Professor Michael Given

  • Professor of Landscape Archaeology (Archaeology)

telephone: 01413306553

R318 Level 3, Archaeology, Molema Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts



Prof. Michael Given received his PhD in Cypriot archaeology from the University of Cambridge in 1992. He held research fellowships in Jerusalem, Nicosia and Glasgow, and is now Professor of Landscape Archaeology at the University of Glasgow.

He has conducted archaeological survey and excavation in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Scotland and Turkey. From 1995-98 he was Field Director of the Sydney Cyprus Survey Project and Survey Director of the Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, Cyprus. He was Co-director of the Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus, from 2000-2014, and Director of the Publication Phase of the Excavations at Kourion’s Amathous Gate Cemetery from 2007-2024.

KAGC Volume 1     KAGC Volume 2

Michael Given is currently working on a wider project establishing the concept of conviviality as a tool for understanding the connectedness and interdependence of the human and non-human world; see lecture below and recent articles under 'Publications'. He is co-director of the Glencoe Archaeological Project.

TAESP Vol 1     TAESP Vol 2

His books include The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project (with A. Bernard Knapp; UCLA, 2003); The Archaeology of the Colonized (Routledge, 2004); and Landscape and Interaction: The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus (with A.B. Knapp, J. Noller, L. Sollars, & V. Kassianidou, Volume 1 and Volume 2; Council for British Research in the Levant; now available Open Access); and City and Cemetery: Excavations at Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery, Volume 1 and Volume 2, American Society of Overseas Research, 2024).

University Responsibilities

  • Archaeology Learning and Teaching Convenor

Research Projects


Shieling 16c: an archaeological landscape film

Shieling 16c: an archaeological landscape film (11 minutes, 2021)


Conviviality, resilience and control: the sugar and flour mills of Medieval and Ottoman Cyprus. Lecture at the Archaeological Research Institute, University of Cyprus, 20 February 2017 (Youtube video)

Conviviality, resilience and control: the sugar and flour mills
of Medieval and Ottoman Cyprus. Lecture at the Archaeological
Research Institute, University of Cyprus, 20 February 2017
(Youtube video)

Research interests

  • landscape archaeology and archaeological survey
  • historical periods in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly Cyprus
  • interaction between humans and the environment
  • conviviality theory
  • the archaeology of colonialism
  • Scottish post-medieval landscape archaeology
  • community archaeology
  • history of archaeology


Researcher pages



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
Number of items: 62.


Stylianou Lambert, T., Stefani, E., Nikolaou, P. and Given, M. (2024) Χέρια που Μιλούν = Talking Hands. Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus: Nicosia.

Given, M. , Mavromatis, C. and Gabrieli, R. S. (2024) City and Cemetery: Excavations at Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: The Excavations of Danielle A. Parks. Volume 1: Context, Analysis, and Conclusions. Series: Annual of ASOR. American Society of Overseas Research: Boston. (In Press)

Given, M. , Mavromatis, C. and Gabrieli, R. S. (2024) City and Cemetery: Excavations at Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: The Excavations of Danielle A. Parks. Volume 2: Human Skeletal Remains, Ecofacts, and Artifacts. Series: Annual of ASOR. American Society of Overseas Research: Boston. (In Press)


Given, M. (2023) Static archetypes and mobile mountains: Upland landscapes in the historical Mediterranean. Historical Archaeology, 57(4), pp. 1124-1139. (doi: 10.1007/s41636-023-00438-8)

Palmer, R. and Given, M. (2023) Introduction: Historical archaeology and the Mediterranean. Historical Archaeology, (doi: 10.1007/s41636-023-00444-w) (Early Online Publication)

Given, M. (2023) Over the landscape, in the landscape? Knowledge and agency in Cypriot archaeology, 1870–1910. In: Kiely, T., Reeve, A. and Crewe, L. (eds.) Empire and Excavation: Critical Perspectives on Archaeology in British-Period Cyprus, 1878–1960. Sidestone Press. (Accepted for Publication)


Given, M. (2022) Wine Jars and Jar Makers of Cyprus: The Ethnoarchaeology of Pitharia. Levant, (doi: 10.1080/00758914.2022.2129142)[Book Review] (Early Online Publication)

Given, M. (2022) Towards a post-survey landscape archaeology. In: Manning, S. W. (ed.) Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology. Series: Monographs in Mediterranean archaeology, 16. Equinox Publishing, pp. 144-160. ISBN 9781800500594

