Tha prìomh mhion-fhiosrachadh Sgoilearachd Dr Peter Davies airson seisean 2023-24 mar a leanas: 

The main details of the Dr Peter Davies for session 2023-24 are as follows:

  • Thèid an Sgoilearachd a thairgsinn do dh’oileanach freagarrach a tha air cur a-steach, agus a gheibh àite, air prògram Maighstearachd iar-cheumnach ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu |The Scholarship will be awarded, subject to a successful application, to a suitable student who has applied to postgraduate Master’s programme in Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow.
  • Air an toirt do dh’oileanaich a tha a’ toirt fianais gu bheil feum ionmhasail aca a dh’fhaodadh bacadh a chur orra bho bhith a’ dèanamh an cuid rannsachaidh maighstireachd iar-cheumnach | awarded to students evidencing financial need which could prevent them from undertaking their postgraduate research masters
  • Faodar duais seisean 2023-24 a ghlèidheadh airson aon bhliadhna a-mhàin gus cobhair a thoirt do thagraiche(an) soirbheachail crìoch a chur air prògram Maighstireachd iar-cheumnach. | The award for session 2023-24 is tenable for one year only to enable the successful candidate(s) to complete a Master’s postgraduate programme.
  • Tha luach £5,000 anns an Sgoilearachd. | The value of the Scholarship is £5,000.

Mura tèid sgoilearan iomchaidh a chomharrachadh ann am bliadhna sam bith, cha tèid an duais a bhuileachadh agus bidh an t-airgead a chaidh a chomharrachadh airson na bliadhna sin a chur mu seach airson na h-ath bhliadhna [NO]  ma bhios nas lugha na triùir sgoilearan air an comharrachadh ann an SMLC no nas lugha na aon ann an Ceiltis is Gàidhlig, faodar sgoilearachdan nach deach a chleachdadh a thoirt dhan chuspair eile ma tha barrachd thagraichean iomchaidh ann.  | In the event of no suitable scholars being identified in any year, no award will be made and the funding set aside for that year will be awarded in a subsequent year [OR] In the event of fewer than three suitable SMLC scholars or fewer than one suitable Celtic & Gaelic scholar being identified in any year, the available scholarship may be awarded to the alternate subject if there is a surplus of suitable applicants.

Deadline for applications: 4 August 2023

Dr Peter Davies Scholarship - further particulars 2023-24

First published: 22 March 2023

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