[English below]

Tha prògram pìleat Gàidhlig le Bogadh aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu dol a bhith maireannach, chaidh a chur an cèill an-diugh (Diluain 4 an Dùbhlachd 2024).

Tha am prògram Gàidhlig le Bogadh air gealladh maoineachaidh leantainneach fhaighinn bho Cholaiste nan Ealan is nan Daonnachdan aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu.

Mar sin, thèid Gàidhlig le Bogadh a stèidheachadh mar phàirt bunaiteach dhe phrògraman farsaing Cheiltis & Gàidhlig aig a’ Cholaiste.

Ann an 2017, chuir a’ Cholaiste sgrùdadh air dòigh feuch an gabhadh cothrom bogaidh ann an Glaschu a dhèanamh agus fhuaras fios gun robh iarrtas ann airson barrachd chothroman ionnsachaidh leantainneach am measg oileanaich agus luchd-ionnsachaidh inbheach.

Dà bhliadhna às dèidh sin, chaidh am prògram Gàidhlig le Bogadh a thabhann do dh’oileanaich, an toiseach mar phròiseact pìleat fad trì bliadhna le taic-airgid bho Chomhairle Maoineachaidh na h-Alba.

Tha am prògram air a bhith air leth soirbheachdail, le oileanaich a’ dol air adhart gu dreuchdan ann am foghlam Gàidhlig, manaidsearachd, rianachd agus na h-ealain chruthachail.

Thuirt Moira Piazzoli, a rinn am prògram mar phàirt de cheum MA ann an Gàidhlig agus Àrc-Eòlas, “Thug am prògram Gàidhlig le Bogadh cothrom dhomh a bhith ag obair gu dian a dh’ionnsaidh fileantachd sa Ghàidhlig fhad ’s a dh’fhàs mi na bu eòlaiche air cultar nan Gàidheal. Thairis air a’ bhliadhna, bha iomadh cothrom agam gus ceanglaichean a dhèanamh le coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu. Bha am bogadh coimhearsnachd aig deireadh na bliadhna, far an d’ fhuair sinn fàilte is furan ann an coimhearsnachd Ghàidhealach Uibhist a Deas, air leth. Cha tèid agam air cus molaidh a dhèanamh air a’ phrògram. Thug a’ bhliadhna atharrachadh air mo bheatha.”

An image of Gaelic immersion programme 2023 in South Uist.

Tha an taic nach beag seo bho Cholaiste nan Ealan is nan Daonnachdan aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ ciallachadh gun deach Òraidiche Gàidhlig, Kathleen Reddy, agus Neach-rianachd agus Co-òrdanaiche Cùisean Coimhearsnachd, Sara Robertson, fhastadh. 

Thuirt Kathleen Reddy, Ceannard a’ Phògraim Gàidhlig le Bogadh, “Tha e uabhasach fhèin brosnachail gu bheil Oilthigh Ghlaschu air luach a’ phrògraim seo aithneachadh le bhith a’ cur taic-airgid susbainteach ris airson an ama ri teachd.

Tha am prògram sònraichte seo a’ toirt cothrom do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig tighinn gu ìre fhileantais nas motha le bhith a’ dèanamh bliadhna bhogaidh ann am meadhan na h-Alba agus tha e deatamach airson togail chomasan aig ìre nàiseanta. Tha e na thoileachadh mòr dhuinn a bhith a’ cumail a’ chairdeis obrach a’ dol le ar com-pàirtichean coimhearsnachd, Comhairle nan Leabhraichean agus Ceòlas Uibhist, a bhios a’ cur ris a’ phrògram ann an dòigh chudromach.”

Thuirt Gillebrìde Mac ’IlleMhaoil, Àrd-Òraidiche, Ceiltis & Gàidhlig agus Prìomh Sgrùdaire a’ phrògraim Gàidhlig le Bogadh aig ìre phìleat, “Tha ceanglaichean làidir air a bhith aig Ceiltis & Gàidhlig ri iomadh sgìre air a' Ghàidhealtachd thar nam bliadhnachan. Tha an cùrsa seo cudromach ann a bhith a' neartachadh nan ceanglaichean sin."

“Le bhith ag obair le Ceòlas Uibhist agus Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, gheibh na h-oileanaich againn an cothrom an cuid Gàidhlig a leasachadh agus a chleachdadh tro bhogadh ann an coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig. Gu dearbh, bidh buannachdan ann air gach taobh agus bidh na h-oileanaich agus am prògram fhèin a' toirt buannachd dha na coimhearsnachdan sin cuideachd.”

Tha am prògram Gàidhlig le Bogadh fosgailte do dh’oileanaich fo-cheumach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu mar phàirt de MA, agus do thagraichean bhon taobh a-muigh mar Teisteanas ann am Foghlam Àrd Ìre (Cert HE). Cuirear fàilte air iarrtasan airson na bliadhna acadaimigich 2024/2025 as t-Earrach 2024.


Gaelic immersion programme made permanent at University of Glasgow

A Gaelic language immersion year pilot at the University of Glasgow is being made permanent, it was announced today.

The Gaelic with Immersion Programme has received a long-term funding commitment from the College of Arts & Humanities at the University of Glasgow.

This announcement will establish Gaelic with Immersion as an integral part of the College’s Celtic & Gaelic diverse programme offering.

In 2017, the College commissioned a feasibility study to consider an immersion experience in Glasgow and this revealed a demand for more intensive language opportunities amongst students and adult learners.

Two years later, the Gaelic with Immersion Programme was offered to students, initially as a three-year pilot project with financial support from the Scottish Funding Council.

The programme has been highly successful, with students continuing to employment in Gaelic education, management, administration, and the creative arts.

Moira Piazzoli, who undertook the Gaelic with Immersion Programme as part of an MA in Gaelic and Archaeology, stated: "The Gaelic with Immersion Programme gave me the opportunity to focus on becoming more fluent in Gaelic while learning more about Gaelic culture. Over the year, I had lots of opportunities to make connections with the Gaelic community in Glasgow. The residential immersion at the end of the year, where we were welcomed into the Gaelic community in South Uist, was amazing. I couldn't recommend the programme more. It was a really life-changing year for me.”

An image of Gaelic immersion programme students in South Uist 2022.

This significant investment by the College of Arts & Humanities at Glasgow has allowed the appointment of a Lecturer in Gaelic, Kathleen Reddy, and a Gaelic Administrator and Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Sara Robertson.

Kathleen Reddy, Convener for the Gaelic with Immersion Programme, said: “It’s very encouraging that the University of Glasgow has recognised the value of this programme by making a substantial investment in its future.

“This unique programme gives Gaelic learners the opportunity to gain greater fluency through undertaking an immersion year in central Scotland and is crucial for Gaelic capacity-building at a national level. We are also delighted to continue a working relationship with our community partners, the Gaelic Books Council and Ceòlas in South Uist, who make integral contributions to the programme.”

Gillebrìde MacMillan, Senior Lecturer, Celtic and Gaelic and Principal Investigator of the pilot phase of the Gaelic Immersion Programme, said: “Celtic & Gaelic has had strong links with many areas of the Gàidhealtachd over many years and this programme is really important in strengthening these links further.

“Working with Ceòlas Uibhist and The Gaelic Books Council allows our students to improve and use their language skills through immersion in the Gaelic community. Of course, the benefits go both ways and our students, and the course can also have a huge positive impact in these communities.”

The Gaelic with Immersion Programme is open to University of Glasgow undergraduate students as part of an MA, as well as to external candidates as a Certificate in Higher Education. Applications will be accepted for the 2024/2025 academic year in Spring 2024. 

First published: 4 December 2023