Digging Up Kirkcaldy's Bronze Age Stories Advance

Saturday 26 November 2022
Kirkcaldy Galleries
Doors open 10.20am

Short Talks

10.30 Event Introduction

10.40 Back to the Bronze Age: The High Street excavations in context (Dr Nyree Finlay)

11.00 The People and their burial practices (Paul Duffy)

11.15 Re-imagining Bronze Age dress (Olivia Ballard) 

11.30 The Food Vessel - design in imperfection (Dr Marta Innes)

11.45-12.00 Q&A 

12.15-14.00 Blether & craft session in the cafe: Drop-in creative activities for adults and kids.
Come along and learn about ceramics, creativity and fashion. Share your personal stories

Advance Booking required for Short Talks

Digging up Kirkcaldy’s Bronze Age Stories

First published: 7 November 2022

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