Professor Matthew Fox

  • Professor (Classics)

telephone: 01413305583

R320 Level 3, Classics, 65 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LP

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Research interests

‌My research focuses on ancient historical thinking, and on how both Romans and Greeks used history as a medium for reflection. My monographs and shorter pieces explore the interplay between myth and history, and the role of history in shaping ideology at Rome. My work on Dionysius of Halicarnassus has also been influential. I work too in the field of Classical Reception, especially in the eighteenth century, and on ancient gender and our own interaction with it. My next big project centres on Roman ideas of materialism, and is supported by a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship, which ran from 2014-2017.

In 2018 I took part in an episode of the radio series, The Digital Human, talking about ancient oracles. You can listen to the episode here.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1993
Number of items: 53.


Fox, M. (2024) Rereading De Republica: popular philosophy and historicism. In: Hahmann, A. and Vazquez, M. (eds.) Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on his Philosophy and its Legacy. De Gruyter: Berlin. ISBN 9783111591179 (In Press)

Lindberg, M. and [Translator] Fox, M. (2024) GRAFFITI [Libretto, translated from the Latin into English]. [Compositions]


Fox, M. (2023) Latin critical theory in the early eighteenth century. In: Verhaart, F. and Brockliss, L. (eds.) The Latin Language and the Enlightenment. Series: Oxford University studies in the enlightenment. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, pp. 183-208. ISBN 9781802077735

Fox, M. (2023) Friedrich Meins, Paradigmatische Geschichte. Wahrheit, Theorie und Methode in den Antiquitates Romanae des Dionysios von Halikarnassos, Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag) 2019 (Palingenesia 113), 169 S., ISBN 978-3-515-12255-9 (geb.), € 47,–. Klio, 104(1), pp. 385-388. (doi: 10.1515/klio-2023-2005)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2023) Cicero and the evolution of philosophical dialogue. In: Garani, M., Konstan, D. and Reydams-Schils, G. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy. Series: Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 159-172. ISBN 9780199328383 (hardback); 9780197639832 (online); 9780197639825 (epub) (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328383.013.10)


Fox, M. (2020) Disbelief at Rome: A reappraisal. In: Edelman-Singer, B., Niklas, T., Spittler, J. and Walt, L. (eds.) Sceptic and Believer in Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany. ISBN 9783161592492 (doi: 10.1628/978-3-16-159249-2)


Fox, M. (2018) The prehistory of the Roman polis in Dionysius. In: Hunter, R. and de Jonge, C. C. (eds.) Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography. Series: Greek culture in the Roman world. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 180-200. ISBN 9781108474900


Fox, M. (2017) T. S. Welch, Tarpeia: Workings of a Roman Myth. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Pp. xii + 331, illus. isbn 9780814212813. US$68.95. Journal of Roman Studies, 107, pp. 372-373. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435817000478)[Book Review]


Fox, M. (2016) Portraits of Ladies. Frieze Masters, 5, pp. 78-81.

O'Reilly, S., Rogers, M., Fox, M. , Le Feuvre, L. and Gray, D. (2016) In conversation. In: Armstrong, G. (ed.) The Virtues of Things. Series: Essays on sculpture (75). The Henry Moore Institute: Leeds. ISBN 9781905462544

Fox, M. (2016) Cicero and historicism: controversies in Cicero’s reception in the eighteenth century. In: Manuwald, G. (ed.) The Afterlife of Cicero. Series: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies supplement (135). Institute of Classical Studies: London, pp. 144-161. ISBN 9781905670642


Fox, M. (2015) Cicero on Politics and the Limits of Reason: The Republic and Laws by J. W. ATKINS. (Cambridge Classical Studies). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xiv + 270. isbn9781107043589. £60.00/US$95.00. Journal of Roman Studies, 105, pp. 428-430. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435815000532)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2015) Winckelmann's legacy: decorum, textuality, and national stereotype in the eighteenth-century reception of homosexuality. In: Ingleheart, J. (ed.) Ancient Rome and the Construction of Modern Homosexual Identities. Series: Classical presences. Oxford University Press: Corby, pp. 74-92. ISBN 9780199689729 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199689729.003.0004)

