Economic Evaluation Alongside Clinical Trials (EEACT) & Decision Analytic Modelling (DAMSEl)

Close up of a laboratory bench with test-tubes

The Economic Evaluation alongside Clinical Trials Programme encompasses all research work associated with conducting an economic appraisal as part of a clinical trial, while the DAMSEl programme encompasses research work associated with conducting an evaluation using modelling or simulation methods.

Economic Evaluation Alongside Clinical Trials

The Economic Evaluation alongside Clinical Trials Programme encompasses all research work associated with conducting an economic appraisal as part of a clinical trial.  Although modelling methods may still be required to provide a comprehensive appraisal, the characterising feature is the inclusion of an economic component to the trial and the availability of experimental data on both costs and effects of treatment.    

Decision analytic modelling (DAMSEl)

The DAMSEl Programme encompasses research work associated with conducting an evaluation using modelling or simulation methods.  Modelling can be used as the whole framework for an evaluation, such as exploring the potential impact of a new, untested methodology.  Alternatively, modelling could be used as part of a clinical trial-based evaluation to extrapolate intermediate trial endpoints to final health economic outcomes.  The DAMSEl programme cuts across and interacts with many of the other programmatic themes of HEHTA.

Programmes Lead: Kathleen Boyd

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