Dr Ruth Lewis

  • Senior Lecturer (MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit)

telephone: 0141 353 7571
email: Ruth.Lewis@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: She/her/hers

MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, School of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Clarice Pears Building, 90 Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8TB

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-6768-6188


I am a sociologist interested in how social relationships - with partners, family members, peers, and communities - affect health. Much of my work focuses on sexual health and wellbeing. I am committed to collaborating with communities and organisations to co-produce and evaluate interventions aiming to improve health and reduce health inequalities.


  • BA Geography, University of Leeds
  • MSc Social Research, University of Edinburgh
  • PhD Sociology, University of Edinburgh

Prior to joining SPHSU, I worked at the University of Edinburgh (2009), the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2009-2014), and the University of the Pacific (2014-2017).

Current role

I lead the 'Communities' workstream in the Relationships and Health programme at the Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU). 

I am Co-Chair for the IReSH network (Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health), which seeks to bring together people from academia, the third sector, health sector and communities to collaborate and coordinate research activities related to sexual health and blood-borne viruses (BBV) in Scotland.  

I am also an Associate Director for the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, and a member of the British Sociological Association.

You can find me on twitter, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate.

Research interests

I use mixed methods research to understand how social relationships affect health, and to develop and evaluate interventions to improve population health.

Research interests:

  • adolescent and young adults' health
  • sexual health and wellbeing
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • public involvement and stakeholder engagement (theory, practice, ethics, evaluation)
  • co-production and participatory approaches
  • systems thinking
  • qualitative methodologies
  • process evaluation

Current projects:

  • CONUNDRUM Action (Co-Principal Investigator). A participatory project aiming to increase young people’s meaningful involvement in sexual health policymaking and service improvement in Scotland. The project brings together an Action Group including young people across Scotland, researchers, and sexual health stakeholders from Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, and third sector.
  • Sexual Wellbeing as an Ambition for Scotland (Co-Principal Investigator). An agenda setting and capacity building project, funded by Scottish Government.
  • Equally Safe at School (Co-Investigator; Process Evaluation Lead). A NIHR-funded mixed methods evaluation of a whole schools approach to tackling gender-based violence in secondary schools in Scotland, conducted in partnership with Rape Crisis Scotland.
  • Good Measure (Co-Investigator). A UKRI-funded project aiming to advance resources and measures for capturing sexual dimensions of adolescent mental health and wellbeing.
  • Katawag (Co-Investigator). Mental wellbeing among call centres employees in the Philippines: A complex systems approach to intervention development. The project is a joint venture between researchers at De La Salle University in the Philippines, and University of Glasgow. 
  • National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles-4 (Natsal-4). Natsal team member since 2011.
  • Partnership for Change (Co-Investigator; Work Package Co-Lead: Developing Theory of Change for IPS in Local Contexts). A UKRI-funded randomised controlled trial of ‘Infant Parent Support,’ a coproduced poverty and neurodiversity-aware mental health intervention aiming to support struggling families whose children are supported by social work or other family support services.

Recent projects:

  • TRIUMPH (2019-2023, Co-Investigator; Co-Lead for "Key Groups" theme) - a UKRI-funded network, which brings together young people, academics, practitioners and policymakers to find new solutions to improve youth mental public health. The Key Groups theme focuses on groups of young people with poorer mental health outcomes, including LGBTQ+ and care-experienced young people. 
  • CONUNDRUM (2019-2020, Co-Principal Investigator). Commissioned by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, and Lothian, in partnership with the Scottish Government, this co-produced study examined the multi-level and complex factors shaping young people’s use and non-use of condoms and contraception. A diverse range of young people and sexual health stakeholders (e.g. service providers and decision-makers) took part in the research process, to generate in-depth understanding of the issue, and to co-produce recommendations for future sexual health policy and service provision. Study outputs can be found here
  • The JACK Trial (Trial Coordinator, Scotland), a UK-wide NIHR-funded RCT evaluating a school-based sexual health promotion programme.
  • WAYS (Co-Investigator). A qualitative multi-modal project using interviews and photos to explore understandings and experiences of health and wellbeing among LGBTQ+ young people living in diverse locations and circumstances across Scotland.
  • SaFE (Co-Investigator). A NIHR-funded study to optimise, feasibility test and pilot a safer sex and healthy relationships intervention for Further Education settings.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Number of items: 89.


Blake, C. , Lewis, R. , Riddell, J. , Willis, M. , Wylie, L., Dawson, K., Moore, L. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Prevention of, and response to, sexual harassment at secondary school: a system map. Social Science and Medicine, 358, 117092. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117092) (PMID:39216136)

Blake, C. , Lewis, R. , Riddell, J. , Willis, M. , Wylie, L., Dawson, K., Moore, L. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Briefing: Prevention of, and response to, sexual harassment at secondary school: a system map. Documentation. University of Glasgow.

MacLachlan, A. , Pemmasani, P., Jamieson-MacKenzie, I., McMellon, C., Cunningham, E., Lewis, R. and Tisdall, E. K. (2024) Applying co-production principles in research: reflections from young people and academics. Childhood, (doi: 10.1177/09075682241269692) (Early Online Publication)

Wilson-Lowe, R. V., Purcell, C. , Lewis, R. and McDaid, L. (2024) Seeking support for abortion online: a qualitative study of women’s experiences. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 50(3), pp. 172-177. (doi: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2023-202083) (PMID:38336468) (PMCID:PMC11287619)

Demou, E. , Blake, C. , Llorin, C. T., Salanga, M. G., Mateo, N. J., Lewis, R. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Group-level workplace interventions to improve mental health in low control, high demand office-based jobs. A scoping review. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 68(4), pp. 335-350. (doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxae012) (PMID:38489824) (PMCID:PMC11033569)

Lewis, R. , Bosó Pérez, R., Maxwell, K. J., Reid, D., Macdowall, W., Bonell, C., Fortenberry, J. D., Mercer, C. H., Sonnenberg, P. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Conceptualizing sexual wellbeing: a qualitative investigation to inform development of a measure (Natsal-SW). Journal of Sex Research, (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2024.2326933) (PMID:38517458) (Early Online Publication)

Blake, C. , Turner, B. , Mitchell, K. and Lewis, R. (2024) What factors influence young people’s involvement in policymaking and service improvement? A systems perspective. NHS Research Scotland (NRS) and Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Patient and Public Involvement Event 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 12 Mar 2024.

