Everyone working from home with young children, just now, has been valiantly juggling work and childcare. We wanted to share a picture from the latest SPARCLAR team meeting – and introduce our youngest team member, Annie.

IHW staff zoom meetingSPARCLAR is a feasibility randomised controlled trial of an intervention for families whose children have ADHD. By the time the lockdown happened, we had already completed our trial recruitment, so we are now just trying to crack on with our follow-up interviews. ADHD can make family life quite a challenge at the best of times, so our usual practice, pre-pandemic, was to contact families through texts and phonecalls as well as face-to-face. We’ll be interested to see how this particular group of families copes with self-isolation – it can’t be easy finding indoor ways for a hyperactive child to burn off all that excess energy.

In our research team, three out of the four of us have pre-school children. Although it is undoubtedly tough staying engaged with our children while trying to put in the work needing to be done each day, there has been a silver lining. Most of the children have joined our meetings from time to time. That has been a real pleasure.

Helen Minnis
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and co-PI of SPARCLAR University of Glasgow
Tel: 0141 201 9239

Lucy Thompson
International Research Co-ordinator and Research Fellow and co-PI of SPARCLAR

Paula Regener
Research Assistant SPARCLAR

Fiona Sim
Project Manager SPARCLAR

Honorary SPARCLAR team member

First published: 28 June 2018