IHW has joined with colleagues in UofG's Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology to work on a new project entitled ‘Experts by experience’, describing experiences of staff and students around disabilities, LGBTQIA+, race, age and other protected characteristics, and is inviting contributions from colleagues. 

Invisible disabilities poster on the theme of type 1 diabetesThis will expand on the work undertaken by IHW around invisible disabilities, which led to the creation of a six posters featuring quotations from staff and students, aimed at raising awareness of the nature and impact of unseen conditions. 

The project is led by Dr Lydia Bach of the Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, and involves a number of IHW staff with a particular interest in creating and maintaining an inclusive, supportive culture for all. The vision is to generate a library of posters that capture how staff and students experience their environment and the ways in which colleagues and managers can contribute to making UofG a kind, fair and welcoming place to work and study. 

These posters will then be available to whoever would like to display them across campus or could be distributed online (e.g. via mailing lists).

Lydia and colleagues are inviting anyone interested to join this initiative on Teams or contribute their experiences confidentially via this form.

First published: 22 April 2021