What’s been happening to promote equality and diversity in IHW this month? Our Deputy AS Champion Dr Breda Cullen provides a quick overview.

Photo of Breda CullenOctober 2020 has been a busy month for Athena SWAN activity. Cindy and I have been meeting with all the working group chairs to refresh their action plans for the coming years. The groups have lots of exciting initiatives in the pipeline and we are looking forward to seeing how their work progresses. Elsewhere in this issue of HAWKEYE you can read about the Staff Consultation Working Group’s findings regarding experiences of the Performance and Development Review (P&DR) and career development processes, and our response to the concerns raised. We also have an update on the open-ended feedback received as part of the May survey into working from home. We are glad to see that these issues are being addressed as part of the university’s People First initiative.

October also includes Invisible Disabilities Week. Please take time to revisit the IHW poster campaign, which powerfully highlights the effect of unseen health conditions and disabilities on work and study, and what we can all do to lessen the impact.

We are also delighted to share the new Athena SWAN web pages with you all. Huge thanks are due to Jane Goodfellow for producing these. Please take time to explore the pages and read about our initiatives and our impact. Feel free to share your feedback with us.

The IHW ECR community is a hive of activity, especially the Athena SWAN ECR Working Group. This month sees the launch of the new HAWKEYE ‘ECR Corner’, where you can read about the issues that matter most to early career colleagues. Do consider getting involved and contributing your ideas for future editions.

Dr Breda Cullen
Deputy Athena SWAN Champion
Institute of Health and Wellbeing

First published: 1 May 2018