Fox, M. (2015) The bisexuality of Orpheus. In: Masterson, M., Sorkin Rabinowitz, N. and Robson, J. (eds.) Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Series: Rewriting antiquity. Routledge: Oxford, pp. 335-351. ISBN 9780415519410

Fox, M. (2015) Plutarch’s Numa and the rhetoric of aetiology. In: Ash, R., Mossman, J. and Titchener, F. B. (eds.) Fame and Infamy: Essays for Christopher Pelling on Characterization in Greek and Roman Biography and Historiography. Oxford University Press: Corby, pp. 177-192. ISBN 9780199662326


Fox, M. (2014) The representation of the regal period in Livy. In: Mineo, B. (ed.) A Companion to Livy. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 286-297. ISBN 9781118301289 (doi: 10.1002/9781118339015.ch22)

Fox, M. (2014) Michael Hausmann: Die Leserlenkung durch Tacitus in den Tacitus- und Claudiusbüchern der Annalen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009. XII, 472 S. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte. 100.). Gnomon, 86(6), pp. 552-553. (doi: 10.17104/0017-1417_2014_6)[Book Review]


Fox, M. (2013) Manners and method in classical criticism of the early eighteenth century. Cambridge Classical Journal, 59, pp. 98-124. (doi: 10.1017/S1750270513000080)

Fox, M. (2013) Cicero during the Enlightenment. In: Steel, C. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Cicero. Series: Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge University Press, pp. 318-336. (doi: 10.1017/CCO9781139048750.021)

Fox, M. (2013) Roman Reflections: Studies in Latin Philosophy. GARETH D. WILLIAMS and KATHARINA VOLK (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xiv + 306. Price: £56.00. $74.00. (Hardcover) ISBN 978-0-19-999976-7. Hermathena, 195, pp. 109-110. [Book Review]


Fox, M. (2011) Pompeii in Roberto Rossellini's 'Journey to Italy'. In: Hales, S. and Paul, J. (eds.) Pompeii in the Public Imagination from its Rediscovery to Today. Series: Classical Presences. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 286-300. ISBN 9780199569366

Fox, M. (2011) Cicero: gentleman and orator: metaphors in eighteenth century reception. In: Parker, J. and Matthews, T. (eds.) Tradition, Translation, Trauma: The Classic and the Modern. Series: Classical Presences. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 91-108. ISBN 9780199554591

Fox, M. (2011) The myth of Rome. In: Dowden, K. and Livingstone, N. (eds.) A Companion to Greek Mythology. Series: Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Wiley-Blackwell: Chichester, pp. 243-263. ISBN 9781405111782

Fox, M. (2011) The style of the past: Dionysius of Halicarnassus in context. In: Schmitz, T. and Wiater, N. (eds.) The Struggle for Identity: Greeks and their Past in the First Century BCE. Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 93-114. ISBN 9783515096713


Fox, M. (2009) Heraclides of Pontus and the philosophical dialogue. In: Fortenbaugh, W.W. and Pender, E.E. (eds.) Heraclides of Pontus: Discussion. Series: Rutgers University studies in classical humanities, 15 (15). Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, USA, pp. 41-67. ISBN 9781412807982

Fox, M. (2009) Translatio Ciceronis. In: Kofler, W., Schaffenrath, F. and Toechterle, K. (eds.) Pontes V: Ubersetzung als Vermittlerin antiker Literatur. Series: Comparanda (11). Studien Verlag: Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 245-256. ISBN 9783706546430

Fox, M. (2009) Alessandro Perutelli: Prolegomeni a Sisenna. Pisa. Edizioni ETS 2004. 140 S. (Testi e studi di cultura classica. 27.) 13€. Gnomon, 81(3), pp. 269-270. (doi: 10.17104/0017-1417_2009_3_267)[Book Review]


Fox, M. (2008) Words and deeds. The power and weakness of Cicero's oratory. Omnibus, 55, pp. 21-23.