Lewis, R. , Turner, B. , Mitchell, K. and Blake, C. (2024) Understanding the impacts of public involvement in policy-engaged health research: Insights from participatory evaluation of a multi-sector sexual health research collaboration (CONUNDRUM). NHS Research Scotland (NRS) and Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Patient and Public Involvement Event 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 12 Mar 2024.

Blake, C. , Turner, B. , Lewis, R. and CONUNDRUM Action Group, (2024) Young people’s involvement in policy and service improvement. [Artefact]

Blake, C. , Turner, B. and Lewis, R. (2024) What drives the involvement of young people in policy making and service improvement? Insights from a map of Scotland’s sexual health system. Other. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.


Mitchell, K. R. et al. (2023) Development and validation of a brief measure of sexual wellbeing for population surveys: The Natsal Sexual Wellbeing Measure (Natsal-SW). Journal of Sex Research, (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2023.2278530) (PMID:38127808) (Early Online Publication)

Turner, B. et al. (2023) Good Measure Project. Adolescent sexuality development and mental health and wellbeing: Research priorities for mental health surveys. Project Report. University of Glasgow.

Wellings, K., Gibson, L., Lewis, R. , Datta, J., Macdowall, W. and Mitchell, K. (2023) "We’re just tired": influences on sexual activity among male-partnered women in midlife; a mixed method study. Journal of Sex Research, 60(9), pp. 1304-1317. (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2023.2165613) (PMID:36757684)

Lohan, M. et al. (2023) School-based relationship and sexuality education intervention engaging adolescent boys for the reductions of teenage pregnancy: the JACK cluster RCT. Public Health Research, 11(8), (doi: 10.3310/YWXQ8757) (PMID:37795864)

Blake, C. , Lewis, R. , Turner, B. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Using participatory systems mapping to understand young people’s involvement in sexual health policy and service improvement. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada, 23-26 Aug 2023.

Guadalupe Salanga, M., Jose Mateo, N., Blake, C. , Tan, C., Demou, E. , Lewis, R. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Mental health and wellbeing in Filipino call centres: Using participatory systems mapping to understand workplace environments. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine: From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada, 23-26 Aug 2023.

Macdowall, W. G. et al. (2023) Sexting among British adults: a qualitative analysis of sexting as emotion work governed by 'feeling rules'. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25(5), pp. 617-632. (doi: 10.1080/13691058.2022.2080866) (PMID:35674014) (PMCID:PMC7614518)

Turner, B. , Astbury, K., Bell, M., Gascoigne, R., Nakamaura, Y., Blake, C. and Lewis, R. (2023) Young people’s priorities for digital sexual health promotion: findings from a peer engagement (CONUNDRUM Action). Project Report. University of Glasgow.

Lewis, R. , Boydell, N. , Blake, C. , Clarke, Z., Kernaghan, K. and McMellon, C. (2023) Involving young people in sexual health research and service improvement: conceptual analysis of patient and public involvement (PPI) in three projects. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 49(2), pp. 76-86. (doi: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2022-201611) (PMID:36307186)

Blake, C. , Guadalupe Salanga, M., Jose Mateo, N., Tan, C., Demou, E. , Lewis, R. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Mental health and wellbeing in Filipino call centres: Using participatory systems mapping to understand workplace environments. UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, Birmingham, UK, 28-29 Mar 2023.

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Turner, B. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Using participatory systems mapping to understand young people’s involvement in sexual health policy and service improvement. UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, Birmingham, UK, 28-29 Mar 2023.

Datta, J., Maxwell, K. J., Mitchell, K. R. , Lewis, R. and Wellings, K. (2023) Factors shaping the timing of later entry into parenthood: narratives of choice and constraint. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 8, 100700. (doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100700)


Turner, B. , Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Gascoigne, R. and CONUNDRUM Action Group, . (2022) Co-producing research with young people online: Insights from a participatory sexual health project. [Website]

Lewis, R. , Boso Perez, R., Maxwell, K., Reid, D., Macdowall, W., Bonell, C., Fortenberry, J. D. and Mitchell, K. (2022) A Conceptual Framework for Sexual Wellbeing: A Qualitative Investigation to Inform Development of a New Measure (the Natsal-SW). Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality 2022 Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 03-06 Nov 2022.

Reid, D. S. et al. (2022) Online sexual partner seeking as a social practice: qualitative evidence from the 4th British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-4). Journal of Sex Research, 59(8), pp. 1034-1044. (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1994516) (PMID:34792430) (PMCID:PMC9519119)

Turner, B. , Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Astbury, K., Gascoigne, R. and CONUNDRUM Action Group, . (2022) Involving young people in sexual health policy and service improvement. [Website]

Lohan, M. et al. (2022) Effects of gender-transformative relationships and sexuality education to reduce adolescent pregnancy (the JACK trial): a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Public Health, 7(7), e626-e637. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00117-7) (PMID:35779545) (PMCID:PMC7613971)

Taylor, A., McMellon, C., French, T., Maclachlan, A. , Evans, R., Lewis, R. , McCann, M. , Moore, L. , Simpson, S. and Inchley, J. (2022) Defining research priorities for youth public mental health: reflections on a coproduction approach to transdisciplinary working. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20, 72. (doi: 10.1186/s12961-022-00871-w) (PMID:35725482) (PMCID:PMC9207849)

Long, E. et al. (2022) COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(2), pp. 128-132. (doi: 10.1136/jech-2021-216690) (PMID:34413184) (PMCID:PMC8380476)

Bosó Pérez, R., Lewis, R. , Littlejohn, J., Willis, M. and Mitchell, K. R. (2022) Young people’s sexual wellbeing: a qualitative evidence synthesis protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, p. 16094069221123674. (doi: 10.1177/16094069221123674)


Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Shimonovich, M. , Coia, N., Duffy, J., Kerr, Y., Wilson, J., Graham, C. A. and Mitchell, K. R. (2021) Disrupted prevention: Condom and contraception access and use among young adults during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 47(4), pp. 269-276. (doi: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2020-200975) (PMID:33707178) (PMCID:PMC7956735)

Mitchell, K. , Lewis, R. , O'Sullivan, L. F. and Fortenberry, J. D. (2021) What is sexual wellbeing, and why does it matter for public health? Lancet Public Health, 6(8), e608-e613. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00099-2) (PMID:34166629)

Mitchell, K. et al. (2021) A New Measure of Sexual Wellbeing for Community Surveys: Development and Validation of the The Natsal-SW. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 97(Suppl 1). STI & HIV World Congress, 14-17 Jul 2021. A153. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-sti.401)

Reid, D. et al. (2021) Online Partner Seeking as a Social Practice: Findings to Develop the Fourth National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 97(Suppl 1). STI & HIV World Congress, 14-17 Jul 2021. A126-A127. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-sti.332)

Hinchcliff, S., Lewis, R. , Wellings, K., Datta, J. and Mitchell, K. (2021) Pathways to help-seeking for sexual difficulties in older adults: qualitative findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). Age and Ageing, 50(2), pp. 546-553. (doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa281) (PMID:33507242) (PMCID:PMC7936020)

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , McMellon, C., Riddell, J. , Graham, C. and Mitchell, K. (2021) Understanding young people’s use and non-use of condoms and contraception: a co-developed, mixed-methods study with 16-24 year olds in Scotland. Final report from CONUNDRUM (CONdom and CONtraception UNDerstandings: Researching Uptake and Motivations). Project Report. MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.238377).

