Published 6 August 2019

Children Create is an exciting new project exploring how best to communicate physical activity-related evidence to children and teachers. The project is a partnership between the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Agile and their digital platform Actify, and the Children's Parliament.

The Unit recognised that research evidence around physical activity and health is not being effectively communicated to key groups like children and young people.

Adopting a rights-based approach, the project is involving children in the development, production and evaluation of new resources which will enable schools to become more active learning environments, and ensure children’s voices are heard by teachers and policymakers.

Child's drawing physical activity

During May and June, the Children’s Parliament visited primary schools in Edinburgh and the Borders to run interactive workshops with pupils. The children revealed what physical activity means to them, completed ‘day in the life’ clocks and ‘active-o-meters’, and talked about initiatives already in some schools like The Daily Mile. Some of the issues that the children raised included access to green spaces, the cost of participating in sports and activities, and perceived social barriers relating to gender, disability and culture.

The project team is currently planning the next steps so watch this space!

To find out more about Children Create, please contact Dr Paul McCrorie

First published: 6 August 2019

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