Given, M. (2022) Flowing rock, dancing around trees: conviviality and the landscape of Cyprus. Near Eastern Archaeology, 85(1), pp. 4-11. (doi: 10.1086/718373)

Grant, K. and Given, M. (2022) Policies, brae, and hill grounds: A microarchaeology of an Ochils estate. Post-Medieval Archaeology, 56(1), pp. 43-67. (doi: 10.1080/00794236.2022.2055314)


Given, M. (2020) Attending to place and time: Seasonality in Early Modern Scotland and Cyprus. European Journal of Archaeology, 23(3), pp. 451-472. (doi: 10.1017/eaa.2020.5)

Given, M. (2020) Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning. Epoiesen, 16 Jul. (doi: 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.2)

Given, M. (2020) Encountering the past through slag and storytelling. In: Van Helden, D. P. and Witcher, R. (eds.) Researching the Archaeological Past Through Imagined Narratives: A Necessary Fiction. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 168-83. ISBN 9781138303638


Given, M. , Aldred, O., Grant, K., McNiven, P. and Poller, T. (2019) Interdisciplinary approaches to a connected landscape: upland survey in the Northern Ochils. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 148, pp. 83-111. (doi: 10.9750/PSAS.148.1268)

Given, M. and Gibson, E. (2019) Rising from the ashes: Karterouni and the forest heritage of Cyprus. Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant, pp. 26-28.


Given, M. (2018) The precarious conviviality of water mills. Archaeological Dialogues, 25(1), pp. 71-94. (doi: 10.1017/S1380203818000089)

Given, M. (2018) Conviviality and the life of soil. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 28(1), pp. 127-143. (doi: 10.1017/S0959774317000609)

Given, M. (2018) Review of 'Landscape Archaeology and the Medieval Countryside', by Effie F. Athanassopoulos (Nemea Valley Archaeological Project Vol. II), American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton 2016. American Journal of Archaeology, 122(1), [Book Review]

Given, M. (2018) Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery: the excavations of Danielle A. Parks. In: Herscher, E. (ed.) In the Ancient Kourion Area: Penn Museum's Legacy and Recent Research in Cyprus. University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia. (Accepted for Publication)

Given, M. (2018) The materiality, monumentality and biography of copper slag on Cyprus. In: Nevett, L. and Whitley, J. (eds.) An Age of Experiment: Classical Archaeology Transformed 1976-2014. Series: MacDonald Institute Monographs. MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, pp. 161-176. ISBN 9781902937809


Given, M. (2017) Global peasant, local elite: mobility and interaction in Ottoman Cyprus. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 4(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1558/jia.32963)


Given, M. (2015) Review of 'The The Ecology of Coexistence and Conflict in Cyprus: Exploring the Religion, Nature, and Culture of a Mediterranean Island', by I. Dietzel. Levant, 47(3), pp. 350-351. (doi: 10.1179/0075891415Z.00000000067)[Book Review]


Given, M. (2013) Review of: 'Crossroads and Boundaries: The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus', edited by M.K. Toumazou, P.N. Kardulias, and D.B. Counts (2011). Levant, 45(2), pp. 272-274. (doi: 10.1179/0075891413Z.00000000030)[Book Review]

Given, M. (2013) Commotion, collaboration, conviviality: Mediterranean survey and the interpretation of landscape. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 26(1), pp. 3-26. (doi: 10.1558/jmea.v26i1.3)

Gray, N. , Labrosse, N. , Honeychurch, S. , Draper, S. , Given, M. and Barr, N. (2013) Tagging and linking lecture audio recordings: goals and practice. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 11-13 Jun 2013, pp. 452-458.

Given, M. , Knapp, A.B., Noller, J., Sollars, L. and Kassianidou, V. (2013) Landscape and Interaction: The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Research Project, Cyprus. Volume 2: The TAESP Landscape. Series: Levant supplementary series (15). Council for British Research in the Levant: London, UK. ISBN 9781782971887

Given, M. , Knapp, A.B., Noller, J., Sollars, L. and Kassianidou, V. (2013) Landscape and Interaction: The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Volume 1: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation. Series: Levant supplementary series (14). Council for British Research in the Levant: London. ISBN 9781782971870


Given, M. and Hadjianastasis, M. (2010) Landholding and landscape in Ottoman Cyprus. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 34(1), pp. 38-60. (doi: 10.1179/030701310X12572436087055)


Given, M. (2009) Review of 'Aspects of everyday life in ancient Cyprus: iconographic representations', by V. Karageorghis. Classical Review, 59(1), p. 309. (doi: 10.1017/S0009840X08003120)[Book Review]

Given, M. (2009) Archaeology and storytelling: encounters with the past in Scotland and Cyprus. Historic Argyll, 14, pp. 33-41.


