Dr Richard Jones

  • Honorary Lecturer (School of Humanities)

email: Richard.Jones@glasgow.ac.uk

R105C Level 1, Archaeology, Gregory Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ

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ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8291-0101


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1974
Number of items: 185.


Jones, R. (2024) Geophysical survey in the archaeology of Scotland: Recent developments and results. In: Cuenca-Garcia, C., Asăndulesei, A. and Lowe, K. M. (eds.) World Archaeo-Geophysics. Series: One world archaeology. Springer: Cham, pp. 415-434. ISBN 9783031578991 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-57900-4_16)

Hilditch, J. and Jones, R. E. (2024) Summary of ceramic analysis. In: Barber, R. L. N. (ed.) Phylakopi, Melos, 1896–99: The Finds in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), 53. British School at Athens: London, pp. 547-560. ISBN 9780904887754

Jones, R. E. (2024) Appendix: pXRF analysis of metal and metal-related artefacts from Phylakopi, Melos in D.N. Smith. Metal and metallurgical objects. In: Barber, R. L. N. (ed.) Phylakopi, Melos, 1896–99: The Finds in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), 53. British School at Athens: London, pp. 617-619. ISBN 9780904887754

Jones, R. E. and Mountjoy, P. A. (2024) Appendix on the ICP Project in P.A. Mountjoy: Imported Pottery: Part III: Late Minoan and Mycenaean Pottery. In: Barber, R. L. N. (ed.) Phylakopi, Melos, 1896–99: The Finds in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), 53. British School at Athens: London, pp. 506-507. ISBN 9780904887754

Hanson, W. S., Jones, R. E. and Hannon, N. (2024) Exploring the Antonine Wall with Terrestrial Remote Sensing. Series: Roman frontier studies. Archaeopress: Oxford. ISBN 9781803278018


Jones, R. and Caldarola, R. (2023) Appendix to D’Andria, Cavallino: Chemical analysis of band-decorated craters, architectural terracottas and other ceramics from sites in Apulia. Hesperia: Studi Sulla Grecita in Occidente, 43, pp. 163-180.

Forster, A. K. and Jones, R. E. (2023) Investigating the origins of steatite vessels across the Viking diaspora. In: Horne, T., Pierce, E. and Barrowman, R. (eds.) The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 98-111. ISBN 9781474485821


Jones, R. (2022) Medieval sugar production in the Southern Levant: a sweet story. Ancient Near East Today, 10(9),


Jones, R. (2021) The decoration and firing of ancient Greek pottery: A review of recent investigations. Advances in Archaeomaterials, 2(2), pp. 67-127. (doi: 10.1016/j.aia.2021.07.002)

Jones, R. E. , Levi, S. T., Bettelli, M. and Cannavò, V. (2021) Italo-Mycenaean and other Aegean-influenced pottery in Late Bronze Age Italy: the case for regional production. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13, 23. (doi: 10.1007/s12520-020-01245-5)

Campbell, L. and Jones, R. (2021) Testing Composition by pXRF Analysis against Ceramic Shape, Style and Stamp: A Case Study from Samian Found on Hadrian’s Wall. In: Hegewisch, M., Daszkiewicz, M. and Schneider, G. (eds.) Using pXRF for the Analysis of Ancient Pottery: An Expert Workshop in Berlin 2014. Series: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World (75). Edition Topoi: Berlin, pp. 63-90. ISBN 9783981968590 (doi: 10.17171/3-75)

Jones, R. (2021) Appendix 1: Chemical analysis of Mycenaean pottery from Koukounaries, Paros. In: Koehl, R.B. (ed.) Koukounaries I: Mycenaean Pottery from Selected Contexts. Archaeopress, pp. 180-183.


Hanson, W. S. and Jones, R. E. (2020) The Roman fort and fortlet at Castlehill on the Antonine Wall: the geophysical, LiDAR and early map evidence. In: Breeze, D. J. and Hanson, W. S. (eds.) The Antonine Wall: Papers in Honour of Professor Lawrence Keppie. Series: Archaeopress Roman archaeology (64). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 218-232. ISBN 9781789694505

Jones, R. and Grey, A. (2020) Some thoughts on sugar production and sugar pots in the Fatimid, Crusader/Ayyubid and Early Mamluk periods in Jordan. In: Yona Waksman, S. (ed.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean. Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée – Jean Pouilloux: Lyon, pp. 191-207. ISBN 9782356680709


Jones, R. , Towers, R., Card, N. and Odling, N. (2019) Analysis of coloured Grooved ware sherds from the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28, 102014. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102014)

Hanson, W.S., Jones, R.E. and Jones, R.H. (2019) The Roman military presence at Dalswinton, Dumfriesshire: a reassessment of the evidence from aerial, geophysical and LiDAR survey. Britannia, 50, pp. 285-320. (doi: 10.1017/S0068113X1900031X)

Cowley, D., Jones, R. , Carey, G. and Mitchell, J. (2019) Barwhill revisited: rethinking old interpretations through integrated survey datasets. Transactions of Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 93, pp. 9-26.

Jones, R. E. (2019) Chemical analysis of four decorated sherds. In: Damiani, I. and Presicce, C. P. (eds.) La Roma dei Rei: : il racconto dell’archeologia. Gangemi Editore: Rome, pp. 269-270. ISBN 9788849237399


Photos-Jones, E. and Jones, R. (2018) Mycenaean ‘Alum’: Implications for the exchange of astringent minerals in the Bronze Age. In: Bettelli, M., Del Freo, M. and van Wijngaarden, G. J. (eds.) Mediterranea Itinera : Studies in Honour of Lucia Vagnetti. Series: Incunabula Graeca, 106. CNR - Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico: Rome, Italy, pp. 77-92. ISBN 9788880803409

Jones, R. (2018) A.1. Appendix: chemical and petrographic analyses of medieval Scottish white gritty ware pottery. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports, 79, pp. 45-56. (doi: 10.9750/issn.2056-7421.2018.79)


Baker, J., Kantarelou, V., Karydas, A.G., Jones, R.E. , Siozos, P., Anglos, D. and Derham, B. (2017) The height of Denier Tournois minting in Greece (1289–1313) according to new archaeometric data. Annual of the British School at Athens, 112, pp. 267-307. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245416000113)

Bettelli, M., Cupito, M., Jones, R. , Leonardi, G. and Levi, S.T. (2017) The Po Plain, Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age: fact, fancy and plausibility. In: Fotiadis, M., Laffineur, R., Lolos, Y. and Vlachopoulos, A. (eds.) Hesperos: The Aegean Seen from the West. Series: Aegaeum (41). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 165-172. ISBN 9789042935624

Bishop, P., Cuenca-Garcia, C. , Jones, R. and Cook, D. (2017) Lime burning in clamp kilns in Scotland's Western Central Belt: primitive industry or simple but perfectly adequate technology? Industrial Archaeology Review, 39(1), pp. 38-58. (doi: 10.1080/03090728.2017.1292642)

Foster, A. and Jones, R. (2017) From homeland to home: using soapstone to map migration and settlement in the North Atlantic. In: Hansen, G. and Storemyr, P. (eds.) Soapstone in the North: Quarries, Products and People 7000 BC – AD 1700. University of Bergen Press: Bergen, pp. 225-248.

Jones, R. E. (2017) Sweet Waste: a View from the Mediterranean and from the 2002 Excavations at the Tawahin es-Sukkar (Safi), Jordan. Potingair Press. ISBN 9780956824035

Photos-Jones, E. , Jones, R. and Bateson, D. (2017) ‘‘Light on many journies’: a crisis in Charles II’s Scottish silver coinage leading to the closure of the Mint. British Numismatic Journal, 87, pp. 163-178.


Chaplin, T. D., Clark, R. J.H., Jones, R. and Gibbs, R. (2016) Pigment analysis by Raman microscopy and portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) of thirteenth to fourteenth century illuminations and cuttings from Bologna. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2082), 20160043. (doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0043)

Richards, C. and Jones, R. (Eds.) (2016) The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994–2014). Windgather Press: Oxford. ISBN 9781909686892

Beness, J.L., Hillard, T., Jones, R. , Tsokas, G. and Tsourlos, P. (2016) Torone: the 2015 Season. Mediterranean Archaeology, 27, pp. 123-132.

Jones, R. , Brunelli, D., Cannavò, V., Levi, S.T. and Vidale, M. (2016) The Riace bronzes: recent work on the clay cores. In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry. Series: BAR international series (2281). British Archaeological Reports Ltd: Oxford, pp. 31-38. ISBN 9781407314303

Jones, R.E. and Campbell, L. (2016) Non-destructive analysis of Samian ware from Scottish military sites. In: Peacock, D. P.S., Sibbesson, E., Jervis, B. and Coxon, S. (eds.) Insight from Innovation: New Light on Archaeological Ceramics : Papers Presented in Honour of Professor David Peacock's Contributions to Archaeological Ceramic Studies. Series: Southampton monographs in archaeology (6). Highfield Press, pp. 118-136. ISBN 9780992633646

Jones, R. (2016) Chemical analysis of late medieval pottery from Ticknall. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 136, pp. 66-82.

Photos-Jones, E. , Isbister, A. and Jones, R. (2016) Appendix 3. The haematite and related iron-rich materials. In: Richards, C. and Jones, R. (eds.) The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994–2014). Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 475-484. ISBN 9781909686892


Glatz, C. , Düring, B. S., Wilkinson, T. C., Gratuze, B., Jones, R. , Photos-Jones, E. and Klinkenberg, V. (2015) Developing an adaptive field methodology for challenging landscapes. In: Düring, B. S. and Glatz, C. (eds.) Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 - Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. De Gruyter Open: Warsaw, pp. 53-103. ISBN 9783110444964 (doi: 10.1515/9783110444971-008)

Jones, R. (2015) Appendix III: Chemical and Petrographic Study of Pottery from the Cide Archaeological Project. In: Düring, B. S. and Glatz, C. (eds.) Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 - Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. De Gruyter Open: Warsaw, pp. 452-459. ISBN 9783110444964 (doi: 10.1515/9783110444971-020)

Jones, R. (2015) Appendix IV: Chemical and Magnetic Analysis of Soils from Grid 6 (G6) at Okçular. In: Düring, B. S. and Glatz, C. (eds.) Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 - Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. De Gruyter Open: Warsaw, pp. 460-469. ISBN 9783110444964 (doi: 10.1515/9783110444971-020)

Gilboa, A., Waiman-Barak, P. and Jones, R. (2015) On the origin of Iron Age Phoenician ceramics at Kommos, Crete: regional and diachronic perspectives across the Bronze Age to Iron Age transition. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 374, pp. 75-102. (doi: 10.5615/bullamerschoorie.374.0075)

Bettelli, M., Cupitò, M., Levi, S.T., Jones, R. and Leonardi, G. (2015) Tempi e modi della connessione tra mondo egeo e area padano-veneta. Una riconsiderazione della problematica alla luce delle nuove ceramiche di tipo miceneo di Fondo Paviani (Legnago, Verona). In: Preistoria e Protostoria del Veneto. Series: Studi di preistoria e protostoria (2). Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria: Firenze, pp. 377-387. ISBN 9788860450562

Jones, R. E. and Leslie, A. (2015) The contribution of geophysical survey to the understanding of Roman frontiers. In: Breeze, D., Jones, R. and Oltean, I. (eds.) Understanding Roman Frontiers: A Celebration for Professor Bill Hanson. John Donald: Edinburgh, pp. 313-327. ISBN 9781906566852


Foster, A.K. and Jones, R. E. (2014) Rare earth element analysis of steatite artefacts found at Bayanne. In: Moore, H. and Wilson, G. (eds.) Ebbing Shores: survey and excavation of coastal archaeology in Shetland 1995-2008. Series: Archaeology report (Historic Scotland) (8). Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 144-162. ISBN 9781849171588

Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T., Bettelli, M. and Vagnetti, L. (2014) Italo-Mycenaean Pottery: The Archaeological and Archaeometric Dimensions. Series: Incunabula Gracae/Studi Micenei ed Anatolici, 103. Edizioni dell'Ateneo: Rome, Italy. ISBN 9788887345209


Cuenca-Garcia, C. , Jones, R. , Hall, A. and Poller, T. (2013) From the Air to the Atomic Level of a Ditch: Integrating Geophysical and Geochemical Survey Methods at the Prehistoric Cropmark Complex of Forteviot (Perthshire, Scotland). In: 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection (AP2013), Vienna, Austria, 29 May - 2 Jun 2013, pp. 129-133.

Derham, B., Doonan, R., Lolos, Y., Sarris, A. and Jones, R.E. (2013) Integrating geochemical survey, ethnography and organic residue analysis to identify and understand areas of foodstuff processing. In: Voutsaki, S. and Valamoti, S. (eds.) Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens on 22-24 March 2010. Series: Pharos Supplement (1). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 47-54. ISBN 9789042927247

Digney, S. and Jones, R.E. (2013) Recent investigations at the King’s Knot Stirling. Forth Naturalist and Historian, 36, pp. 129-148.


Milek, K. and Jones, R. (2012) Science in Scottish Archaeology: ScARF Panel Report. Documentation. ScARF.

