Professor Wei Zhang, Liverpool John Moores University, will be visiting the School of Engineering. As part of his visit he will deliver a seminar entitled, "Characterisation of Filamentary and Non-filamentary Resistive Switching Memory (RRAM)". Abstract and biography are given below.

Date & Time: 14:00, Friday, 20th January
Venue: Room 644, James Watt South Building


The latest development in Resistive Switching Memory (RRAM) device technology will be reviewed and its future development and application in neuromorphic computing for IoT and in programmable computing will be discussed. The latest results at LJMU will be presented, including the ones published at IEDM 2016 and VLSI Technology Symposium 2016. A novel Random-Telegraph-Noise based characterisation technique has been developed at LJMU, which, for the first time, provides non-destructive evidence to a range of switching and failure mechanisms in state-of-the-arts filamentary and non-filamentary RRAM devices.


Wei Zhang is a Professor of Nano-electronics at Liverpool John Moores University. He is the leader of the memory device research area at LJMU. He specialises in the quality and reliability assessment of novel dielectrics and structures in resistive-RAM memories, Flash memories, Si and Ge based MOSFETs, and GaN devices. Prof. Zhang has been the principal investigator and co-investigator of a number of research projects with a total value of over £2.5 million, supported by EPSRC and the world-leading IMEC Memory Device Consortium whose members include Intel, Micron, Samsung, SanDisk, SK Hynix and Toshiba. In 2007 he worked at IMEC for 6 months and has since led a successful collaboration with the consortium for 10 years on developing future generation memory devices.  His publications are predominantly in world-leading international journals with high ISI impact factors, including Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Electron Device Letters, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. He co-authored 9 papers in the flagship IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) and 5 papers in IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology (VLSI) since 2007.

First published: 13 January 2017