Given, M. (2007) Review of Vasilikos Valley Project 9: the field survey of the Vasilikos Valley, Volume 1, by I.A. Todd, D. Pilides, B. Gomez, J. Hansen, and J.M. Wagstaff (Vol. 71.9, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Savedalen: Paul Astrom, 2004). American Journal of Archaeology, 111(3), [Book Review]

Given, M. (2007) Whisky and resistance: the archaeology of illicit distilling. Historic Argyll, 12, pp. 11-17.

Given, M. , Corley, H. and Sollars, L. (2007) Joining the dots: continuous survey, routine practice and the intepretation of a Cypriot landscape (with interactive GIS and integrated data archive). Internet Archaeology, 20,

Given, M. (2007) Mountain landscapes on early modern Cyprus. In: Davies, S. and Davis, J. L. (eds.) Between Venice and Istanbul: Colonial Landscapes in Early Modern Greece. Series: Hesperia supplements (40). American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Princeton, pp. 137-148. ISBN 9780876615409


Given, M. (2006) Review of Landscape archaeology in Southern Epirus, Greece, 1, edited by J. Wiseman and K. Zachos (Hesperia Supplement 32, 2003). American Journal of Archaeology, 110(4), [Book Review]


Given, M. (2005) Architectural styles and ethnic identity in medieval to modern Cyprus. In: Clarke, J. (ed.) Archaeological Perspectives on the Transmission and Transformation of Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean. Series: Levant Supplementary Series 2. Oxbow Books, pp. 207-213. ISBN 1842171682

Given, M. (2005) Mining landscapes and colonial rule in early 20th century Cyprus. Historical Archaeology, 39(3), pp. 49-60.


Given, M. (2004) The Archaeology of the Colonized. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780203644188

Given, M. (2004) From density counts to ideational landscapes: intensive survey, phenomenology and the Sydney Cyprus Survey Project. In: Athanasopoullou, E. and Wandsnider, L. (eds.) Mediterranean Archaeological Landscapes: Current Issues. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: Philadelphia, pp. 165-182. ISBN 9781931707732

Given, M. (2004) Mapping and manuring: can we compare sherd density figures? In: Alcock, S.E. and Cherry, J.F. (eds.) Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 13-21. ISBN 9781842170960

Knapp, A.B. and Given, M. (2004) Social landscapes and social space: the Sydney Cyprus Survey Project. In: Iacovou, M. (ed.) Archaeological Field Survey in Cyprus: Past History, Future Potentials. Series: British School at Athens Studies (11). British School at Athens: Athens, pp. 77-93. ISBN 9780904887464

Severis, R.C. and Given, M. (2004) To Kyverneio: Mnemeia kai Mnemes [Government House: Monuments and Memories]. Hellenic Bank: Nicosia. ISBN 9789963427024


Boutin, A., Knapp, A., Banks, I., Given, M. and Horowitz, M. (2003) Settlement and cemetery in and around Katydhata village: from prehistory to the Roman era. Cyprus Department of Antiquities: Report, pp. 335-349.

Given, M. and Knapp, A.B. (2003) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: Social Approaches to Regional Archaeological Survey. Series: Monumenta archaeologica, 21. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California: Los Angeles. ISBN 9781931745048


Given, M. (2002) Maps, fields, and boundary cairns: demarcation and resistance in colonial Cyprus. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 6(1), pp. 1-22. (doi: 10.1023/A:1014862125523)

Given, M. (2002) Corrupting Aphrodite, colonialist interpretations of the Cyprian goddess. In: Bolger, D. and Serwint, N. (eds.) Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus. American Schools of Oriental Research, pp. 419-428. ISBN 08795570596

Given, M. , Kassianidou, V., Knapp, A. B. and Noller, J. (2002) Troodos archaeological and environmental survey project, Cyprus: report on the 2001 season. Levant, 34, pp. 25-38.


Given, M. (2001) The fight for the past: Watkins vs Warren (1885–6) and the control of excavation. In: Tatton-Brown, V. (ed.) Cyprus in the 19th Century AD : Fact, Fancy and Fiction : Papers of the 22nd British Museum Classical Colloquium, December 1998. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 244-249. ISBN 9781842170335

Given, M. (2001) Greece. In: Murray, T. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Archaeology: History and Discoveries. ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, pp. 593-602. ISBN 9781576071984

Given, M. (2001) Review of Social Transformations in Archaeology: Global and Local Perspectives, by K. Kristiansen and M. Rowlands (1999). American Journal of Archaeology, 105, pp. 539-540. [Book Review]

Given, M. et al. (2001) Troodos archaeological and environmental survey project: first preliminary report (June–July 2000). Cyprus Department of Antiquities: Report, pp. 425-440.