Batey, C., Forster, A., Jones, R.E. , Gaunt, G., Breckenridge, F., Bunbury, J. and Barrett, J. (2012) Local availability and long-range trade: the worked stone assemblage. In: Barrett, J.H. (ed.) Being an Islander: Production and Identity at Quoygrew, Orkney, AD 900-1600. Series: McDonald Institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, UK, pp. 207-227. ISBN 9781902937618

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2012) Nuove analisi archeometriche della ceramic di tipo egeo-miceneo di Coppa Nevigata. In: Cazzella, A., Moscoloni, M. and Recchia, G. (eds.) Coppa Nevigata e l'Area Umida alla Foce del Candelaro Durante l'Età del Bronzo. Series: Edizioni del Parco. C. Grenzi: Foggia, Italy, pp. 445-453. ISBN 9788884314987

Milek, K. and Jones, R.E. (2012) ScARF Science Panel Report. Project Report. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK.

Westlake, P., Siozos, P., Philippidis, A., Apostolaki, C., Derham, B., Terlixi, A., Perdikatsis, V., Jones, R.E. and Anglos, D. (2012) Studying pigments on painted plaster in Minoan, Roman and Early Byzantine Crete. A multi-analytical technique approach. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 402(4), pp. 1413-1432. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-011-5281-z)


Haggarty, G., Hall, D. and Jones, R.E. (2011) Sourcing Scottish ceramics: the use and success of chemical analysis. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 141, pp. 249-268.

Haskell, H.W., Jones, R.E. , Day, P.M. and Killen, J.T. (2011) Transport Stirrup Jars of the Bronze Age Aegean and East Mediterranean. Series: Prehistory monographs (33). Institute for Aegean Prehistory Academic Press: Philadelphia, PA, USA. ISBN 9781931534628

Jones, R.E. (2011) Organic residue analysis. In: Barrowman, R. (ed.) The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninian's Isle, Shetland: Excavations Past and Present. Series: Monograph series (Society for Medieval Archaeology) (32). Society for Medieval Archaeology: London, UK. ISBN 9781907975462


Bettelli, M., Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T. and Vagnetti, L. (2010) Ceramiche egee e di tipo egeo lungo il versante adriatico pugliese: centri di produzione, livelli di circolazione, contesti d'uso. In: Radina, F. and Recchia, G. (eds.) Ambra per Agamennone: Indigeni e Micenei Tra Adriatico, Ionio ed Egeo. M. Adda: Bari, pp. 109-118. ISBN 9788880828952

Bettelli, M., Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T. and Vagnetti, L. (2010) Ceramiche egee e di tipo lung oil versante adriatico puliese: centru di produzione, lebelli di circolazione, contesti d’uso. In: Radina, F. and Recchia, G. (eds.) Ambra Per Agamennone. M. Adda: Bari, pp. 109-117. ISBN 9788880828952

Guglielmino, R., Levi, S.T. and Jones, R.E. (2010) Relations between the Aegean and Apulia in the Late Bronze Age: the evidence from an archaeometric study of the pottery at Roca (Lecce). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 60, pp. 257-282.

Jones, R.E., Challands, A., French, C., Card, N., Downes, J. and Richards, C. (2010) Exploring the location and function of a Late Neolithic house at Crossiecrown, Orkney by geophysical, geochemical and soil micromorphological methods. Archaeological Prospection, 17(3), pp. 29-48. (doi: 10.1002/arp.370)


Clelland, S.-J., Batt, C., Stern, B. and Jones, R.E. (2009) Scientific analysis of steatite: recent results. In: Forster, A.K., Turner, V. and Batey, C. (eds.) Kleber: Shetland's Oldest Industry: Shetland Soapstone Since Prehistory. Shetland Amenity Trust: Lerwick. ISBN 9780954324698

Jones, R.E. (2009) Proton magnetometer survey at the Menelaion and environs. In: Catling, H. (ed.) Sparta, Menelaion I: The Bronze Age. Series: Supplementary volume (45). The British School at Athens: London, pp. 176-179. ISBN 9780904887594

Jones, R.E. (2009) XRF analysis of Mycenaean bronzes from the Menelaion. In: Catling, H.W. and Hughes-Brock, H. (eds.) Sparta: Menelaion I The Bronze Age. Series: Supplementary volume (45). British School at Athens: London, pp. 124-126. ISBN 9780904887594

Jones, R.E. and Tomlinson, J.T. (2009) Chemical analysis of Mycenaean pottery from the Menelaion and its vicinity. In: Catling, H.W. (ed.) Sparta, Menelaion I: The Bronze Age. Series: Supplementary volume (45). British School at Athens: London, pp. 147-169. ISBN 9780904887594

Photos-Jones, E. , Hall, A., Jones, R. and Pantos, E. (2009) ‘Sweet waste’: the industrial waste from the medieval sugar refinery at the Tawahin es-Sukkar in Jordan. In: Shortland, A.J., Freestone, I. and Rehren, T. (eds.) From Mine to Microscope: Advances in the Study of Ancient Technology. Oxbow Books: Oxford, UK, pp. 223-230. ISBN 9781842172599

Vagnetti, L., Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T., Bettelli, M. and Alberti, A. (2009) Ceramiche egee e di tipo egeo lungo I versanti adriatico e ionico della Peninsolo italiana: situazioni a confronto. In: Borgna, E. and Cassola Guida, P. (eds.) Dall'Egeo all'Adriatico: Organizzazioni Sociali, Modi di Scambio e Interazione in Età Postpalaziale (XII-XI sec. a.C.) [From the Aegean to the Adriatic: Social Organisations, Modes of Exchange and Interaction in Postpalatial Times (12th-11th B.C.)]. Series: Studi e ricerche di protostoria mediterranea (8). Quasar: Roma, pp. 171-184. ISBN 9788871403700


Jones, R.E. (2008) X-Ray fluorescence analysis of Middle and Late Helladic bronze objects. In: Taylour, W.D. and Janko, R. (eds.) Ayios Stephanos Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia. Series: Supplementary volume (44). The British School at Athens: London, CD126. ISBN 9780904887587

Stephens, C., Jones, R.E. and Gater, J. (2008) Geophysical survey on the Antonine wall. In: Breeze, D.J., Jilek, S., Mattingly, D.J., Rushworth, A., Sterry, M. and Leitch, V. (eds.) Frontiers of the Roman Empire. Society for Libyan Studies: Edinburgh, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9781900971164

Whitbread, I.K. and Jones, R.E. (2008) Petrographic and chemical analysis of Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I–II pottery. In: Janko, R. and Taylour, W.D. (eds.) Ayios Stephanos excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval settlement in southern Laconia. Series: Suppelmentary Volume (44). British School at Athens: London, pp. 89-117. ISBN 9780904887587


Jones, R.E. , Kilikoglou, V., Olive, V. , Bassiakos, Y., Ellam, R. , Bray, I.S.J.. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2007) A new protocol for the chemical characterisation of steatite - two case studies in Europe: the Shetland Islands and Crete. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(4), pp. 626-641. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2006.07.002)

Photos-Jones, E. , Smith, B. B., Hall, A. J. and Jones, R. E. (2007) On the intent to make cramp: an interpretation of vitreous seaweed cremation ‘waste’ from prehistoric burial sites in Orkney, Scotland. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 26(1), pp. 1-23. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0092.2007.00270.x)

Isserlin, B.S.J. and Jones, R.E. (2007) Xerxes Canal. Current World Archaeology, 22, pp. 36-40.

Jones, R.E. (2007) Chemical and organic residue analysis of types Bi, Bii and Bv amphorae from Tintagel. In: Barrowman, R.C., Batey, C.E. and Morris, C.D. (eds.) Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1990-1999. Series: Reports of the research committee of the society of antiquaries of London (74). Society of Antiquaries of London: London, pp. 337-340. ISBN 9780854312863


Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (Eds.) (2006) Going Over Old Ground: Perspectives on Archaeological Geophysical and Geochemical Survey in Scotland: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003. Series: BAR British series. Archaeopress: Oxford. ISBN 9781841719559

Bettelli, M., Levi, S.T., Jones, R.E. and Vagnetti, L. (2006) Le ceramiche micenee in area medio tirrenica: nuove prospettive. In: Peroni, R. (ed.) Studi di Protostoria in Onore di Renato Peroni. All'insegna del giglio: Florence, pp. 339-406. ISBN 9788878144903

Jones, R.E. , Leslie, A. and Johnson, P.G. (2006) Recent geophysical surveys at Roman forts in Central Scotland. In: Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (eds.) Perspectives on Archaeological Geophysical and Geochemical Survey in Scotland : Proceedings of a Conference Held at The Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003. Series: BAR British series (416). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 8-28. ISBN 9781841719559

Kellogg, D. and Jones, R.E. (2006) Geophysics and the management of a designed historical landscape: a case study at Dunkeld. In: Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (eds.) Perspectives on Archaeological Geophysical and Geochemical Survey in Scotland : Proceedings of a Conference Held at The Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003. Series: BAR British series (416). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 234-245. ISBN 9781841719559

Salzani, L., Vagnetti, L., Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2006) Nuovi ritrovamenti di ceramiche di tipo egeo dall’area veronese : Lovara, Bovolone e Terranegra. In: Atti della XXXIX Riunione Scientifica. Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria: Firenze, pp. 1145-1157. ISBN 9788860450517

Vagnetti, L., Percossi, E., Silvestrini, M., Sabbatini, T., Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2006) Ceramiche egeo-micenee dalle Marche: analisi archeometriche e in quadramento preliminare dei risultati. In: Atti della XXXIX Riunione Scientifica. Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria: Firenze, pp. 1159-1172. ISBN 9788860450517


Jones, A., Cole, W.J. and Jones, R.E. (2005) The results of residue analysis using GC-MS on the Barnhouse grooved ware assemblage. In: Richards, C. and Ashmore, P.J. (eds.) Dwelling Among the Monuments: the Neolithic Village of Barnhouse, Maeshowe Passage Grave and Surrounding Monuments at Stenness, Orkney. Series: McDonald Institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, pp. 283-292. ISBN 9781902937182

Jones, R.E., Levi, S.T. and Bettelli, M. (2005) Mycenaean pottery in the Central Mediterranean: imports, imitations and derivatives. In: Greco, E. and Laffineur, R. (eds.) Emporia: Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. Series: Aegaeum (25). Peeters, pp. 539-546. ISBN 9781935488187

Jones, R.E. and Photos-Jones, E. (2005) Technical studies of Aegean Bronze Age wall painting: methods, results and future prospects. In: Morgan, L. (ed.) Aegean Wall Painting: a tribute to Mark Cameron. Series: British School at Athens studies (13). British School at Athens: London, pp. 199-224. ISBN 9780904887495

Vince, A. and Jones, R.E. (2005) Normandy whitewares from Ronaldson’s Wharf, Leith, Scotland. Medieval Ceramics, 29, pp. 25-30.

Whitbread, I.K. and Jones, R.E. (2005) Petrographic and chemical analysis of the early iron age pottery from Torone. In: Papadopoulos, J.K. (ed.) Early Iron Age Cemetery at Torone: Excavations Conducted by the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens in Collaboration with the Athens Archaeological Society. Series: Monumenta archaeologica (24). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA: Los Angeles, pp. 511-540. ISBN 9781931745161


Jones, R.E. and Buxeda, J. (2004) The identity of early Greek pottery in Italy and Spain: an archaeometric perspective. In: Shefton, B.B. and Lomas, K. (eds.) Greek identity in the Western Mediterranean: Papers in Honour of Brian Shefton. Series: Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava, supplementum (246). Brill: Leiden, pp. 83-114. ISBN 9789004133006

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2004) Risultati preliminari delle analisi di ceramiche micenee dalla Sicilia sud-orientale. In: La Rosa, V. (ed.) Le Presenze Micenee Nel Territorio Siracusano: I Simposio Siracusano di Preistoria Siciliana in Memoria di Paolo Orsi, Siracusa. Bottega d'Erasmo: Padova, pp. 171-185.


Buxeda I Garrigos, J., Jones, R.E. , Kilikoglou, V., Levi, S.T., Maniatis, Y., Mitchell, J., Vagnetti, L., Wardle, K.A. and Andreou, S. (2003) Technology transfer at the periphery of the Mycenaean world: the cases of Mycenaean pottery found in Central Macedonia (Greece) and the Plain of Sybaris (Italy). Archaeometry, 45(2), pp. 263-284. (doi: 10.1111/1475-4754.00108)

Isserlin, B.S.J., Jones, R.E. , Karastathis, V., Syrides, G., Papamarinopoulos, S. and Uren, J. (2003) Forthcoming investigations at Xerxes canal 1999-2001. Annual of the British School at Athens, 98, pp. 369-387.

Jones, R.E. (2003) Chemical analysis of LM III grey ware from Khania, appendix 3. In: Hallager, E. and Hallager, B.P. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987: Results of the Excavations Under the Direction of Yannis Tzedakis and Carl-Gustaf Styrenius / Vol. III, The Late Minoan IIIB;2 Settlement. Svenska Institutet i Athen: Stockholm, pp. 263-284. ISBN 9789179160456

Jones, R.E. , Will, R., Haggarty, G. and Hall, D. (2003) Sourcing Scottish white gritty ware. Medieval Ceramics, 26-27, pp. 45-84.