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Shimonovich, M. , Coia, N., Duffy, J., Kerr, Y., Wilson, J., Graham, C. and Mitchell, K. (2021) Disrupted prevention: condom and contraception access and use among young people during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other. MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow.

Lewis, R. , Kaner, E. and Antin, T. (2021) Nic'd Up: a practice theory approach to understanding vaping nicotine as intoxication. In: Hunt, G., Antin, T. and Frank, V. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)


Ridge, M.-C. et al. (2020) The fourth National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-4): Responses to the Consultation on Questionnaire Content. Documentation. Natsal.

Aventin, A., Gough, A., McShane, T., Gillespie, K., O'Hare, L., Young, H., Lewis, R. , Warren, E., Buckley, K. and Lohan, M. (2020) Engaging parents in digital sexual and reproductive health education: evidence from the JACK Trial. Reproductive Health, 17, 132. (doi: 10.1186/s12978-020-00975-y) (PMID:32854734) (PMCID:PMC7450800)

Lewis, R. , Mitchell, K. R. , Mercer, C. H., Datta, J., Jones, K. and Wellings, K. (2020) Navigating new sexual partnerships in midlife: a socioecological perspective on factors shaping STI risk perceptions and practices. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 96(4), pp. 238-245. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2019-054205) (PMID:32041738) (PMCID:PMC7279207)


Aventin, A., French, R., Young, H., McDaid, L. , Lewis, R. , Warren, E., McConnon, L. and Lohan, M. (2019) Acceptability of an interactive film-based intervention targeting adolescent boys to prevent sexual risk-taking: findings from the JACK cluster randomised controlled trial process evaluation. Public Health Science: A National Conference Dedicated to New Research in UK Public Health, London, UK, 29 Nov 2019. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32802-8)

Lewis, R. , Mitchell, K. , Mercer, C., Datta, J. and Wellings, K. (2019) Factors Shaping STI Risk Perceptions and Practices Following Midlife Relationship Breakdown: a Socioecological Perspective. Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality 2019 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 07-10 Nov 2019.

Kelly, Y., Zilanawala, A., Tanton, C., Lewis, R. and Mercer, C. H. (2019) Partnered intimate activities in early adolescence: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(3), pp. 397-404. (doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.04.028) (PMID:31235328) (PMCID:PMC6986910)

Young, H., Turney, C., White, J., Lewis, R. and Bonell, C. (2019) Formative mixed-method multicase study research to inform the development of a safer sex and healthy relationships intervention in further education (FE) settings: the SaFE Project. BMJ Open, 9(7), e024692. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024692) (PMID:31289053) (PMCID:PMC6629453)

Erens, B., Mitchell, K. R. , Gibson, L., Datta, J., Lewis, R. , Field, N. and Wellings, K. (2019) Health status, sexual activity and satisfaction among older people in Britain: a mixed methods study. PLoS ONE, 14(3), e0213835. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213835) (PMID:30917152) (PMCID:PMC6436725)


Young, H., Turney, C., White, J., Bonell, C., Lewis, R. and Fletcher, A. (2018) Dating and relationship violence among 16-19 year olds in England and Wales: a cross-sectional study of types of victimisations by gender and risk factors. Journal of Public Health, 40(4), pp. 738-746. (doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdx139) (PMID:29136181) (PMCID:PMC6306090)

Lewis, R. (2018) Navigating New Mixed-sex Partnerships in Midlife: STI Risk Perceptions and Practices in Social Context. 24th Annual Regional Sexual Health Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14 Nov 2018.

Camfield, E. K., Killick, L. and Lewis, R. (2018) Activating the 'Fund of Attention' to empower student peer review. Journal of Teaching Writing, 33(1), pp. 1-21.

Lewis, R. (2018) Sexual function in context: Young people’s sexual practices, discourses and expectations. 44th International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) Conference, Madrid, Spain, 17-20 July 2018. (Unpublished)

Lewis, R. (2018) “Vapers like you make us look bad!”: Identity work and stigma management among young adults who vape. IX European Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI) Conference & Annual Couch Stone Meeting, Lancaster, UK, 4-6 July 2018. (Unpublished)


Lewis, R. , Tanton, C., Mercer, C.H., Mitchell, K.R. , Palmer, M., Macdowall, W. and Wellings, K. (2017) Heterosexual practices among young people in Britain: evidence from three national surveys of sexual attitudes and lifestyles. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(6), pp. 694-702. (doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.07.004) (PMID:29169520) (PMCID:PMC5723633)

Seguin, M., Lewis, R. , Razmadze, M., Amirejibi, T. and Roberts, B. (2017) Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: a qualitative study. Social Science and Medicine, 194, pp. 34-41. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.10.014) (PMID:29073505)

Lewis, R. , Mercer, C., Mitchell, K. , Datta, J., Jones, K. and Wellings, K. (2017) Dating and Sexuality at Midlife Among Formerly Partnered Men and Women in Britain. Pacific Sociological Association’s 88th Annual Meeting/Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 06-09 Apr 2017.

Mercer, C.H. et al. (2017) How can we objectively categorise partnership type? A novel classification of population survey data to inform epidemiological research and clinical practice. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 93(2), pp. 129-136. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052646) (PMID:27535765) (PMCID:PMC5339562)


Mitchell, K. R. , Geary, R., Graham, C., Clifton, S., Mercer, C. H., Lewis, R. , Macdowall, W., Datta, J., Johnson, A. M. and Wellings, K. (2016) Sexual function in 16- to 21-year-olds in Britain. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(4), pp. 422-428. (doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.05.017) (PMID:27496078) (PMCID:PMC5026680)

Lewis, R. and Mees, R. (2016) Vape Culture Among Young Californians. 87th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Oakland, CA, USA, 30 Mar - 02 Apr 2016.