Given, M. (2000) Agriculture, settlement and landscape in Ottoman Cyprus. Levant, 32, pp. 215-236.

Given, M. (2000) Cyprus. In: Speake, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, pp. 427-430. ISBN 9781579581411

Given, M. (2000) Estates. In: Speake, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, p. 576. ISBN 9781579581411

Knapp, A. B. and Given, M. (2000) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project and the archaeology of mining. In: Ioannides, G.K. and Hadjistilli, S.A. (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Cypriot Studies (Nicosia, 16-20 April 1996). Society of Cyprus Studies: Nicosia, pp. 281-287.


Given, M. , Knapp, A. B., Meyer, N., Gregory, T. E., Kassianidou, V., Noller, J. S., Wells, L., Urwin, N. and Wright, H. (1999) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: an interdisciplinary investigation of long-term change in the North Central Troodos, Cyprus. Journal of Field Archaeology, 26(1), pp. 19-39. (doi: 10.2307/530620)


Given, M. (1998) Inventing the Eteocypriots: imperialist archaeology and the manipulation of ethnic identity. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 11(1), pp. 3-29. (doi: 10.1558/jmea.v11i1.3)

Parks, D. A., Given, M. and Chapman, N. (1998) Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, 1997. Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 1998, pp. 1-15.


Given, M. (1997) 'Father of his landscape': Lawrence Durrell’s creation of landscape and character in Cyprus. Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal, 5, pp. 55-63.

Given, M. (1997) Star of the Parthenon, Cypriot mélange: education and representation in colonial Cyprus. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 7, pp. 59-82.


Knapp, A. B. and Given, M. (1996) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project (SCSP) – third season (1995) (by A. Bernard Knapp and Michael Given, with contributions by other SCSP members). Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 1996, pp. 295-366.


Schaar, K. W., Given, M. and Theocharous, G. (1995) Under the Clock: Colonial Architecture and History in Cyprus, 1878-1960. Bank of Cyprus: Nicosia. ISBN 9789963420490

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 14:13:50 2024 BST.
Number of items: 62.


Given, M. (2023) Static archetypes and mobile mountains: Upland landscapes in the historical Mediterranean. Historical Archaeology, 57(4), pp. 1124-1139. (doi: 10.1007/s41636-023-00438-8)

Palmer, R. and Given, M. (2023) Introduction: Historical archaeology and the Mediterranean. Historical Archaeology, (doi: 10.1007/s41636-023-00444-w) (Early Online Publication)

Given, M. (2022) Flowing rock, dancing around trees: conviviality and the landscape of Cyprus. Near Eastern Archaeology, 85(1), pp. 4-11. (doi: 10.1086/718373)

Grant, K. and Given, M. (2022) Policies, brae, and hill grounds: A microarchaeology of an Ochils estate. Post-Medieval Archaeology, 56(1), pp. 43-67. (doi: 10.1080/00794236.2022.2055314)

Given, M. (2020) Attending to place and time: Seasonality in Early Modern Scotland and Cyprus. European Journal of Archaeology, 23(3), pp. 451-472. (doi: 10.1017/eaa.2020.5)

Given, M. (2020) Walking from Dunning to the Common of Dunning. Epoiesen, 16 Jul. (doi: 10.22215/epoiesen/2020.2)

Given, M. , Aldred, O., Grant, K., McNiven, P. and Poller, T. (2019) Interdisciplinary approaches to a connected landscape: upland survey in the Northern Ochils. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 148, pp. 83-111. (doi: 10.9750/PSAS.148.1268)

Given, M. and Gibson, E. (2019) Rising from the ashes: Karterouni and the forest heritage of Cyprus. Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant, pp. 26-28.