Photos-Jones, E. , Jones, R.E. and Hall, A.J. (2003) Technical report on painted plaster fragments from the Greek-Swedish excavations at Kastelli, Khania, Crete. In: Hallager, E. and Hallager, B. P. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterinini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-87 and 2001 vol. III:1 The Late Minoan IIIB2 Settlement. Series: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 3:1. P Åstrom Forlag: Stockholm, pp. 306-320. ISBN 9789179160456


Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2002) I dolii cordonati e la ceramica grigia: protogeometrica e di impasto del sito di Torre Casteluccia. In: Gorgoglione, M. (ed.) Strutture e Modelli Di Abitati Del Bronzo Tardo da Torre Castelluccia a Roca Vecchia. Filo: Manduria, pp. 93-116. ISBN 9788887192209

Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T. and Vagnetti, L. (2002) Connections between the Aegean and Italy in the Later Bronze Age: the ceramic evidence. In: Kilikoglou, V., Hein, A. and Maniatis, Y. (eds.) Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics: Papers Presented at the 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens, 1999. Series: BAR international series (1011). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 304-305. ISBN 9781841712895

Jones, R.E. , Vagnetti, L., Levi, S., Williams, J., Jenkins, D. and De Guio, A. (2002) Mycenaean pottery from Northern Italy: archaeological and archaeometric studies. Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, 44, pp. 221-261.

Martin, L., Jones, R.E. and Richards, C. (2002) Petrographic studies of Neolithic pottery from Stonehall, Orkney Islands, Scotland. Bollettino Academica Gioenia di Scienze Naturali, 33, pp. 5-21.

Photos-Jones, E. , Politis, K., James, H.F., Hall, A.J., Jones, R.E. and Hamer, J./ (2002) The sugar industry in the Southern Jordan Valley: a preliminary assessment of a pilot season at the Tawahin es-Sukkar and Khirbet Sheikh ‘Isa. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, pp. 591-614.


Karastathis, V.K., Papamarinopoulos, S. and Jones, R.E. (2001) 2-D velocity structure of the buried ancient canal of Xerxes: an application of seismic methods in archaeology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 47(1), pp. 29-43. (doi: 10.1016/S0926-9851(01)00045-3)

Jones, R.E. (2001) Appendix, in K Demakopoulou, a Mycenaean pictorial vase in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, in P Fischer (ed) studies in honour of Paul Åstrom. Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut Rom, Sonderschriften, 29, p. 126.

Jones, R.E. (2001) A provenance study of the Aegean-type and other pottery by chemical analysis. In: Arancio, M.L., Trucco, F. and Vagnetti, L. (eds.) Torre Mordillo 1987-1990. Series: Incunabula Graeca (101). CNR: Roma, pp. 331-338. ISBN 9788887345056

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2001) Analisi archeometrica. Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana, 91-92, pp. 192-195.


Jones, R.E. , Isserlin, B. S. J., Karastathis, V., Paramarinopoulos, S.P., Syrides, G.E., Uren, J., Balatsas, I., Kapopoulos, C., Maniatis, Y. and Facorellis, G. (2000) Exploration of the Canal of Xerxes, Northern Greece: the role of geophysical and other techniques. Archaeological Prospection, 7(3), pp. 147-170. (doi: 10.1002/1099-0763(200009)7:3<147::AID-ARP132>3.0.CO;2-2)

Jones, R.E. and Sarris, A. (2000) Geophysical and related techniques applied to archaeological survey in the Mediterranean: a review. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 13(1), pp. 3-75.

Jones, R.E. (2000) Chemical analysis of Phoenician imports at Kommos: appendix 4.2. In: Shaw, J.W., Shaw, M.C., Betancourt, P.P. and V, L.V. (eds.) Kommos IV: The Greek Sanctuary Part I. Princeton University Press: Princeton, pp. 331-332. ISBN 9780691050805

Jones, R.E. and Brown, B. (2000) Neolithic pottery-making on Orkney: a new look. In: Ritchie, A. (ed.) Neolithic Orkney in its European Context. Series: McDonald Institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, pp. 169-184. ISBN 9781902937045

Jones, R.E. and Stiros, S. (2000) The advent of archaeoseismology in the Mediterranean. In: McGuire, W.J., Griffiths, D.R., Hancock, P.L. and Stewart, I.S. (eds.) The Archaeology of Geological Catastrophes. Series: Geological Society special publication (171). Geological Society: London, pp. 25-32. ISBN 9781862390621

Jones, R.E. , Tompsett, G., Politis, K.D. and Photos-Jones, E. (2000) The Tawahin es-sukkar and khirbet sheik 'isa project phase I: the surveys. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 44, pp. 523-534.


Housley, R. A., Manning, S. W., Cadogan, G., Jones, R. E. and Hedges, R. E.M. (1999) Radiocarbon, calibration, and the chronology of the Late Minoan IB phase. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(2), pp. 159-171. (doi: 10.1006/jasc.1998.0312)

Jones, R.E. (1999) Analyses of frescoes, technical studies and replication experiments. In: Evely, D. (ed.) Fresco: a Passport into the Past: Minoan Crete Through the Eyes of Mark Cameron. British School at Athens, N.P Goulandris Foundation, Museum of Cycladic Art: Athens, pp. 140-151. ISBN 9789608640306

Papadopoulos, J., Cross, G.M., Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (1999) The prehistoric fortifications of Torone. In: Polemos: Le Contexte Guerrier en Egée à l'âge du Bronze. Series: Aegaeum (19). Histoire de l'art et archéologie de la Grèce antique: Liège, pp. 163-70.


Levi, S.T., Jones, R.E. , Lazzarini, L., Sonnino, M. and Vagnetti, L. (1998) The production and distribution of protohistoric pottery in Italy: the case of the plain of Sybaris. In: Arias, C., Bietti, A., Castelletti, L. and Peretto, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the XII UISPP Congress 1996. Forli, pp. 185-190.

Levi, S.T., Jones, R.E. , Lazzarini, L., Sonnino, M. and Vagnetti, L. (1998) Produzione e circolazione della ceramica nella Sibaritide protostorica. In: Peroni, R., Vanzetti, A. and Bagella, S. (eds.) Broglio Di Trebisacce: 1990-1994. Rubbettino: Soveria Mannelli, pp. 175-212. ISBN 9788872846254

Morris, C. and Jones, R.E. (1998) The Late Bronze Age III town of Ayia Irini and its Aegean relations. In: Mendoni, L.G. and Mazarakis Ainian, A.J. (eds.) Kea-Kythnos, History and Archaeology: Proceedings of an International Symposium, Kea-Kythnos, 22-25 June 1994. Series: Meletemata (27). Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity: Athens, pp. 189-2000. ISBN 9789607905017

Watrous, L.V., Day, P.M. and Jones, R.E. (1998) The Sardinian pottery from the Late Bronze Age site of Kommos in Crete: description, chemical and petrographic analyses, and historical context. In: Balmuth, M.S. and Tykot, R.H. (eds.) Sardinian and Aegean Chronology: Towards the Resolution of Relative and Absolute Dating in the Mediterranean. Series: Studies in Sardinian archaeology (5). Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 337-340. ISBN 9781900188821


Jones, R.E. and Rutter, J.B. (1997) Resident Minoan potters on the Greek mainland? Pottery composition analyses from Ayios Stephanos. Archaeometry, 19(2), pp. 211-219. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00201.x)

Evans, M.E., Papamarinopoulos, S., Walton, D., Perreault, J., Spais, C. and Jones, R.E. (1997) New archaeomagnetic results from Greece. In: Proceedings of the South Balkans Archaeometry Conference (Delphi 1991). PACT, pp. 313-320.

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis. In: Papadopoulou- Kanellopoulou, C. (ed.) Lero Tis Nymphis: Melanomorphes Loutrophoroi. Ministry of Culture: Athens, pp. 212-214.

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis of black-glazed Hellenistic canteens: appendix II. In: Rotroff, S. (ed.) Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material. Series: Athenian agora (29). American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Princeton, pp. 128-130. ISBN 9780876612293

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis of pottery from Modern Greek, Turkish and Venetian periods (Appendix). In: Hallager, E., Hallager, B.P., Hahn, M. and Andreadaki-Blasaki, M. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania, 1970-1987 : Results of the Excavations Under the Direction of Yannis Tzedakis and Carl-Gustaf Styrenius. Series: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen (47). Åström, pp. 269-271. ISBN 9789179160357

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis of some pottery from Sardis. In: Schaeffer, J.S., Schaeffer, N.H. and Greenewalt, C.H. (eds.) The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery from Sardis. Series: Monograph (10). Harvard University Press: Cambridge, pp. 128-130. ISBN 9780674171602

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical characterisation of Geometric pottery from Khania (Appendix). In: Hallager, E., Hallager, B.P., Hahn, M. and Andreadaki-Blasaki, M. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania, 1970-1987 : Results of the Excavations Under the Direction of Yannis Tzedakis and Carl-Gustaf Styrenius. Series: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen (47). Åström, pp. 272-281. ISBN 9789179160357

Whitbread, I.K., Jones, R.E. and Papadopoulos, J.K. (1997) The early iron age kiln at Torone, Greece: geological diversity and the definition of control groups. Journal of Archaeological Science, 95, pp. 86-91.


Stiros, S. and Jones, R.E. (Eds.) (1996) Archaeoseismology. Series: Fitch Laboratory occasional paper. Institute of Geology and Mineal Exploration: Athens. ISBN 9781841719559

Cavanagh, W.G., Jones, R.E. and Sarris, A. (1996) The phosphate and geophysical surveys. In: Cavanagh, W.G. and Armstrong, P. (eds.) The Laconia Survey: Continuity and Change in a Greek Rural Landscape. Series: Supplementary volume, 2 (26-27). British School at Athens: London, pp. 235-262. ISBN 9780904887235

Jones, R.E. (1996) Chemical analysis of Mycenaean and sub Mycenaean pottery from Kalapodi. In: Felsch, R.C.S. (ed.) Kalapodi: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen im Heiligtum der Artemis und des Apollon von Hyampolis in der Antiken Phokis. P. von Zabern: Mainz, pp. 115-120. ISBN 9783805318020

Jones, R.E. (1996) Chemical analysis of three ceramic fragments from Lemnos. In: De Simone, C. (ed.) I Tirreni a Lemnos. Series: Biblioteca di "studi etruschi" (31). L.S. Olschki: Firenze, pp. 8-9. ISBN 9788822244321


Demakopoulou, K., Mangou, E., Jones, R.E. and Photos-Jones, E. (1995) Mycenaean black inlaid metalware in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens: a technical examination. Annual of the British School at Athens, 90, pp. 137-153.

Jones, R.E. (1995) Chemical analysis of the Aegean painted and unpainted wares from vivara. In: Marazzi, M. and Tusa, S. (eds.) Vivara: Centro Commerciale Mediterraneo Dell'età del Bronzo. Series: Ricerche di storia, epigrafia e archeologia mediterranea, 2 (3). Bagatto: Rome, pp. 303-316. ISBN 9788878060845

Jones, R.E. , Betancourt, S.J., Vaughan, S.J., Attas, M., Hancock, R.G.V. and Rutter, J.B. (1995) Physico-chemical analysis applied to a selection of pottery from Lerna IV. In: Gejwall, N., Angel, J.L., Rutter, R.B., Wiencke, M.H., Vitelli, K.D. and Reese, D.S. (eds.) Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid. American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Princeton, pp. 663-749. ISBN 9780876613030


Photos, E. , Jones, R.E. and Papadapoulos, T.H. (1994) The black inlay decoration on a Mycenaean bronze dagger. Archaeometry, 36(2), pp. 267-275. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1994.tb00969.x)

Isserlin, B.S.J., Jones, R.E. , Karastathis, V., Papamarinopoulos, S.P., Syrides, G.E. and Uren, J. (1994) The Canal of Xerxes: summary of investigations 1991-2001. Annual of the British School at Athens, 91, pp. 277-284.

Isserlin, B.S.J., Jones, R.E. , Papamarinopoulos, S.P., Syrides, G.E., Maniatis, Y., Facorellis, G. and Uren, J. (1994) The Canal of Xerxes: investigations in 1993-1994. Annual of the British School at Athens, 91, pp. 329-340.

Jones, R.E. (1994) Data Set 2: Fitch Laboratory (BSA) and Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art (Oxford University). In: Knapp, A.B. and Cherry, J. F. (eds.) Provenience Studies and Bronze Age Cyprus : Production, Exchange and Politico-Economic Change. Series: Monographs in world archaeology (21). Prehistory Press: Madison, WI, pp. 67-74. ISBN 9781881094104

Jones, R.E. , Lazzarini, L., Mariotini, M. and Orvini, E. (1994) Studio minero-petrografico e chimico di ceramiche protostriche dal Broglio di Trebisacce. In: Peroni, R. (ed.) Enotri e Micenei nella Sibaritide. Series: Magna Graecia, 2 (8). Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia: Taranto, pp. 413-454.