Fox, M. (2007) Cicero's philosophy of history. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199211920 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199211920.001.0001)


Fox, M. (2006) J. G. F. Powell and J. A. North (Eds), Cicero's Republic (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supp. 76). London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 2001. Pp. vi + 153. ISBN 0-9005-8787-3. £35.00. Journal of Roman Studies, 96, pp. 243-244. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435800001167)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2006) Rhetoric and literature at Rome. In: Dominik, W. and Hall, J. (eds.) A Companion to Roman Rhetoric. Blackwell, pp. 369-381. ISBN 1405120916

Fox, M. (2006) Alain Meurant: L'idée de géméllité dans la légende des origines de Rome. Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique 2000. 335 S. (Mémoires de la Classe des Lettres. Collection in 8o, 3e série. 24.) 1200 bfr. Gnomon, 78(1), pp. 78-79. (doi: 10.17104/0017-1417_2006_1_72)[Book Review]


Fox, M. (2005) The Wiseman Effect. D. Braund and C. Gill (eds) Myth, History and Culture in Republican Rome. Studies in Honour of T.P. Wiseman. Pp. x + 358, maps, ills. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2003. Cased, £40. ISBN: 0-85989-662-5. Classical Review, 55(2), pp. 615-617. (doi: 10.1093/clrevj/bni334)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2005) Die Rezeption der Rhetorik innerhalb der Geschgichtsschreibung: von Thukydides bis Edurad Schwartz. In: Tochterle, K. and Kofler, W. (eds.) Pontes 3: Die antike Rhetorik in der europaischen Geistesgeschichte. Studien verlag, pp. 360-371. ISBN 9783706541565


Fox, M. (2002) E. Gee, Ovid, Aratus and Augustus: Astronomy in Ovid's Fasti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 232. ISBN 0-5216-5187-5. £35.00/US$54.95. Journal of Roman Studies, 92, pp. 246-247. (doi: 10.2307/3184916)[Book Review]


Fox, M. (2001) Dionysius, Lucian, and the prejudice against rhetoric in history. Journal of Roman Studies, 91, pp. 76-93.


Fox, M. (2000) J. Fabre-Serris, Mythologie et littérature à Rome: la réécriture des mythes aux Iers siècles avant et après J.-C. Lausanne: Éditions Payot Lausanne, 1998. Pp. 271. ISBN 2-60103-228-6. Fr. 149/Sw. fr. 39.80. Journal of Roman Studies, 90, pp. 236-237. (doi: 10.2307/300241)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2000) Roman Historians. Classical Review, 50(1), pp. 89-91. (doi: 10.1093/cr/50.1.89)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2000) Vitae. Portraits: Biographical Representation in the Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Empire by M. J. Edwards and S. Swain. Classical Review, 50(1), pp. 95-97. (doi: 10.1093/cr/50.1.95)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2000) Dialogue and irony in Cicero: reading de Republica. In: Sharrock, A. and Morales, H. (eds.) Intratextuality: Greek and Roman Textual Relations. Oxford Univeristy Press: Oxford, pp. 263-286. ISBN 0199240930

Fox, M. (2000) Satyrs and hetaerae: looking for gender in Attic vases. In: Donald, M. and Hurcombe, L. (eds.) Gender and Material Culture in Archaeological Perspective. Series: Studies in gender and material culture. Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 114-117. ISBN 9780333643327


Fox, M. (1999) Propertius 4.9 and the toils of historicism. Materiali e Discussioni per L'Analisi dei Testi Classici, 43, pp. 157-176.


Fox, M. (1998) M. Wifstrand Schiebe, Vergil und die Tradition von den römischen Urkönigen (Hermes Einzelschriften 76). Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997. Pp. 194. ISBN 3-515-07019-2. DM 68. Journal of Roman Studies, 88, p. 195. (doi: 10.2307/300832)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1998) Annales. L'annalistique romaine: Tome I: Les annales des pontifes et l'annalistique ancienne, by M. Chassignet. Classical Review, 48(2), pp. 324-325. (doi: 10.1093/cr/48.2.324)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1998) S. Gély: Le pouvoir et l'autorité: Avatars italiens de la notion d'auctoritas d'Auguste à Domitien (27 a.C–96 p.C). (Bibliothèque d'Études Classiques, 3.) Pp. xxvii + 191. Louvain and Paris: Peeters, 1995. Paper, Belg. frs. 1200. ISBN: 90-6831-713-X/2-87723-257-3. Classical Review, 48(1), pp. 223-224. (doi: 10.1017/S0009840X00331602)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1998) The constrained man. In: Foxhall, L. and Salmon, J. (eds.) Thinking Men: Masculinity and its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition. Series: Leicester-Nottingham studies in ancient society (7). Routledge: London, pp. 6-22. ISBN 9780415146357