Seguin, M., Lewis, R. , Amirejibi, T., Razmadze, M., Makhashvili, N. and Roberts, B. (2016) Our flesh is here but our soul stayed there: A qualitative study on resource loss due to war and displacement among internally-displaced women in the Republic of Georgia. Social Science and Medicine, 150, pp. 239-247. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.12.045) (PMID:26774712)

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2016) Oral sex, young people, and gendered narratives of reciprocity. Journal of Sex Research, 53(7), pp. 776-787. (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2015.1117564) (PMID:26849152) (PMCID:PMC4960515)


Papoutsi, C., Reed, J. E., Marston, C., Lewis, R. , Majeed, A. and Bell, D. (2015) Patient and public views about the security and privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the UK: results from a mixed methods study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15, 86. (doi: 10.1186/s12911-015-0202-2) (PMID:26466787) (PMCID:PMC4607170)

Tanton, C. et al. (2015) Patterns and trends in sources of information about sex among young people in Britain: evidence from three National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. BMJ Open, 5(3), e007834. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007834) (PMID:25743153) (PMCID:PMC4360842)

Macdowall, W. et al. (2015) Associations between source of information about sex and sexual health outcomes in Britain: findings from the third national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (Natsal-3). BMJ Open, 5(3), e007837. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007837) (PMID:25743154) (PMCID:PMC4360826)


Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2014) Give and Take? Reciprocity in Young People’s Narratives of Oral Heterosex. 109th ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 16-19 Aug 2014.

Lewis, R. (2014) Teenage Boys and "Healthy" Sexual Development. The Howard League for Penal Reform’s ‘Commission on Sex in Prison’, London, UK, 12 Mar 2014.

Marston, C. and Lewis, R. (2014) Anal heterosex among young people and implications for health promotion: a qualitative study in the UK. BMJ Open, 4(8), e004996. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004996) (PMID:25122073) (PMCID:PMC4156810)


Marston, C. and Lewis, R. (2013) Narratives of Anal Sex: Pleasure, Pain and Coercion. ESRC Seminar Series: Understanding the Young Sexual Body, London, UK, 22 Nov 2013.

Lewis, R. (2013) Young People’s Sexual Practices in the UK. Office of the Children’s Commissioner Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups, London, UK, 08 Apr 2013.

Lewis, R. , Marston, C. and Wellings, K. (2013) Bases, stages and ‘working your way up’: young people's talk about non-coital practices and ‘normal’ sexual trajectories. Sociological Research Online, 18(1), pp. 1-9. (doi: 10.5153/sro.2842)

Macdowall, W. et al. (2013) Lifetime prevalence, associated factors, and circumstances of non-volitional sex in women and men in Britain: findings from the third national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (Natsal-3). Lancet, 382(9907), pp. 1845-1855. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62300-4) (PMID:24286789) (PMCID:PMC3898964)

Mercer, C. H. et al. (2013) Changes in sexual attitudes and lifestyles in Britain through the life course and over time: findings from the National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal). Lancet, 382(9907), pp. 1781-1794. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62035-8) (PMID:24286784) (PMCID:PMC3899021)

Nelson, S., Lewis, R. and Cabrita Gulyurtlu, S. S. (2013) Male survivors of sexual abuse: experiences of mental health. In: Pritchard, J. (ed.) Good Practice in Promoting Healing and Recovery for Abused Adults. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, pp. 82-100. ISBN 9781849053723

Papoutsi, C. and Lewis, R. (2013) Electronic Health Records: Friend, Foe or Something In-between? Project Report. CLAHRC Collaborative Learning and Delivery, London.


Marston, C. and Lewis, R. (2012) Hygiene, Tightness and Pain. Experiences of Anal Sex and Other Sexual Practices Among Young People in England. Seminar at University of Greenwich, London, UK, 24 May 2012.

Lewis, R. (2012) Young People's Sexual Practices in England: Findings from the Sixteen18 Study. Research Network for Adolescent and Child Health, Hertfordshire, UK, 10 May 2012.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2012) Polluting Bodies: Young People’s Accounts of Seeing, Smelling, Tasting and Feeling Sex. Youth, Gender & Sexuality: Contemporary Debates, Nottingham, UK, 25 Jan 2012.


Lewis, R. , Marston, C. and Wellings, K. (2011) Bases, Stages and 'Working Your Way up': Discourses of Sequence in Talk about Young People's Sexual Practices. ‘Stuck in the Middle with Who?’: Making Sense of the Missing Middle of Youth Studies, London, UK, 4 Nov 2011.

Alexander, K., Stafford, A. and Lewis, R. (2011) The Experiences of Children Participating in Organised Sport in the UK. Project Report. The University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2011) Repertoires and Sequences of Sexual Practices Among Young People in the UK: A Qualitative Study. Seminar at UCL Centre for Sexual Health and HIV Research, London, UK, 7 Sep 2011.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2011) Accounts of the Sensory in Young People’s Talk about Sexual Practices. British Sociological Association's 60th Anniversary Conference, London, UK, 6-8 Apr 2011.

Jamieson, L., Simpson, R. and Lewis, R. (Eds.) (2011) Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. Series: Palgrave Macmillan studies in family and intimate life. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780230252448


Lewis, R. (2010) Shutting the bathroom door: Parents, young teenagers and the negotiation of bodily boundaries at home. In: Holt, L. (ed.) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: An International Perspective. Routledge: London, pp. 67-79. ISBN 9781135191269 (doi: 10.4324/9780203863305)


Lewis, R. (2009) Recruiting parents and children into a research project: a qualitative exploration of families' decision‐making processes. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 12(5), pp. 405-419. (doi: 10.1080/13645570802289104)


Lewis, R. (2008) Out of Bounds? Understanding Parental Surveillance and Management of Young People’s Changing Bodies within Families. New Directions in Sociological Research, Edinburgh, UK, 26 May 2008.


Lewis, R. (2007) Shutting the Bathroom Door: Negotiating Bodily Boundaries in Families. First International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Reading, UK, 17-18 Sep 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) Parent-Child Communication about Sex and Sexuality in Scotland. Seminar at Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, Melbourne, Australia, 20 Jun 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) Parent-Child Communication about Sex and Sexuality: A Scottish Perspective. Seminar at Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, Melbourne, Australia, 18 Jun 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) A Time and a Place? Parents’ and Young People’s Thoughts on the Timing and Context of Their Communication about Sex and Sexuality. Place-based Sex/Sexualities and Relationships Education Conference, London, UK, 23 May 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) Recruiting Parents and Children into a Research Project: Differential Agendas, Power and Negotiation. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, London, UK, 12-14 Apr 2007.