Jones, R.E. (1993) Appendix in K. Demakopoulou, Argive Mycenaean pottery: evidence from the necropolis at Kokla. In: Zerner, C.W., Zerner, P., Winder, J., Wace, A.J.B. and Blegen, C.W. (eds.) Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939-1989. J.C. Gieben: Amsterdam, pp. 76-80. ISBN 9789050630894

Jones, R.E. (1993) Chemical analysis of ceramic samples from Nuraghe Arrubiu at Orroli. In: Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei IX. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Rome, pp. 144-145. ISBN 0391-8149 (ISSN)

Jones, R.E. (1993) Laboratory analyses of Aegean-type late bronze age pottery in Italy: review and future perspective. Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, 32, pp. 131-133.

Jones, R.E. (1993) Pottery as evidence of trade and colonisation in the Aegean bronze age: the contribution of scientific techniques. In: Zerner, C.W., Zerner, P., Winder, J., Wace, A.J.B. and Blegen, C.W. (eds.) Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939-1989. J.C. Gieben: Amsterdam, pp. 76-80. ISBN 9789050630894

Vagnetti, L. and Jones, R.E. (1993) Le ceramiche di tipo egeo. Parola del Passato, 270, pp. 211-213.


Jones, R.E. (1992) The Mycenaeans in Italy: archaeometric studies, archaeometry and archaeology. In: Proceedings of the 1st Greek Archaeometry Society Symposium. Hellenic Society of Archaeometry, pp. 165-175.

Jones, R.E. (1992) A note on the Roman pigments. In: Sackett, L.H. (ed.) Knossos from Greek City to Roman Colony: Excavations at the Unexplored Mansion II. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens) (21). Thames and Hudson: London, pp. 497-498. ISBN 9780904887082


Jones, R.E. and Vagnetti, L. (1991) Traders and craftsmen in the central Mediterranean: archaeological evidence and archaeometric research. In: Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean. Series: Studies in Mediterranean archaeology (90). P. Åströms: Jonsered, pp. 127-147. ISBN 9789170810039

Jones, R.E. and Vagnetti, L. (1991) Traders and craftsmen in the central Mediterranean: archaeological evidence and archaeometric research (an addendum). Annual of the British School at Athens, 87, pp. 231-235.


Marthari, M., Marketou, T. and Jones, R.E. (1990) LB I ceramic connections between Thera and Kos. In: Hardy, D.A. (ed.) Thera and the Aegean World III: Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3-9 September 1989. Thera Foundation: London, pp. 93-108. ISBN 9780950613376


Catling, R.W.V. and Jones, R.E. (1989) Protogeometric vases from Amorgos in the Museum of the British School. Annual of the British School at Athens, 84, pp. 177-185.


Papamarinopoulos, S., Jones, R.E. and Williams, H. (1988) Electric resistance survey of the southern part of the buried ancient town of Stymphalos. Geoexploration, 25(3), pp. 255-261. (doi: 10.1016/0016-7142(88)90020-8)

Gale, N.H., Einfalt, H.C., Hubberten, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1988) The sources of Mycenaean gypsum. Journal of Archaeological Science, 15(1), pp. 57-72. (doi: 10.1016/0305-4403(88)90019-2)

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (Eds.) (1988) New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece: Proceedings of a Meeting held at the British School at Athens, January 1987. Series: Occasional paper of the Fitch Laboratory. British School at Athens: Athens. ISBN 9780904887037

Jones, R.E. and Vaughan, S.J. (1988) A study of some Canaanite jar fragments from Maa-Palaeokastro by petrographic and chemical analysis. In: Karageorghis, V. and Demas, M. (eds.) Excavations at Maa-Palaeokastro 1979-1986. Department of Antiquities: Cyprus, pp. 386-398. ISBN 9789963364091 (set)

MacGillivray, J.A., Day, P.M. and Jones, R.E. (1988) Dark-faces incised pyxides and lids from Knossos: problems of date and origin. In: French, E.B. and Wardle, K.A. (eds.) Problems in Greek Prehistory: Papers Presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Manchester April 1986. Bristol Classical Press: Bristol, pp. 91-94. ISBN 9780862922467

Vagnetti, L. and Jones, R.E. (1988) Towards the identification of local Mycenaean pottery in Italy. In: French, E.B. and Wardle, K.A. (eds.) Problems in Greek Prehistory: Papers Presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Manchester April 1986. Bristol Classical Press: Bristol, pp. 335-348. ISBN 9780862922467


Jones, R.E. (1987) Appendix. Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, XXVI, pp. 301-302.

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Jones, R.E. and Day, P.M. (1987) LBA Aegean and Cypriot-type pottery in Sardinia. In: Balmuth, M. (ed.) Nuragic Sardinia and the Mycenaean World. Series: Studies in Sardinian archaeology (3). B.A.R.: Oxford, pp. 257-270. ISBN 9780860545002


Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (Eds.) (1986) Science in Archaeology: Proceedings of a Meeting held at the British School at Athens January 1985. Series: Fitch laboratory: occasional paper. Leopard's Head Press: London. ISBN 9780904887020

Jones, R.E. (1986) Greek and Cypriot Pottery: A Review of Scientific Studies. Series: Fitch Laboratory occasional paper, 1. British School at Athens: Athens. ISBN 9780904887013

Jones, R. (1986) Chemical analysis of Late Bronze Age Aegean-type pottery in Italy. In: Marazzi, M., Tusa, S. and Vagnetti, L. (eds.) Traffici micenei nel Mediterraneo: problemi storici e documentazione archeologica : atti del Convegno di Palermo (11-12 maggio e 3-6 dicembre 1984). Series: Magna Graecia (3). Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia: Taranto, pp. 105-114.

Jones, R. E. (1986) Geophysical prospection at amphora production sites on Thasos. In: Empereur, J.-Y. and Garlan, Y. (eds.) Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Series: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Supplement (13). École française d'Athènes: Athens, pp. 279-285. ISBN 9782869580022


Callaghan, P.J. and Jones, R.E. (1985) Hadra hydriae and Central Crete: A fabric analysis. Annual of the British School at Athens, 80, pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400007462)


Jones, R.E. (1984) Appendix in Some Mycenaean pictorial pottery from Boeotian Thebes. Annual of the British School at Athens, 79, pp. 37-48. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400019857)

Calamiotou, M., Filippakis, S.E., Jones, R.E. and Kassab, D. (1984) X-ray and spectrographic analyses of terracotta figurines from myrina: an attempt to characterize workshops. Journal of Archaeological Science, 11(2), pp. 103-118. (doi: 10.1016/0305-4403(84)90046-3)

Maniatis, Y., Jones, R.E. , Whitbread, I.K., Kostikas, A., Simopoulos, A., Karakalos, C. and Williams, C.K. (1984) Punic amphoras found at Corinth, Greece: an investigation of their origin and technology. Journal of Field Archaeology, 11(2), pp. 205-222. (doi: 10.1179/jfa.1984.11.2.205)

Jones, R.E. (1984) Greek potters’ clays: questions of selection, adaptation and availability. In: Brijder, H.A.G. (ed.) Ancient Greek and Related Pottery: Proceedings of the International Vase Symposium in Amsterdam, 12-15 April 1984. Series: Allard Pierson series (5). Allard Pierson Museum: Amsterdam, pp. 21-30. ISBN 9789071211072

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (1984) Science and archaeology: proceedings of a meeting held at the BSA 1983. Anthropologika, 6, pp. 53-72.


Megaw, A.H.S. and Jones, R.E. (1983) Byzantine and Allied Pottery: A Contribution by Chemical Analysis to Problems of Origin and Distribution. Annual of the British School at Athens, 78, pp. 235-263. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400019705)

White, S.R., Warren, S.E. and Jones, R.E. (1983) The provenance of Bronze Age pottery from Thessaly in Eastern Greece. In: Aspinall, A. and Warren, S.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Archaeometry. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 323-332.


Åstrom, P. and Jones, R.E. (1982) A Mycenaean tomb and its near eastern connections. Opuscula Atheniensia, XIV, pp. 7-9.


Catling, H.W., Cherry, J.F., Jones, R.E. and Killen, J.T. (1980) The linear B inscribed dtirrup jars and West Crete. Annual of the British School at Athens, 75, pp. 49-113. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400006328)

Jones, R.E. (1980) Analyses of bronzes and other base metal objects from the Lefkandi cemeteries. In: Popham, M.R., Sackett, L.H. and Themelis, P.G. (eds.) Lefkandi I. The Iron Age: Text - The Settlement and the Cemeteries. Series: Supplementary volume / British School of Archaeology at Athens (11). Thames and Hudson: London, pp. 447-460. ISBN 9780500960141

Jones, R.E. (1980) Analyses of gold objects from Lefkandi. In: Popham, M.R., Sackett, L.H. and Themelis, P.G. (eds.) Lefkandi I. The Iron Age: Text - The Settlement and the Cemeteries. Series: Supplementary volume / British School of Archaeology at Athens (11). Thames and Hudson: London, pp. 461-464. ISBN 9780500960141

Jones, R.E. (1980) Analyses of some Islamic lustre ware pottery from Fustat in Egypt. In: Philon, H. (ed.) Early Islamic Ceramics. Ninth to Late Twelfth Centuries. Benaki Museum, Athens. Sotheby Parke Bernet for Islamic Art Publications: London. ISBN 0856676987

Jones, R.E. (1980) Appendix in F. D’Andria, I materiali del V sec AC nel ceramico di Metaponto e alcuni risultati delle analisi delle argile. In: Attivita archaelogica in Basilicata – 1964-77 – scritti in onore di D Adamesteanu. UNSPECIFIED: Matera, pp. 130-131.

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (1980) Archaeological science in Greece. Athens Annals of Archaeology, 12, pp. 221-232.

Papadopoulos, A.J. and Jones, R.E. (1980) Rhodiaca in Achaea. Opuscula Atheniensia, XII, pp. 225-235.


Jones, R.E. (1979) Analyses of suspected Attic imports and other pottery of the Archaic period from Megara Hyblaea. Mélanges de L'école Française de Rome: Antiquite, 91(1), pp. 58-62.

Jones, R.E. (1979) Appendix on painted plaster, in Knossos 1975: Middle Minoan III and Late Minoan I houses by the Acropolis by H.W. Catling and D. Smyth. Annual of the British School at Athens, 74, p. 79.

Phelps, W.W., Varoufakis, G.J. and Jones, R.E. (1979) Five copper axes from Greece. Annual of the British School at Athens, 74, pp. 175-184.


Johnston, A. and Jones, R.E. (1978) The ‘SOS’ amphora. Annual of the British School at Athens, 73, pp. 103-141. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400006195)

Mountjoy, P.-A., Jones, R.E. and Cherry, J.F. (1978) Provenance studies of the LMIB/LHIIA marine style. Annual of the British School at Athens, 73, pp. 143-171. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400006201)

Jones, R. E. and Mee, C. (1978) Spectrographic analyses of Mycenaean pottery from Ialysos on Rhodes: results and implications. Journal of Field Archaeology, 5(4), pp. 461-470. (doi: 10.1179/009346978791489600)

Jones, R.E. (1978) Composition and provenance problems in some Late Bronze Age pottery found in Cyprus. Cyprus Department of Antiquities: Report, pp. 70-90.

Jones, R.E. (1978) Composition and provenance studies of Cycladic pottery with particular reference to Thera. In: Doumas, C. (ed.) Thera and the Aegean World: Papers Presented at the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978. Thera and the Aegean World: London, pp. 471-482. ISBN 9780950613307

Rapp Jr., G. and Jones, R. E. (1978) Analyses of metal artefacts. In: Rapp Jr., G. and Aschenbrenner, S.E. (eds.) Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece. The University of MInnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN, pp. 166-181. ISBN 9780816608249


Catling, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1977) A reinvestigation of the provenance of the inscribed stirrup jars found at Thebes. Archaeometry, 19(2), pp. 137-146. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00191.x)

Catling, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1977) Analyses of copper and bronze artefacts from the unexplored mansion, Knossos. Archaeometry, 19(1), pp. 57-66. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00927.x)

Cameron, M.A.S., Jones, R.E. and Philippakis, S.E. (1977) Scientific analyses of Minoan fresco samples form Knossos. Annual of the British School at Athens, 72, pp. 57-66.

Jones, R. (1977) Detection magnétique in Rapport sur les Travaux de l’Ecole Française à Amathonte en 1976 by Pierre Aupert. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 101(2), p. 813.


Cameron, M.A.S. and Jones, R.E. (1976) A note on the identification of fresco material from the British campaigns at Palaikastro 1902-1906. Annual of the British School at Athens, 71, pp. 15-19.

Catling, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1976) Sellopoulo Tomb 4: some analyses. Annual of the British School at Athens, 71, pp. 21-23.


John, R. and Jones, R. (1974) The nature of the multiple forms of cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase from pig and sheep heart. Biochemical Journal, 141(2), pp. 401-406.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 11:38:30 2024 BST.
Number of items: 185.


Jones, R. and Caldarola, R. (2023) Appendix to D’Andria, Cavallino: Chemical analysis of band-decorated craters, architectural terracottas and other ceramics from sites in Apulia. Hesperia: Studi Sulla Grecita in Occidente, 43, pp. 163-180.

