon 18mh linn chun an 20mh linn, neo air coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig air a’ Ghalltachd agus thall thairis.

I would welcome enquiries from prospective students interested in Gaelic literature and culture from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries and in the social history of the Highlands or Gaelic communities in the Lowlands and abroad.

Na h-iar-cheumnaich a tha mi a’ stiùireadh | Current postgraduate supervision:

  • Olivia Klee (University of Aberdeen), ‘Emigration Propaganda in Periodicals and Newspapers Aimed at Scottish Gaels, 1803–1914’, co-supervisor with Professor Marjory Harper. 
  • Wright, Grace
    Positioning Women’s Agency in Land Agitation and Protest in the Scottish Highlands and Islands 1847-1897

Iar-cheumnaich a tha deiseil | Completed theses:


’S e na prìomh dhleastanasan-teagaisg agam | My main teaching responsibilities:

Fo-cheumnach | Undergraduate

  • Gaelic 1 Beginners – priomh òraidiche | main tutor
  • Gaelic 2 Advanced – teacsaichean rosg | prose texts
  • An 19mh linn tro Shùilean nan Gàidheal, Cùrsa Urramach | Honours course
  • Guth nan Eilthireach: Litreachas Gàidhlig san t-Saoghal Ùr, Cùrsa Urramach | Honours course
  • Fèin-Eachdraidh ann an Gàidhlig, Cùrsa Urramach | Honours course
  • An Leabhar Gàidhlig 1567–1914 – Cùrsa Urramach | Honours course
  • Co-òrdanaiche Cùrsaichean Urramach ann an Celtis is Gàidhlig | Honours Convenor in Celtic and Gaelic

Iar-cheumnach | Postgraduate

  • Culture, Politics and Society in the Highland Clearances, còmhla ri | co-taught with Dr Martin MacGregor, History

Additional information