Scottish Place-Names: Past, Present and Future with Dr Simon Taylor 

Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow, with the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies, is delighted to present this seminar with Dr Simon Taylor as part of the Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture series. The annual Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture was founded by Celtic & Gaelic in 2006 to commemorate the appointment of the first Professor of Celtic at the University of Glasgow in 1956. We are pleased to invite all interested parties to attend.

Attendees will be provided the Zoom meeting link to the event immediately after registering on Eventbrite.

Speaker Profile

Dr Taylor is the foremost living expert on Scottish place-names. One of the founders of the Scottish Place-Name Society, he has pioneered the revival of serious place-name surveys in Scotland. The five volumes of The Place-Names of Fife (with Gilbert Márkus) appeared 2006-12, and since then he has been the main author on The Place-Names of Kinross-shire (2017) and The Place-Names of Clackmannanshire (2020). He is founding editor of The Journal of Scottish Name Studies. He has supervised many recent Ph.D. theses on Scottish place-names, and supported local initiatives and individual toponymic researchers throughout Scotland. In this year's Matheson Lecture he will reflect on the study of Scotland's place-names.

Tha Roinn na Ceiltis is na Gàidhlig aig Olithigh Ghlaschu, comhla ri Ionad Eòlas na h-Alba is na Ceiltis, air leth toilichte an seiminear seo leis an Dr Simon Taylor a thaisbeanadh mar phàirt de shreath Òraid Bhliadhnail mar Chuimhneachan air Aonghas MacMhathain. Chaidh Òraid Chuimhneachaidh Aonghais MhicMhathain a stèidheachadh leis an Roinn ann an 2006 mar chuimhneachan air ciad Ollamh na Ceiltis aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu ann an 1956. Tha sinn toilichte cuireadh a thoirt do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith an làthair.

Gheibhear ceangal coinneamh Zoom airson an tachartais dìreach às dèidh clàradh.

An Neach-labhairt

’S e Dr Simon Taylor am prìomh eòlaiche air ainmean-àite na h-Alba. Bha e air aon den fheadhainn a stèidhich Comann Ainmean-àite na h-Alba agus tha e air a bhith aig cridhe ath-bheòthachadh ann am fìor sgrùdaidhean ainmean-àite ann an Alba. Chaidh còig leabhraichean The Place-Names of Fife (le Gilbert Márkus) fhoillseachadh bho 2006-12 agus bhon uair sin tha e air a bhith na phrìomh ùghdar air The Place-Names of Kinross-shire (2017) agus The Place-Names of Clackmannanshire (2020). Tha e na neach-deasachaidh stèidheachaidh air The Journal of Scottish Name Studies. Tha e air stiùireadh a thoirt air mòran thràchdasan PhD air ainmean-àite na h-Alba, agus thug e taic do dh’iomairtean ionadail agus luchd-rannsachaidh ainmichte fa leth air feadh Alba. Ann an Òraid MhicMhathain na bliadhna seo bidh e a’ meòrachadh air sgrùdadh ainmean-àite na h-Alba.

First published: 26 November 2020