Fox, M. (1998) Transvestite Hercules at Rome. In: Cleminson, R. and Allison, M. (eds.) In/visibility: Gender and Representation in a European Context. Series: Interface: Bradford studies in language, culture and society (3). Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Bradford: Bradford, West Yorkshire, pp. 1-22. ISBN 0261-0353


Fox, M. (1997) Monarchy at Rome - A. Magdelain: De la royauté et du droit de Romulus à Sabinus. (Saggi di storia antica, 8.) Pp. 217. Rome: ‘L'Erma’ di Bretschneider, 1995. ISBN: 88-7062-881-7. Classical Review, 47(1), pp. 90-91. (doi: 10.1093/cr/47.1.90)[Book Review]


Fox, M. (1996) K. Mustakallio: Death and Disgrace. Capital Penalties with Post Mortem Sanctions in Early Roman Historiography. (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Dissertationes Humanarum Litterarum, 72.) Pp.96; 2 maps. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1994.Paper, FIM 80. Classical Review, 46(1), p. 186. (doi: 10.1017/S0009840X00297606)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1996) Rex - P. M. Martin: L'idée de royauté à Rome. II Haine de la royauté et séductions monarchiques (du IVe siècle av. J.-C. au principat augustéen). (Miroir des civilisations antiques, 2.) Pp. xxiii+511; 8 tables. Clermont-Ferrand: Adosa, 1994. Paper, FF 480. Classical Review, 46(1), pp. 107-109. (doi: 10.1093/cr/46.1.107)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1996) Greek and Roman Hercules: moments in pre-historical imperialism. Kunapipi, 18(1), pp. 9-21.

Fox, M. (1996) Roman Historical Myths: the Regal Period in Augustan Literature. Series: Oxford classical monographs. Clarendon Press: Oxford. ISBN 0198150202


Fox, M. (1993) History and rhetoric in Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Journal of Roman Studies, 83, pp. 31-47.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 16:12:56 2024 BST.
Number of items: 53.


Fox, M. (2016) Portraits of Ladies. Frieze Masters, 5, pp. 78-81.

Fox, M. (2013) Manners and method in classical criticism of the early eighteenth century. Cambridge Classical Journal, 59, pp. 98-124. (doi: 10.1017/S1750270513000080)

Fox, M. (2008) Words and deeds. The power and weakness of Cicero's oratory. Omnibus, 55, pp. 21-23.

Fox, M. (2001) Dionysius, Lucian, and the prejudice against rhetoric in history. Journal of Roman Studies, 91, pp. 76-93.

Fox, M. (1999) Propertius 4.9 and the toils of historicism. Materiali e Discussioni per L'Analisi dei Testi Classici, 43, pp. 157-176.

Fox, M. (1996) Greek and Roman Hercules: moments in pre-historical imperialism. Kunapipi, 18(1), pp. 9-21.

Fox, M. (1993) History and rhetoric in Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Journal of Roman Studies, 83, pp. 31-47.


Fox, M. (2007) Cicero's philosophy of history. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199211920 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199211920.001.0001)

Fox, M. (1996) Roman Historical Myths: the Regal Period in Augustan Literature. Series: Oxford classical monographs. Clarendon Press: Oxford. ISBN 0198150202

Book Sections

Fox, M. (2024) Rereading De Republica: popular philosophy and historicism. In: Hahmann, A. and Vazquez, M. (eds.) Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on his Philosophy and its Legacy. De Gruyter: Berlin. ISBN 9783111591179 (In Press)

Fox, M. (2023) Latin critical theory in the early eighteenth century. In: Verhaart, F. and Brockliss, L. (eds.) The Latin Language and the Enlightenment. Series: Oxford University studies in the enlightenment. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, pp. 183-208. ISBN 9781802077735

