As Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment's Moira Sim prepares to move to a new post, she reflects on what she has enjoyed and learned during her time in IHW, and her favourite ways to spend non-working days... 


Tell us a bit about what you do in IHW

As research co-ordinator and project manager within HEHTA, I project manage two large HEHTA-led grants; NIHR Global Health Research Group (Arthritis) and NIHR Complex Reviews Support Unit (CRSU). The project manager role is broad, and ranges from managing finance, timelines for deliverables, governance and regulatory processes, to reporting to the funder and everything in between. No two days are the same; one day I can be scoping and arranging for purchase of a portable ultrasound machine for use in the field in Tanzania, and the next coordinating the delivery of a training webinar in evidence synthesis to an external audience.

What are the challenges?

There have been many recent challenges, particularly trying to maintain momentum on research projects impacted by the global pandemic. In an unprecedented situation, new processes are being developed to identify and mitigate risk, which takes time. Sometimes the biggest challenge is navigating the labyrinthine systems of the university.

What do you enjoy about your role?

I enjoy the collaboration with multi-disciplinary research teams, in the UK, EU and globally. I’ve worked with so many committed and dedicated people, from cross-institute collaborations within University of Glasgow, to EU Consortiums and overseas partners in Tanzania. It has been invaluable to learn from the knowledge and experience of others in delivering complex projects.

What is the best thing about working in IHW?

I’ve worked with so many committed and dedicated people....It has been invaluable to learn from the knowledge and experience of others in delivering complex projects.

The institute’s commitment to the Athena Swan agenda has had a very positive impact on working in IHW. I’ve enjoyed being a member of the IHW AS Wellbeing of Older Workers’ Group (WoW) and involved in the process of identifying the different needs of the workforce later in working life. It’s great to see recognition of this group. Some really interesting themes have emerged from the consultation exercise and I’m looking forward to seeing the toolkits that will be developed from the findings.

Tell us something we might not know about you, or would surprise us

I qualified as a Registered General Nurse in the 1980s and worked as a theatre sister in orthopaedic trauma theatre in the Western Infirmary, Glasgow for many years.

Photo of river scene in south west FranceAfter a career break and a spell as a mature student studying medical law and healthcare ethics, I returned to the NHS and subsequently HEIs, to life on the other side of the fence, involved in conducting the research to inform future evidence-based healthcare. I’m watching the demolition of the Western Infirmary with interest, as the site of the old hospital, with its nightingale wards and underground tunnels, and the 70’s building we knew as Phase I (of an earlier redevelopment plan) is cleared and redeveloped for 21st century research.

When or where are you happiest?

That would have to be while out walking – in Scotland, the Lake District, or France.

We are surrounded by so much amazing scenery, with the National Park on our doorstep. A close second would be in a yoga studio, in any of the above locations.

Any secret – or not so secret! – ambitions?

One, not so secret ambition – to spend part of the year living in the south west of France. If that also involved yoga, walking and renovating a property, so much the better.

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or mantra by which you try to live your life?

"The only constant in life is change"

A fond farewell to Moira! 

In March 2021, Moira leaves HEHTA to take up a new project manager post in MVLS, and we welcome this opportunity to thank her for her contributions to the life and work of IHW.

Moira began her affiliation with HEHTA in 2013 as a qualitative researcher and returned as project manager in 2015. She has been a huge asset to the HEHTA team for the past five years, bringing with her a vast knowledge of the research environment and superb attention to detail. During her time at HEHTA Moira has supported a diverse portfolio of research including several EU funded projects and a global health project with partners in Tanzania and Malawi. In addition to supporting research, Moira has also led on public engagement activities and was the driving force behind our first event as a team at Explorathon in 2016. Moira is a great loss to the team but we wish her every success in the future and will definitely be staying in touch! 

If you would like to appear in "Five minutes with...", do please get in touch (! We aim to alternate professional services and research/teaching staff profiles, and feature colleagues from across a wide range of roles and grades within our institute. 

First published: 21 September 2020