Our annual academic staff Workload Survey is about to launch and will remain open for two weeks. This is a very valuable way for us to understand workload challenges and potential ways that IHW can support our staff.

Photo of person completing an online survey

Academic staff will receive an email invitation with a direct survey link. The survey should only take 5 minutes and there is the chance to be entered into a prize draw.

As the remit of Athena Swan has now extended to promoting Equality and Diversity more widely within IHW (i.e. beyond gender), we have included questions about a number of protected characteristics at the end of the survey. Please be assured that all data collected will be anonymised before being passed to the Athena Swan team and aggregated so that we will not be able to identify anyone from their responses. However, if you do not feel comfortable about providing this information, please simply use the "Prefer not to say" option.

The Athena Swan SAT and sub-groups are working hard to ensure we have a positive and supportive workplace culture. The information from the Workload Survey is essential in informing these efforts and in supporting a strong Gold renewal application. We will report the findings and resultant actions in forthcoming issues of HAWKEYE.

First published: 14 March 2018