Given, M. (2018) The precarious conviviality of water mills. Archaeological Dialogues, 25(1), pp. 71-94. (doi: 10.1017/S1380203818000089)

Given, M. (2018) Conviviality and the life of soil. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 28(1), pp. 127-143. (doi: 10.1017/S0959774317000609)

Given, M. (2017) Global peasant, local elite: mobility and interaction in Ottoman Cyprus. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 4(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1558/jia.32963)

Given, M. (2013) Commotion, collaboration, conviviality: Mediterranean survey and the interpretation of landscape. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 26(1), pp. 3-26. (doi: 10.1558/jmea.v26i1.3)

Given, M. and Hadjianastasis, M. (2010) Landholding and landscape in Ottoman Cyprus. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 34(1), pp. 38-60. (doi: 10.1179/030701310X12572436087055)

Given, M. (2009) Archaeology and storytelling: encounters with the past in Scotland and Cyprus. Historic Argyll, 14, pp. 33-41.

Given, M. (2007) Whisky and resistance: the archaeology of illicit distilling. Historic Argyll, 12, pp. 11-17.

Given, M. , Corley, H. and Sollars, L. (2007) Joining the dots: continuous survey, routine practice and the intepretation of a Cypriot landscape (with interactive GIS and integrated data archive). Internet Archaeology, 20,

Given, M. (2005) Mining landscapes and colonial rule in early 20th century Cyprus. Historical Archaeology, 39(3), pp. 49-60.

Boutin, A., Knapp, A., Banks, I., Given, M. and Horowitz, M. (2003) Settlement and cemetery in and around Katydhata village: from prehistory to the Roman era. Cyprus Department of Antiquities: Report, pp. 335-349.

Given, M. (2002) Maps, fields, and boundary cairns: demarcation and resistance in colonial Cyprus. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 6(1), pp. 1-22. (doi: 10.1023/A:1014862125523)

Given, M. , Kassianidou, V., Knapp, A. B. and Noller, J. (2002) Troodos archaeological and environmental survey project, Cyprus: report on the 2001 season. Levant, 34, pp. 25-38.

Given, M. et al. (2001) Troodos archaeological and environmental survey project: first preliminary report (June–July 2000). Cyprus Department of Antiquities: Report, pp. 425-440.

Given, M. (2000) Agriculture, settlement and landscape in Ottoman Cyprus. Levant, 32, pp. 215-236.

Given, M. , Knapp, A. B., Meyer, N., Gregory, T. E., Kassianidou, V., Noller, J. S., Wells, L., Urwin, N. and Wright, H. (1999) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: an interdisciplinary investigation of long-term change in the North Central Troodos, Cyprus. Journal of Field Archaeology, 26(1), pp. 19-39. (doi: 10.2307/530620)

Given, M. (1998) Inventing the Eteocypriots: imperialist archaeology and the manipulation of ethnic identity. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 11(1), pp. 3-29. (doi: 10.1558/jmea.v11i1.3)

Parks, D. A., Given, M. and Chapman, N. (1998) Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, 1997. Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 1998, pp. 1-15.

Given, M. (1997) 'Father of his landscape': Lawrence Durrell’s creation of landscape and character in Cyprus. Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal, 5, pp. 55-63.

Given, M. (1997) Star of the Parthenon, Cypriot mélange: education and representation in colonial Cyprus. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 7, pp. 59-82.

Knapp, A. B. and Given, M. (1996) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project (SCSP) – third season (1995) (by A. Bernard Knapp and Michael Given, with contributions by other SCSP members). Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, 1996, pp. 295-366.


Stylianou Lambert, T., Stefani, E., Nikolaou, P. and Given, M. (2024) Χέρια που Μιλούν = Talking Hands. Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus: Nicosia.

Given, M. , Mavromatis, C. and Gabrieli, R. S. (2024) City and Cemetery: Excavations at Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: The Excavations of Danielle A. Parks. Volume 1: Context, Analysis, and Conclusions. Series: Annual of ASOR. American Society of Overseas Research: Boston. (In Press)

Given, M. , Mavromatis, C. and Gabrieli, R. S. (2024) City and Cemetery: Excavations at Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: The Excavations of Danielle A. Parks. Volume 2: Human Skeletal Remains, Ecofacts, and Artifacts. Series: Annual of ASOR. American Society of Overseas Research: Boston. (In Press)

Given, M. , Knapp, A.B., Noller, J., Sollars, L. and Kassianidou, V. (2013) Landscape and Interaction: The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Research Project, Cyprus. Volume 2: The TAESP Landscape. Series: Levant supplementary series (15). Council for British Research in the Levant: London, UK. ISBN 9781782971887

Given, M. , Knapp, A.B., Noller, J., Sollars, L. and Kassianidou, V. (2013) Landscape and Interaction: The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Volume 1: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation. Series: Levant supplementary series (14). Council for British Research in the Levant: London. ISBN 9781782971870

