Congratulations to Andrew Smith, a History PhD student, has won the 'Best Postgraduate who teaches' award at the Student Teaching Awards ‌

'Smith invigorated my history seminar. It was a pleasure to turn up every week, my peers looked forward to it and we all commented on how remarkable Smith was. One student admitted he ceased attending seminars in his other subjects but always looked forward to history.'

'Smith consistently went above and beyond, setting fun tasks with the opportunity for humour. His passion for history was evident and inspiring. Members of the seminar group still a year later have discussions about how great Smith was.'

'He was also the first person to express far more than praise but genuine belief in me and my abilities, his encouragement made me feel like a worthy contributor to this University. His support has been invaluable to me. He made my first year experience extremely positive and make a big impact on everyone he teaches, he is a true asset to this University, chiefly in his spirit. He deserves full recognition and praise for something he performs naturally but is indeed remarkable. '

STA award Andy Smith STA award Andy Smith's paper trophy

First published: 18 April 2017

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