Mystified by the name of Institute of Health and Wellbeing's monthly newsletter?! Read on... 

Banner for IHW newsletter Hawkeye with tagline and logos

We recently asked readers of HAWKEYE to let us know their opinion of our newsletter, how effective it is as a means of communicating institute news and key information, and the ways in which it could be improved. (Watch this space for the results of our survey, and the changes we plan to make to the structure, content and tone of HAWKEYE to make it as useful and readable as we can!)

Among the comments we received was a query about the name of the newsletter, which we are delighted now to have the opportunity to explain!

IHAWKS student network logoHawks were already featuring in our visual identity as far back as 2014, when IHAWKES - the Institute of Health and Wellbeing Knowledge Exchange Students group - was set up as a forum for IHW PhD students and ECRs to blog about their research, PhD experience, current affairs, and to learn from others. (The "Profcast" archive includes fascinating interviews with the likes of Danny Dorling and Graham Scambler, as well as several IHW professors.)  Established by a small group of IHW Early Career Researchers, including David Blane, Olivia Kirtley and Tiago Zortea, with Anna Isaacs as lead editor, the IHAWKES blog adopted a hawk, very effectively, as their group logo.

In 2016, when IHW began to produce a monthly newsletter, we invited staff and students to come up with possible names for our new publication. The winning suggestion (from General Practice and Primary Care's David Blane - thank you David!), with more than a nod to the original student group, was "HAWKEYE" (Institute of Health And Wellbeing Knowledge Exchange - Your E-newsletter). This has been in use ever since and is all the better - we feel - for being a little quirky, perhaps even a talking point! 

We hope this helps! Do please continue to support and contribute to HAWKEYE. We welcome stories and articles from both staff and students, from all job families, and about any aspect of our work and culture (including reflective pieces/blog-type articles). Each of our units has an administrative contact who collects stories each month, or you may send direct to or the HAWKEYE mailbox at

The HAWKEYE Team (Jane, Aud and Asha)

First published: 14 March 2018