Given, M. (2004) The Archaeology of the Colonized. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780203644188

Severis, R.C. and Given, M. (2004) To Kyverneio: Mnemeia kai Mnemes [Government House: Monuments and Memories]. Hellenic Bank: Nicosia. ISBN 9789963427024

Given, M. and Knapp, A.B. (2003) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: Social Approaches to Regional Archaeological Survey. Series: Monumenta archaeologica, 21. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California: Los Angeles. ISBN 9781931745048

Schaar, K. W., Given, M. and Theocharous, G. (1995) Under the Clock: Colonial Architecture and History in Cyprus, 1878-1960. Bank of Cyprus: Nicosia. ISBN 9789963420490

Book Sections

Given, M. (2023) Over the landscape, in the landscape? Knowledge and agency in Cypriot archaeology, 1870–1910. In: Kiely, T., Reeve, A. and Crewe, L. (eds.) Empire and Excavation: Critical Perspectives on Archaeology in British-Period Cyprus, 1878–1960. Sidestone Press. (Accepted for Publication)

Given, M. (2022) Towards a post-survey landscape archaeology. In: Manning, S. W. (ed.) Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology. Series: Monographs in Mediterranean archaeology, 16. Equinox Publishing, pp. 144-160. ISBN 9781800500594

Given, M. (2020) Encountering the past through slag and storytelling. In: Van Helden, D. P. and Witcher, R. (eds.) Researching the Archaeological Past Through Imagined Narratives: A Necessary Fiction. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 168-83. ISBN 9781138303638

Given, M. (2018) Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery: the excavations of Danielle A. Parks. In: Herscher, E. (ed.) In the Ancient Kourion Area: Penn Museum's Legacy and Recent Research in Cyprus. University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia. (Accepted for Publication)

Given, M. (2018) The materiality, monumentality and biography of copper slag on Cyprus. In: Nevett, L. and Whitley, J. (eds.) An Age of Experiment: Classical Archaeology Transformed 1976-2014. Series: MacDonald Institute Monographs. MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge, pp. 161-176. ISBN 9781902937809

Given, M. (2007) Mountain landscapes on early modern Cyprus. In: Davies, S. and Davis, J. L. (eds.) Between Venice and Istanbul: Colonial Landscapes in Early Modern Greece. Series: Hesperia supplements (40). American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Princeton, pp. 137-148. ISBN 9780876615409

Given, M. (2005) Architectural styles and ethnic identity in medieval to modern Cyprus. In: Clarke, J. (ed.) Archaeological Perspectives on the Transmission and Transformation of Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean. Series: Levant Supplementary Series 2. Oxbow Books, pp. 207-213. ISBN 1842171682

Given, M. (2004) From density counts to ideational landscapes: intensive survey, phenomenology and the Sydney Cyprus Survey Project. In: Athanasopoullou, E. and Wandsnider, L. (eds.) Mediterranean Archaeological Landscapes: Current Issues. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: Philadelphia, pp. 165-182. ISBN 9781931707732

Given, M. (2004) Mapping and manuring: can we compare sherd density figures? In: Alcock, S.E. and Cherry, J.F. (eds.) Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 13-21. ISBN 9781842170960

Knapp, A.B. and Given, M. (2004) Social landscapes and social space: the Sydney Cyprus Survey Project. In: Iacovou, M. (ed.) Archaeological Field Survey in Cyprus: Past History, Future Potentials. Series: British School at Athens Studies (11). British School at Athens: Athens, pp. 77-93. ISBN 9780904887464

Given, M. (2002) Corrupting Aphrodite, colonialist interpretations of the Cyprian goddess. In: Bolger, D. and Serwint, N. (eds.) Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus. American Schools of Oriental Research, pp. 419-428. ISBN 08795570596

Given, M. (2001) The fight for the past: Watkins vs Warren (1885–6) and the control of excavation. In: Tatton-Brown, V. (ed.) Cyprus in the 19th Century AD : Fact, Fancy and Fiction : Papers of the 22nd British Museum Classical Colloquium, December 1998. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 244-249. ISBN 9781842170335

Given, M. (2001) Greece. In: Murray, T. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Archaeology: History and Discoveries. ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, pp. 593-602. ISBN 9781576071984

Given, M. (2000) Cyprus. In: Speake, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, pp. 427-430. ISBN 9781579581411

Given, M. (2000) Estates. In: Speake, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Fitzroy Dearborn: London, p. 576. ISBN 9781579581411

Knapp, A. B. and Given, M. (2000) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project and the archaeology of mining. In: Ioannides, G.K. and Hadjistilli, S.A. (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Cypriot Studies (Nicosia, 16-20 April 1996). Society of Cyprus Studies: Nicosia, pp. 281-287.