Fox, M. (2023) Cicero and the evolution of philosophical dialogue. In: Garani, M., Konstan, D. and Reydams-Schils, G. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy. Series: Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 159-172. ISBN 9780199328383 (hardback); 9780197639832 (online); 9780197639825 (epub) (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199328383.013.10)

Fox, M. (2020) Disbelief at Rome: A reappraisal. In: Edelman-Singer, B., Niklas, T., Spittler, J. and Walt, L. (eds.) Sceptic and Believer in Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany. ISBN 9783161592492 (doi: 10.1628/978-3-16-159249-2)

Fox, M. (2018) The prehistory of the Roman polis in Dionysius. In: Hunter, R. and de Jonge, C. C. (eds.) Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography. Series: Greek culture in the Roman world. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 180-200. ISBN 9781108474900

O'Reilly, S., Rogers, M., Fox, M. , Le Feuvre, L. and Gray, D. (2016) In conversation. In: Armstrong, G. (ed.) The Virtues of Things. Series: Essays on sculpture (75). The Henry Moore Institute: Leeds. ISBN 9781905462544

Fox, M. (2016) Cicero and historicism: controversies in Cicero’s reception in the eighteenth century. In: Manuwald, G. (ed.) The Afterlife of Cicero. Series: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies supplement (135). Institute of Classical Studies: London, pp. 144-161. ISBN 9781905670642

Fox, M. (2015) Winckelmann's legacy: decorum, textuality, and national stereotype in the eighteenth-century reception of homosexuality. In: Ingleheart, J. (ed.) Ancient Rome and the Construction of Modern Homosexual Identities. Series: Classical presences. Oxford University Press: Corby, pp. 74-92. ISBN 9780199689729 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199689729.003.0004)

Fox, M. (2015) The bisexuality of Orpheus. In: Masterson, M., Sorkin Rabinowitz, N. and Robson, J. (eds.) Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Series: Rewriting antiquity. Routledge: Oxford, pp. 335-351. ISBN 9780415519410

Fox, M. (2015) Plutarch’s Numa and the rhetoric of aetiology. In: Ash, R., Mossman, J. and Titchener, F. B. (eds.) Fame and Infamy: Essays for Christopher Pelling on Characterization in Greek and Roman Biography and Historiography. Oxford University Press: Corby, pp. 177-192. ISBN 9780199662326

Fox, M. (2014) The representation of the regal period in Livy. In: Mineo, B. (ed.) A Companion to Livy. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 286-297. ISBN 9781118301289 (doi: 10.1002/9781118339015.ch22)

Fox, M. (2013) Cicero during the Enlightenment. In: Steel, C. (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Cicero. Series: Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge University Press, pp. 318-336. (doi: 10.1017/CCO9781139048750.021)

Fox, M. (2011) Pompeii in Roberto Rossellini's 'Journey to Italy'. In: Hales, S. and Paul, J. (eds.) Pompeii in the Public Imagination from its Rediscovery to Today. Series: Classical Presences. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 286-300. ISBN 9780199569366

Fox, M. (2011) Cicero: gentleman and orator: metaphors in eighteenth century reception. In: Parker, J. and Matthews, T. (eds.) Tradition, Translation, Trauma: The Classic and the Modern. Series: Classical Presences. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 91-108. ISBN 9780199554591

Fox, M. (2011) The myth of Rome. In: Dowden, K. and Livingstone, N. (eds.) A Companion to Greek Mythology. Series: Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Wiley-Blackwell: Chichester, pp. 243-263. ISBN 9781405111782

Fox, M. (2011) The style of the past: Dionysius of Halicarnassus in context. In: Schmitz, T. and Wiater, N. (eds.) The Struggle for Identity: Greeks and their Past in the First Century BCE. Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 93-114. ISBN 9783515096713

Fox, M. (2009) Heraclides of Pontus and the philosophical dialogue. In: Fortenbaugh, W.W. and Pender, E.E. (eds.) Heraclides of Pontus: Discussion. Series: Rutgers University studies in classical humanities, 15 (15). Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, USA, pp. 41-67. ISBN 9781412807982