Newall, E. and Lewis, R. (2007) It’s My Body: Calls to ChildLine Scotland about Sexual Health and Wellbeing. Project Report. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 17:05:39 2024 BST.
Number of items: 89.


Blake, C. , Lewis, R. , Riddell, J. , Willis, M. , Wylie, L., Dawson, K., Moore, L. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Prevention of, and response to, sexual harassment at secondary school: a system map. Social Science and Medicine, 358, 117092. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117092) (PMID:39216136)

MacLachlan, A. , Pemmasani, P., Jamieson-MacKenzie, I., McMellon, C., Cunningham, E., Lewis, R. and Tisdall, E. K. (2024) Applying co-production principles in research: reflections from young people and academics. Childhood, (doi: 10.1177/09075682241269692) (Early Online Publication)

Wilson-Lowe, R. V., Purcell, C. , Lewis, R. and McDaid, L. (2024) Seeking support for abortion online: a qualitative study of women’s experiences. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 50(3), pp. 172-177. (doi: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2023-202083) (PMID:38336468) (PMCID:PMC11287619)

Demou, E. , Blake, C. , Llorin, C. T., Salanga, M. G., Mateo, N. J., Lewis, R. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Group-level workplace interventions to improve mental health in low control, high demand office-based jobs. A scoping review. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 68(4), pp. 335-350. (doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxae012) (PMID:38489824) (PMCID:PMC11033569)

Lewis, R. , Bosó Pérez, R., Maxwell, K. J., Reid, D., Macdowall, W., Bonell, C., Fortenberry, J. D., Mercer, C. H., Sonnenberg, P. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Conceptualizing sexual wellbeing: a qualitative investigation to inform development of a measure (Natsal-SW). Journal of Sex Research, (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2024.2326933) (PMID:38517458) (Early Online Publication)

Mitchell, K. R. et al. (2023) Development and validation of a brief measure of sexual wellbeing for population surveys: The Natsal Sexual Wellbeing Measure (Natsal-SW). Journal of Sex Research, (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2023.2278530) (PMID:38127808) (Early Online Publication)

Wellings, K., Gibson, L., Lewis, R. , Datta, J., Macdowall, W. and Mitchell, K. (2023) "We’re just tired": influences on sexual activity among male-partnered women in midlife; a mixed method study. Journal of Sex Research, 60(9), pp. 1304-1317. (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2023.2165613) (PMID:36757684)

Lohan, M. et al. (2023) School-based relationship and sexuality education intervention engaging adolescent boys for the reductions of teenage pregnancy: the JACK cluster RCT. Public Health Research, 11(8), (doi: 10.3310/YWXQ8757) (PMID:37795864)

Macdowall, W. G. et al. (2023) Sexting among British adults: a qualitative analysis of sexting as emotion work governed by 'feeling rules'. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25(5), pp. 617-632. (doi: 10.1080/13691058.2022.2080866) (PMID:35674014) (PMCID:PMC7614518)

Lewis, R. , Boydell, N. , Blake, C. , Clarke, Z., Kernaghan, K. and McMellon, C. (2023) Involving young people in sexual health research and service improvement: conceptual analysis of patient and public involvement (PPI) in three projects. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 49(2), pp. 76-86. (doi: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2022-201611) (PMID:36307186)

Datta, J., Maxwell, K. J., Mitchell, K. R. , Lewis, R. and Wellings, K. (2023) Factors shaping the timing of later entry into parenthood: narratives of choice and constraint. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 8, 100700. (doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100700)

Reid, D. S. et al. (2022) Online sexual partner seeking as a social practice: qualitative evidence from the 4th British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-4). Journal of Sex Research, 59(8), pp. 1034-1044. (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1994516) (PMID:34792430) (PMCID:PMC9519119)

Lohan, M. et al. (2022) Effects of gender-transformative relationships and sexuality education to reduce adolescent pregnancy (the JACK trial): a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Public Health, 7(7), e626-e637. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00117-7) (PMID:35779545) (PMCID:PMC7613971)

Taylor, A., McMellon, C., French, T., Maclachlan, A. , Evans, R., Lewis, R. , McCann, M. , Moore, L. , Simpson, S. and Inchley, J. (2022) Defining research priorities for youth public mental health: reflections on a coproduction approach to transdisciplinary working. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20, 72. (doi: 10.1186/s12961-022-00871-w) (PMID:35725482) (PMCID:PMC9207849)

Long, E. et al. (2022) COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(2), pp. 128-132. (doi: 10.1136/jech-2021-216690) (PMID:34413184) (PMCID:PMC8380476)

Bosó Pérez, R., Lewis, R. , Littlejohn, J., Willis, M. and Mitchell, K. R. (2022) Young people’s sexual wellbeing: a qualitative evidence synthesis protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, p. 16094069221123674. (doi: 10.1177/16094069221123674)

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Shimonovich, M. , Coia, N., Duffy, J., Kerr, Y., Wilson, J., Graham, C. A. and Mitchell, K. R. (2021) Disrupted prevention: Condom and contraception access and use among young adults during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 47(4), pp. 269-276. (doi: 10.1136/bmjsrh-2020-200975) (PMID:33707178) (PMCID:PMC7956735)

Mitchell, K. , Lewis, R. , O'Sullivan, L. F. and Fortenberry, J. D. (2021) What is sexual wellbeing, and why does it matter for public health? Lancet Public Health, 6(8), e608-e613. (doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00099-2) (PMID:34166629)

Hinchcliff, S., Lewis, R. , Wellings, K., Datta, J. and Mitchell, K. (2021) Pathways to help-seeking for sexual difficulties in older adults: qualitative findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). Age and Ageing, 50(2), pp. 546-553. (doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa281) (PMID:33507242) (PMCID:PMC7936020)

Aventin, A., Gough, A., McShane, T., Gillespie, K., O'Hare, L., Young, H., Lewis, R. , Warren, E., Buckley, K. and Lohan, M. (2020) Engaging parents in digital sexual and reproductive health education: evidence from the JACK Trial. Reproductive Health, 17, 132. (doi: 10.1186/s12978-020-00975-y) (PMID:32854734) (PMCID:PMC7450800)

Lewis, R. , Mitchell, K. R. , Mercer, C. H., Datta, J., Jones, K. and Wellings, K. (2020) Navigating new sexual partnerships in midlife: a socioecological perspective on factors shaping STI risk perceptions and practices. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 96(4), pp. 238-245. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2019-054205) (PMID:32041738) (PMCID:PMC7279207)

