Rhiann McLean, co-chair of IHW's LGBTQ+ Athena SWAN group, highlights the increased dangers faced by those experiencing domestic violence and abuse during lockdown and signposts sources of support.

Photo of back view of woman standing at window

Lockdown has been a difficult time for many staff and students, and we are all facing individual challenges in our work and personal lives. However, it is important to recognize that for people who were already experiencing or were at risk of experiencing domestic violence and abuse, this lockdown has been a particularly difficult and dangerous time.

During the pandemic, incidences of domestic abuse and online harassment have risen . Unfortunately, essential support services have also been significantly disrupted by COVID-19 , and this has meant that for many survivors, support systems and opportunities to seek refuge have been impacted. The risk is compounded for people who are further marginalised, including people from ethnic minority groups, disabled people and members of the LGBTQ+ community. For LGBTQ+ students in particular may be experiencing home environments that are hostile and unaccepting, or spending more time online where they are exposed to cyber abuse. These students may need specialist support from LGBTQ+ domestic violence organisations.

In order to be of support to staff, students, family and friends who may be experiencing domestic abuse and violence, it’s important to know what services are available so that you can signpost effectively. Some key resources are listed below:

  • The University Counselling and Psychological Services are a good resource for current students who want support, and can signpost to relevant external services
  • Galop is the National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
    0800 999 5428 www.galop.org.uk/
  • Glasgow Women's Aid
    +44 (0) 141 553 2022 www.glasgowwomensaid.org.uk
  • The Men’s advice line is available to male victims
    0808 8010327 https://mensadviceline.org.uk/
  • Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
    0800 027 1234 (24hrs)
  • Shakti Women’s Aid Edinburgh
    +44 (0) 131 475 2399

First published: 2 May 2018