Fox, M. (2009) Translatio Ciceronis. In: Kofler, W., Schaffenrath, F. and Toechterle, K. (eds.) Pontes V: Ubersetzung als Vermittlerin antiker Literatur. Series: Comparanda (11). Studien Verlag: Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 245-256. ISBN 9783706546430

Fox, M. (2006) Rhetoric and literature at Rome. In: Dominik, W. and Hall, J. (eds.) A Companion to Roman Rhetoric. Blackwell, pp. 369-381. ISBN 1405120916

Fox, M. (2005) Die Rezeption der Rhetorik innerhalb der Geschgichtsschreibung: von Thukydides bis Edurad Schwartz. In: Tochterle, K. and Kofler, W. (eds.) Pontes 3: Die antike Rhetorik in der europaischen Geistesgeschichte. Studien verlag, pp. 360-371. ISBN 9783706541565

Fox, M. (2000) Dialogue and irony in Cicero: reading de Republica. In: Sharrock, A. and Morales, H. (eds.) Intratextuality: Greek and Roman Textual Relations. Oxford Univeristy Press: Oxford, pp. 263-286. ISBN 0199240930

Fox, M. (2000) Satyrs and hetaerae: looking for gender in Attic vases. In: Donald, M. and Hurcombe, L. (eds.) Gender and Material Culture in Archaeological Perspective. Series: Studies in gender and material culture. Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 114-117. ISBN 9780333643327

Fox, M. (1998) The constrained man. In: Foxhall, L. and Salmon, J. (eds.) Thinking Men: Masculinity and its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition. Series: Leicester-Nottingham studies in ancient society (7). Routledge: London, pp. 6-22. ISBN 9780415146357

Fox, M. (1998) Transvestite Hercules at Rome. In: Cleminson, R. and Allison, M. (eds.) In/visibility: Gender and Representation in a European Context. Series: Interface: Bradford studies in language, culture and society (3). Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Bradford: Bradford, West Yorkshire, pp. 1-22. ISBN 0261-0353

Book Reviews

Fox, M. (2023) Friedrich Meins, Paradigmatische Geschichte. Wahrheit, Theorie und Methode in den Antiquitates Romanae des Dionysios von Halikarnassos, Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag) 2019 (Palingenesia 113), 169 S., ISBN 978-3-515-12255-9 (geb.), € 47,–. Klio, 104(1), pp. 385-388. (doi: 10.1515/klio-2023-2005)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2017) T. S. Welch, Tarpeia: Workings of a Roman Myth. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Pp. xii + 331, illus. isbn 9780814212813. US$68.95. Journal of Roman Studies, 107, pp. 372-373. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435817000478)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2015) Cicero on Politics and the Limits of Reason: The Republic and Laws by J. W. ATKINS. (Cambridge Classical Studies). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xiv + 270. isbn9781107043589. £60.00/US$95.00. Journal of Roman Studies, 105, pp. 428-430. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435815000532)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2014) Michael Hausmann: Die Leserlenkung durch Tacitus in den Tacitus- und Claudiusbüchern der Annalen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009. XII, 472 S. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte. 100.). Gnomon, 86(6), pp. 552-553. (doi: 10.17104/0017-1417_2014_6)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2013) Roman Reflections: Studies in Latin Philosophy. GARETH D. WILLIAMS and KATHARINA VOLK (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xiv + 306. Price: £56.00. $74.00. (Hardcover) ISBN 978-0-19-999976-7. Hermathena, 195, pp. 109-110. [Book Review]