Kelly, Y., Zilanawala, A., Tanton, C., Lewis, R. and Mercer, C. H. (2019) Partnered intimate activities in early adolescence: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(3), pp. 397-404. (doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.04.028) (PMID:31235328) (PMCID:PMC6986910)

Young, H., Turney, C., White, J., Lewis, R. and Bonell, C. (2019) Formative mixed-method multicase study research to inform the development of a safer sex and healthy relationships intervention in further education (FE) settings: the SaFE Project. BMJ Open, 9(7), e024692. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024692) (PMID:31289053) (PMCID:PMC6629453)

Erens, B., Mitchell, K. R. , Gibson, L., Datta, J., Lewis, R. , Field, N. and Wellings, K. (2019) Health status, sexual activity and satisfaction among older people in Britain: a mixed methods study. PLoS ONE, 14(3), e0213835. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213835) (PMID:30917152) (PMCID:PMC6436725)

Young, H., Turney, C., White, J., Bonell, C., Lewis, R. and Fletcher, A. (2018) Dating and relationship violence among 16-19 year olds in England and Wales: a cross-sectional study of types of victimisations by gender and risk factors. Journal of Public Health, 40(4), pp. 738-746. (doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdx139) (PMID:29136181) (PMCID:PMC6306090)

Camfield, E. K., Killick, L. and Lewis, R. (2018) Activating the 'Fund of Attention' to empower student peer review. Journal of Teaching Writing, 33(1), pp. 1-21.

Lewis, R. , Tanton, C., Mercer, C.H., Mitchell, K.R. , Palmer, M., Macdowall, W. and Wellings, K. (2017) Heterosexual practices among young people in Britain: evidence from three national surveys of sexual attitudes and lifestyles. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(6), pp. 694-702. (doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.07.004) (PMID:29169520) (PMCID:PMC5723633)

Seguin, M., Lewis, R. , Razmadze, M., Amirejibi, T. and Roberts, B. (2017) Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: a qualitative study. Social Science and Medicine, 194, pp. 34-41. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.10.014) (PMID:29073505)

Mercer, C.H. et al. (2017) How can we objectively categorise partnership type? A novel classification of population survey data to inform epidemiological research and clinical practice. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 93(2), pp. 129-136. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052646) (PMID:27535765) (PMCID:PMC5339562)

Mitchell, K. R. , Geary, R., Graham, C., Clifton, S., Mercer, C. H., Lewis, R. , Macdowall, W., Datta, J., Johnson, A. M. and Wellings, K. (2016) Sexual function in 16- to 21-year-olds in Britain. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(4), pp. 422-428. (doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.05.017) (PMID:27496078) (PMCID:PMC5026680)

Seguin, M., Lewis, R. , Amirejibi, T., Razmadze, M., Makhashvili, N. and Roberts, B. (2016) Our flesh is here but our soul stayed there: A qualitative study on resource loss due to war and displacement among internally-displaced women in the Republic of Georgia. Social Science and Medicine, 150, pp. 239-247. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.12.045) (PMID:26774712)

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2016) Oral sex, young people, and gendered narratives of reciprocity. Journal of Sex Research, 53(7), pp. 776-787. (doi: 10.1080/00224499.2015.1117564) (PMID:26849152) (PMCID:PMC4960515)

Papoutsi, C., Reed, J. E., Marston, C., Lewis, R. , Majeed, A. and Bell, D. (2015) Patient and public views about the security and privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the UK: results from a mixed methods study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15, 86. (doi: 10.1186/s12911-015-0202-2) (PMID:26466787) (PMCID:PMC4607170)

Tanton, C. et al. (2015) Patterns and trends in sources of information about sex among young people in Britain: evidence from three National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. BMJ Open, 5(3), e007834. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007834) (PMID:25743153) (PMCID:PMC4360842)

Macdowall, W. et al. (2015) Associations between source of information about sex and sexual health outcomes in Britain: findings from the third national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (Natsal-3). BMJ Open, 5(3), e007837. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007837) (PMID:25743154) (PMCID:PMC4360826)

Marston, C. and Lewis, R. (2014) Anal heterosex among young people and implications for health promotion: a qualitative study in the UK. BMJ Open, 4(8), e004996. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004996) (PMID:25122073) (PMCID:PMC4156810)

Lewis, R. , Marston, C. and Wellings, K. (2013) Bases, stages and ‘working your way up’: young people's talk about non-coital practices and ‘normal’ sexual trajectories. Sociological Research Online, 18(1), pp. 1-9. (doi: 10.5153/sro.2842)

Macdowall, W. et al. (2013) Lifetime prevalence, associated factors, and circumstances of non-volitional sex in women and men in Britain: findings from the third national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (Natsal-3). Lancet, 382(9907), pp. 1845-1855. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62300-4) (PMID:24286789) (PMCID:PMC3898964)

Mercer, C. H. et al. (2013) Changes in sexual attitudes and lifestyles in Britain through the life course and over time: findings from the National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal). Lancet, 382(9907), pp. 1781-1794. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62035-8) (PMID:24286784) (PMCID:PMC3899021)

Lewis, R. (2009) Recruiting parents and children into a research project: a qualitative exploration of families' decision‐making processes. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 12(5), pp. 405-419. (doi: 10.1080/13645570802289104)

Book Sections

Lewis, R. , Kaner, E. and Antin, T. (2021) Nic'd Up: a practice theory approach to understanding vaping nicotine as intoxication. In: Hunt, G., Antin, T. and Frank, V. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)

Nelson, S., Lewis, R. and Cabrita Gulyurtlu, S. S. (2013) Male survivors of sexual abuse: experiences of mental health. In: Pritchard, J. (ed.) Good Practice in Promoting Healing and Recovery for Abused Adults. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, pp. 82-100. ISBN 9781849053723

Lewis, R. (2010) Shutting the bathroom door: Parents, young teenagers and the negotiation of bodily boundaries at home. In: Holt, L. (ed.) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: An International Perspective. Routledge: London, pp. 67-79. ISBN 9781135191269 (doi: 10.4324/9780203863305)

Edited Books

Jamieson, L., Simpson, R. and Lewis, R. (Eds.) (2011) Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. Series: Palgrave Macmillan studies in family and intimate life. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780230252448

Research Reports or Papers

Blake, C. , Lewis, R. , Riddell, J. , Willis, M. , Wylie, L., Dawson, K., Moore, L. and Mitchell, K. R. (2024) Briefing: Prevention of, and response to, sexual harassment at secondary school: a system map. Documentation. University of Glasgow.

