What’s been happening to promote equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing in IHW this month? Our Deputy AS Champion Dr Breda Cullen provides a helpful roundup.

COVID-19 and impact on IHW community

Photo of Breda CullenThe Athena SWAN SAT and working groups are continuing to work towards our goals throughout this challenging time, albeit at a reduced pace and with some shifting of priorities. We are very aware that COVID-19 is affecting the whole IHW community in many different ways, and we will do all we can to help mitigate these impacts and suggest innovative ways ahead. While it is wonderful to see all the achievements of staff and students highlighted here in HAWKEYE, we know that many of us are not always feeling positive about our work these days, and there may be a perceived pressure to be seen to be performing and coping at all costs. This is not good for our work or our wellbeing. We are committed to promoting a culture in IHW where everybody feels able to be honest about how things are going, and for that to be responded to in a supportive way.

"We are committed to promoting a culture where everybody feels able to be honest about how things are going, and for that to be responded to in a supportive way"

Staff consultation on P&DR and career development

We are also seeking staff views on P&DR and career development, as part of our ongoing staff consultation work. We would like to hear from staff from all job families, covering a wide range of views on the P&DR process and career development. All interviews are confidential and will be conducted remotely by telephone or videoconference, with anonymised reporting. We expect interviews will take approximately 30 minutes and will be scheduled to take place over June and July 2020. If you are interested in taking part, please contact ihwadmin@glasgow.ac.uk. The results from this consultation will help us to improve the P&DR experience and support the career aspirations of all staff.

Staff and student experiences since lockdown

One way that we can understand the true impact of COVID-19 on everyone is through the current survey and interviews being conducted by the IHW Athena SWAN project officer, Rebecca Robinson. The purpose of this survey is to better understand staff and PGR experiences of working practices since the lockdown. The findings of this survey will help inform our planning of support for home working and other distanced work practices in the future. The very short anonymous survey can be accessed here and closes on Friday 03 July 2020. There is also the opportunity to participate in a more in-depth confidential interview - to volunteer to be interviewed please contact Rebecca direct at Rebecca.Robinson@glasgow.ac.uk. Please consider taking part in this important project.

Black Lives Matter: HAWKEYE special edition (July 2020)

Our equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing remit goes beyond gender alone, and we look forward to hearing from staff and students in next month’s HAWKEYE on the theme of ethnic and racial inequalities in the context of Black Lives Matter. Please do look out for the call for submissions.

Dr Breda Cullen
IHW Deputy Athena SWAN Champion

First published: 1 May 2018