Professor Mike Kelly, Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge, will give a seminar entitled 'Manufacturability of Semiconductor Heterojunction Tunnelling Devices'.

Date & Time:   12.00 Thursday, 30th January 2014

Venue: 514 Rankine Building


For the last 40 years, many new ideas have emerged for electronic and optical devices that rely for their operation on tunnelling of electrons through thin layers of semiconductor.  None have entered commercial production, one reason being the lack of reproducibility of devices.  Recent progress on achieve the required wafer scale uniformity, and wafer-to-wafer and run-to-run reproducibility will be discussed with respect to a microwave detector diode.


Professor M J Kelly FRS FREng Hon FRSNZ MAE is the inaugural Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge and has been in that post since 1 September 2002.  His research brief is the low-cost manufacture of high performance devices and nanometre-scale structures more generally. He is researching quantum multiplexers, tunnelling circuits, manufacturability of nanoscale artefacts, and is commercialising a tunnelling microwave detector.  He is also a non-executive director of Laird plc, a global manufacture of electronic components and subsystems. He has published >250 papers mostly on these subjects.   He was awarded a 1999 Royal Academy of Engineering Silver Medal for contributions to quantum semiconductor devices and in particular their manufacturability and the 2006 Hughes Medal of the Royal Society for the exploitation of novel transport phenomena in semiconductors in practical electronic systems.  He teaches courses in electronic and energy systems.  He worked in industry (GEC plc 1981-1992), and Government (Chief Scientific Advisor DCLG 2006-9) and led a school of engineering (while at the University of Surrey 1992-2002).

First published: 26 September 2013