Blake, C. , Turner, B. and Lewis, R. (2024) What drives the involvement of young people in policy making and service improvement? Insights from a map of Scotland’s sexual health system. Other. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

Turner, B. et al. (2023) Good Measure Project. Adolescent sexuality development and mental health and wellbeing: Research priorities for mental health surveys. Project Report. University of Glasgow.

Turner, B. , Astbury, K., Bell, M., Gascoigne, R., Nakamaura, Y., Blake, C. and Lewis, R. (2023) Young people’s priorities for digital sexual health promotion: findings from a peer engagement (CONUNDRUM Action). Project Report. University of Glasgow.

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , McMellon, C., Riddell, J. , Graham, C. and Mitchell, K. (2021) Understanding young people’s use and non-use of condoms and contraception: a co-developed, mixed-methods study with 16-24 year olds in Scotland. Final report from CONUNDRUM (CONdom and CONtraception UNDerstandings: Researching Uptake and Motivations). Project Report. MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.238377).

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Shimonovich, M. , Coia, N., Duffy, J., Kerr, Y., Wilson, J., Graham, C. and Mitchell, K. (2021) Disrupted prevention: condom and contraception access and use among young people during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other. MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow.

Ridge, M.-C. et al. (2020) The fourth National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-4): Responses to the Consultation on Questionnaire Content. Documentation. Natsal.

Papoutsi, C. and Lewis, R. (2013) Electronic Health Records: Friend, Foe or Something In-between? Project Report. CLAHRC Collaborative Learning and Delivery, London.

Alexander, K., Stafford, A. and Lewis, R. (2011) The Experiences of Children Participating in Organised Sport in the UK. Project Report. The University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre.

Newall, E. and Lewis, R. (2007) It’s My Body: Calls to ChildLine Scotland about Sexual Health and Wellbeing. Project Report. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships.

Conference or Workshop Item

Blake, C. , Turner, B. , Mitchell, K. and Lewis, R. (2024) What factors influence young people’s involvement in policymaking and service improvement? A systems perspective. NHS Research Scotland (NRS) and Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Patient and Public Involvement Event 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 12 Mar 2024.

Lewis, R. , Turner, B. , Mitchell, K. and Blake, C. (2024) Understanding the impacts of public involvement in policy-engaged health research: Insights from participatory evaluation of a multi-sector sexual health research collaboration (CONUNDRUM). NHS Research Scotland (NRS) and Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Patient and Public Involvement Event 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 12 Mar 2024.

Blake, C. , Lewis, R. , Turner, B. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Using participatory systems mapping to understand young people’s involvement in sexual health policy and service improvement. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada, 23-26 Aug 2023.

Guadalupe Salanga, M., Jose Mateo, N., Blake, C. , Tan, C., Demou, E. , Lewis, R. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Mental health and wellbeing in Filipino call centres: Using participatory systems mapping to understand workplace environments. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine: From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada, 23-26 Aug 2023.

Blake, C. , Guadalupe Salanga, M., Jose Mateo, N., Tan, C., Demou, E. , Lewis, R. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Mental health and wellbeing in Filipino call centres: Using participatory systems mapping to understand workplace environments. UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, Birmingham, UK, 28-29 Mar 2023.

Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Turner, B. and Mitchell, K. (2023) Using participatory systems mapping to understand young people’s involvement in sexual health policy and service improvement. UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, Birmingham, UK, 28-29 Mar 2023.

Lewis, R. , Boso Perez, R., Maxwell, K., Reid, D., Macdowall, W., Bonell, C., Fortenberry, J. D. and Mitchell, K. (2022) A Conceptual Framework for Sexual Wellbeing: A Qualitative Investigation to Inform Development of a New Measure (the Natsal-SW). Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality 2022 Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 03-06 Nov 2022.

Mitchell, K. et al. (2021) A New Measure of Sexual Wellbeing for Community Surveys: Development and Validation of the The Natsal-SW. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 97(Suppl 1). STI & HIV World Congress, 14-17 Jul 2021. A153. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-sti.401)

Reid, D. et al. (2021) Online Partner Seeking as a Social Practice: Findings to Develop the Fourth National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 97(Suppl 1). STI & HIV World Congress, 14-17 Jul 2021. A126-A127. (doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-sti.332)

Aventin, A., French, R., Young, H., McDaid, L. , Lewis, R. , Warren, E., McConnon, L. and Lohan, M. (2019) Acceptability of an interactive film-based intervention targeting adolescent boys to prevent sexual risk-taking: findings from the JACK cluster randomised controlled trial process evaluation. Public Health Science: A National Conference Dedicated to New Research in UK Public Health, London, UK, 29 Nov 2019. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32802-8)

Lewis, R. , Mitchell, K. , Mercer, C., Datta, J. and Wellings, K. (2019) Factors Shaping STI Risk Perceptions and Practices Following Midlife Relationship Breakdown: a Socioecological Perspective. Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality 2019 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 07-10 Nov 2019.

Lewis, R. (2018) Navigating New Mixed-sex Partnerships in Midlife: STI Risk Perceptions and Practices in Social Context. 24th Annual Regional Sexual Health Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14 Nov 2018.

Lewis, R. (2018) Sexual function in context: Young people’s sexual practices, discourses and expectations. 44th International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) Conference, Madrid, Spain, 17-20 July 2018. (Unpublished)

Lewis, R. (2018) “Vapers like you make us look bad!”: Identity work and stigma management among young adults who vape. IX European Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI) Conference & Annual Couch Stone Meeting, Lancaster, UK, 4-6 July 2018. (Unpublished)

Lewis, R. , Mercer, C., Mitchell, K. , Datta, J., Jones, K. and Wellings, K. (2017) Dating and Sexuality at Midlife Among Formerly Partnered Men and Women in Britain. Pacific Sociological Association’s 88th Annual Meeting/Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 06-09 Apr 2017.

Lewis, R. and Mees, R. (2016) Vape Culture Among Young Californians. 87th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Oakland, CA, USA, 30 Mar - 02 Apr 2016.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2014) Give and Take? Reciprocity in Young People’s Narratives of Oral Heterosex. 109th ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 16-19 Aug 2014.

Lewis, R. (2014) Teenage Boys and "Healthy" Sexual Development. The Howard League for Penal Reform’s ‘Commission on Sex in Prison’, London, UK, 12 Mar 2014.

Marston, C. and Lewis, R. (2013) Narratives of Anal Sex: Pleasure, Pain and Coercion. ESRC Seminar Series: Understanding the Young Sexual Body, London, UK, 22 Nov 2013.