Book Reviews

Given, M. (2022) Wine Jars and Jar Makers of Cyprus: The Ethnoarchaeology of Pitharia. Levant, (doi: 10.1080/00758914.2022.2129142)[Book Review] (Early Online Publication)

Given, M. (2018) Review of 'Landscape Archaeology and the Medieval Countryside', by Effie F. Athanassopoulos (Nemea Valley Archaeological Project Vol. II), American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton 2016. American Journal of Archaeology, 122(1), [Book Review]

Given, M. (2015) Review of 'The The Ecology of Coexistence and Conflict in Cyprus: Exploring the Religion, Nature, and Culture of a Mediterranean Island', by I. Dietzel. Levant, 47(3), pp. 350-351. (doi: 10.1179/0075891415Z.00000000067)[Book Review]

Given, M. (2013) Review of: 'Crossroads and Boundaries: The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus', edited by M.K. Toumazou, P.N. Kardulias, and D.B. Counts (2011). Levant, 45(2), pp. 272-274. (doi: 10.1179/0075891413Z.00000000030)[Book Review]

Given, M. (2009) Review of 'Aspects of everyday life in ancient Cyprus: iconographic representations', by V. Karageorghis. Classical Review, 59(1), p. 309. (doi: 10.1017/S0009840X08003120)[Book Review]

Given, M. (2007) Review of Vasilikos Valley Project 9: the field survey of the Vasilikos Valley, Volume 1, by I.A. Todd, D. Pilides, B. Gomez, J. Hansen, and J.M. Wagstaff (Vol. 71.9, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Savedalen: Paul Astrom, 2004). American Journal of Archaeology, 111(3), [Book Review]

Given, M. (2006) Review of Landscape archaeology in Southern Epirus, Greece, 1, edited by J. Wiseman and K. Zachos (Hesperia Supplement 32, 2003). American Journal of Archaeology, 110(4), [Book Review]

Given, M. (2001) Review of Social Transformations in Archaeology: Global and Local Perspectives, by K. Kristiansen and M. Rowlands (1999). American Journal of Archaeology, 105, pp. 539-540. [Book Review]

Conference Proceedings

Gray, N. , Labrosse, N. , Honeychurch, S. , Draper, S. , Given, M. and Barr, N. (2013) Tagging and linking lecture audio recordings: goals and practice. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 11-13 Jun 2013, pp. 452-458.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 14:13:50 2024 BST.



  • Publication subvention for Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. £2000 (PI)
  • Research Award for 'Landscape relations in Post-Medieval Greaulin, Trotternish, Skye' from the Association of Environmental Archaeology (£500) (PI)


  • Publication of Kourion's Amathous Gate Cemetery. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. £1800 (PI)


  • The Archaeology, History and Heritage of Scotland's Seaweed Industry. AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership with Historic Environment Scotland. £85,356 (PI, with Dr Martin Macgregor, Dr Kevin Grant and Dr Mary Macleod)


  • Forest Heritage of Cyprus. Council for British Research in the Levant. £5180 (PI; Co-I: Dr Erin Gibson)


  • Excavations at Kourion’s Amathous Gate Cemetery, Cyprus. White-Levy Publication Grant. £58,300 (PI)


  • Pathways to Heritage: Marie Curie Individual Research Fellowship (Dr Erin Gibson). £155,000 (PI)


  • Excavations at Kourion’s Amathous Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: support for specialists. Harris Grant, American Schools of Oriental Research. £910 (PI)


  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: publication subvention. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. £780. (PI)


  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: Publication support. University of Glasgow, Strategic Research Fund. £400 (PI)
  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: Publication support. University of Glasgow, Robertson Bequest. £800 (PI)
  • Storytelling and Archaeology session, Shetland. Historic Scotland. £1000 (PI)


  • Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: study season. American Schools of Oriental Research. £502 (PI)
  • Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, Cyprus: study season. British Academy/Association of Commonwealth Universities Grant for International Collaboration. £4536 (PI)


  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: illustration expenses. Mediterranean Archaeological Trust. £1200 (PI)
  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: online article and digital archive. AHRC/Archaeology Data Service, ‘Making the LEAP’. £4000 (PI)


  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project. British Academy. £4354 (PI)
  • Early Agricultural Remnants and Technical Heritage. European Science Foundation. £535,000 (Co-Chair)