Jones, R. (2022) Medieval sugar production in the Southern Levant: a sweet story. Ancient Near East Today, 10(9),

Jones, R. (2021) The decoration and firing of ancient Greek pottery: A review of recent investigations. Advances in Archaeomaterials, 2(2), pp. 67-127. (doi: 10.1016/j.aia.2021.07.002)

Jones, R. E. , Levi, S. T., Bettelli, M. and Cannavò, V. (2021) Italo-Mycenaean and other Aegean-influenced pottery in Late Bronze Age Italy: the case for regional production. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13, 23. (doi: 10.1007/s12520-020-01245-5)

Jones, R. , Towers, R., Card, N. and Odling, N. (2019) Analysis of coloured Grooved ware sherds from the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28, 102014. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102014)

Hanson, W.S., Jones, R.E. and Jones, R.H. (2019) The Roman military presence at Dalswinton, Dumfriesshire: a reassessment of the evidence from aerial, geophysical and LiDAR survey. Britannia, 50, pp. 285-320. (doi: 10.1017/S0068113X1900031X)

Cowley, D., Jones, R. , Carey, G. and Mitchell, J. (2019) Barwhill revisited: rethinking old interpretations through integrated survey datasets. Transactions of Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 93, pp. 9-26.

Jones, R. (2018) A.1. Appendix: chemical and petrographic analyses of medieval Scottish white gritty ware pottery. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports, 79, pp. 45-56. (doi: 10.9750/issn.2056-7421.2018.79)

Baker, J., Kantarelou, V., Karydas, A.G., Jones, R.E. , Siozos, P., Anglos, D. and Derham, B. (2017) The height of Denier Tournois minting in Greece (1289–1313) according to new archaeometric data. Annual of the British School at Athens, 112, pp. 267-307. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245416000113)

Bishop, P., Cuenca-Garcia, C. , Jones, R. and Cook, D. (2017) Lime burning in clamp kilns in Scotland's Western Central Belt: primitive industry or simple but perfectly adequate technology? Industrial Archaeology Review, 39(1), pp. 38-58. (doi: 10.1080/03090728.2017.1292642)

Photos-Jones, E. , Jones, R. and Bateson, D. (2017) ‘‘Light on many journies’: a crisis in Charles II’s Scottish silver coinage leading to the closure of the Mint. British Numismatic Journal, 87, pp. 163-178.

Chaplin, T. D., Clark, R. J.H., Jones, R. and Gibbs, R. (2016) Pigment analysis by Raman microscopy and portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) of thirteenth to fourteenth century illuminations and cuttings from Bologna. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2082), 20160043. (doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0043)

Beness, J.L., Hillard, T., Jones, R. , Tsokas, G. and Tsourlos, P. (2016) Torone: the 2015 Season. Mediterranean Archaeology, 27, pp. 123-132.

Jones, R. (2016) Chemical analysis of late medieval pottery from Ticknall. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 136, pp. 66-82.

Gilboa, A., Waiman-Barak, P. and Jones, R. (2015) On the origin of Iron Age Phoenician ceramics at Kommos, Crete: regional and diachronic perspectives across the Bronze Age to Iron Age transition. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 374, pp. 75-102. (doi: 10.5615/bullamerschoorie.374.0075)

Digney, S. and Jones, R.E. (2013) Recent investigations at the King’s Knot Stirling. Forth Naturalist and Historian, 36, pp. 129-148.

Westlake, P., Siozos, P., Philippidis, A., Apostolaki, C., Derham, B., Terlixi, A., Perdikatsis, V., Jones, R.E. and Anglos, D. (2012) Studying pigments on painted plaster in Minoan, Roman and Early Byzantine Crete. A multi-analytical technique approach. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 402(4), pp. 1413-1432. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-011-5281-z)

Haggarty, G., Hall, D. and Jones, R.E. (2011) Sourcing Scottish ceramics: the use and success of chemical analysis. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 141, pp. 249-268.

Guglielmino, R., Levi, S.T. and Jones, R.E. (2010) Relations between the Aegean and Apulia in the Late Bronze Age: the evidence from an archaeometric study of the pottery at Roca (Lecce). Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 60, pp. 257-282.

Jones, R.E., Challands, A., French, C., Card, N., Downes, J. and Richards, C. (2010) Exploring the location and function of a Late Neolithic house at Crossiecrown, Orkney by geophysical, geochemical and soil micromorphological methods. Archaeological Prospection, 17(3), pp. 29-48. (doi: 10.1002/arp.370)

Jones, R.E. , Kilikoglou, V., Olive, V. , Bassiakos, Y., Ellam, R. , Bray, I.S.J.. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2007) A new protocol for the chemical characterisation of steatite - two case studies in Europe: the Shetland Islands and Crete. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(4), pp. 626-641. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2006.07.002)

Photos-Jones, E. , Smith, B. B., Hall, A. J. and Jones, R. E. (2007) On the intent to make cramp: an interpretation of vitreous seaweed cremation ‘waste’ from prehistoric burial sites in Orkney, Scotland. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 26(1), pp. 1-23. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0092.2007.00270.x)

Isserlin, B.S.J. and Jones, R.E. (2007) Xerxes Canal. Current World Archaeology, 22, pp. 36-40.

Vince, A. and Jones, R.E. (2005) Normandy whitewares from Ronaldson’s Wharf, Leith, Scotland. Medieval Ceramics, 29, pp. 25-30.

Buxeda I Garrigos, J., Jones, R.E. , Kilikoglou, V., Levi, S.T., Maniatis, Y., Mitchell, J., Vagnetti, L., Wardle, K.A. and Andreou, S. (2003) Technology transfer at the periphery of the Mycenaean world: the cases of Mycenaean pottery found in Central Macedonia (Greece) and the Plain of Sybaris (Italy). Archaeometry, 45(2), pp. 263-284. (doi: 10.1111/1475-4754.00108)

Isserlin, B.S.J., Jones, R.E. , Karastathis, V., Syrides, G., Papamarinopoulos, S. and Uren, J. (2003) Forthcoming investigations at Xerxes canal 1999-2001. Annual of the British School at Athens, 98, pp. 369-387.

Jones, R.E. , Will, R., Haggarty, G. and Hall, D. (2003) Sourcing Scottish white gritty ware. Medieval Ceramics, 26-27, pp. 45-84.

Jones, R.E. , Vagnetti, L., Levi, S., Williams, J., Jenkins, D. and De Guio, A. (2002) Mycenaean pottery from Northern Italy: archaeological and archaeometric studies. Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, 44, pp. 221-261.

Martin, L., Jones, R.E. and Richards, C. (2002) Petrographic studies of Neolithic pottery from Stonehall, Orkney Islands, Scotland. Bollettino Academica Gioenia di Scienze Naturali, 33, pp. 5-21.

Photos-Jones, E. , Politis, K., James, H.F., Hall, A.J., Jones, R.E. and Hamer, J./ (2002) The sugar industry in the Southern Jordan Valley: a preliminary assessment of a pilot season at the Tawahin es-Sukkar and Khirbet Sheikh ‘Isa. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, pp. 591-614.

Karastathis, V.K., Papamarinopoulos, S. and Jones, R.E. (2001) 2-D velocity structure of the buried ancient canal of Xerxes: an application of seismic methods in archaeology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 47(1), pp. 29-43. (doi: 10.1016/S0926-9851(01)00045-3)

Jones, R.E. (2001) Appendix, in K Demakopoulou, a Mycenaean pictorial vase in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, in P Fischer (ed) studies in honour of Paul Åstrom. Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut Rom, Sonderschriften, 29, p. 126.

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2001) Analisi archeometrica. Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana, 91-92, pp. 192-195.

Jones, R.E. , Isserlin, B. S. J., Karastathis, V., Paramarinopoulos, S.P., Syrides, G.E., Uren, J., Balatsas, I., Kapopoulos, C., Maniatis, Y. and Facorellis, G. (2000) Exploration of the Canal of Xerxes, Northern Greece: the role of geophysical and other techniques. Archaeological Prospection, 7(3), pp. 147-170. (doi: 10.1002/1099-0763(200009)7:3<147::AID-ARP132>3.0.CO;2-2)

Jones, R.E. and Sarris, A. (2000) Geophysical and related techniques applied to archaeological survey in the Mediterranean: a review. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 13(1), pp. 3-75.

Jones, R.E. , Tompsett, G., Politis, K.D. and Photos-Jones, E. (2000) The Tawahin es-sukkar and khirbet sheik 'isa project phase I: the surveys. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 44, pp. 523-534.

Housley, R. A., Manning, S. W., Cadogan, G., Jones, R. E. and Hedges, R. E.M. (1999) Radiocarbon, calibration, and the chronology of the Late Minoan IB phase. Journal of Archaeological Science, 26(2), pp. 159-171. (doi: 10.1006/jasc.1998.0312)

Jones, R.E. and Rutter, J.B. (1997) Resident Minoan potters on the Greek mainland? Pottery composition analyses from Ayios Stephanos. Archaeometry, 19(2), pp. 211-219. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00201.x)

Whitbread, I.K., Jones, R.E. and Papadopoulos, J.K. (1997) The early iron age kiln at Torone, Greece: geological diversity and the definition of control groups. Journal of Archaeological Science, 95, pp. 86-91.

Demakopoulou, K., Mangou, E., Jones, R.E. and Photos-Jones, E. (1995) Mycenaean black inlaid metalware in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens: a technical examination. Annual of the British School at Athens, 90, pp. 137-153.

Photos, E. , Jones, R.E. and Papadapoulos, T.H. (1994) The black inlay decoration on a Mycenaean bronze dagger. Archaeometry, 36(2), pp. 267-275. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1994.tb00969.x)

Isserlin, B.S.J., Jones, R.E. , Karastathis, V., Papamarinopoulos, S.P., Syrides, G.E. and Uren, J. (1994) The Canal of Xerxes: summary of investigations 1991-2001. Annual of the British School at Athens, 91, pp. 277-284.

Isserlin, B.S.J., Jones, R.E. , Papamarinopoulos, S.P., Syrides, G.E., Maniatis, Y., Facorellis, G. and Uren, J. (1994) The Canal of Xerxes: investigations in 1993-1994. Annual of the British School at Athens, 91, pp. 329-340.

Jones, R.E. (1993) Laboratory analyses of Aegean-type late bronze age pottery in Italy: review and future perspective. Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, 32, pp. 131-133.

Vagnetti, L. and Jones, R.E. (1993) Le ceramiche di tipo egeo. Parola del Passato, 270, pp. 211-213.

Jones, R.E. and Vagnetti, L. (1991) Traders and craftsmen in the central Mediterranean: archaeological evidence and archaeometric research (an addendum). Annual of the British School at Athens, 87, pp. 231-235.

Catling, R.W.V. and Jones, R.E. (1989) Protogeometric vases from Amorgos in the Museum of the British School. Annual of the British School at Athens, 84, pp. 177-185.

Papamarinopoulos, S., Jones, R.E. and Williams, H. (1988) Electric resistance survey of the southern part of the buried ancient town of Stymphalos. Geoexploration, 25(3), pp. 255-261. (doi: 10.1016/0016-7142(88)90020-8)

Gale, N.H., Einfalt, H.C., Hubberten, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1988) The sources of Mycenaean gypsum. Journal of Archaeological Science, 15(1), pp. 57-72. (doi: 10.1016/0305-4403(88)90019-2)

Jones, R.E. (1987) Appendix. Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, XXVI, pp. 301-302.

Callaghan, P.J. and Jones, R.E. (1985) Hadra hydriae and Central Crete: A fabric analysis. Annual of the British School at Athens, 80, pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400007462)

Jones, R.E. (1984) Appendix in Some Mycenaean pictorial pottery from Boeotian Thebes. Annual of the British School at Athens, 79, pp. 37-48. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400019857)

Calamiotou, M., Filippakis, S.E., Jones, R.E. and Kassab, D. (1984) X-ray and spectrographic analyses of terracotta figurines from myrina: an attempt to characterize workshops. Journal of Archaeological Science, 11(2), pp. 103-118. (doi: 10.1016/0305-4403(84)90046-3)

Maniatis, Y., Jones, R.E. , Whitbread, I.K., Kostikas, A., Simopoulos, A., Karakalos, C. and Williams, C.K. (1984) Punic amphoras found at Corinth, Greece: an investigation of their origin and technology. Journal of Field Archaeology, 11(2), pp. 205-222. (doi: 10.1179/jfa.1984.11.2.205)

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (1984) Science and archaeology: proceedings of a meeting held at the BSA 1983. Anthropologika, 6, pp. 53-72.

Megaw, A.H.S. and Jones, R.E. (1983) Byzantine and Allied Pottery: A Contribution by Chemical Analysis to Problems of Origin and Distribution. Annual of the British School at Athens, 78, pp. 235-263. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400019705)

Åstrom, P. and Jones, R.E. (1982) A Mycenaean tomb and its near eastern connections. Opuscula Atheniensia, XIV, pp. 7-9.

