What’s been happening to promote equality and diversity in IHW this month? Our AS Champion Professor Cindy Gray provides a quick overview.

  • Photo of Cindy GrayMost of the SAT working group reports are now in, including those relating to the recent staff consultation exercises on older workers’ issues and stress at work. Thanks to all who have contributed to these. The SAT will be considering how to address issues raised in the coming months
  • Following up on response to this year’s R&T Away Day presentation, we are now taking an active role in supporting LGBT+ colleagues in the workplace. This month we have:
    • Recruited an LGBT+ representative to join the SAT
    • Funded a staff member to attend a national LGBT in the workplace conference, as reported elsewhere in this month's HAWKEYE
  • Following results in the University Staff Survey and IHW Culture Survey showing instances of bullying and harassment in IHW, the University Equality and Diversity Unit will run bullying and harassment awareness workshops at both our research and teaching and professional services staff Away Days in 2020. In the meantime, if anyone would like to speak in confidence about bullying/harassment issues, please contact AS Champion Cindy Gray or IHW Deputy Director Kate O’Donnell.
  • We have launched a review of IHW Gender Pay Gap data, and will report on this in due course
  • We are setting up a “What Athena Swan means to me” webpage, and would welcome contributions from any staff member or student across the institute who feels they have benefited from our work in this area. Please contact Cindy Gray or Jane Goodfellow if you are interested in contributing. (A sentence or two summarising what you have found positive or helpful about Athena SWAN activity is all we'd need.)

Professor Cindy Gray
Athena SWAN Champion
Institute of Health and Wellbeing

First published: 2 May 2018