  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: 3rd field season. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. £950. (PI)
  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: 3rd field season Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. £1900. (PI)
  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: 3rd field season. Council for British Research in the Levant £2874. (PI)


  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project. Arts and Humanities Research Board. £151,000 (Co-investigator)
  • Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project: 2nd field season. British Academy. £19,070 (PI)


Accepting research students on the following topics:

  • Iron Age, Roman-Byzantine and Medieval-Modern Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Landscapes of Post-Medieval Scotland
  • Human and non-human interaction and interdependence
  • Landscape theory and conviviality
  • Archaeological survey

  • Collotto, Lucia
  • Healey, Euan
    Maritime Gaels: a Social History of Fishing Work in the Highland and Hebrides c. 1750-1914
  • McCoy, Holley
    Thàine 's gun tàine feamainn (Come and come is seaweed): The Archaeology, history and heritage of Scotland's Seaweed Industry, 1621-1932
  • Robertson, Elizabeth
    (Re)Creating sound and place at Glencoe
  • Stewart, Edward
    Repopulating the Braes
  • Van Lit, Meike
    Past spoils, present toils: An interdisciplinary research on the effect of past human activity on present soil health based in Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Sarah Wink (2019–2023). Moving with the times: ritual movement patterns and social change in Cyprus. PhD, jointly supervised with Stephen Harrison.
  • Rachel Barrowman (2020–2022). Loyalty, ‘localness’ and local identity in the archaeological record, with reference to work in the Isle of Lewis. PhD by publication, jointly supervised with Ewan Campbell.

  • Neil Erskine (2016–2020). Movement, routines and religiosity in the ancient Near East. PhD, jointly supervised with Claudia Glatz.

  • Erin Jamieson (2019–2020). How did windows affect the experience of space in medieval Cypriot buildings? Research MPhil, jointly supervised with Kenny Brophy.

  • Ally Parker-Banks (2019-2020). Memories and Identities in Architecture and Sculpture: An Analysis of Memory Theatres in Ancient Athens and Jerusalem. MRes, jointly supervised with Tessa Poller.

  • James Cromey (2018). A system in ruins; asylum architecture and its influence on mental health stigma. MPhil by research. Jointly supervised with Stephen Harrison and Cheryl McGeachan.

  • Angela Massafra (2018). Southern Palestine between the final MBA and the LBA: pottery, material connections and identity in an era of change. PhD. Jointly supervised with Claudia Glatz.

  • Ian McElroy (2017). Converting temples; converting minds: temple-church conversion in the Mediterranean, AD 300–800. PhD. Jointly supervised with Sophia Xenophontos.

  • McCabe Allan, Morgana Elizabeth (2016). The difference of Being in the early modern world: a relational-material approach to life in Scotland in the period of the witch trials. PhD.

  • Francesca Chelazzi (2016). Bronze Age settlement pattern of south-western Cyprus (2500-1050 BC). PhD, jointly supervised with Claudia Glatz.

  • Donald Adamson (2014). Commercialisation before Culloden: an archaeology of the re-direction of food surpluses in the Scottish Highlands prior to 1745. PhD, jointly supervised with Chris Dalglish.

  • Amanda Charland (2014). Walls of protection and power: an analysis of military and social functions of urban defences in the Holy Land, 12th to 13th centuries. PhD.

Professional activities & recognition

Editorial boards

  • 2003 - present: Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
  • 2013 - present: Journal of Islamic Archaeology
  • 2011 - 2016: Australasian Archaeology

Professional & learned societies

  • 2016: GU representative, University Archaeology UK

Selected international presentations

  • 2017: Keynote lecture, 'Human-environment dynamics in the Peloponnese and beyond: Ideas - Methods - Results' (Swedish Institute at Athens/American School of Classical Studies in Athens)
  • 2017: Invited lecture (Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus)
  • 2016: Landscape Archaeology Conference (Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • 2019: Keynote lecture, 'Memory, myth and return in ancient and modern Cyprus’ (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul)
  • 2019: Bernard Knapp and the Archaeology of Cyprus and the wider Mediterranean (Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia)
  • 2019: European Archaeological Association (Bern, Switzerland)

Research datasets

Jump to: 2007 | 2003
Number of items: 2.


Given, M. , Kassianidou, V., Knapp, A. B., Knoller, J., Sollars, L. and Corely, H. (2007) Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project. [Data Collection]


Given, M. and Knapp, A. B. (2003) The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 17:17:11 2024 BST.