Catling, H.W., Cherry, J.F., Jones, R.E. and Killen, J.T. (1980) The linear B inscribed dtirrup jars and West Crete. Annual of the British School at Athens, 75, pp. 49-113. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400006328)

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (1980) Archaeological science in Greece. Athens Annals of Archaeology, 12, pp. 221-232.

Papadopoulos, A.J. and Jones, R.E. (1980) Rhodiaca in Achaea. Opuscula Atheniensia, XII, pp. 225-235.

Jones, R.E. (1979) Analyses of suspected Attic imports and other pottery of the Archaic period from Megara Hyblaea. Mélanges de L'école Française de Rome: Antiquite, 91(1), pp. 58-62.

Jones, R.E. (1979) Appendix on painted plaster, in Knossos 1975: Middle Minoan III and Late Minoan I houses by the Acropolis by H.W. Catling and D. Smyth. Annual of the British School at Athens, 74, p. 79.

Phelps, W.W., Varoufakis, G.J. and Jones, R.E. (1979) Five copper axes from Greece. Annual of the British School at Athens, 74, pp. 175-184.

Johnston, A. and Jones, R.E. (1978) The ‘SOS’ amphora. Annual of the British School at Athens, 73, pp. 103-141. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400006195)

Mountjoy, P.-A., Jones, R.E. and Cherry, J.F. (1978) Provenance studies of the LMIB/LHIIA marine style. Annual of the British School at Athens, 73, pp. 143-171. (doi: 10.1017/S0068245400006201)

Jones, R. E. and Mee, C. (1978) Spectrographic analyses of Mycenaean pottery from Ialysos on Rhodes: results and implications. Journal of Field Archaeology, 5(4), pp. 461-470. (doi: 10.1179/009346978791489600)

Jones, R.E. (1978) Composition and provenance problems in some Late Bronze Age pottery found in Cyprus. Cyprus Department of Antiquities: Report, pp. 70-90.

Catling, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1977) A reinvestigation of the provenance of the inscribed stirrup jars found at Thebes. Archaeometry, 19(2), pp. 137-146. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00191.x)

Catling, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1977) Analyses of copper and bronze artefacts from the unexplored mansion, Knossos. Archaeometry, 19(1), pp. 57-66. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00927.x)

Cameron, M.A.S., Jones, R.E. and Philippakis, S.E. (1977) Scientific analyses of Minoan fresco samples form Knossos. Annual of the British School at Athens, 72, pp. 57-66.

Jones, R. (1977) Detection magnétique in Rapport sur les Travaux de l’Ecole Française à Amathonte en 1976 by Pierre Aupert. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 101(2), p. 813.

Cameron, M.A.S. and Jones, R.E. (1976) A note on the identification of fresco material from the British campaigns at Palaikastro 1902-1906. Annual of the British School at Athens, 71, pp. 15-19.

Catling, H.W. and Jones, R.E. (1976) Sellopoulo Tomb 4: some analyses. Annual of the British School at Athens, 71, pp. 21-23.

John, R. and Jones, R. (1974) The nature of the multiple forms of cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase from pig and sheep heart. Biochemical Journal, 141(2), pp. 401-406.


Hanson, W. S., Jones, R. E. and Hannon, N. (2024) Exploring the Antonine Wall with Terrestrial Remote Sensing. Series: Roman frontier studies. Archaeopress: Oxford. ISBN 9781803278018

Jones, R. E. (2017) Sweet Waste: a View from the Mediterranean and from the 2002 Excavations at the Tawahin es-Sukkar (Safi), Jordan. Potingair Press. ISBN 9780956824035

Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T., Bettelli, M. and Vagnetti, L. (2014) Italo-Mycenaean Pottery: The Archaeological and Archaeometric Dimensions. Series: Incunabula Gracae/Studi Micenei ed Anatolici, 103. Edizioni dell'Ateneo: Rome, Italy. ISBN 9788887345209

Haskell, H.W., Jones, R.E. , Day, P.M. and Killen, J.T. (2011) Transport Stirrup Jars of the Bronze Age Aegean and East Mediterranean. Series: Prehistory monographs (33). Institute for Aegean Prehistory Academic Press: Philadelphia, PA, USA. ISBN 9781931534628

Jones, R.E. (1986) Greek and Cypriot Pottery: A Review of Scientific Studies. Series: Fitch Laboratory occasional paper, 1. British School at Athens: Athens. ISBN 9780904887013

Book Sections

Jones, R. (2024) Geophysical survey in the archaeology of Scotland: Recent developments and results. In: Cuenca-Garcia, C., Asăndulesei, A. and Lowe, K. M. (eds.) World Archaeo-Geophysics. Series: One world archaeology. Springer: Cham, pp. 415-434. ISBN 9783031578991 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-57900-4_16)

Hilditch, J. and Jones, R. E. (2024) Summary of ceramic analysis. In: Barber, R. L. N. (ed.) Phylakopi, Melos, 1896–99: The Finds in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), 53. British School at Athens: London, pp. 547-560. ISBN 9780904887754

Jones, R. E. (2024) Appendix: pXRF analysis of metal and metal-related artefacts from Phylakopi, Melos in D.N. Smith. Metal and metallurgical objects. In: Barber, R. L. N. (ed.) Phylakopi, Melos, 1896–99: The Finds in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), 53. British School at Athens: London, pp. 617-619. ISBN 9780904887754

Jones, R. E. and Mountjoy, P. A. (2024) Appendix on the ICP Project in P.A. Mountjoy: Imported Pottery: Part III: Late Minoan and Mycenaean Pottery. In: Barber, R. L. N. (ed.) Phylakopi, Melos, 1896–99: The Finds in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), 53. British School at Athens: London, pp. 506-507. ISBN 9780904887754

Forster, A. K. and Jones, R. E. (2023) Investigating the origins of steatite vessels across the Viking diaspora. In: Horne, T., Pierce, E. and Barrowman, R. (eds.) The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 98-111. ISBN 9781474485821

Campbell, L. and Jones, R. (2021) Testing Composition by pXRF Analysis against Ceramic Shape, Style and Stamp: A Case Study from Samian Found on Hadrian’s Wall. In: Hegewisch, M., Daszkiewicz, M. and Schneider, G. (eds.) Using pXRF for the Analysis of Ancient Pottery: An Expert Workshop in Berlin 2014. Series: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World (75). Edition Topoi: Berlin, pp. 63-90. ISBN 9783981968590 (doi: 10.17171/3-75)

Jones, R. (2021) Appendix 1: Chemical analysis of Mycenaean pottery from Koukounaries, Paros. In: Koehl, R.B. (ed.) Koukounaries I: Mycenaean Pottery from Selected Contexts. Archaeopress, pp. 180-183.

Hanson, W. S. and Jones, R. E. (2020) The Roman fort and fortlet at Castlehill on the Antonine Wall: the geophysical, LiDAR and early map evidence. In: Breeze, D. J. and Hanson, W. S. (eds.) The Antonine Wall: Papers in Honour of Professor Lawrence Keppie. Series: Archaeopress Roman archaeology (64). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 218-232. ISBN 9781789694505

Jones, R. and Grey, A. (2020) Some thoughts on sugar production and sugar pots in the Fatimid, Crusader/Ayyubid and Early Mamluk periods in Jordan. In: Yona Waksman, S. (ed.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean. Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée – Jean Pouilloux: Lyon, pp. 191-207. ISBN 9782356680709

Jones, R. E. (2019) Chemical analysis of four decorated sherds. In: Damiani, I. and Presicce, C. P. (eds.) La Roma dei Rei: : il racconto dell’archeologia. Gangemi Editore: Rome, pp. 269-270. ISBN 9788849237399

Photos-Jones, E. and Jones, R. (2018) Mycenaean ‘Alum’: Implications for the exchange of astringent minerals in the Bronze Age. In: Bettelli, M., Del Freo, M. and van Wijngaarden, G. J. (eds.) Mediterranea Itinera : Studies in Honour of Lucia Vagnetti. Series: Incunabula Graeca, 106. CNR - Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico: Rome, Italy, pp. 77-92. ISBN 9788880803409

Bettelli, M., Cupito, M., Jones, R. , Leonardi, G. and Levi, S.T. (2017) The Po Plain, Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age: fact, fancy and plausibility. In: Fotiadis, M., Laffineur, R., Lolos, Y. and Vlachopoulos, A. (eds.) Hesperos: The Aegean Seen from the West. Series: Aegaeum (41). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 165-172. ISBN 9789042935624

Foster, A. and Jones, R. (2017) From homeland to home: using soapstone to map migration and settlement in the North Atlantic. In: Hansen, G. and Storemyr, P. (eds.) Soapstone in the North: Quarries, Products and People 7000 BC – AD 1700. University of Bergen Press: Bergen, pp. 225-248.

Jones, R. , Brunelli, D., Cannavò, V., Levi, S.T. and Vidale, M. (2016) The Riace bronzes: recent work on the clay cores. In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry. Series: BAR international series (2281). British Archaeological Reports Ltd: Oxford, pp. 31-38. ISBN 9781407314303

Jones, R.E. and Campbell, L. (2016) Non-destructive analysis of Samian ware from Scottish military sites. In: Peacock, D. P.S., Sibbesson, E., Jervis, B. and Coxon, S. (eds.) Insight from Innovation: New Light on Archaeological Ceramics : Papers Presented in Honour of Professor David Peacock's Contributions to Archaeological Ceramic Studies. Series: Southampton monographs in archaeology (6). Highfield Press, pp. 118-136. ISBN 9780992633646

Photos-Jones, E. , Isbister, A. and Jones, R. (2016) Appendix 3. The haematite and related iron-rich materials. In: Richards, C. and Jones, R. (eds.) The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994–2014). Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 475-484. ISBN 9781909686892

Glatz, C. , Düring, B. S., Wilkinson, T. C., Gratuze, B., Jones, R. , Photos-Jones, E. and Klinkenberg, V. (2015) Developing an adaptive field methodology for challenging landscapes. In: Düring, B. S. and Glatz, C. (eds.) Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 - Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. De Gruyter Open: Warsaw, pp. 53-103. ISBN 9783110444964 (doi: 10.1515/9783110444971-008)

Jones, R. (2015) Appendix III: Chemical and Petrographic Study of Pottery from the Cide Archaeological Project. In: Düring, B. S. and Glatz, C. (eds.) Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 - Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. De Gruyter Open: Warsaw, pp. 452-459. ISBN 9783110444964 (doi: 10.1515/9783110444971-020)

Jones, R. (2015) Appendix IV: Chemical and Magnetic Analysis of Soils from Grid 6 (G6) at Okçular. In: Düring, B. S. and Glatz, C. (eds.) Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 - Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. De Gruyter Open: Warsaw, pp. 460-469. ISBN 9783110444964 (doi: 10.1515/9783110444971-020)

Bettelli, M., Cupitò, M., Levi, S.T., Jones, R. and Leonardi, G. (2015) Tempi e modi della connessione tra mondo egeo e area padano-veneta. Una riconsiderazione della problematica alla luce delle nuove ceramiche di tipo miceneo di Fondo Paviani (Legnago, Verona). In: Preistoria e Protostoria del Veneto. Series: Studi di preistoria e protostoria (2). Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria: Firenze, pp. 377-387. ISBN 9788860450562

Jones, R. E. and Leslie, A. (2015) The contribution of geophysical survey to the understanding of Roman frontiers. In: Breeze, D., Jones, R. and Oltean, I. (eds.) Understanding Roman Frontiers: A Celebration for Professor Bill Hanson. John Donald: Edinburgh, pp. 313-327. ISBN 9781906566852

Foster, A.K. and Jones, R. E. (2014) Rare earth element analysis of steatite artefacts found at Bayanne. In: Moore, H. and Wilson, G. (eds.) Ebbing Shores: survey and excavation of coastal archaeology in Shetland 1995-2008. Series: Archaeology report (Historic Scotland) (8). Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 144-162. ISBN 9781849171588

Derham, B., Doonan, R., Lolos, Y., Sarris, A. and Jones, R.E. (2013) Integrating geochemical survey, ethnography and organic residue analysis to identify and understand areas of foodstuff processing. In: Voutsaki, S. and Valamoti, S. (eds.) Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens on 22-24 March 2010. Series: Pharos Supplement (1). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 47-54. ISBN 9789042927247

Batey, C., Forster, A., Jones, R.E. , Gaunt, G., Breckenridge, F., Bunbury, J. and Barrett, J. (2012) Local availability and long-range trade: the worked stone assemblage. In: Barrett, J.H. (ed.) Being an Islander: Production and Identity at Quoygrew, Orkney, AD 900-1600. Series: McDonald Institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, UK, pp. 207-227. ISBN 9781902937618

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2012) Nuove analisi archeometriche della ceramic di tipo egeo-miceneo di Coppa Nevigata. In: Cazzella, A., Moscoloni, M. and Recchia, G. (eds.) Coppa Nevigata e l'Area Umida alla Foce del Candelaro Durante l'Età del Bronzo. Series: Edizioni del Parco. C. Grenzi: Foggia, Italy, pp. 445-453. ISBN 9788884314987

Jones, R.E. (2011) Organic residue analysis. In: Barrowman, R. (ed.) The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninian's Isle, Shetland: Excavations Past and Present. Series: Monograph series (Society for Medieval Archaeology) (32). Society for Medieval Archaeology: London, UK. ISBN 9781907975462

