General Practice and Primary Care had a highly successful NAPCRG (North American Primary Care Research Group) 2023 conference.

Photo of General Practice and Primary Care staff at an international conference

Frances Mair, David Blane, Bhautesh Jani and Hamish Foster were all there representing the work of our group in relation to multimorbidity and health inequalities undertaken in collaboration with colleagues across SHW and more widely!

We were also joined by Dr Sarah Bowers one of our excellent PhD Students who is a Fellow on the Multimorbidity PhD Programme for Health Professionals Funded by Wellcome and based at the University of St Andrews.

Between us all we had more than a dozen research presentations in the form of oral presentations, workshops and posters so a most excellent achievement. 

Frances Mair 
Head of General Practice and Primary Care 

Find out more about General Practice and Primary Care research

First published: 15 November 2023