What’s been happening to promote equality and diversity in IHW this month? Our AS Champion Professor Cindy Gray provides a quick overview.

  • Photo of Cindy GrayWe have set up an Athena Swan working group to promote equality of opportunity and the visibility of LGBTQ+ staff
  • Breda Cullen and Julie Langan-Martin supported by MSc Global Mental Health and Global Health Students ran a mental health anti-stigma workshop, which is reported on elsewhere in this month's HAWKEYE. (Read the report here.)
  • We are running a Mental Health Awareness half day workshop led by SAMH on 24 October 2019. This is fully booked, but if you are interested we are planning a second workshop early next year, and will advertise in HAWKEYE as soon as a date, time and venue are confirmed.
  • We are providing funding for SAT member Ewelina Rydzewska to attend the Diverse Workforce Series “Supporting neurodiversity in the workplace” conference in Central London on 17 October 2019, and will report back on this in due course.
  • Our 6-week British Sign Language taster course came to an end in mid-September. This arose out of our work earlier in the year to raise awareness of invisible disabilities and make IHW an inclusive and supportive environment in which to work and study. Delivered by trainers from Deaf Connections to 13 IHW staff, the course has so far been very positively evaluated, with attendees describing it as “fun and friendly”, “worthwhile” and “very useful”. We hope to offer this training again, and are also planning to run monthly “BSL cafes” over lunchtime to give those who undertook the training, and anyone else in IHW who uses BSL, the opportunity to practice and keep their skills up to scratch. (Keep your eye on HAWKEYE for dates and times!)
  • We are planning a carers’ workshop during Carers Week 2020 (08 to 14 June 2020) to raise awareness of issues affecting staff with carer responsibilities – if you are interested in being involved, please email ihwadmin@glasgow.ac.uk.
  • This year’s staff consultation will be on the P&DR experience and supporting career progression. We will be looking for volunteers to be interviewed shortly. Watch this space!

Professor Cindy Gray
Athena SWAN Champion
Institute of Health and Wellbeing

First published: 1 May 2018