Bettelli, M., Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T. and Vagnetti, L. (2010) Ceramiche egee e di tipo egeo lungo il versante adriatico pugliese: centri di produzione, livelli di circolazione, contesti d'uso. In: Radina, F. and Recchia, G. (eds.) Ambra per Agamennone: Indigeni e Micenei Tra Adriatico, Ionio ed Egeo. M. Adda: Bari, pp. 109-118. ISBN 9788880828952

Bettelli, M., Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T. and Vagnetti, L. (2010) Ceramiche egee e di tipo lung oil versante adriatico puliese: centru di produzione, lebelli di circolazione, contesti d’uso. In: Radina, F. and Recchia, G. (eds.) Ambra Per Agamennone. M. Adda: Bari, pp. 109-117. ISBN 9788880828952

Clelland, S.-J., Batt, C., Stern, B. and Jones, R.E. (2009) Scientific analysis of steatite: recent results. In: Forster, A.K., Turner, V. and Batey, C. (eds.) Kleber: Shetland's Oldest Industry: Shetland Soapstone Since Prehistory. Shetland Amenity Trust: Lerwick. ISBN 9780954324698

Jones, R.E. (2009) Proton magnetometer survey at the Menelaion and environs. In: Catling, H. (ed.) Sparta, Menelaion I: The Bronze Age. Series: Supplementary volume (45). The British School at Athens: London, pp. 176-179. ISBN 9780904887594

Jones, R.E. (2009) XRF analysis of Mycenaean bronzes from the Menelaion. In: Catling, H.W. and Hughes-Brock, H. (eds.) Sparta: Menelaion I The Bronze Age. Series: Supplementary volume (45). British School at Athens: London, pp. 124-126. ISBN 9780904887594

Jones, R.E. and Tomlinson, J.T. (2009) Chemical analysis of Mycenaean pottery from the Menelaion and its vicinity. In: Catling, H.W. (ed.) Sparta, Menelaion I: The Bronze Age. Series: Supplementary volume (45). British School at Athens: London, pp. 147-169. ISBN 9780904887594

Photos-Jones, E. , Hall, A., Jones, R. and Pantos, E. (2009) ‘Sweet waste’: the industrial waste from the medieval sugar refinery at the Tawahin es-Sukkar in Jordan. In: Shortland, A.J., Freestone, I. and Rehren, T. (eds.) From Mine to Microscope: Advances in the Study of Ancient Technology. Oxbow Books: Oxford, UK, pp. 223-230. ISBN 9781842172599

Vagnetti, L., Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T., Bettelli, M. and Alberti, A. (2009) Ceramiche egee e di tipo egeo lungo I versanti adriatico e ionico della Peninsolo italiana: situazioni a confronto. In: Borgna, E. and Cassola Guida, P. (eds.) Dall'Egeo all'Adriatico: Organizzazioni Sociali, Modi di Scambio e Interazione in Età Postpalaziale (XII-XI sec. a.C.) [From the Aegean to the Adriatic: Social Organisations, Modes of Exchange and Interaction in Postpalatial Times (12th-11th B.C.)]. Series: Studi e ricerche di protostoria mediterranea (8). Quasar: Roma, pp. 171-184. ISBN 9788871403700

Jones, R.E. (2008) X-Ray fluorescence analysis of Middle and Late Helladic bronze objects. In: Taylour, W.D. and Janko, R. (eds.) Ayios Stephanos Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia. Series: Supplementary volume (44). The British School at Athens: London, CD126. ISBN 9780904887587

Stephens, C., Jones, R.E. and Gater, J. (2008) Geophysical survey on the Antonine wall. In: Breeze, D.J., Jilek, S., Mattingly, D.J., Rushworth, A., Sterry, M. and Leitch, V. (eds.) Frontiers of the Roman Empire. Society for Libyan Studies: Edinburgh, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9781900971164

Whitbread, I.K. and Jones, R.E. (2008) Petrographic and chemical analysis of Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I–II pottery. In: Janko, R. and Taylour, W.D. (eds.) Ayios Stephanos excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval settlement in southern Laconia. Series: Suppelmentary Volume (44). British School at Athens: London, pp. 89-117. ISBN 9780904887587

Jones, R.E. (2007) Chemical and organic residue analysis of types Bi, Bii and Bv amphorae from Tintagel. In: Barrowman, R.C., Batey, C.E. and Morris, C.D. (eds.) Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1990-1999. Series: Reports of the research committee of the society of antiquaries of London (74). Society of Antiquaries of London: London, pp. 337-340. ISBN 9780854312863

Bettelli, M., Levi, S.T., Jones, R.E. and Vagnetti, L. (2006) Le ceramiche micenee in area medio tirrenica: nuove prospettive. In: Peroni, R. (ed.) Studi di Protostoria in Onore di Renato Peroni. All'insegna del giglio: Florence, pp. 339-406. ISBN 9788878144903

Jones, R.E. , Leslie, A. and Johnson, P.G. (2006) Recent geophysical surveys at Roman forts in Central Scotland. In: Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (eds.) Perspectives on Archaeological Geophysical and Geochemical Survey in Scotland : Proceedings of a Conference Held at The Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003. Series: BAR British series (416). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 8-28. ISBN 9781841719559

Kellogg, D. and Jones, R.E. (2006) Geophysics and the management of a designed historical landscape: a case study at Dunkeld. In: Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (eds.) Perspectives on Archaeological Geophysical and Geochemical Survey in Scotland : Proceedings of a Conference Held at The Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003. Series: BAR British series (416). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 234-245. ISBN 9781841719559

Salzani, L., Vagnetti, L., Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2006) Nuovi ritrovamenti di ceramiche di tipo egeo dall’area veronese : Lovara, Bovolone e Terranegra. In: Atti della XXXIX Riunione Scientifica. Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria: Firenze, pp. 1145-1157. ISBN 9788860450517

Vagnetti, L., Percossi, E., Silvestrini, M., Sabbatini, T., Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2006) Ceramiche egeo-micenee dalle Marche: analisi archeometriche e in quadramento preliminare dei risultati. In: Atti della XXXIX Riunione Scientifica. Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria: Firenze, pp. 1159-1172. ISBN 9788860450517

Jones, A., Cole, W.J. and Jones, R.E. (2005) The results of residue analysis using GC-MS on the Barnhouse grooved ware assemblage. In: Richards, C. and Ashmore, P.J. (eds.) Dwelling Among the Monuments: the Neolithic Village of Barnhouse, Maeshowe Passage Grave and Surrounding Monuments at Stenness, Orkney. Series: McDonald Institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, pp. 283-292. ISBN 9781902937182

Jones, R.E., Levi, S.T. and Bettelli, M. (2005) Mycenaean pottery in the Central Mediterranean: imports, imitations and derivatives. In: Greco, E. and Laffineur, R. (eds.) Emporia: Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. Series: Aegaeum (25). Peeters, pp. 539-546. ISBN 9781935488187

Jones, R.E. and Photos-Jones, E. (2005) Technical studies of Aegean Bronze Age wall painting: methods, results and future prospects. In: Morgan, L. (ed.) Aegean Wall Painting: a tribute to Mark Cameron. Series: British School at Athens studies (13). British School at Athens: London, pp. 199-224. ISBN 9780904887495

Whitbread, I.K. and Jones, R.E. (2005) Petrographic and chemical analysis of the early iron age pottery from Torone. In: Papadopoulos, J.K. (ed.) Early Iron Age Cemetery at Torone: Excavations Conducted by the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens in Collaboration with the Athens Archaeological Society. Series: Monumenta archaeologica (24). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA: Los Angeles, pp. 511-540. ISBN 9781931745161

Jones, R.E. and Buxeda, J. (2004) The identity of early Greek pottery in Italy and Spain: an archaeometric perspective. In: Shefton, B.B. and Lomas, K. (eds.) Greek identity in the Western Mediterranean: Papers in Honour of Brian Shefton. Series: Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava, supplementum (246). Brill: Leiden, pp. 83-114. ISBN 9789004133006

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2004) Risultati preliminari delle analisi di ceramiche micenee dalla Sicilia sud-orientale. In: La Rosa, V. (ed.) Le Presenze Micenee Nel Territorio Siracusano: I Simposio Siracusano di Preistoria Siciliana in Memoria di Paolo Orsi, Siracusa. Bottega d'Erasmo: Padova, pp. 171-185.

Jones, R.E. (2003) Chemical analysis of LM III grey ware from Khania, appendix 3. In: Hallager, E. and Hallager, B.P. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987: Results of the Excavations Under the Direction of Yannis Tzedakis and Carl-Gustaf Styrenius / Vol. III, The Late Minoan IIIB;2 Settlement. Svenska Institutet i Athen: Stockholm, pp. 263-284. ISBN 9789179160456

Photos-Jones, E. , Jones, R.E. and Hall, A.J. (2003) Technical report on painted plaster fragments from the Greek-Swedish excavations at Kastelli, Khania, Crete. In: Hallager, E. and Hallager, B. P. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterinini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-87 and 2001 vol. III:1 The Late Minoan IIIB2 Settlement. Series: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 3:1. P Åstrom Forlag: Stockholm, pp. 306-320. ISBN 9789179160456

Jones, R.E. and Levi, S.T. (2002) I dolii cordonati e la ceramica grigia: protogeometrica e di impasto del sito di Torre Casteluccia. In: Gorgoglione, M. (ed.) Strutture e Modelli Di Abitati Del Bronzo Tardo da Torre Castelluccia a Roca Vecchia. Filo: Manduria, pp. 93-116. ISBN 9788887192209

Jones, R.E. , Levi, S.T. and Vagnetti, L. (2002) Connections between the Aegean and Italy in the Later Bronze Age: the ceramic evidence. In: Kilikoglou, V., Hein, A. and Maniatis, Y. (eds.) Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics: Papers Presented at the 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens, 1999. Series: BAR international series (1011). Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 304-305. ISBN 9781841712895

Jones, R.E. (2001) A provenance study of the Aegean-type and other pottery by chemical analysis. In: Arancio, M.L., Trucco, F. and Vagnetti, L. (eds.) Torre Mordillo 1987-1990. Series: Incunabula Graeca (101). CNR: Roma, pp. 331-338. ISBN 9788887345056

Jones, R.E. (2000) Chemical analysis of Phoenician imports at Kommos: appendix 4.2. In: Shaw, J.W., Shaw, M.C., Betancourt, P.P. and V, L.V. (eds.) Kommos IV: The Greek Sanctuary Part I. Princeton University Press: Princeton, pp. 331-332. ISBN 9780691050805

Jones, R.E. and Brown, B. (2000) Neolithic pottery-making on Orkney: a new look. In: Ritchie, A. (ed.) Neolithic Orkney in its European Context. Series: McDonald Institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, pp. 169-184. ISBN 9781902937045

Jones, R.E. and Stiros, S. (2000) The advent of archaeoseismology in the Mediterranean. In: McGuire, W.J., Griffiths, D.R., Hancock, P.L. and Stewart, I.S. (eds.) The Archaeology of Geological Catastrophes. Series: Geological Society special publication (171). Geological Society: London, pp. 25-32. ISBN 9781862390621

Jones, R.E. (1999) Analyses of frescoes, technical studies and replication experiments. In: Evely, D. (ed.) Fresco: a Passport into the Past: Minoan Crete Through the Eyes of Mark Cameron. British School at Athens, N.P Goulandris Foundation, Museum of Cycladic Art: Athens, pp. 140-151. ISBN 9789608640306

Papadopoulos, J., Cross, G.M., Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (1999) The prehistoric fortifications of Torone. In: Polemos: Le Contexte Guerrier en Egée à l'âge du Bronze. Series: Aegaeum (19). Histoire de l'art et archéologie de la Grèce antique: Liège, pp. 163-70.

Levi, S.T., Jones, R.E. , Lazzarini, L., Sonnino, M. and Vagnetti, L. (1998) The production and distribution of protohistoric pottery in Italy: the case of the plain of Sybaris. In: Arias, C., Bietti, A., Castelletti, L. and Peretto, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the XII UISPP Congress 1996. Forli, pp. 185-190.

Levi, S.T., Jones, R.E. , Lazzarini, L., Sonnino, M. and Vagnetti, L. (1998) Produzione e circolazione della ceramica nella Sibaritide protostorica. In: Peroni, R., Vanzetti, A. and Bagella, S. (eds.) Broglio Di Trebisacce: 1990-1994. Rubbettino: Soveria Mannelli, pp. 175-212. ISBN 9788872846254

Morris, C. and Jones, R.E. (1998) The Late Bronze Age III town of Ayia Irini and its Aegean relations. In: Mendoni, L.G. and Mazarakis Ainian, A.J. (eds.) Kea-Kythnos, History and Archaeology: Proceedings of an International Symposium, Kea-Kythnos, 22-25 June 1994. Series: Meletemata (27). Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity: Athens, pp. 189-2000. ISBN 9789607905017

Watrous, L.V., Day, P.M. and Jones, R.E. (1998) The Sardinian pottery from the Late Bronze Age site of Kommos in Crete: description, chemical and petrographic analyses, and historical context. In: Balmuth, M.S. and Tykot, R.H. (eds.) Sardinian and Aegean Chronology: Towards the Resolution of Relative and Absolute Dating in the Mediterranean. Series: Studies in Sardinian archaeology (5). Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 337-340. ISBN 9781900188821

Evans, M.E., Papamarinopoulos, S., Walton, D., Perreault, J., Spais, C. and Jones, R.E. (1997) New archaeomagnetic results from Greece. In: Proceedings of the South Balkans Archaeometry Conference (Delphi 1991). PACT, pp. 313-320.