Fox, M. (2009) Alessandro Perutelli: Prolegomeni a Sisenna. Pisa. Edizioni ETS 2004. 140 S. (Testi e studi di cultura classica. 27.) 13€. Gnomon, 81(3), pp. 269-270. (doi: 10.17104/0017-1417_2009_3_267)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2006) J. G. F. Powell and J. A. North (Eds), Cicero's Republic (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supp. 76). London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 2001. Pp. vi + 153. ISBN 0-9005-8787-3. £35.00. Journal of Roman Studies, 96, pp. 243-244. (doi: 10.1017/S0075435800001167)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2006) Alain Meurant: L'idée de géméllité dans la légende des origines de Rome. Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique 2000. 335 S. (Mémoires de la Classe des Lettres. Collection in 8o, 3e série. 24.) 1200 bfr. Gnomon, 78(1), pp. 78-79. (doi: 10.17104/0017-1417_2006_1_72)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2005) The Wiseman Effect. D. Braund and C. Gill (eds) Myth, History and Culture in Republican Rome. Studies in Honour of T.P. Wiseman. Pp. x + 358, maps, ills. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2003. Cased, £40. ISBN: 0-85989-662-5. Classical Review, 55(2), pp. 615-617. (doi: 10.1093/clrevj/bni334)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2002) E. Gee, Ovid, Aratus and Augustus: Astronomy in Ovid's Fasti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xii + 232. ISBN 0-5216-5187-5. £35.00/US$54.95. Journal of Roman Studies, 92, pp. 246-247. (doi: 10.2307/3184916)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2000) J. Fabre-Serris, Mythologie et littérature à Rome: la réécriture des mythes aux Iers siècles avant et après J.-C. Lausanne: Éditions Payot Lausanne, 1998. Pp. 271. ISBN 2-60103-228-6. Fr. 149/Sw. fr. 39.80. Journal of Roman Studies, 90, pp. 236-237. (doi: 10.2307/300241)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2000) Roman Historians. Classical Review, 50(1), pp. 89-91. (doi: 10.1093/cr/50.1.89)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (2000) Vitae. Portraits: Biographical Representation in the Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Empire by M. J. Edwards and S. Swain. Classical Review, 50(1), pp. 95-97. (doi: 10.1093/cr/50.1.95)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1998) M. Wifstrand Schiebe, Vergil und die Tradition von den römischen Urkönigen (Hermes Einzelschriften 76). Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997. Pp. 194. ISBN 3-515-07019-2. DM 68. Journal of Roman Studies, 88, p. 195. (doi: 10.2307/300832)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1998) Annales. L'annalistique romaine: Tome I: Les annales des pontifes et l'annalistique ancienne, by M. Chassignet. Classical Review, 48(2), pp. 324-325. (doi: 10.1093/cr/48.2.324)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1998) S. Gély: Le pouvoir et l'autorité: Avatars italiens de la notion d'auctoritas d'Auguste à Domitien (27 a.C–96 p.C). (Bibliothèque d'Études Classiques, 3.) Pp. xxvii + 191. Louvain and Paris: Peeters, 1995. Paper, Belg. frs. 1200. ISBN: 90-6831-713-X/2-87723-257-3. Classical Review, 48(1), pp. 223-224. (doi: 10.1017/S0009840X00331602)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1997) Monarchy at Rome - A. Magdelain: De la royauté et du droit de Romulus à Sabinus. (Saggi di storia antica, 8.) Pp. 217. Rome: ‘L'Erma’ di Bretschneider, 1995. ISBN: 88-7062-881-7. Classical Review, 47(1), pp. 90-91. (doi: 10.1093/cr/47.1.90)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1996) K. Mustakallio: Death and Disgrace. Capital Penalties with Post Mortem Sanctions in Early Roman Historiography. (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Dissertationes Humanarum Litterarum, 72.) Pp.96; 2 maps. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1994.Paper, FIM 80. Classical Review, 46(1), p. 186. (doi: 10.1017/S0009840X00297606)[Book Review]

Fox, M. (1996) Rex - P. M. Martin: L'idée de royauté à Rome. II Haine de la royauté et séductions monarchiques (du IVe siècle av. J.-C. au principat augustéen). (Miroir des civilisations antiques, 2.) Pp. xxiii+511; 8 tables. Clermont-Ferrand: Adosa, 1994. Paper, FF 480. Classical Review, 46(1), pp. 107-109. (doi: 10.1093/cr/46.1.107)[Book Review]


Lindberg, M. and [Translator] Fox, M. (2024) GRAFFITI [Libretto, translated from the Latin into English]. [Compositions]

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 16:12:56 2024 BST.


Leverhulme Major Research Fellow, 2014-2017: Roman Materialism.


I would welcome enquiries from potential research students in the following areas: ancient philosophy of history; Latin literature of the late republican and Augustan periods; Dionysius of Halicarnassus; the intersection of historiography and rhetoric; gender; Classical Reception.