Photo Glen Lyon, Judith Parrott, 2021

Thursday 21 October 2021, 7pm

Tha an neach-ealain lèirsinneach Judith Parrott agus an sgrìobhaiche-òrain/seinneadair, Gillebrìde Mac 'Ille Mhaoil a' tighinn le chèile gus freagairt cruthachail a thoirt dhan Chaillich - ban-tighearna na sìde, cruthadair na h-Alba agus cruthadair nam beann. Gu sònraichte, bidh am pròiseact seo a' sgrùdadh mar a tha A' Chailleach air a faicinn mar Bhan-tighearna na Sìde ann an co-theacsa COP26. Bidh A' Chailleach aig Dear Green Bothy a' togail cheistean air mar a tha urram air a thoirt do dh'eòlas dùthchasach agus a' togail cheanglaichean ris an àrainneachd agus mar a dh'fhaodas sin cur ris na thathar a' dèanamh gus cur an aghaidh atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde.

Bheir an Dr Alasdair Mac 'IlleBhàin òraid cuideachd air mar a tha A' Chailleach a' nochdadh ann an ainmean-àite agus beul-aithris nan Gàidheal.

Visual-artist Judith Parrott and singer-songwriter Gillebride MacMillan collaborate to present a creative response to A' Chailleach - goddess of the weather, creator of Scotland and maker of mountains. Specifically, the project explores the role of The Cailleach as Weather Goddess with reference to the climate crisis and COP26. Dear Green Bothy's A' Chailleach will question how respect for traditional knowledge and engagement with wilderness, can inform action to the climate crisis being addressed by COP26.

Dr Alasdair Whyte will also present a lecture on The Cailleach in placenames and lore in Gaelic Scotland.

This event is presented as part of The Dear Green Bothy, a collaborative cultural programme from the University of Glasgow’s College of Arts showcasing creative and critical responses to climate emergency.

This event is free, but please register on Eventbrite for the zoom link.

First published: 13 September 2021

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