Lewis, R. (2013) Young People’s Sexual Practices in the UK. Office of the Children’s Commissioner Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups, London, UK, 08 Apr 2013.

Marston, C. and Lewis, R. (2012) Hygiene, Tightness and Pain. Experiences of Anal Sex and Other Sexual Practices Among Young People in England. Seminar at University of Greenwich, London, UK, 24 May 2012.

Lewis, R. (2012) Young People's Sexual Practices in England: Findings from the Sixteen18 Study. Research Network for Adolescent and Child Health, Hertfordshire, UK, 10 May 2012.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2012) Polluting Bodies: Young People’s Accounts of Seeing, Smelling, Tasting and Feeling Sex. Youth, Gender & Sexuality: Contemporary Debates, Nottingham, UK, 25 Jan 2012.

Lewis, R. , Marston, C. and Wellings, K. (2011) Bases, Stages and 'Working Your Way up': Discourses of Sequence in Talk about Young People's Sexual Practices. ‘Stuck in the Middle with Who?’: Making Sense of the Missing Middle of Youth Studies, London, UK, 4 Nov 2011.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2011) Repertoires and Sequences of Sexual Practices Among Young People in the UK: A Qualitative Study. Seminar at UCL Centre for Sexual Health and HIV Research, London, UK, 7 Sep 2011.

Lewis, R. and Marston, C. (2011) Accounts of the Sensory in Young People’s Talk about Sexual Practices. British Sociological Association's 60th Anniversary Conference, London, UK, 6-8 Apr 2011.

Lewis, R. (2008) Out of Bounds? Understanding Parental Surveillance and Management of Young People’s Changing Bodies within Families. New Directions in Sociological Research, Edinburgh, UK, 26 May 2008.

Lewis, R. (2007) Shutting the Bathroom Door: Negotiating Bodily Boundaries in Families. First International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Reading, UK, 17-18 Sep 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) Parent-Child Communication about Sex and Sexuality in Scotland. Seminar at Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, Melbourne, Australia, 20 Jun 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) Parent-Child Communication about Sex and Sexuality: A Scottish Perspective. Seminar at Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, Melbourne, Australia, 18 Jun 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) A Time and a Place? Parents’ and Young People’s Thoughts on the Timing and Context of Their Communication about Sex and Sexuality. Place-based Sex/Sexualities and Relationships Education Conference, London, UK, 23 May 2007.

Lewis, R. (2007) Recruiting Parents and Children into a Research Project: Differential Agendas, Power and Negotiation. British Sociological Association Annual Conference, London, UK, 12-14 Apr 2007.


Blake, C. , Turner, B. , Lewis, R. and CONUNDRUM Action Group, (2024) Young people’s involvement in policy and service improvement. [Artefact]


Turner, B. , Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Gascoigne, R. and CONUNDRUM Action Group, . (2022) Co-producing research with young people online: Insights from a participatory sexual health project. [Website]

Turner, B. , Lewis, R. , Blake, C. , Astbury, K., Gascoigne, R. and CONUNDRUM Action Group, . (2022) Involving young people in sexual health policy and service improvement. [Website]

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 17:05:39 2024 BST.


Grants and Awards listed are those received whilst working with the University of Glasgow.

  • Leading on synthesis and write up of a collaborative journal article on approaches to tackling health inequalities
    University of Leeds
    2024 - 2024
  • Scottish sexual wellbeing survey
    Scottish Government
    2024 - 2025
  • A whole-school intervention tackling gender based violence (Equally Safe at School): Cluster Randomised Trial
    National Institute for Health Research
    2023 - 2026
  • Embedding Sexual Wellbeing as an Ambition for Scotland: An agenda setting and capacity building project
    Scottish Government
    2023 - 2024
  • Advancing tools and measures for capturing sexual dimensions of adolescent mental health and wellbeing
    Medical Research Council
    2022 - 2024
  • Enhancing the impact of a project to design mental health workplace interventions in the Philippines
    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
    2022 - 2023
  • CONUNDRUM Phase 2
    NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
    2022 - 2022
  • Developing the meaningful involvement of young people in sexual health policymaking and service improvement in Scotland
    Scottish Government
    2022 - 2022
  • Mental wellbeing among call centres employees in the Philippines: A complex systems approach to intervention development
    Medical Research Council
    2021 - 2022
  • Optimisation, feasibility testing and a pilot randomised trial of SaFE: a safe sex and healthy relationships intervention in Further Education
    National Institute for Health Research
    2020 - 2022
  • Young People's uptake and use of condoms and contraception
    NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
    2019 - 2020


I welcome PhD supervision enquiries, and particularly those relating to: 

  • sexual health and wellbeing
  • development and evaluation of sexual health interventions
  • co-production and participatory approaches to improving health and wellbeing

Current students:

  • Anna Baillie - Participatory and deliberative processes through the lens of income insecurity in Scotland  


  • Bosó Pérez, Raquel
    What do young people understand by ‘sexual wellbeing’ and how do they seek to attain it?
  • Kernaghan, Kirsten
    How can we better harness community pharmacies as a resource for sexual health and wellbeing within local communities?


I contribute to teaching about qualitative research and participatory approaches on the Research Methods in Health & Wellbeing course, and the Complex Interventions short course. 

I also supervise MSc dissertations on the Masters in Public Health and Global Mental Health programmes.

Previous and current topics include:

  • Towards an understanding of break-up cultures among young people: Implications for health promotion
  • Digital media interventions to promote STI prevention knowledge and behaviours among young people
  • Social Understandings and Representations of Endometriosis: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis of Online News Articles
  • Perceptions and experiences of STIs and HIV and their impact on mental health and wellbeing among women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis 

Professional activities & recognition

Professional & learned societies

  • 2023 - present: Full Member, International Academy of Sex Research
  • 2022 - present: Co-Chair, Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health (IReSH) Scotland network
  • 2019 - present: Operations Committee, Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health (IReSH) Scotland network
  • 2005 - present: Member, British Sociological Association
  • 2009 - 2012: Executive Committee (Early Career Forum Co-Convenor), British Sociological Association
  • 2005 - 2009: Executive Committee (Postgraduate Forum Convenor), British Sociological Association

Selected international presentations

  • 2022: Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality (Vancouver)
  • 2018: International Academy of Sex Research (Madrid)
  • 2016: Pacific Sociological Association (Oakland)
  • 2014: American Sociological Association (San Francisco)
  • 2007: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society (Melbourne)