IHW takes reports of bullying or harassment very seriously. We urge anyone who experiences or witnesses oppressive or inappropriate behaviour to speak to someone - your line manager, head of unit or other trusted colleague, or one of University of Glasgow's respect advisers - at the earliest opportunity.

Activities, events and initiatives

IHW welcomes opportunities to raise awareness of harassment and bullying in the workplace, and to educate our staff and students in areas relating to the nine protected characteristics cited by the Equality Act 2010 (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation) in order to maintain a culture of tolerance and acceptance.

  • In April 2016, we organised a transgender awareness event and, pending the availability of speakers, hope to repeat this within the next year.
  • In May 2017, in partnership with the GU Equality and Diversity Unit, we hosted a harassment prevention workshop.
  • In addition to the "E&D essentials" training which is mandatory for all GU staff, and "Managing diversity" which is mandatory for all GU line managers, all IHW staff are also required to complete UofG's online "Understanding unconscious bias" training.
  • Completion of all mandatory E&D related training is monitored as part of the P&DR process and reminders sent out to any staff who have still to complete (or who need to refresh their training, which is required every five years).
  • All our units display materials relating to bullying and harassment prevention, including #FullStopToBullying posters
  • Our Athena SWAN twitter feed regularly features posts about harassment and bullying in the HE sector and beyond, initiatives to counter this, and the importance of sharing with trusted colleagues any oppressive treatment we may experience or witness.
  • In May 2019, we will be hosting an invisible disabilities awareness-raising event - "Out of sight, out of mind?".

University of Glasgow links

External links

Workplace bullying and harassment in the news

First published: 2 May 2018