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis. In: Papadopoulou- Kanellopoulou, C. (ed.) Lero Tis Nymphis: Melanomorphes Loutrophoroi. Ministry of Culture: Athens, pp. 212-214.

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis of black-glazed Hellenistic canteens: appendix II. In: Rotroff, S. (ed.) Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material. Series: Athenian agora (29). American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Princeton, pp. 128-130. ISBN 9780876612293

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis of pottery from Modern Greek, Turkish and Venetian periods (Appendix). In: Hallager, E., Hallager, B.P., Hahn, M. and Andreadaki-Blasaki, M. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania, 1970-1987 : Results of the Excavations Under the Direction of Yannis Tzedakis and Carl-Gustaf Styrenius. Series: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen (47). Åström, pp. 269-271. ISBN 9789179160357

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical analysis of some pottery from Sardis. In: Schaeffer, J.S., Schaeffer, N.H. and Greenewalt, C.H. (eds.) The Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery from Sardis. Series: Monograph (10). Harvard University Press: Cambridge, pp. 128-130. ISBN 9780674171602

Jones, R.E. (1997) Chemical characterisation of Geometric pottery from Khania (Appendix). In: Hallager, E., Hallager, B.P., Hahn, M. and Andreadaki-Blasaki, M. (eds.) The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania, 1970-1987 : Results of the Excavations Under the Direction of Yannis Tzedakis and Carl-Gustaf Styrenius. Series: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen (47). Åström, pp. 272-281. ISBN 9789179160357

Cavanagh, W.G., Jones, R.E. and Sarris, A. (1996) The phosphate and geophysical surveys. In: Cavanagh, W.G. and Armstrong, P. (eds.) The Laconia Survey: Continuity and Change in a Greek Rural Landscape. Series: Supplementary volume, 2 (26-27). British School at Athens: London, pp. 235-262. ISBN 9780904887235

Jones, R.E. (1996) Chemical analysis of Mycenaean and sub Mycenaean pottery from Kalapodi. In: Felsch, R.C.S. (ed.) Kalapodi: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen im Heiligtum der Artemis und des Apollon von Hyampolis in der Antiken Phokis. P. von Zabern: Mainz, pp. 115-120. ISBN 9783805318020

Jones, R.E. (1996) Chemical analysis of three ceramic fragments from Lemnos. In: De Simone, C. (ed.) I Tirreni a Lemnos. Series: Biblioteca di "studi etruschi" (31). L.S. Olschki: Firenze, pp. 8-9. ISBN 9788822244321

Jones, R.E. (1995) Chemical analysis of the Aegean painted and unpainted wares from vivara. In: Marazzi, M. and Tusa, S. (eds.) Vivara: Centro Commerciale Mediterraneo Dell'età del Bronzo. Series: Ricerche di storia, epigrafia e archeologia mediterranea, 2 (3). Bagatto: Rome, pp. 303-316. ISBN 9788878060845

Jones, R.E. , Betancourt, S.J., Vaughan, S.J., Attas, M., Hancock, R.G.V. and Rutter, J.B. (1995) Physico-chemical analysis applied to a selection of pottery from Lerna IV. In: Gejwall, N., Angel, J.L., Rutter, R.B., Wiencke, M.H., Vitelli, K.D. and Reese, D.S. (eds.) Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid. American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Princeton, pp. 663-749. ISBN 9780876613030

Jones, R.E. (1994) Data Set 2: Fitch Laboratory (BSA) and Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art (Oxford University). In: Knapp, A.B. and Cherry, J. F. (eds.) Provenience Studies and Bronze Age Cyprus : Production, Exchange and Politico-Economic Change. Series: Monographs in world archaeology (21). Prehistory Press: Madison, WI, pp. 67-74. ISBN 9781881094104

Jones, R.E. , Lazzarini, L., Mariotini, M. and Orvini, E. (1994) Studio minero-petrografico e chimico di ceramiche protostriche dal Broglio di Trebisacce. In: Peroni, R. (ed.) Enotri e Micenei nella Sibaritide. Series: Magna Graecia, 2 (8). Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia: Taranto, pp. 413-454.

Jones, R.E. (1993) Appendix in K. Demakopoulou, Argive Mycenaean pottery: evidence from the necropolis at Kokla. In: Zerner, C.W., Zerner, P., Winder, J., Wace, A.J.B. and Blegen, C.W. (eds.) Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939-1989. J.C. Gieben: Amsterdam, pp. 76-80. ISBN 9789050630894

Jones, R.E. (1993) Chemical analysis of ceramic samples from Nuraghe Arrubiu at Orroli. In: Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei IX. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Rome, pp. 144-145. ISBN 0391-8149 (ISSN)

Jones, R.E. (1993) Pottery as evidence of trade and colonisation in the Aegean bronze age: the contribution of scientific techniques. In: Zerner, C.W., Zerner, P., Winder, J., Wace, A.J.B. and Blegen, C.W. (eds.) Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1939-1989. J.C. Gieben: Amsterdam, pp. 76-80. ISBN 9789050630894

Jones, R.E. (1992) The Mycenaeans in Italy: archaeometric studies, archaeometry and archaeology. In: Proceedings of the 1st Greek Archaeometry Society Symposium. Hellenic Society of Archaeometry, pp. 165-175.

Jones, R.E. (1992) A note on the Roman pigments. In: Sackett, L.H. (ed.) Knossos from Greek City to Roman Colony: Excavations at the Unexplored Mansion II. Series: Supplementary volume (British School at Athens) (21). Thames and Hudson: London, pp. 497-498. ISBN 9780904887082

Jones, R.E. and Vagnetti, L. (1991) Traders and craftsmen in the central Mediterranean: archaeological evidence and archaeometric research. In: Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean. Series: Studies in Mediterranean archaeology (90). P. Åströms: Jonsered, pp. 127-147. ISBN 9789170810039

Marthari, M., Marketou, T. and Jones, R.E. (1990) LB I ceramic connections between Thera and Kos. In: Hardy, D.A. (ed.) Thera and the Aegean World III: Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3-9 September 1989. Thera Foundation: London, pp. 93-108. ISBN 9780950613376

Jones, R.E. and Vaughan, S.J. (1988) A study of some Canaanite jar fragments from Maa-Palaeokastro by petrographic and chemical analysis. In: Karageorghis, V. and Demas, M. (eds.) Excavations at Maa-Palaeokastro 1979-1986. Department of Antiquities: Cyprus, pp. 386-398. ISBN 9789963364091 (set)

MacGillivray, J.A., Day, P.M. and Jones, R.E. (1988) Dark-faces incised pyxides and lids from Knossos: problems of date and origin. In: French, E.B. and Wardle, K.A. (eds.) Problems in Greek Prehistory: Papers Presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Manchester April 1986. Bristol Classical Press: Bristol, pp. 91-94. ISBN 9780862922467

Vagnetti, L. and Jones, R.E. (1988) Towards the identification of local Mycenaean pottery in Italy. In: French, E.B. and Wardle, K.A. (eds.) Problems in Greek Prehistory: Papers Presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Manchester April 1986. Bristol Classical Press: Bristol, pp. 335-348. ISBN 9780862922467

Jones, R.E. (1987) Chemical analysis of 'Barbarian ware'. In: Karageorghis, V. (ed.) Acts of the International Archaeological Symposium "Cyprus Between the Orient and the Occident," Nicosia, 8-14 September 1985. Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: Nicosia, pp. 259-264. ISBN 9789963364077

Jones, R.E. and Day, P.M. (1987) LBA Aegean and Cypriot-type pottery in Sardinia. In: Balmuth, M. (ed.) Nuragic Sardinia and the Mycenaean World. Series: Studies in Sardinian archaeology (3). B.A.R.: Oxford, pp. 257-270. ISBN 9780860545002

Jones, R. (1986) Chemical analysis of Late Bronze Age Aegean-type pottery in Italy. In: Marazzi, M., Tusa, S. and Vagnetti, L. (eds.) Traffici micenei nel Mediterraneo: problemi storici e documentazione archeologica : atti del Convegno di Palermo (11-12 maggio e 3-6 dicembre 1984). Series: Magna Graecia (3). Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia: Taranto, pp. 105-114.

Jones, R. E. (1986) Geophysical prospection at amphora production sites on Thasos. In: Empereur, J.-Y. and Garlan, Y. (eds.) Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Series: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Supplement (13). École française d'Athènes: Athens, pp. 279-285. ISBN 9782869580022

Jones, R.E. (1984) Greek potters’ clays: questions of selection, adaptation and availability. In: Brijder, H.A.G. (ed.) Ancient Greek and Related Pottery: Proceedings of the International Vase Symposium in Amsterdam, 12-15 April 1984. Series: Allard Pierson series (5). Allard Pierson Museum: Amsterdam, pp. 21-30. ISBN 9789071211072

White, S.R., Warren, S.E. and Jones, R.E. (1983) The provenance of Bronze Age pottery from Thessaly in Eastern Greece. In: Aspinall, A. and Warren, S.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Archaeometry. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 323-332.

Jones, R.E. (1980) Analyses of bronzes and other base metal objects from the Lefkandi cemeteries. In: Popham, M.R., Sackett, L.H. and Themelis, P.G. (eds.) Lefkandi I. The Iron Age: Text - The Settlement and the Cemeteries. Series: Supplementary volume / British School of Archaeology at Athens (11). Thames and Hudson: London, pp. 447-460. ISBN 9780500960141

Jones, R.E. (1980) Analyses of gold objects from Lefkandi. In: Popham, M.R., Sackett, L.H. and Themelis, P.G. (eds.) Lefkandi I. The Iron Age: Text - The Settlement and the Cemeteries. Series: Supplementary volume / British School of Archaeology at Athens (11). Thames and Hudson: London, pp. 461-464. ISBN 9780500960141

Jones, R.E. (1980) Analyses of some Islamic lustre ware pottery from Fustat in Egypt. In: Philon, H. (ed.) Early Islamic Ceramics. Ninth to Late Twelfth Centuries. Benaki Museum, Athens. Sotheby Parke Bernet for Islamic Art Publications: London. ISBN 0856676987

Jones, R.E. (1980) Appendix in F. D’Andria, I materiali del V sec AC nel ceramico di Metaponto e alcuni risultati delle analisi delle argile. In: Attivita archaelogica in Basilicata – 1964-77 – scritti in onore di D Adamesteanu. UNSPECIFIED: Matera, pp. 130-131.

Jones, R.E. (1978) Composition and provenance studies of Cycladic pottery with particular reference to Thera. In: Doumas, C. (ed.) Thera and the Aegean World: Papers Presented at the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978. Thera and the Aegean World: London, pp. 471-482. ISBN 9780950613307

Rapp Jr., G. and Jones, R. E. (1978) Analyses of metal artefacts. In: Rapp Jr., G. and Aschenbrenner, S.E. (eds.) Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece. The University of MInnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN, pp. 166-181. ISBN 9780816608249

Edited Books

Richards, C. and Jones, R. (Eds.) (2016) The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994–2014). Windgather Press: Oxford. ISBN 9781909686892

Jones, R.E. and Sharpe, L. (Eds.) (2006) Going Over Old Ground: Perspectives on Archaeological Geophysical and Geochemical Survey in Scotland: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003. Series: BAR British series. Archaeopress: Oxford. ISBN 9781841719559

Stiros, S. and Jones, R.E. (Eds.) (1996) Archaeoseismology. Series: Fitch Laboratory occasional paper. Institute of Geology and Mineal Exploration: Athens. ISBN 9781841719559

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (Eds.) (1988) New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece: Proceedings of a Meeting held at the British School at Athens, January 1987. Series: Occasional paper of the Fitch Laboratory. British School at Athens: Athens. ISBN 9780904887037

Jones, R.E. and Catling, H.W. (Eds.) (1986) Science in Archaeology: Proceedings of a Meeting held at the British School at Athens January 1985. Series: Fitch laboratory: occasional paper. Leopard's Head Press: London. ISBN 9780904887020

Research Reports or Papers

Milek, K. and Jones, R. (2012) Science in Scottish Archaeology: ScARF Panel Report. Documentation. ScARF.

Milek, K. and Jones, R.E. (2012) ScARF Science Panel Report. Project Report. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK.

Conference Proceedings

Cuenca-Garcia, C. , Jones, R. , Hall, A. and Poller, T. (2013) From the Air to the Atomic Level of a Ditch: Integrating Geophysical and Geochemical Survey Methods at the Prehistoric Cropmark Complex of Forteviot (Perthshire, Scotland). In: 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection (AP2013), Vienna, Austria, 29 May - 2 Jun 2013, pp. 129-133.

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